"That's easier." James shrugged and called the unicorn jet off with his walkie talkie. They put the sticks on the jet and flew away.

It wasn't until the jet flew more than ten nautical miles out of the sea that it opened the cabin door and kicked those people down one by one

It's no different to fall on the surface of water tens of meters high than to fall on the concrete floor. They still fall from the height of thousands of meters. It can only be said that this way of death has the effect of performance art.

Because they were too far away, they could see more than a dozen black spots falling in the water, and they could hardly see the splash.

See, that's the difference between the execution of a god stick and that of an atheist.

In order to warn the future generations not to challenge the authority of religion, we should try our best to make the execution full of religious punishment.

Atheists don't care how simple it is. It's more convenient to have bone dissolving water. After death, it turns into pus, and it's unnecessary to deal with corpses.

James suddenly came out of the siege, and then left in a hurry, like a tool man, in the world of murder, out of the blade.

Zhang Mingyue is relieved. She sends a message to Ling Feiyu. At the same time, she asks the Vatican what's going on there. When she learns that she still can't get in touch with Eve, her heart is raised again.

"Brother Yu, we're close. I'm going to contact Beth to see how much strength she can muster... If the strength is strong enough, I'll go to burn Digang to save Eve."

Ling Feiyu's next message is that Eve sacrificed herself to save Xianyu's incarnation. Now that the Pope has escaped, he is likely to go to them. He wants them to leave the villa and run to a crowded place. They need not only a lot of people, but also influential people.

The women looked at each other, but also bind themselves to ordinary people, so that the enemy's next three tricks.

It's really effective, though it's too much

Yun Lingxue raised her hand. "I heard that Hart, the famous talk show actor in the country of white headed eagle, is going to perform in Athens. We can go there to avoid disaster."

"Hart? Is it famous? I've never heard of it. " Zhang Mingyue asked suspiciously.

"Very famous! In his last talk show, he sold more than 40000 tickets. The biggest stadium is full of people

"More than 40000!" The women exclaimed, if it's in China, it's justifiable for the first-line traffic singers to sell more than 40000 tickets, because there are so many people in China, and the population base is too large to handle.

In baitouying country, it's very powerful, which shows that this man has certain ability.

"But we didn't buy tickets..."

"Sister! We're avoiding disaster, not really going to the talk show. If we take down a few people and occupy their positions, it's over! "

"..." Zhang Mingyue hesitated for a moment and finally settled the matter. "There is no better way. We may not be able to run to the Pope. It's better to find a place with many people to hide first. With Hart's popularity and popularity, even if the Pope is crazy, he has to consider the consequences of shocking the world. "

The group left Santorini's Cliff Villa decisively and arrived in Athens as soon as possible. They disguised themselves and mixed into the crowd. They saw that it was a group of six friends. They put them down and stuffed them into the storage box backstage to ensure that they would not wake up for three or five hours and would not suffocate.

Six women are coming in with their tickets. Damn it, it's still in the front row of infield. It's the best position in the middle of the first row!

It's embarrassing

Hart is black. Nine and a half of the ten people who come to listen to his talk show are black. Occasionally, you can see white ones. That is to say, you can hardly see Asian people!

The six women sat down, all the black skin around them staring at them.

"It stinks..." Yun Lingxue complains with her nose.

Most of the black skins have body odor, even if they can't be covered with strong cologne water. They are all black beside them. Don't mention the smell!

The crux of the matter is that the Cologne used by these people still tastes different. Body odor and Cologne with different flavors are mixed together to make people's nose open to ear, ear open to heart, and heart blocked.

Look at Hongyu, a fairy who has always lived in a high-quality living environment. It's enough for her to smell the haze in the world. Now she smells the mixed odor and faints directly.

"Hello! Your friend seems to have fainted There is a black leather beside, which is of high quality. It's an active voice to remind.

Green plum green apricot a look, ruby is not fainting, but took the initiative to break the five senses, into a suspended animation state, really smart!

The two women look at each other and lose their sense of smell. Then they remind others that they didn't wake up Ruby and tell her to close a sense of smell. There's no need to feign death

As soon as Hart came on the stage, everyone cheered. The whole meeting was full of excitement. Only six women didn't stand up and still sat still.

"Oh! I see a few different faces here. There are some very beautiful ladies in the front row. Good evening Hart said hello to them. Five of the six women were expressionless, and one was feigning death.

It's very embarrassing. The biggest fear of talk shows is that you interact with the people below, and the people below don't beat you.

They used to be black skin. Fortunately, black skin loves to show himself. After being arrived by Hart cue, he is as crazy as an orangutan.

Hart professionally told a cold joke about racial discrimination. To get rid of it, it's just that Chinese people don't have a sense of humor.

Zhang Mingyue's face was even worse. "It's a bad idea..."

"Yes, black skin is a nuisance."

"It's not his bad joke, but we forget one thing. The Pope is strong enough to trap Yuge's incarnation. He is likely to open up a boundary to distinguish us from others, similar to the mirror space used in our wedding." Zhang Mingyue pointed out this problem to the point.

All of a sudden, the women felt that the venue had a sense of ambiguity, as if the atmosphere had changed.

Hart shivered on the stage and then stood still. The audience thought he was making a fool of himself again, waiting for his contrast to shake his burden.

As a result, Hart suddenly fell on his knees, hands folded, eyes closed and praying.

This scene can be too strange, completely does not fit with the previous joke, the backstage field control crazy yelled at the walkie talkie, "Damn it! Hart, what are you doing! Are you out of you mind? It's cold! "

But Hart completely ignored the roar in the earphone and prayed to the God of light.

Yes, pray to the God of light.

His microphone was at his feet, and his low and fragmentary prayers were spread all over the audience through the microphone. Everyone heard him praying to the God of light. This scene was extremely strange. It said that the accident of the performance was light, and the legend of Chengdu could be spread a little.

Zhang Mingyue said with a gloomy face, "mind control is like Mira controlling Zhao's father, but the Pope is more powerful. He can release success without media. Wake up Hongyu quickly. This battle can't be avoided. "

The cloud spirit snow rare sigh, "and lifted the stone to smash own foot, this coming, month elder sister dare not use the magic power more."

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