The two continued to chat until midnight, and Fairy Bai took another antipyretic medicine halfway through. After Jiang Qiao made a promise that she would not move her feet while she was sleeping, she couldn't help falling asleep due to the exhaustion of the medicine.

Before that, Jiang Qiao deliberately gave her a body temperature test. It was 40 degrees. She was still in a state of high fever, but at least it was better than before, which was good news.

Jiang Qiao yawned, even though he was alone in the same room, he really had nothing else on his mind.

After being honest with each other, there is a chance to kiss each other. At the critical moment of enhancing the relationship, there is no need to take the initiative to smear yourself. If it makes Fairy Bai unhappy, it will be counterproductive.

He put on a thick coat, took a deep look at her sleeping eyes, smiled, and fell asleep beside the bed.

When the alarm clock of the mobile phone is set, it will vibrate every two hours. As long as the night is peaceful, Fairy Bai's condition should not be a serious problem.

The night is as cool as water.

The light in the bedroom was turned off, and in the dark room, only the gentle breathing of the two could be heard, so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

A pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened in the darkness, and she could clearly feel a deep sense of powerlessness in her body, which was an unavoidable illness as a mortal.

Bai Yueling looked sideways at Jiang Qiao, who was sleeping peacefully beside the bed, and sighed faintly. Master's reincarnation fell in love with his own split soul, but why didn't he dare to accept himself?

This has to be said to be a humorous irony.

She quietly stretched out her hand and gently touched Jiang Qiao's angular face. Whether he admits it or not, he is her master.

Fairy White's dream has confirmed this, and it can't be denied no matter what.

Feeling the slight movement on his face, Jiang Qiao, who was very light sleeper, woke up subconsciously, thinking that something happened to Fairy Bai, but those familiar scarlet eyes came into his eyes.

Master, good evening. Bai Yueling looked at him quietly, her eyes tender as water.

Jiang Qiao said helplessly, It's her during the day and you at night, can't you let me sleep for a while?

Master, don't worry about me. If you're too sleepy, just sleep. I just want to see you.

Then what were you doing just now?

Touch you. She said seriously.


He rubbed his face hard to make himself more awake: Don't shout, I'm not your master. She also said that the so-called reincarnation of soldiers is just a similar flower.

Does it matter now?

Bai Yueling whispered: She likes you, and this is my body, you reject me, but choose to be with her, is this possible?

Every time he talked about this topic, Jiang Qiao felt a headache and couldn't understand it at all, so he wisely chose to skip it.

By the way, will the two of you become one one day?

Bai Yueling chuckled: I know, you want to ask, who will be after the fusion, right?

Jiang Qiao nodded. It stands to reason that the personalities of the two will also merge. It would be better if the fused Fairy Bai had almost no change in her usual state, but was alone in private and acted like a spoiled child to him.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid... at the cost of one of the consciousness disappearing forever, that kind of situation is something he doesn't want to see.

Her face was a little complicated: You have to ask her, even though she is a part of my soul left by my self-destruction, she has gone through thousands of years alone and has formed her current independent personality, which is no different from the 'self'. already.

Jiang Qiao understood, if the two souls are one, then the question arises, whose character is the dominant one? From the idealist point of view, has he become the third Bai Yueling who inherited everything from the two?

If you think about it, it will only get more complicated.

On the contrary, the symbiotic relationship between the two is the best situation.

Master, don't you think the current situation is very good? If you marry her and him, it is equivalent to having two wives with completely different personalities, one charming and clingy, and the other innocent and lovely. Thinking like this , do you think you have made a lot of money? A wife, double the pleasure.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips and said nothing.

As you can imagine, you are such a clever little devil.

Then we have to get married.

Jiang Qiao's face was slightly red, would he really have double the pleasure? At present, he is skeptical, but he is really tired.

How does it feel to kiss her? Bai Yueling stroked her lips with her fingertips, as if reminiscing about that feeling.

