How much energy does a lightning bolt have?

It's not very clear, but it's certain that lightning is a kind of phenomenon that releases extremely high energy in a very short time. If the energy contained in it is used slowly with the voltage of household electricity, it may not be much, but it can be released instantaneously with great power!

The light body of the human body suddenly shrinks, and you can see that there is a flash of electric light inside. It stops for about half a second, or maybe three seconds... The light body bursts in an instant. With the scream and scattered electric current, the skin of Yun Lingxue and others is slightly paralyzed, and the hair is stimulated by the electric current, which looks very funny.

"Is that the end?" It's unbelievable.

"There is no longer the breath of the enemy here, it should be the end..." Hongyu was relieved.

"I'll welcome my sister to the moon." The green plum rose in the air, followed by the green apricot.

They have begun to deal with the aftermath of the war, but these things can be handled by MIB people, after all, MIB is professional in this field.

After the thunder destroyed the God of light's body, old Kevin's whole spirit collapsed, just like he was ten years old suddenly. Not everyone has the courage to destroy his faith in the face of his own faith.

Old Kevin destroyed his faith, he collapsed backward, James quickly help him.

"Lao Kai, we did it, for the new faith, for the new world without God." James said in a low voice.

"Yes... Abandon the old faith, embrace the new faith, we have done it..." old Kevin showed a happy smile, "James, you are right to come back to me, you can't do it without me."

"Old man, you look down on me. I can handle it without you. You're tired. Go back and have a rest. I'll take care of the aftermath. "

"Well, don't miss anything."

Old Kevin goes to the woman's side. Zhang Mingyue falls from the sky under the guidance of Qingmei Qingxing. She was also injured in the thunderstorm, but it's OK. Just have a rest.

Zhang Mingyue takes two pills to solidify Qi, and will soon recover.

"Thank you for your help. You let me sacrifice myself. You can be said to be my life-saving benefactor." Old Kevin's face is as wrinkled as Shapi's. He's already very old. Maybe that's why he decided to sacrifice himself.

Old Kevin left after thanking him. His back was very lonely and helpless.

Yun Lingxue said with a smile, "I didn't expect that there would be people like him in the white skin. It's very good."

"Elizabeth is fine, too."

"Oh, you know what I mean. It's so rare."

"Sister Yue, why are you so sad? What are you thinking about?" Ruby finds Zhang Mingyue's brow locked and asks in doubt.

Zhang Mingyue pondered, "don't you think old Kevin is a little strange..."

"We don't have much contact with him. We don't know if it's strange. Maybe it's to finish our last fight. There's a little imbalance in our hearts. We feel a sudden sense of loss." Ling Feiyu's conjecture is very reasonable.

Zhang Mingyue shook her head. "I met him several times. The old man's behavior was very strange just now."

Just at this time, black James suddenly came, several women saw him close to frown.

Fortunately, James has a force, not too close, "do you think... Old Kevin just not quite right."

Zhang Mingyue's eyes flashed, "you think so, too!"

James said seriously, "at the beginning, I didn't think anything was wrong. Just now I told him that I would solve the rest and he could go back to rest. He actually left... "

"That's funny. If you let someone go, why doesn't he go?" Yun Lingxue's lips.

"It's not so simple. I'm an old partner with old Kevin. I know him very well. If it's normal, he will choose to stay with me to solve the aftermath work and stand on the last post, but this time he'll leave very easily." James suddenly said something creepy, "I think... The destruction of the God of light is too easy, too simple."

Zhang Mingyue was shocked. That's it! That's what she's worried about!

Old Kevin is possessed!

Just at this time, a blue light burst into the sky outside the stadium. James immediately recognized what it was, "unicorn jet! It's old Kevin driving it

The blue light flew into the air. After a pause, it turned its direction. Two blue flames were emitted from the engine nozzle. The unicorn broke through the sound barrier in a few seconds, and there was no shadow.

"Where he's going... China!" Zhang Mingyue gritted her teeth, "I don't know if the signal is still blocked. Lingxue, you call brother Yu to have a try."

Yun Lingxue dials the number, "now you can get through!"

"Call me." Zhang Mingyue took the mobile phone, "brother Yu, the situation has changed..." she told Ling Feiyu what happened here and her guess. Ling Feiyu, who was far away from the other side of the ocean, was silent for a moment.

