Carrying the luggage left behind in the holding room again, I headed to the stables.

Poor thing, but my horse decides to leave me. Exactly. I was hesitant to take him out again without healing the fatigue of the long journey. He decides in his heart to rent a horse without a fixed owner and runs through the marble corridor.

"Hey, where are you going!

Running through, he grabs his arm and pulls it back. It was Gaius with a rugged look on his face.

You were supposed to keep an eye on the deputy commander.

"His Royal Highness Prince Wang and the captain ordered me to go into the barn and leave it to him. I don't want to take care of him like that. Well, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go find Lucia"

In Lucia's name, Gaius's expression hurts and changes his mind. He had an expression that didn't resemble him in the float, but he was twice as adorable for Lucia, and there was no way he wasn't hurt by her obituary.


"I might be alive."


"We haven't confirmed Lucia's death. I'm not convinced by the hair alone. If I don't check her life and death with my own eyes, I can't give up. No, even if I never see her again, I can't give her up."

The look in my eyes changed as I heard my words. That was the face he was used to seeing.

With a smile that can only be described as niggardly, Gaius banged my shoulder so hard.

"Roger. I agree, Captain Sun. I'm just anxious to leave you alone with blood on your head. I'm coming too."

"We don't need company. People who wait shouldn't come."

The man in front of him, a married man, immediately shook his head to the side, although he showed a moment of hesitation in the word someone to wait for.

"Things talk through Renate. If Arcia hears about this situation and finds out I threw you out, she'll kill you. That's the kind of woman she is."

I suffered from an unwavering gaze. I can see deep trust in my spouse from the end of the word.

"Arcia's parents have been killed by demons. He knows better than I do the fear of being left alone. On top of that, you can't even agree to go looking for the lady who wiped out the demons and kept you from having children like yourself. And Captain Sun, I'm afraid to leave you alone. Look in the mirror. You look amazing."

With a bitter laugh, Gaius put his hand on my head. Scratch me like I used to do against Lucia. I found myself deliberately doing the act where I was about to be unable to do it because of my unchanged back length. He's trying to cheer him up.

"I'm going to listen to the elderly. Look, we're going back to the holding room once. I'll get my stuff, too. And just in case, Prince Dono wants a pen."

─ ─ I wonder if your father is like that--

One day, Lucia laughed at Gaius for so much.

I think I know Lucia missed him. The palm of his hand, which helps him when he is thin, was a little dazzling, but it does remind him of his childhood.

"Oh, so you're ready for bash! Don't run away on your own. Your old man is obsessive."

"I'm not running away. Please accompany me."

"No, you're honest."

"Thanks to you I have become a little calm"

"You tell me."

Unexpectedly, when I got my comfortable companion ready quickly, I traveled with Gaius.

"Even when the lady and I left Wangdu (here), it was this gate."

Gaius laughs as he creeps through the unpopular North Gate.

Looking up at the sky, there was a blue sky with no clouds.


I'll find you, so wait.

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