Ling Feiyu said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Most of the money I earn comes from the middle class and the rich, as well as foreigners from developed countries. It's much better to do good with their money than to harvest the money from the bottom."

Boss Yun's face is dark. This time, there's no need for Zhong Chongfa to explain. Women can recognize the meaning of this. It's like pointing to boss Yun's nose and saying that he's a smelly capitalist.

Ling Feiyu's money was collected from capitalists like him, as well as officials at all levels. After all, ordinary people can't eat the best food of Feiyu group.

Feiyu group's overseas industry is much more perfect than that in China. It not only allows the rich to consume, but also allows ordinary people to consume together in order to earn face. They are crazy to suck blood from the white headed eagle country and Europa.

In order to send a picture to the social networking site, those white and black people just use half a month's salary to have a Sichuan dragon dinner.

In a sense, Ling Feiyu is robbing the rich and helping the poor.

"Ha ha..." boss Yun laughed hard, but he was not stupid. Of course, he could see Ling Feiyu's hostility to him. "In fact, we are similar, and the difference is not very big."

What he wants to say is that we are all capitalists. Who scolds who is shameless? Is it interesting to laugh at 50 steps?

Ling Feiyu immediately shook his head, "no, we are not like..."

The media people were immediately quiet. They also felt that the atmosphere was not right. They were stunned for a long time. Just when boss Yun wanted to talk to both sides and make a witty remark to show his high EQ, Ling Feiyu took the lead.

He said with a smile, "my real industry also needs to be driven by the network platform of cloud boss. Of course, it's different!"

"Ha ha..."

The muscles on boss Yun's face are twitching. No matter how calm and peaceful he is, he has scolded Ling Feiyu more than a thousand times in his heart. He thinks that this boy is taking medicine. How arrogant he is, he doesn't give himself face at all. I think that when Lao Tzu was fighting with the merchants, he ran the Wang family and couldn't speak. Today, he was robbed by a boy!

People in the media nearby are all suddenly aware of the expression, which means that Feiyu group and a Yun group will have cooperation! This is an earth shaking event. There is an online shop platform under the cloud group, which specializes in selling fresh food from all over the world.

If the two companies cooperate, Feiyu group will get the most profits.

All the ingredients in Ling Feiyu's hand are fresh, fruits, meat, vegetables and even river fresh. He doesn't dare to engage in seafood yet... NIMA's seafood is too dangerous to control the scope of influence. What if a batch of mutant sea fish flow into the wide sea and change the ecological environment of the whole sea area

He was able to control fish and shrimp in Mingyue lake. He was afraid of drowning in Longhu Lake and a group of murderous strange fish.

Apart from seafood, Feiyu group produces enough to occupy half of the blue star's high-end food market. At that time, it will not be Gallic foie gras and black caviar that will be regarded as delicacies by white skin, but all kinds of fresh food of Feiyu group!

In the face of the media's questions, boss Yun pretends that it is a trade secret and can't be made public yet. He can fool through a few circles of Tai Chi. He is a veteran in this aspect and is much more skilled than Ling Feiyu.

The two giants are separated, and the media people are divided into two groups. There are obviously more people following Ling Feiyu.

After a few minutes of aftertaste, there are still smart people who can feel the tit for tat in Ling Feiyu's words just now.

"Brother, you are so brave. You don't understand. Do you have any conflicts with boss Yun? I don't think it's really because of what he said just now. " Zhong Chongfa whispered beside him, trying not to be heard by the media. At the same time, he called the security guard to separate the people around him.

What should be heard by reporters will be heard by them. Of course, when talking about private affairs, we should avoid our ears and eyes.

Ling Feiyu said with a smile, "you see."

"I think you just don't like him." Zhong Chongfa gave him a thumbs up.

"Almost. What he said on the stage before was really not decent. All the ugly faces of the capitalists were exposed. It's hard to say whether he's intentional or revealing his nature, either of which is very annoying. " Ling Feiyu said seriously, "being in a high position, holding power, even if others don't deify him, he will deify himself. This is a taboo among practitioners. Any practitioner who knows how to grind his heart will avoid self deification."

Zhong Chongfa thought for a moment, "big brother means boss Yun is self deified and lost?"

"I don't want to be lost. I don't want to pretend. As long as he caters to the superior and doesn't make big mistakes, his present position will not be affected by the scolding of the people below. Just as you said, the fart people can't shake his authority. There are still a large number of people who break their heads and sell their long-term interests in exchange for their short-term gains. " Ling Feiyu shook his head and sighed.

"Ha ha ha! Brother, you're sitting on the wrong side. Do you want to betray capital? The last person who did this seemed to be... "Zhong Chongfa was surprised. He didn't dare to say the sacred name. Even if he did, he only dared to say that the great man's surname was en and he had a friend named ma.

Ling Feiyu does not answer with a sneer. If Zhong Chongfa knows his future plans for Feiyu group, he may bump his head against the wall for him!

After the party, there will be a small dinner. All the people who participate in the dinner are the big ones in the party. Zhong Chongfa is barely qualified to be invited. At the dinner table, boss Yun must be sitting in the main position, and then all of them are big men. The value of this circle is immeasurable!

Ling Feiyu has never appeared at such a dinner, and this time is no exception. When he was invited, he immediately refused, saying that he would go back to the hotel to accompany his wife and that he had no time to drink with them

In the eyes of the big guys, he is not called Gao Leng, unconventional and unsocial. People who refuse to follow the crowd are often abandoned and isolated.

Ling Feiyu doesn't care about these. He will take Zhang Mingyue to the desert to see the sand beans in the moonlight!

He didn't spend a cent on the desert, but the local government directly assigned it to him. The value of Feiyu group's factory here is much greater than that of renting out a desert where there is no grass.

So ling Feiyu had a big appetite and directly asked for the smoothest and best located area.

At present, it's a flat land sunk in. It's surrounded by sand mountains on all sides. Standing on the top of the sand mountain, you can see the positive flat land below even at night. Not to mention whether there are people standing on the opposite Sand Mountain, you can see the end at a glance.

The leaves of the newly sprouted sand bean plant reflect soft light in the moonlight. When you stand on the sand mountain, the whole flat land is bright and very beautiful, as if you put a huge light mirror under it!

Zhang Mingyue sat on the top of the sand dune with her legs in her arms. Her eyes were blurred. "It's so beautiful. Looking at the sand beans, they are not so beautiful. I didn't expect that there would be such beautiful scenery. If they were improved to be ornamental, a large area would become a scenic spot and drive desert tourism."

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