James let out a piece of shit, "Hey! Is that the God of light? You're going to kill one of my countrymen? Damn God of light! Bring up the gun of the supernatural substance

The assistant quickly took out the parts from the suitcase and assembled a high-tech gun with exaggerated shape. To be honest, it looked like a water gun, and there was an air bag like object similar to a water tank in the back.

Old Kevin said, "lock in today's audience, wash away everyone's memory, the things here can't spread, completely block the relevant information on the Internet! What's more, find out the person who just called for Hart's death backstage. This guy can't let go! "

Then he saw the six women sitting in the front row and sighed, "I knew it was you. I beg you to go. There's a unicorn jet outside. It'll take you two hours to get home. We'll take care of this guy. "

Zhang Mingyue took a look at the audience who lingered behind. Some people in black had gone to wash their brains. She clapped her hands and said, "you may not be able to get the things on the stage. Sisters, form a battle!"

Hongyu raises her hand to take away Zhang Mingyue's snow lotus. With Shuangqing's ice and snow crown, she opens the field of ice and snow, and reduces everyone's movement speed regardless of the enemy or ourselves, slowing everyone down.

Ling Xueyu's question pin aimed at spiritual life. When he passes through the human light, he seems to throw a strong magnetic field that breaks the balance into the electromagnetic field, forming a strong interference.

The form of humanoid light has become very unstable. It can be seen that the light God came into the world too dependent on the power of the Pope, otherwise it would not be so slow and unstable.

"Yang fire and thunder can break Yin evil. Xueyu, lend me your five fire and seven bird fan!" Cloud spirit snow copies fire fan to lift, fan out two blazing fire streams to rush toward the human form light body.

They exchange magic weapons with each other and use them very smoothly. They have deep feelings and have tacit understanding that ordinary people can't.

Zhang Mingyue was stunned, "can he be regarded as Yin evil like this..."

"Brother Yu said that the spirit body and the mind body can be divided into Yin things, and the Yang is the one with substance. This is not the God of light himself, but the combination of his mind and the Pope's mind. Thunder will surely conquer him!"

"It's a pity that Fei Yu is not here, otherwise her royal thunder Xiao can be of great use."

Old Kevin saw that they had controlled the human light body. He quickly asked James to start the gun. A dark blue light beam hit the light body, and the latter moaned bitterly. The form was instantly scattered and accepted under the guidance of the light beam.

But the power of the light beam is obviously not enough, the human light body can still fight, and constantly try to reshape the form.

Old Kevin frowned and suddenly asked, "what did you say just now, lightning can control this thing?"

"That's right. Lightning. Ordinary electricity can't do it. You have to use lightning in the sky or the magic to simulate lightning in the sky." Zhang Mingyue nodded. None of them is good at Thunder magic.

There is only one Ling Feiyu, a rare Lei Tianling root, which is not here.

Old Kevin looked up at the sky. "James, hold this guy. Don't let him take shape. I'll lead thunder."

"What did you say, old man?" James was stunned.

Old Kevin sighed. "I said I wanted to kill God... Well, part of God." Then he went to one of the aircrafts.

"Old man, stop! What do you want? I order you to stop! Now I'm a senior agent, and you're just an intern who just returned to work and didn't get a legal certificate. Stop James has to adjust the radiation frequency of the receiving gun all the time. He has no time to get out of the gun, and can only yell out useless.

Old Kevin looked back at him and said, "rookie, when I take off, I release the coolant of the aircraft. This coolant will become a colloid with good conductivity when it comes into contact with the air. When I go to the sky to attract thunder, you can see the chance to take this madman who makes trouble in the meeting hall with tens of thousands of people! This false god is not a god of light believed for thousands of years. "

James took a deep breath, looked at him, and finally nodded.

The moment old Kevin boarded the aircraft, he was stopped by Zhang Mingyue, "I have to do this."

"No, you don't have to. Let me do it. At least when the engine of the aircraft explodes, I can escape, but you can't Zhang Mingyue said with a smile.

Old Kevin couldn't argue with her. In a few words, he taught her to use the aircraft, "fasten the seat belt, control the ascending and descending with the left hand, control the direction and speed with the right hand. If you want to hover, remember to turn on the hovering insurance, otherwise the engine will overload quickly."

Zhang Mingyue is smart and easy to operate. Just like playing a game, she soon figured out how to fly.

"I've pulled out the coolant pipe. You can take off." Old Kevin nodded at her.

With a smile, Zhang Mingyue draws a thumb, puts on her helmet and goes up to heaven.

Old Kevin took one end of the coolant gel and led it to James. He felt like flying a kite, but the take-up and take-off was controlled by the kite.

James stares at the distorted human light body on the stage and says carelessly, "I thought you were going to see the God of light."

Old Kevin pointed to the stage, "I've seen it. It's not great. It's as selfish as the supernatural forces we used to deal with. He's not worthy to be a God."

"How long will it take! This guy's going crazy! "

Yun Lingxue yells, she has a feeling that she can't control the fire flow. The energy level released by the human light body inside the fire flow is extremely terrible!

This can be seen from the detector screen in old Kevin's hand. The peak value has reached a terrible 4 gigajoules, which is almost the energy level of 1000 tons of TNT explosion.

The energy of 4 gigajoules is barely controlled within a radius of less than 10 meters by the five women. If there is no question about the nail disturbing the energy convergence of the human light body, this value is estimated to increase tens of thousands of times.

Old Kevin looked at the energy level display on the fast breaking screen and said calmly, "with the speed of the aircraft and the weather today... Wait a minute, I'll see the real-time weather forecast."

Cloud spirit snow turns over white eyes, the ruby beside asks a way, "this old white skin is saying what?"

"He said he wanted to see the weather forecast!"

"What Ruby wondered if old Baipi was frightened by the coming danger.

Old Kevin made a simple calculation. "Thirty seconds!"

"Thirty seconds? How about 30 seconds? What will happen after 30 seconds? If you want to do something dangerous, please stay away from me Cried James.

Old Kevin found that the colloidal thread on his hand had a tendency to tighten, "fifteen seconds!" Time was cut in half.

He pulled the cross off his neck, tied the tough gel thick and thin copper wire to the cross, weighed the weight and nodded, "five seconds!"

Five... Two... One!

Old Kevin throws the cross out of his hand. The cross with a colloidal thin line crosses the arc, passes through the cold ice field, passes through the fire flow blockade, and collides with the high-speed flying question peg. The question peg bumps into the human light body.

"Go back to your hypocritical heaven, hypocrite..."

A thunder!

Lightning falls from the sky, straight down the colloid line on the human light body!

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