Talk show star Hart, who had a performance accident in front of tens of thousands of people, knelt down to pray.

Even if this matter is not on the media, it will be photographed with a mobile phone and sent to the Internet, and it will be on fire in a few hours.

Such a strange scene, of course, more than one shot, tens of thousands of people took photos, video upload, is a powerful network storm.

Thousands of people upload, 10 times forward, 100 times like, 1000 times see, 10000 times know.

Five minutes after it happened, it attracted attention on the networks of countries with large black skin populations, such as white headed eagle and maple leaf.

Of course, the black forum, which mainly focuses on black skin, is discussing this issue. Some people even broadcast it live on the Internet, commenting that black skin in the barrage all said that Hart was brainwashed by white skin, and he must have been persecuted by white skin. It's true that maggot thought, although there is a certain truth... This time, he was brainwashed by white skin.

The discontent and doubts on the scene became more and more intense, and the backstage field control had to stand up and figure out what happened.

The man running out of the backstage was Hart's friend, another black skin. He ran to Hart and killed the microphone first, so that no one could hear him.

"Kay! Are you over hi? It's a show! Get up quickly He wanted to help little Hart up, but he was as heavy as lead today!

"Hell! Let's have two more people. First, let's lift Xiao Kai down and say that Xiao Kai is not feeling well. Let's calm the audience down! "

Then came several burly black skins, who together lifted Hart up and walked back.

Hart, who had been bowing his head and praying, suddenly opened his mouth and yelled, so that the people in the front row could hear him.

"Here he is! Here he is! The judgment of the God of light is coming! All guilty people will be punished by Hellfire! Here he is Hart's eyes were strangely white without pupils.

The person who carried him didn't see this scene, but the camera below was facing his face all the way, and then synchronized to the large screen on the scene in real time, so that people outside could clearly see Hart's strange.

The scene suddenly quieted down. When the field controller found something wrong, he ran down and turned off all the cameras. When he caught the camera master, he was scolded. How could he film this scene.

"Damn it! This guy has a lot of strength... Kay! Don't be crazy any more. Call me again and I'll put my big Keba in your mouth! " Hart's friend threatened.

"He's coming... He's really coming..."

Hart suddenly opened his mouth wide and motionless, and a strong white light came out of his mouth, dazzling the stage into day. The people who carried him thought he was going to explode, so they threw hart to the ground and ran away.

Their actions are totally unintentional, belonging to the instinct of irresistible, but the effect is very terrible.

The white light was dazzling, and the black skin ran away. When the people in the first few rows saw it, they joined the running ranks one after another. When the people in the back row saw the front row running, there was white light on the stage again, and then they ran.

Row after row, wave after wave, the whole venue was boiling, and the performance accident was really an accident.

All of them ran away, trampled several dead on the spot, and died miserably.

If there is a stampede in China, you can still leave a whole corpse. At least it looks like a person. Today's stampede happened in the venue, all the dead people are beyond recognition

After all, nearly half of them are women. These women are all 10 cm high heels per capita, and their heel tips are the same as awls. With their weight of 120 kg, it's a cut wherever they step.

Someone's intestines are all left on the floor, and her eyes are all gone. I don't know whose high-heeled shoes she's wearing. It's estimated that only when she gets home and takes off her shoes can she find a strange ball with long tissue on her heel

The scene has been noisy for quite a long time, but people haven't gone clean. The exit is too small, and the flow of people is too large, so there's no way to do it.

But the six women in the front row were very calm. They all sat there motionless. One of them even stared like she just woke up. It was amazing!

Hart twitched and retched on the stage. The white light from her mouth was like liquid, floating in the air, and finally condensed into a humanoid object.

Zhang Mingyue gritted her teeth and said, "no matter what it is, it's definitely not human. Human beings don't have such a way to appear. It's disgusting."

"Fortunately, everyone was scared away. Now no one pays attention to what happened on the stage. Otherwise, this guy can really make a big noise about the birth of the God of light, which will have a big impact on the modern civilization dominated by science and technology, and the God of light will be on fire again." Cloud spirit snow sighs a way.

Ruby rubbed her eyes, "its behavior is very strange, just like a high-profile appearance that has been brewing for a long time. As a result, she played and didn't achieve the expected effect..."

"I think so. Hugo said that the Pope used the code of Sinai to communicate with the God of light. There was a part of the projection of the God of light on the Pope." Zhang Mingyue thought for a moment and suddenly laughed, "I know!"

"What does sister Yue know?"

"The God of light certainly has not been able to bring down miracles in the main world for thousands of years. He wants to take this opportunity to create a world-famous miracle in the field of tens of thousands of people, but he extremely despises black skin. After all, it's white skin's religion, so he made a wave of poor Hart, which scared people away. His grand appearance didn't get the expected effect."

"Sister Yue's conjecture is very likely, but even if those black audience don't go, if God of light knows that black has gone all over the world, it will probably bring down God's anger and kill tens of thousands of people."

"Ha ha ha! Then he's finished! Now who dares to kill Heipi

"Not necessarily, the power of religious belief is often higher than the power of political correctness. If there is a clear description in the nerve that black skin is to be excluded, then black skin is certainly worse than it is now and more than a hundred years ago."

These women are still chatting and joking, as if they don't worry about the terrible consequences after all the things on the stage are born.

Frankly speaking, they don't seem to have any sense of crisis.

At this time, I don't know who yelled, "Hart is dead!" It's also called with the microphone. Who knows where he got the microphone? It means that the world is not in chaos.

Those who ran away crazily all looked back and were immediately attracted by the human light on the stage!

At this time, several familiar single aircrafts came down from the sky. The leader was undoubtedly James. It's rare that old Kevin also came. This guy should have recovered his memory and returned to the team of MIB.

Old Kevin looked at the humanoid light in shock and knew what it was. "Oh, my God of light..."

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