You know that too?

Jiang Qiao's eyes widened, and suddenly there was a doubt in his heart, wouldn't he have a baby with Fairy Bai in the future, and this woman would be watching secretly?

Wouldn't she feel like she was being bullied?

XP is somewhat odd.

Of course, as the real 'id', there is always some privilege for this body.

Bai Yueling remembered Fairy Bai's jerky response, and smiled ambiguously: Do you think she's stupid? She can't even kiss, and I'm not flexible at all.

Cough, actually... It's good to be a little stupid. I like the sense of accomplishment that develops.

Don't think I don't know, you are just lustful. You want to draw all kinds of shapes that belong to you on that white paper.

Jiang Qiao covered his face, the woman saw him thoroughly.

But I'm different, Master, I know a lot of skills, do you want to try it? Bai Yueling smiled, and slowly put her lips together.

Jiang Qiao suddenly stood up and avoided: Hey, don't mess around, you're playing with fire!

I'm having fun playing with fire~


He was dumbfounded for a moment, what kind of words is this woman talking about?

You've kissed three times, but now I can't even if I wanted to? She lifted the quilt angrily, revealing resentment in her eyes.

Hey, cover up, you're still sick!

Bai Yueling pursed her lips, and even wanted to take off her last thin T-shirt: Anyway, it is she who is uncomfortable during the day, not me.

Jiang Qiao was suddenly speechless: It's your own body anyway, is it really okay for you to pit yourself like this?

Then will you kiss me?

Just for a moment! You go back to the quilt first. I have worked hard to take care of it all day. I don't want to have no effect tomorrow.

Bai Yueling laughed, she raised her hand and poked Jiang Qiao's face: Well, Master, you know it's all me, and I didn't let you kiss anyone else, why are you so embarrassed? What's more? What you promised was not to do anything to her, but I didn't, on the contrary, I will allow whatever you want to do to me~

Jiang Qiao couldn't help rolling his eyes, is this different?

The problem is, I'm in a relationship with her.

Then add another one and fall in love with me at the same time, in this case, there will be no guilt of cheating, but instead it will be a kind of stimulation of cheating. Think about it, if you like two women aboveboard, the whole world will also It's only you, I don't know how many men will envy you.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help holding his forehead, and he asked inexplicably, How can you say such an outrageous thing in a serious and righteous manner?

Otherwise? Do you have a solution? If you can't resist, just enjoy it.

Have a good time... HOCK!

From Fairy Bai's point of view, this is a clear derailment!

Can you stop talking? Your hands are so cold, can't you just lie down and go?

Jiang Qiao was numb. If Fairy Bai knew that the inner demons who thought they had been completely suppressed, they tricked her in different ways every night, and she didn't know what the expression on her face would be.

Bai Yueling lay down obediently, she raised her chin slightly and closed her eyes: Master, kiss me, kiss me like you kissed her. Sweet kiss, I want it too, but you can't do this. favor one over another.”

Like kissing her?

Jiang Qiao thought about it for a while. At that time, he was pushed back onto the bed, and his position was a bit ambiguous. Could it be that he still wants to climb the bed now?

No, no, absolutely not.

He had promised Bai Fairy again and again that things like climbing the bed were beyond class.

Staring at Bai Yueling's beautiful face, Jiang Qiao slowly leaned down to kiss her. She quietly closed her eyes, so she couldn't tell which was Bai Yueling, which was Fairy Bai, or both. is her.

Delicate and smooth arms stretched out from the quilt unconsciously, and gently hugged Jiang Qiao's neck.

Once you accept that you will have a wife with two souls, kissing her again will not be as casual and reluctant as it was at first.

Different from Fairy's jerky response, Yueling's kiss was hot and wild, which could arouse the man's own lust, and Jiang Qiao was almost lost in the lust.

After a long time, the two separated with shortness of breath.

