Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, we're all celebrating our marriage.

If you sign the pledge and bless the priest, the wedding is over.

After the ceremony, we had time for the four of us to talk for a little while before we entered the reception.

"Safe, you're done……………………."

I nodded to Maria's emotional voice.

Now that the ceremony is over, I am now officially not “Lucia Alca” but “Lucia Clementi”. I don't really feel the name has changed, but the brand new silver bracelet fitted on my left wrist tells me that I have a new family.

"It's just that the bracelet, not the ring, fades."

Maria, who was sighing at her bracelet in the same way next to me, leaked such a grunt in a sigh. In Maria's world, married people said they would fit the ring, so I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the cultural differences.

"Isn't that the ring I gave you?

"No, that's not true......... you see, something. What kind of cultural difference? Hey!"

His Majesty Edoardo seemed to have been given not only a bracelet, but also a ring, according to Maria's lesson in the world.

Maria, pointed out to Her Majesty, turns bright red in an instant and is rushing to an illustration. His Majesty also had a full smile at that very cute look.

"The rest is revealed! Now that it's known that the Queen of Banfield is the Virgin, you can safely go home!

"I guess I want you to have some more untrained, Wagamama...... Hey? Celestino."

"What... No, the"

Suddenly His Majesty tells me the story, and Mr. Ceres next to me panics visibly.

"It would be pathetic to shake a topic that would give Ceres trouble responding. Ed, think of your position. You're the king!"

"Yes, but no-one else is here right now, and you want me to treat you as a buddy as much as I do when these things happen. Just as Edoardo."

His Majesty says so looking around the deserted holding room.

To His Majesty, who softened the colour a little, I remembered that I had spoken to Mr. Ceres before travelling.

No matter how different we are, we are the same people. I guess Mr. Ceres understood better than I did how His Majesty would like him to be treated as “Edoardo” rather than “His Majesty". To His Majesty's words, Mr. Ceres smiled as troubled.

"Well, I think it's natural that you want your thoughts back with as much strength"

"Right? Thank you. I just feel like I'm making you think."

"Ya, I like you, too, don't I? Otherwise, even though it's just a name, I'm not getting married!

"All the fame......"

To most of Maria's remarks, Her Majesty began to be visibly depressed.

"No... Well, I'll be right home, right? I can't live my newlywed life, and it still doesn't involve substance, does it? So long."

"All the fame......"

"I'm sorry! Ed! I like it right, don't I? Restore your mood!"

The door was knocked at the same time that Mr. Maria was in His Majesty's arms, announcing the start of the reception.

What we were allowed through was a different hall than what was attacked by Rufu.

Upon entering the room with His Majesty and Mr. Maria in the lead, the applause and blessing will be raised just as quickly as possible.

On my back under barometric pressure, Mr. Ceres gently put his hands on it. I turn my spine upright and forward to its powerful palms. It's okay, Mr. Ceres, Maria and you are all here. There's nothing to be afraid of!

When I entered the room, I received greetings from people as great as rage. Some of them were deans of Di-Vaio Studies, whom we met before the trip. The soft smile on the greasy robe is no different than before.

"Daughter, it's been a while."

"Dear School Director"

"I'm sorry I made you feel so hard. Not only did I rely on the power of the Lord, but I made him look terrible. Let me make amends to your daughter, who has done nothing wrong. They're going to Blanca after this. I delivered all sorts of magic stones and props to you."

"You don't have to do that..."

"If you care, think of it as a wedding celebration from Grandpa. Be happy, daughter. Lord, take care of your daughter."

"Dean of the school. Even if you don't tell me, be sure."

Di-Vaio, the dean and I talked a couple of words straight up and said goodbye. Since all that is present here are nobles, it was about this one and His Majesty King Dal Kant who I am acquainted with by the guests.

Nevertheless, I do not see Deputy Commander Astorga even though the Commander is here. You both represent the Knights, and I thought you were here because you're from nobility...

"Um, Deputy Commander Astorga..."

Sneaking up on Mr. Ceres, he smiled with a slightly sad look.

"He left his post and returned to the realm. He's in jail, and he hasn't seen you this time."

"That's, that's"

"That's what I was told myself. I heard you moved after being made captain with your Majesty."

He wanted to thank me for helping him, but when I was sorry to hear that he was no longer in the Wang capital (Artad), Ms Ceres suggested that I "stop by Calderara after Hathaway".

"Yes, please!

I hope you can see me, but even if you don't, I just want to entrust you with a thank you. If you hadn't helped me then, I would not have been able to see Mr Ceres again.

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