The next morning.

Fairy Bai woke up earlier than ever, and noticed that something seemed to be resting on her face, but when she looked up, she found that it was Jiang Qiao's dog's paw.

He slept quietly on the side of the bed, breathing evenly and gently, except for these dishonest hands, he reassured so many times, but he couldn't help but smack her face? I don't know if there are other places that have been quietly touched.

Oh man.

uh... that doesn't seem right.

The current situation is clearly that she is holding Jiang Qiao's hand beside her face, it turns out that she is the one who sleeps dishonestly.

Thinking of this, Fairy Bai's face couldn't help turning ruddy. After confessing to him, did she actually have such a big change?

She quietly put Jiang Qiao's hand back, and then looked down to see that her clothes were still under the quilt. She breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to gently squeeze Jiang Qiao's face.

I'm sorry, cuckoo, I wrongly blamed you just now.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, shook his head unconsciously, and showed no sign of waking up.

So, she dared to pinch her nose, tug at her face, and even blocked his nostrils with a finger. After a few seconds, she saw Jiang Qiao unconsciously open his mouth and let out his breath.

He didn't wake up like this. It seems that he was really tired from taking care of himself last night, and he didn't know how many times he woke up.

She just turned sideways and watched Jiang Qiao sleep quietly, inexplicably thinking that last night, she took the initiative to press Jiang Qiao under her body and forcefully kiss him.

Is that sweet feeling like falling in love? It's really different from pretending to be a couple before.

The heart can not be violated, if you like him, you must be with him.

She is Jiang Qiao's girlfriend now. If there is no accident, the two will get married and have children, and they will be the closest to each other.

According to Jiang Qiao, this is love.

A smile appeared on Fairy Bai's face involuntarily, thinking in her heart whether she would treat him a little better in the future.

She gently touched his face, his nose, his eyes, his lips.

It really doesn't make any sense to like this thing, obviously his facial features are not comparable to Ziwei Xing's Divine Son, but the more I look at it, the more I like it.

Suddenly, the phone in Jiang Qiao's pocket vibrated, and the alarm clock rang at 6 in the morning.

He frowned tightly and then stretched it out. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Fairy Bai sneaking back her hand.

As if afraid of being caught by her little movements, she kept her eyes closed and pretended not to wake up, but she didn't feel any movement after waiting for a long time. She secretly opened a slit, only to find that Jiang Qiao was smiling. Looking at her nonchalantly.

I didn't see anything, why don't you go to sleep?

Fairy Bai simply stopped pretending, and the two stared at each other with big eyes.

He touched his face: By the way, did you just do something to me while I was sleeping?

I do not……

You can't go against the good intentions? Think clearly before answering in a hurry.

Fairy Bai bit her lip, then slammed her head with the quilt, and a slightly low voice slowly came from the quilt.

I just squeezed your face.

anything else?

...touched my eyes.

Jiang Qiao's face was expressionless, no wonder when he was sleeping just now, he always felt that someone was playing tricks on him.

Be proactive and recruit from the truth.

Caigou, don't go too far! She lifted the quilt and exposed her head, looking at Jiang Qiao with an angry look on his face.

She is a dignified fairy after all, so she was questioned by people like this, do you want to lose face?

Well, so energetic, it seems that the body is recovering well.

Jiang Qiao yawned, then shook the thermometer and handed it to her: I'm taking the test myself.


The final thermometer showed that the body temperature had dropped to 39 degrees, and the whole person looked much more energetic than yesterday.

how do you feel today?

It's much better. It's okay to go outside to enjoy the snow now.

Jiang Qiao saw through her ghost thoughts at a glance, and said angrily: It's better, don't think about running around, rest when it's time to rest, and take medicine on time until you fully recover.

Last night... Well, thank you for your hard work. She twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at the ceiling without blinking, a little embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Qiao asked hesitantly, Last night... do you remember what happened last night?

What happened last night? Fairy Bai asked with a pair of big, harmless eyes.

Last night you... Forget it, don't remember if you don't remember.

