Hearing the ringing bell, I stared with my chest raised as the large door in front of me opened.

Beyond the door that opens slowly is the chapel dedicated to the royal family. Originally, I am a place where I cannot even set foot, but it was combined with the ceremony here by the simultaneous ceremony with Maria, who bears the name of royalty, and the words of His Majesty, who wishes to give me the utmost consideration.

The only person who can get into this chapel is someone who is supposed to be. Still here today are the Archbishops of the Holy Trees, the national guests who came from other countries, the aristocrats who join the royal family, as well as fellow travellers and Mr. Ceres's parents. The only civilians in it are me and Mr. Ceres' parents, who are not very mediocre or mindful.

But I don't look down. Because next to me is Maria. And I have Mr. Ceres ahead of me.

Identity, mediocrity, it doesn't matter. I can walk with my breasts up because there are people who need me as me, and they forgive me.

Stepping into the chapel, the gaze of all who were inside turned to me and to Mr. Maria. There are people laughing, there are people crying, there are people watching how things are going, there are all kinds of people.

In it, it was still Mr. Ceres and His Majesty who were staring at us with tender eyes for a moment.

Your Majesty will have the crown overhead and you will be wearing a costume to pair with Maria.

Mr. Ceres, who had officially retired from the Knights the other day, was wearing a white shade of costume, not team clothes. I haven't seen much of Mr. Ceres' personal clothing, and I can't help but notice how cool it is. Whatever you wear, it's just great!

But not if you're in love. As soon as me and Maria entered the room, a majestic song came out and the ceremony began. Take every step of the way, and I will continue to the person I love most in the world.

So far, so much has happened.

That your mother died. Being forced to pay off your debts. That I worked at the castle. That I met Mr. Ceres. Being attacked by demons. Being mixed up in a purification journey.

As I walked, behind my brain, what I had experienced so far circled like a running lantern.

It was a pleasure getting along with Maria. I was worried that I was out of line with you guys. I was happy to think of both Mr. Ceres and I. I was reassured that I could purify the Tenjing tree. I was scared to be alone again.

With all my feelings, I am here now.

Though I thought I was alone, there was always someone warm beside me.

One thought he was scared because he couldn't see around him.

If I begged for help, all those who would stay on my side reached out to me, but I was always straining my shoulders to try to work alone. Because there was nothing I could do to cry, and I forbade myself to cry, and I lived desperately.

I want to care for those who care about me that immature, just as I do.

I have no more magic (chavon).

No power whatsoever, it's just Lucia (me), because there are things I can do even like that.

I'm going to put my feet on the earth, put my hands together with my loved ones, and try my best to live.

If thinking about someone is going to help you, isn't that magic that has more power than anything else?


With a warm smile like a day, Mr. Ceres reaches out to me.

Having taken the hand of my loved one, I am sure that I will be happier filled now than anyone else.

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