The village of Liuñone was a small settlement in the mountains.

People plow fields, catch fish in rivers, and spend time keeping goats. It's such a small village.

So it must have been just right to hide me.

It's been about a month since I've been here.

A month and a half since that day (...)? It's less than two months.

The season is celebrating a new year and is now midway through the fog moon (Brumail). It's a lot deeper in the fall already.

It's the first time I've come here to learn that winter is fast approaching the north. Hathaway, whom I was born and raised, is in the south among the nations, but it is in the north. It's not supposed to be cold in about the fog moon yet, but it's cold through here already. Anything, does Frost Moon (pretend mail) start to snow?

I looked up into the sky. Relieved to see the dull sky covered in thick clouds. Now, I'm afraid of the sunshine. I don't want to see the day, the blue sky. Straight, I can't see.

The people in this village are so sweet. You warmly welcome me from the looks of it as a translation, and you bake me nothing to take care of. Of course, I owe it to whoever brought me here. They say this village is the home of the man, Mr. Guid-Alary.

At that time, Lieutenant Astorga bowed his head to forgive me for cutting my hair and taking my name if I decided to report “Lucia” as a dead man, without killing me (...).

Deputy Commander Astorga changed his name and sent me away to a distant land where I was not affiliated (itchy), saying that my life might be in danger if His Majesty the King knew that “I" was alive, but he ordered me to deposit my figure with the shop for whatever happened to meet him on the road and send him to a land unrelated to the Deputy Commander (Jibu).

Many people broke my bones to keep me alive. All I could do was forget “Lucia” and live my days diligently.

You can't die. Turn forward, start with what you can do, if you don't live.

And in order to live, the memory of “Lucia” was in the way. I could not stand alone unless I put a lid on my memory to avoid seeing it. I was weak and the memory of Lucia was too vivid to turn around… I had to forget.

I lived diligently, turning away from the sun and not looking at the blue sky.


Unexpectedly called by name, I turned the direction of my voice as I rested my hand pulling out the weed.

Notte. That's my new name. That day I lost my hair and name instead of my life and got a new name: “Notte”. That day...... the last day of the actual month (Fructidor). “Lucia Arca”, who lived until then, died and I was reborn into a new human being called "Notte Segrete”.

"Mr. Olga, what's wrong?

Now it is Mr Olga who has called me. He said he was the mother of Mr. Guide's wife who brought me here.

Mr. Olga suddenly appeared without any doubt about my origins. He has taken care of me.

"Notte. Can you help me make some cheese? I'll make yours with me."

"Okay. I'll wash my hands, so go ahead."

Upon accepting Mr. Olga's request, I gathered together the weeds I had removed and placed them in the barrel where I was making the fertilizer. If you draw water from the water bottle you keep on the side of the house you are renting, you wash your dirty hands with dirt.

The badly cold water said the winter visit was nearing.

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