Master, you finally didn't perfunctory me. Bai Yueling said softly with blurred eyes.

What can I do? I can't perfunctory for the rest of my life. Isn't that what you said? If you can't resist, just enjoy it.

Jiang Qiao pondered for a while and said seriously, It's just that what I did with you is limited to what I did with her, it's not beyond the outline.

Bai Yueling blinked: Then you quickly trick her into bed~

……It's enough.

She laughed, Bai Yueling was very satisfied with the current situation, at least Jiang Qiao opened up a part of his heart and was not as vigilant as before.

In comparison, do you think that my technique is better?

Jiang Qiao didn't say a word with an expressionless face. In fact, he really wanted to say that each has its own advantages and that kissing is very sweet, but he couldn't say it.

The phone suddenly vibrated at this time, and he glanced at the time habitually, and it was already three o'clock.

He yawned, why are they still talking about love and not sleeping in the middle of the night!

What a sin.

She sighed helplessly, touched Bai Yueling's forehead, it was still very hot, she blamed her for not taking a good rest, and lifting the quilt!

Jiang Qiao picked up the thermometer on the bedside table and shook it forcefully and handed it to her: Take the test yourself.

Oh, Master, I suddenly feel that I have no strength in my body. Can you measure it for me? She gently pulled up her sleeves, revealing half of her smooth and round shoulders, and looked at Jiang Qiao with a glamorous look in her eyes.

He took a deep breath, raised the quilt, and completely covered his shoulders: Do you believe me in such a low-level lie?

If he helped to take the temperature, the gesture would definitely go in from the neckline, so it would inevitably touch...

After all, Jiang Qiao thought he was a decent person, how could he do such a dirty thing?

Forced does not count.

Woooooo, but I really have no strength.

I said something just now, I must be responsible for Fairy Bai, don't even think about the things that I haven't done with her. So, do it yourself!

Bai Yueling reluctantly took the thermometer, stretched out her hand through her neckline, and put it into her armpit.

After about five minutes, she took it out and handed it to Jiang Qiao.

At 40.5 degrees, not only did the fever not go down, but it rose by 0.5 degrees. If you take a good rest, you might be back to normal now! Jiang Qiao showed a look of hating iron.

How can you blame me? I didn't get sick. You know, I'm also a victim now, okay?

Jiang Qiao was speechless, and he couldn't refute it.

So, your task now is to have a good rest, do you understand? He yawned, sleepy.

Bai Yueling suddenly shrank back and let out a small half of the bed: Master, do you want to come up and sleep?

No. He shook his head.

She blinked: But we've slept together many times.

That's in my room!

Master, have you ever thought about sleeping with me on her bed... Wouldn't that be more exciting?

Hearing this, Jiang Qiao almost coughed and said the wise saying: Why are you wearing Pinru's clothes?

He said angrily, Tell me what are you thinking about all day long?

But if I don't hold you, I can't sleep. Otherwise, we'll still be like before, when I wake you up at dawn, you'll pretend to lie beside the bed to sleep? What happened late.

He held back for a long time: ...I can't do such a thing.

Master, is it really good to deceive yourself? In your bed, we...

Shut up, is it over yet? Go to sleep!

Jiang Qiao simply turned off the light. He didn't go to bed, he just put a hand into the quilt and held her hand.

In the darkness, Bai Yueling slowly came to the bedside, raised his hand and put it on his face.

Master, do you want to hear me call you Jiang Lang, or Master?

After a few seconds, Jiang Qiao said slowly, I always find it strange that the master and apprentice love each other. Besides, you are not my apprentice.

Actually, do you think Jiang Lang is more tempting?

I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

Bai Yueling slowly closed his eyes: Master, or Jiang Lang, it's just a title. What I want is just yours from beginning to end.

She suddenly got up and kissed Jiang Qiao's face like lightning.

What you owe me in your last life is what you deserve in this life.

You said it yourself, all encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence.



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