Ling Feiyu pondered, "yue'er, your guess is correct. The incarnation is still trapped in the Holy See, which shows that the coming power of the God of light has not dissipated. If he is really split by you, the avatar should get out of trouble. "

"Brother Yu, old Kevin is going to Shenzhou. Maybe she's looking for you. Xiaoyu doesn't know if she can..."

"I don't have to worry about it. He really dares to explain that he has a strong head. Foreign devils never know how deep the water in China is."

The speed of jet is almost the same as that of escape light. It can be seen how rapid the development of modern science and technology is. Many modern weapons are no less lethal than powerful magic weapons to practitioners.

Ling Feiyu returns to Mingyue Valley, removes all the Dharma formations in the valley, and arranges Ling Feiyu to take Zhang Xueyi and his wife away and take them out of lingjiazhuang. It is estimated that they are on their way to Yunhai city.

Alone, he set up a stone table by the lake of Mingyue Valley, on which a chessboard was placed. Oddly enough, the two sides of the chessboard were completely different.

One side is chess, the other is Chinese chess, split half together. This kind of chess can't be played. The rules are completely invalid and the pieces can't cross the river at all.

The jet stopped in the open space. Old Kevin walked slowly to the table and sat down. He gasped, "this chess can't be played."

"I know that this is China and the West. They are culturally isolated. It seems that everyone is human and can communicate with each other. Just like the pieces in this chessboard, you have a king and I have generals, you have soldiers and I have soldiers, you have horses and I have horses, but they can't play together. "

"... I'll try." Old Kevin picked up a horse, but he couldn't go down. It seemed that he could only put it back where it was. There was an invisible force to stop him.

Old Kevin's eyes lit up a white light that symbolized the light God. His right hand trembled slightly. It took nine oxen and two tigers to drop the pieces. The chessboard was one of the shocks.

"Hehe, you can still go."

"Let's go..." Ling Feiyu also mentioned the word Ma Tiao RI.

Two people you one step I one step, until the active son all blocked in the boundary, unable to save, the situation seems to be deadlocked.

Old Kevin's back is surrounded by holy light, which looks very sacred. He gasps for breath and mentions a soldier, "it can be, it must be."

With his hand crossing the boundary, the hand immediately appeared very serious burns, this step ate a pawn of Ling Feiyu.

The chessboard shakes again, and old Kevin smiles, "now, just like before."

"No, not at all." Lingfeiyu a little chessboard, the soldiers across the border were broken, the wind blow all become ash.

Old Kevin was furious. "You cheated!"

"You can't see the situation clearly."

"Nonsense Old Kevin once again mentioned a cross-border, eat a piece of Ling Feiyu, Ling Feiyu again point chessboard, that piece was broken again!

Not only that, Ling Feiyu's chessboard was made out of nothing, and two more pieces appeared inexplicably, just to make up for the original vacancy.

Old Kevin's brain was blue. "He said you didn't cheat! Group work He slapped the board and all the pieces jumped and fell back. His shattered two sons also came back.

Before old Kevin was happy, he suddenly found that the boundary of the chessboard had forgotten to retreat a line.

It is equal to Ling Feiyu's Zitong step forward and his Zitong step back.

Old Kevin Leng, "how can this be."

"I said, you can't see the situation clearly." Ling Feiyu still stood still and looked at the chessboard with a smile.

Old Kevin does not believe evil again clap chessboard, attempt to use the same cheating way as Ling Feiyu to change the situation.

The chessboard vibrated, and old Kevin retreated. His troops, like Houwang, were all recorded in the last two lines. He was forced to retreat.

Ling Feiyu said with a smile, "this is the current situation. Your foreign civilization has lost its assimilation ability in the past. You can only watch, wait, wait for us to assimilate you."

"It's not assimilation, it's fusion," old Kevin said

"Whatever you say, assimilation or integration. What I can do is to break down the obstacle of Shinto, the great enemy on the road of assimilation. Shinto, the white skin used to control people's hearts, has collapsed. Guess what the secular world will be like. "

"Earth shaking..." the light in old Kevin's eyes became stronger and stronger. "I thought you and the God of light were personal enemies."

"Personal feud? One hundred years ago, the light God Religion invaded China, and there has been no personal feud since then. " Ling Feiyu laughs coldly.

He pointed to the chessboard, "this ridiculous chess, still play?"

"No, the God of light has lost in the main world. I'll see you in the fairyland."

The holy light came out of old Kevin's eyes and became countless light spots in the air. Old Kevin fell on the ground and lost his breath.

Ling Feiyu sighed, "the fight didn't start. You are more counsellor than I thought. Goodbye to fairyland."


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