Jiang Qiao tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep, and the demon was forcibly suppressed by Fairy Bai at the cost of her life's fruit.

The same body, the same face, although she is charming and sultry, they are two completely different people, and what I want from beginning to end is only Fairy White.

Now the two are still in an ambiguous stage, and when Fairy White realizes that thin film, when the good feeling in her heart is love, it will be pierced logically.

This is very good, it is good to have no demons, and it is a matter of course that a lover will eventually become a family.

It's just, after all, Miss Heart Demon has slept with her for so long every night, and has done it with hugs and kisses. It's impossible to say that she doesn't have any good feelings in her heart.

However, the inner demon will kill the white fairy, so it will never be allowed!

After all, there is no dual law in the world.

He sighed slightly, closed his eyes for a second, and glanced at the pillow next to him subconsciously from the corner of the corner, it was impossible for that familiar red robe to appear again.

In the silent darkness, there was a sudden sound of the door lock turning.

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes tightly. He didn't know if what he had just heard was an illusion. The sound was very slight, and it just rang for a while. It might also be the movement of Fu Lu Shouxi's two kittens playing around.

The door was gently closed, and there was no more sound.

Jiang Qiao was still breathing evenly and calmly. He couldn't help but remind himself that the fairy had already said that in these hundred years, the inner demons would never have the chance to appear again. What was he expecting inexplicably?

Hei Ying walked quietly to the head of his bed, bent over, and looked at Jiang Qiao's face seriously. The dark environment did not affect her in any way. There was only this familiar but unfamiliar face. She searched for him thousands of times in her dreams. Yes see again.

After hesitating for a moment, the black shadow held his breath and slowly approached his lips.

At this moment, Jiang Qiao suddenly opened his eyes and met the scarlet eyes that were close at hand, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

It was her who opened the door just now.

The inner demon is still there, which means that Fairy Bai's suppression has failed? But the price is really too high.

But he breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

Father, I'm here... Bai Yueling's brows were as gentle as water, and she called out softly.

You shouldn't have come, so no one will know of your existence. You can even choose to lie dormant and wait for an opportunity to take Yueling's body.

Jiang Qiao sighed and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had never seen her.

Meaning, Master will report me to her?

My heart has always been towards Yueling.

I am also Moon Spirit.

You are not her.

After a brief conversation, both of them kept their mouths shut, the darkness was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling, and the only thing they could hear was the cold wind whistling past the window like a wolf howling.

About half a minute later, the inner demon slowly said: Then why are you closing your eyes? Forcibly pretending not to see me? After all, you still don't want to tell me subconsciously.

Jiang Qiao opened his eyes and looked at the pair of charming and charming eyes, but vaguely saw her hands swaying back, and the red dress fell to the ground lightly.

Jiang Qiao: ...

Although the room was dark and invisible, and he didn't have night vision, even if he didn't think about it, he could know what kind of beauty was in front of him.

This woman is too enchanting!

Put it on!

Are you shy?

……I do not have!

It just sounded pale and powerless.

It's not like you haven't seen it before.

She pursed her lips, walked to the other side of the bed and slid into the quilt.

A fiery body came close to him, and Jiang Qiao instantly became extremely stiff.

Today is different from the past, and his relationship with Fairy Bai is gradually on the right track.

Logically speaking, he should try his best to avoid too much contact with inner demons.

I haven't slept yet, Master, are you waiting for me to appear? Bai Yueling lay flat on the bed and turned to look at him.

Jiang Qiao said nervously: I'm just used to it. I can't fall asleep for a while. If you don't come, I'll be able to fall asleep soon.

Habit? Bai Yueling's tone was slightly teasing.

Habit is a terrible thing, because I often drill into your house at this time, so your body remembers me subtly. It's a habit to say it nicely, and it's a bad word to say it...

She deliberately paused, turned around and put her arms around his waist gently, burrowing her face into the back of Jiang Qiao's neck and murmured.

Master, I can feel that you have developed a lot of goodwill towards me.

I... I didn't! Jiang Qiao stammered.

No? I made a bet with myself. You must have felt a sense of loss when you slept. You didn't fall asleep at this point. You even expected a miracle in your heart, thinking that if I hadn't been sealed, I would have already climbed your bed. Do you dare to say no to these?


He dared to say a hammer, won't he want to get her body? But if you admit it, even if you are honest, you have a good impression of the demon.

I'll tell her the truth about you tomorrow. Jiang Qiao stiffly changed the topic.

Bai Yueling gently sniffed his breath: Well...

Aren't you worried?

I know that Master will not.

I will, Yueling used her lifelong fruit to seal you, but now you are showing up in my room, I can't hide this news from her. Jiang Qiao said very seriously.

Bai Yueling asked back: She is no different from a mortal now, and she has paid such a huge price that I can't do anything about it. What if you tell the truth? You don't need to worry, she is once again confused about her own path, and even Can't last a short hundred years?

Jiang Qiao's breathing stagnated, he really ignored this question. Saying the truth rashly may actually harm Fairy Bai. Basically useless except to make her feel more anxious.

According to what you said, wouldn't you be able to take her body earlier? Why would you help her instead? He asked inexplicably.

Bai Yueling rubbed his back and said faintly, Father, Master, have you never thought about why she failed to seal, and why I can always take the initiative in this war?

Aren't you too strong? Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment.

After all, it is written like that in the novels, the blackening is strong, and the main body is often not the opponent of the demon.

Is that so?

Jiang Qiao frowned, lost in thought.

I don't understand the question of cultivating immortals, and I don't know the geometry of your cause and effect. I just know one thing. The moon spirit you killed lost the fruit of the Tao, and has since become a mortal. Just this, we are enemies.

If I say that losing Dao Fruit has nothing to do with me, she will die if she doesn't do that. Believe it or not? Even without me, in another hundred years, her Dao Heart will collapse.

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