Fairy Bai still remembered the feeling just now.

When he was in danger, Jiang Qiao was desperate to protect himself.

Although he lost his Dao fruit, he was once a true immortal, so ordinary bumps and bumps would not hurt him.

He was just a mortal, and he was two meters away from him. In that situation, he had no other way, and no matter what harm he would suffer, he subconsciously used his body to protect her tightly.

But that feeling of peace of mind was like hiding in a safe harbor while the world was being shattered outside.

It simply cannot be expressed in words.

We should be thankful that this is just an ordinary slope. If it were a cliff, we might have become desperate mandarin ducks by this time. Jiang Qiao laughed.

Who... who wants to be a mandarin duck with you!

Her tone trembled slightly, and she tactfully changed the subject: The next time you encounter something like this, don't try to be brave. My body is not as fragile as you think.

That won't work.

Jiang Qiao resolutely refused, This has nothing to do with ability, but with responsibility. I like you, and I have to protect you as a matter of course.

Her heart is slightly sweet.

What if it was really a cliff just now?

When you jump out, you can't go back on your word. If you want to die, you will die together.


Jiang Qiao took her hand naturally, slowly separated his fingers, and clasped the ten fingers together.

He said with a serious face: People who come here say that everyone who falls in love is an idiot. I thought about it seriously and willingly gave everything for the other party. If this is not an idiot, what is it?

Being stared at by him, Fairy Bai was very flustered. She turned her head and looked at the Songzi Guanyin Temple not far away. The eaves of the temple were covered with thick white snow, but there were bright lights shining inside. Red candles were also lit for incense.

I... I can't be willing to give everything for you.

I thought I couldn't do it before.

Jiang Qiao took her hand and put it in his pocket: But the body will jump out involuntarily. I am worried that you will be hurt and that you will be hurt, so I would rather be in pain.

Fairy Bai lowered her head with a flushed face, faltering and hawing, not knowing what to say.

If she wanted to subconsciously want to give everything for him, what reminded her was that when she was in the haunted house, she saw Jiang Qiao being stabbed in the stomach by a ghost pretending to be a staff member, and she almost wanted to kill him at the expense of revealing her identity.

Let's go, let's go back.

Jiang Qiao was taken aback: The Temple of Songzi Guanyin is in front, don't you want to see it?

I don't want to look. Fairy Bai shook her head, I want to see your back. I didn't know if you were injured after rolling so far just now.

No need, it doesn't hurt, you see.

Jiang Qiao friskily raised his hands and legs, but he didn't know where he got involved, and suddenly frowned.

She saw it, frowned and reprimanded: Don't be wordy, go back quickly, Guanyin Temple will not run away here, it depends on the opportunities in the future.

Then we come back after we get married? It's just right to ask... Jiang Qiao licked his lips.

Fairy Bai pinched his ears expressionlessly, just as her feelings for him changed, she didn't expect to reveal her true thoughts immediately.

This vegetable dog must be tired of working, and he didn't say he likes him, but he started thinking about getting married and having children.

She doesn't want it!

Hey, fairy, it hurts, hiss... light... lighten...

The wind and snow tended to get bigger and bigger. The two held hands and stepped on the snow with one deep foot and one shallow foot, leaving a long series of footprints behind.

Back at the convenience store door, Jiang Qiao took out the key and opened the shutter door after shaking off his body.

You go upstairs first, I'll close the door.

Fairy Bai nodded. After returning home, the sky was separated by wind and snow, and there was a strange warmth in both body and heart.

This is what home is all about.

She paused as she went upstairs, and looked back at Jiang Qiao who locked the door.

She had wanted to leave Jiang Qiao many times to live alone. Even if she rented a house outside, without Jiang Qiao's company, no matter what she did, she would be alone. Was that home still so warm?

The rolling shutter door was slowly locked, and Jiang Qiao couldn't help but smile slightly on his face.

Today's walk in the snow was not a loss. Although there was a little mistake in the middle, it undoubtedly drew in the relationship between the two, and it was only one step away from Fairy Bai's heart being completely opened to him.

Thinking of rolling her in the snow with her in his arms, and finally pressing her down, she shyly closed her eyes and thought that she wanted to kiss her, but it was not a conditioned reflex to push him away, her heartbeat would subconsciously speed up.

It's a strange feeling teaching a long live little old lady who has never been in a relationship to be in a relationship.

Jiang Qiao took a deep breath, suppressed all his thoughts, turned his head and glanced at the cigarette cabinet in front of the counter, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't smoked for a long time, and he didn't even have a lighter in his clothes pocket.

All the changes started after meeting the white fairy.

When the fairy met Shiqian for the first time, seeing the moon spirit was a lifetime.

Will we meet again after ten thousand years?

He smiled slightly and followed Fairy Bai upstairs.

Hearing the abnormal sound, Fu Lu Shouxi lazily poked out a cute head from the cat's nest, the two kittens arched their bodies, straightened their front legs, opened their mouths and yawned, seeing that it was the shit-shoveling officer Home, and closed his eyes again.

Fairy Bai poured out a glass of water and took a sip, then turned around and looked at him with a straight face.

Be honest and lie on the sofa, take off your clothes, and let me see how the injury on your back is.

Hey, it must be nothing serious, I wear such thick clothes.

Fairy Bai sneered and said, You were grinning in pain just now when you wore such thick clothes? Didn't you try to get me to give you a massage before? Why are you shy now? Hurry up, don't be verbose!

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips. At that time, he was flirting, but now he was trying to get hurt. Of course, this kind of pretentiousness can be tolerated, so it can't be confused.

He twisted Nini and took off his clothes, and lay shirtless on the sofa. Bai Xianzi glanced at it lightly, and felt a little relieved. It was not as serious as imagined, but a little bruised, and the bones should not be too big. hinder.

Just about to sneer, but when he thought that Jiang Qiao was injured to protect himself, his tone subconsciously slowed down: No skin, bruised muscles and some internal injuries. According to your words, it is a soft tissue injury. I guess It will hurt for ten days and a half.

Jiang Qiao was a little proud: I'll just say it's a minor injury, and I'm still strong.

Fairy Bai glanced at him angrily: From tomorrow onwards, it may be difficult for you to raise your hand unless you can bear it.

It's fine to hold your hand.

Don't be so talkative.

Fairy Bai slapped him where it hurt.

Just as Jiang Qiao was about to open his mouth to cry out the pain, a pair of cold little hands covered it and rubbed it gently.

Yeah ~ a little more force ~



(Inhuman has finally been released, but I still need to spend some time watching the plot before I know how to continue writing. I have almost forgotten it. I will update it tomorrow. Cover my face)

Thanks to [White Sloth] for the 5,300 rewards, [Book friend 161003134948530] for the 2,100 rewards, [Kevin] for the 2,000 rewards, and [Little Persimmon 0101010] [Book friend 161224062051231] for the 1,800 rewards, and thanks to [Shi Tianfeng] The deity] [Senran QWQ] for the 1500 rewards, thank you [Popsicle Master] for the 1300 rewards, thank you for the [Don’t ask who I am] for the 200 rewards, and thank you [AEX] for the 100 rewards.

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