...Even without me, after a hundred years, her Dao heart will collapse. Now, there is still hope.

Jiang Qiao was sluggish. If what the demon said was true, wouldn't it mean that she had been wrongly blamed before?

You didn't want to occupy this body, you...you've been helping her?! He turned around and looked at her delicate face face to face with disbelief in his eyes.

Bai Yueling caressed his cheek gently, smiled meaningfully, and asked the sentence again: Master, she said that I am a demon, you believe me?

What... what are you trying to say? he hesitated.

She whispered to herself: Master is wrong, she is wrong, too Shang Wangqing is wrong. And this simple truth, I finally woke up after I found you.

find me?

Yes, I found you, Master. She slowly put her lips together.

Speak clearly! He stretched out his hand and pressed her face firmly.

Old rule, just kiss me and say.

With this kind of routine again, Jiang Qiao gritted his teeth angrily: Do you know that I'm dating her now?

I know, the white fairy who doesn't cultivate too much love is almost the same as a mortal girl. The emotion is still a blank piece of paper. You can slowly adjust it with your XP. Now... do you like it more?

Jiang Qiao was speechless for a while, what kind of words are these words of tigers and wolves.

Now that you know, why do you still say that?

Bai Yueling smiled nonchalantly: Anyway, it's the same body, from the materialist point of view, you kiss the same person, imagine if I fell asleep and she didn't wake up, then you kiss again, you Did you kiss her or me? Neither, you kissed this body.

Jiang Qiao thought about it for a while, heh, it seems to make sense.

So, it doesn't matter if you have a crush on me, after all... it's the same body, it's not cheating, right?


Think about it, we are one soul and two souls. When you marry her, does that also mean that you are married to me? After all, there is only one film. In the process of having a child with her, is it me, or her, or two? Personally? I really have to care, can you figure out these things?


He held back for a long time, and for the first time found that the delusions of the inner demon could not be refuted, the thief was very reasonable.

And when I think of the day of the bridal chamber, it is very likely that the in-depth fusion of two bodies and three souls has a different kind of stimulation.

Strictly speaking, he is derailed but not completely derailed. After all, the person is still the same person, and the shape is still the same shape, so in the process of giving birth, will it be the White Fairy at the beginning and slowly become her?

It just feels...weird.

Isn't there any way to separate the two of you? For example, one person with one body or something?

At this point, Jiang Qiao has completely thought of ways to kill the inner demon. Haven't you seen Fairy Bai fail to suppress it with Dao Guo?

Perhaps the only way is to influence her, and if she becomes a family, you don't have to worry about demons destroying the world all day long.

This is my body, why should I leave? If you can convince her, it's not impossible. Of course, I guess she thinks the same as me. Bai Yueling showed contempt.


So even if there is a way, you will not leave this body?

Jiang Lang, you're finally smart,~


He understood it, meaning that one soul and two souls will never be separated no matter what, they really love each other and kill each other.

So, kiss me now? To possess me is to possess her~

With a charming smile on her face, she pursed her lips and slowly moved closer, Jiang Qiao squeezed his fingers, closed his eyes, and kissed him all at once.

The lips met, she opened her cherry lips slightly, and Xiang Ruan sneaked over.

She just liked Jiang Qiao's unwilling face and had to kiss her, who made he so aloof back then?

Now, it's all about paying off debts!


It wasn't until two minutes later that Jiang Qiao pushed Bai Yueling away with great difficulty. This person was like a hooligan, and if he pressed him, he would be a mess.

Is the fairy's taste delicious? she said with a smile.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips and did not speak, and the French kiss was not so outrageous.

Well, remember this smell, it will also taste the same when you kiss her in the future.

Come on! Are you a so-called demon!

He clenched his teeth and pinched Bai Yueling's face. Since he kept calling him master, it should be a matter of course to beat his disciples!

If you dare to resist, you are a traitor who does not respect the teacher and the Tao!

must be punished!

Do you believe what I say?


No doubt?

No doubt.

Jiang Qiao nodded without hesitation. He had no killing intent towards him, nor was he hostile towards Fairy Bai. Why couldn't he believe it?


After a pause, she smiled sweetly: I'm Bai Yueling.

Jiang Qiao subconsciously took a cold breath. She is Bai Yueling, so who is Fairy Bai?

Master, it can be seen that you still have a lot of doubts in your heart, but some questions need to be answered by yourself. Reality is often more outrageous than fiction, don't you think?

She gave up Wanzai Daoguo in order to suppress you, don't you have nothing to say?

Not everyone has the courage to give up their own dao fruit. She doesn't believe me, but she can figure it out in time and turn back. What can I say other than gratified?

Don't you think the price is too high?

If we don't do this, we will all die. Giving up the ten thousand years of cultivation is just starting all over again. The most important thing is that I have found the true and correct path.

Jiang Qiao frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong, as if she was forcing Fairy Bai to come this far.

Master, don't think too much. This is her calamity, mine, and your calamity. Whether you can take that step or not depends on you in the end. Bai Yueling smiled slightly.

Jiang Qiao was more and more puzzled, how to pull it back and forth, and then pull it on his head.

Then what about yourself now? What impact has it had on you after paying such a high price?

Bai Yueling sighed: The influence is still there, and she can no longer take over her body as she likes before, and can only sneak around after she falls asleep completely. As far as the current situation is concerned, the dominance of the body is she.

Jiang Qiao was a little relieved, for fear that she would emerge out of nowhere, and he would be frightened if she didn't entangle him and hug him.

Hey, do we feel like we are having an affair now?


(Ah, the fifth episode is being played quickly, and you have to live up to stay up all night. Finally, ask for a monthly ticket!)

Thank you [Yizhizhi] for the 10,000 reward, thank you for the 3,000 reward of [The Origin of a Thought] [Darling Holding the Crane], thank you for the 2,500 reward of [His Royal Highness Ovo], and thank you for the 2000 reward of [Do you want to eat cake] [ericwe], Thank you [Melbourne, Xiaochun] [Jun Youjian] [M.U.S.T.] for the 1700 reward, thank you [Ghardfi] for the 1600 reward, thank you for the 1500 reward from [Jianjian Tianya v] [Book Friends 20181125102859522], thank you [Life without Esc] 1400 reward, thank you [I am your hope] for 500 reward, thank you [AEXC] for 200 reward, thank [reader 1491240678622683136] [Book Friend 160611170903622] for 100 reward.

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