Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 166 165. Hmph, I Won't Miss That Vegetable Dog

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes and moaned, enjoying the fairy's caress. Although Fairy Bai didn't admit it, at least he thought so.

With those soft and slender hands, every time they gently rubbed and pressed, a strange feeling would arise in my heart.

In addition to being comfortable, it is still comfortable.

And at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Both are brave, the wound on your forehead, your, different, the mistake you made...

The bell kept ringing, but Jiang Qiao was still lying on the sofa, but he didn't answer it at all.

Caigou, don't you answer the phone?

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, no one would call him, except for harassing calls.

Jiang Qiao slowly opened his eyes, a trace of impatience flashed across his face, who didn't see him enjoying the fairy's massage? I really don't know the time.


What if your parents call? Where is the phone? I'll give it to you. Fairy Bai looked around, but could only hear the ringtone of the phone, but couldn't see where the phone was.

The little hands that were gently kneading stopped, and Jiang Qiao sighed: It's in my coat pocket.

He took the phone and saw that it was a series of phone numbers he didn't recognize. It really was another harassing call.

After thinking about it, I still accepted it.

Hello, is this Bai Yueling? Your courier has arrived, and the package is left in the guard room of the Fairy Peak Scenic Area. Remember to take it.

Before Jiang Qiao could react, the phone on the other end hung up.

Who is calling?

It seems to be a courier. Jiang Qiao scratched his face, becoming more and more confused, Did you buy something online?

Fairy Bai looked bewildered: No.

Well, your courier... I probably know what it is.

Jiang Qiao moved his arms, put on his clothes and stood up. After rubbing the blood away, he felt much more comfortable now.

It may be that your household registration book has arrived. You wait at home for a while, and I will get it.

At the beginning, Bai Yueling ran into the police station to settle his identity issue, saying that the household registration book and ID card would be mailed to the mountain in half a month. Calculating the time, it was about the same time now.

Hearing that it was her household registration book, Fairy Bai's eyes lit up: The bruise on your back has just melted, and you can't take the cold, so let me get it. Just tell me where to get it.

You're so impatient, you... you don't think you just got your household registration and just walked away? Jiang Qiao looked at her with a bitter expression.

Fairy Bai hit his head without hesitation.

I'm in a hurry! If I want to leave, do you think you can keep me with just one household registration?

Jiang Qiao thought about it seriously, yes, she is not as easy to deceive as she was when she first came, after all, she already has enough understanding of this world.

Although but, what if! He was still a little worried.

What if?

What if you lie to me and run away secretly?


She was speechless, how low is this vegetable dog's sense of security?

But she didn't think, just a few days ago, wasn't she also planning to leave him and live alone.

I said no!

I don't believe it unless you swear.


Fairy Bai took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, I swear, it's okay if I don't leave you?!

Okay, the pick-up location is in the guard room at the gate of the scenic spot. Go, I'll wait for you at home. Jiang Qiao immediately returned to his smiling expression.

I didn't expect to change the vow of never leaving him so easily. Immortal cultivators pay the most attention to these things, and if they don't abide by the promise, they will get demons.

Hearing that it was the guard's room, Bai Xianzi was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say. It was only about ten minutes away from the guard's room at the foot of the mountain, and she was worried about gain and loss for fear of running away. Is he like this?

Then I'm going out. She said expressionlessly.

Jiang Qiao looked out the window, and the cold wind was blowing, making the weather even worse.

It was already snowing heavily when we first came back. Would you like to wear more clothes? Or, bring an umbrella.

No, I'm not cold.


Jiang Qiao handed her the key to open the convenience store: Then you pay attention to safety, don't fall down like just now, no one will protect you this time.

Fairy Bai glared at him hard. It was just an accident just now. Well, how could she make the same mistake again.

The two went downstairs together, and the rolling shutter door slammed. Jiang Qiao watched Fairy Bai break into the wind and snow until she disappeared.

The convenience store was quiet again, only the sound of wind and snow whistling outside could be heard, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees unconsciously.

He looked away, looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and sighed for no reason.

He used to live alone on the mountain, but he never felt lonely, but since he met Fairy Bai, he has gotten used to her presence in his life, and now they are separated for a while, and he feels that they are together. kind of torment.

Every second that I can't see Fairy Bai, I miss her very much.


Fairy Bai walked down the mountain against the wind and snow, and the howling cold wind blew her black hair. She was not wearing a down jacket, but only a high-necked ferret sweater, and she felt a little cold for no reason.

After all, she is now imprisoned by the chains of the Great Dao, and the body of the immortal emperor is now equivalent to the body of a mortal.

I don't know if I can step on the road of immortality again in this life and rebuild the Supreme Dao Fruit.

Ah Choo!

She twitched her nose, pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, thinking that she should have listened to Jiang Qiao just now, the weather is really a bit cold.

Walking halfway up the mountain, she suddenly looked back, and there was only a long series of footprints behind her that were gradually submerged in the wind and snow. Thinking that Jiang Qiao was still waiting for her at home, she suddenly wanted to go back early. There is an inexplicable sense of warmth.

Her footsteps suddenly stopped, and at this moment, it seemed that the sweetness gushing out from her limbs filled her atrium.

There is no reason to think of a person, and you will feel very happy when you think of him. Could it be that this is the so-called... like it?

Hmph, I don't think about that vegetable dog! She kicked away the snow in front of her.

You can't go against your will, and the vegetable dog is not Jiang Qiao.

She just didn't want Caigou, and it wasn't that she didn't want Jiang Qiao.

Fairy Bai blushed slightly, and ran all the way down the mountain, and soon saw the guard room, guarding the gate of the mountain was a security guard in his fifties who looked honest and honest.

Every time she entered the city or went up the mountain, she would see Jiang Qiao greeting him.

Excuse me, is this the place to pick up the courier? She knocked on the glass window.

The old man pushed open the glass window and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him wearing only a thin sweater, with a smile on his face.

Xiao Jiang's girlfriend, right? The courier that just arrived, it's snowing outside, why don't you see him come to pick it up?



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