"Yue'er, don't tell me. I have this idea. I'll wait for my research to see how to improve the sand bean into an ornamental variety. It only produces leaves and doesn't bear pods." Ling Feiyu said with a smile.

"Yes! I think of one thing Zhang Mingyue suddenly exclaimed, "when the soybeans are not mature, they are Maodou. When the sand beans are not fully mature, what is it?"

"It's just immature sand beans. The taste and taste are still the same. Eating in the mouth is still the same as eating sand... If it's not broken and ground into soybean milk for reprocessing, it's a feed grade crop. That's to say, those who can't survive in the underground ancient city of Huangsha city will be used as food rations, and normal people will treat it as snacks." Ling Feiyu felt that the commercial value of this thing could not be reflected in the world of Xiuzhen.

Zhang Mingyue is also aware of this, "unfortunately, if the food processing in Xiuzhen world can be the same as that in the main world, there will be a lot of business opportunities."

Ling Feiyu was happy, "ha ha, if there are any, who will process sand beans? There are so many excellent ingredients waiting for the development of new eating methods. Is it not enough to eat or how to eat sand beans?"

The woman waved and pulled out a plant from the sand bean field below. She took a picture and looked at it carefully. It's a newly sprouted plant, and it already has pods. I don't know how it self fertilizes. The small pods seem to be covered with a trail of coarse gravel, so they don't seem to be edible.

"Brother Yu, this thing should be kept secret and should not be known to the outside world. As long as you take it to the Agricultural University to test it, anyone with a little biological knowledge will know that it is not something that should be on the blue star." Zhang Mingyue's words hit the nail on the head.

Shatou is not the same as the best food made in the past. It and Yiling grass are transplanted from the cultivation world. Yiling grass is too humble. It's just grass under the feet. No one cares.

But sand beans are not the same. Once the industrial chain takes shape, some people will covet it.

Ling Feiyu said with a smile, "yue'er looks down on me too much, which I can't think of? Look at the four sand mountains. I have buried the array inside. No matter how windy the sand is, the sand mountains around will not move. At that time, I'll get a few sentry towers on the surrounding sand mountains and send people to watch the sand bean fields. No one can steal the sand bean plants. "

The sand dunes in the desert move. As we all know, when the wind blows for many years, the moving sand dunes will move along the wind. The array plate Ling Feiyu buried was inspired by the 50 sand pillars under the fengsha city. Under the influence of the FA array, the new city above has stood firm for thousands of years.

After studying for a while, Ling Feiyu figured out the secret of the array. When he came back, he made a simple array plate. The effect was certainly not as good as that of the underground ancient city, but it was more than enough to settle a few sand dunes.

The sand dunes are settled. It's not easy to build the sentry tower.

Zhang Mingyue threw away the sand bean plant, just wanted to say something, suddenly frowned, "someone is coming!"

Ling Feiyu's self styled mana has been abandoned for a long time, but no one nearby has touched it.

"The true man?"

"No, it's some ordinary people who come here with sacks and want to steal things!"

"It's a good time. Thanks for taking you to the view tonight." Ling Feiyu said angrily, it is estimated that the thief who comes to steal will inquire about it. Ling Feiyu will attend the party, and will probably go to the subsequent dinner, so he has the courage to steal.

Zhang Mingyue disdains to curl her lips, "just a few curfew, brother Yu, I'll clean them up!"

"Don't worry. There are a lot of people who are harbouring evil intentions. We have to teach them a lesson, frighten others by the way, and let them in first." Ling Feiyu sneers.

A few heads suddenly appeared on the sand dune in the distance. Some people bent on the sand dune and looked into the sand pea field. After waiting for a while, they found that no one was looking at the sand pea field, so they braved to steal it.

In fact, it's not that no one is watching, but Ling Feiyu notices in advance that he's coming and sends the land watchers home. He doesn't want anyone to disturb his romantic time with Zhang Mingyue. It's a pity that I was disturbed by the uninvited guests. It's not as interesting to see the dense soft light in the sand bean field as before. It's really a disappointment!

"Mom, it's evil. It's luminous at night. Can you eat it?"

"How do I know? No matter what is planted by Feiyu group, it's worth money. No matter whether it can be eaten or not, pull out more and take it away. The second brother has already contacted the buyer, ten trees and 200000!"

"Just ten? Then why do we take so much... "

"You're stupid. If you buy ten trees and sell them to ten companies, it's two million! How many people outside want to buy things from Feiyu group? Do you know, stupid? Please pull it for me! Chuang Tzu, you let us know. Someone will remind us immediately. "

"What's the wind? If someone comes here, we can fly away. It's too late to run up the sand mountain before people find us. It's better to ask him to come down and pull it out together and fill two bags quickly."

"That's right. You'll come down and help us with the collection!"

The three courtyards and five eyes of these people are local people. The people in the East, the South and the north have subtle differences in appearance, which can be seen as long as they are not blind.

They slide along the sand dune to the sand bean field. Ling Feiyu has not opened a convenient access here, because he is not sure whether he wants to expand the planting scale. If there is a large demand, he will move the sand dune on one side flat and expand the planting area outwards.

So it's convenient for these people to come down, but it's difficult for them to go up.

As soon as the thieves started, they were shriveled. Although Zhang Mingyue waved her hand and brought up a sand bean plant, it looked very relaxed, but the root system of sand bean was not much shorter than that of cactus, and it also had to reach tens of meters or even hundreds of meters underground.

The difference is that the sand bean is a different world species. It grows very fast and has a very short cycle, which cannot be explained by the common sense of the main world.

In just a few days, the roots of adzuki bean were less than 20 meters, thin and dense, and the whole root system of adzuki bean was almost connected. Zhang Mingyue cut it off from the root with magic power.

The thieves were so stupid that they thought it was easy to grow in the sand. When they came up, they used a lot of force, and their hands were bare. Only a few leaves of the plant were pulled off.

They fell and sat on the sand, looking at each other and looking at each other, "is this NIMA a real plant or a fake plant? How can it be the same as plastic..."

"Grass! Lao Tzu did not believe it, and gave me the shovel.

"Why don't you cut it with scissors?"

"The second brother said that the seller should take roots and try to ensure the integrity of the roots, or else he can give so much money? Ten and two hundred thousand! One is 20000! What are you doing to get the money so fast? "

There are at least a few thousand plants in this sandy bean field. Their two big bags are full. It is estimated that they can carry half of them.

The questioner immediately stopped talking and took out a folding engineering shovel to dig. Their engineering shovels are military. They are not made in the same batch or even in the same country.

The guy called Qiangzi waved the shovel in his hand, "Hans tiger country craft, solid as a rock, trustworthy! It's much better than what you made in China. "

"It's good for everyone to stop Farting!"

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