Jiang Qiao smiled very calmly, as if she was confused last night, and unconsciously said what she said in her heart. Anyway, she had already had an intimate contact, and it was not too long before the next serious confession.

You rest for a while. I'll go get some food. What do you want for breakfast? Poached eggs? No, you still have a fever and can't eat eggs, so eat dumplings?

He stood up, properly covered Fairy Bai with the quilt, and touched her forehead, it was indeed not as hot as yesterday.

The moment he turned around, Fairy Bai suddenly grabbed his hand.

I... She took a deep breath and closed her eyes blushing, We are a couple.

Jiang Qiao was overjoyed and turned around. It turned out that she had never forgotten, but she was just herself.

Well, we're a couple! He held his hand instead, squatted down slowly, and kissed the back of her hand under her gaze.

The crimson Yunxia on Bai Fairy's face quietly climbed to the base of her ear, she did not rush to pull out her hand, but felt very sweet.

It turns out that when couples do these shameful things, they feel nervous and happy.

If you had dared to do this to me before, you would have been lying on the ground and twitching with rolling eyes. She whispered.

Jiang Qiao laughed: Thank you Fairy for not killing me.

Why did you suddenly want to understand?


Fairy Bai inexplicably thought of those dreams that seemed to be reincarnated last night. No matter how dangerous she was, Jiang Qiao would definitely appear by her side to rescue her from the sea of ​​misery in the end.

Only then did she realize that Jiang Qiao had penetrated into every corner of her heart unknowingly, and looking back at him, she already liked him.

She was a little ashamed of her hindsight, bowed her head in silence for a moment, and finally summoned up the courage to say, I can't go against my heart, at least I can't deny it when it comes to liking you.

Speaking of which, I also cultivate the same mind as you. I like you, and my mind cannot be violated.

Hmm... Fairy Bai nodded with a red face.

Jiang Qiao squeezed her little hand, and hesitantly said, you want to hug?

If you can't go against your heart... um, I want to hug. When she said this, her face was completely red.

Don't move, I'll hug you. You still have a fever and you're not wearing a coat. This weather is the coldest winter in the twelfth lunar month.

it is good.

Jiang Qiao sat on the edge of the bed nervously, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, while covering his back with a quilt, so that he could not catch a cold even if he hugged her.

Being gently embraced by Jiang Qiao, Fairy Bai's heart was pounding. This was their first hug since they became lovers, and everything felt different.

Jiang Qiao hugged Fairy Bai tightly. Without a thick coat, her body was so soft, fluffy like the snow on Fairy Peak. It would be great if he could also take off his clothes and stick it to Fairy. .

He sighed contentedly. From the first time he saw her, he regarded her as a swindler, and as he slowly got in touch, he began to want to kidnap a fairy to be his wife.

Now, it's finally a dream come true.

What are you sighing for?

Fairy Bai put her head on Jiang Qiao's shoulder, feeling the warmth in her boyfriend's arms.

Do you know Wang Chuan Qiushui? I've waited so long for this day. If the feeling of holding you is so real, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm daydreaming again.

It's not that exaggerated.

Jiang Qiao smiled: If happiness has a smell, it must be me holding you and gently sniffing your hair, there is a special aroma.

Being hit by these sweet love words, Fairy Bai, who started to fall in love for the first time, only felt dizzy.

It's obviously the smell of sweat. I seem to have a lot of cold sweat last night.

The faint fragrance lingered in her nose, Jiang Qiao buried her head in her jet-black hair and took a deep breath: My fairy is fragrant even with sweat.

You're going to die! You let go, I... I don't want to hug you anymore.

Don't let it go, never let go.

Fairy Bai blushed and struggled symbolically for a few times, and was once again forced to fall into a sweet whirlpool.

Are we dating now?

Of course, anything a couple does is love, and the taste is sour and sweet, bitter and salty.

Fairy Bai thought about it for a while: Then can we just fall in love and not get married? I like this sweet taste.

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment, not understanding what strange place her thinking had jumped to.

Marriage is the continuation of love. Generally speaking, only a successful relationship will enter the palace of marriage, unless you want us to separate?

No... no.

Jiang Qiao gently stroked her back with his hand: Yueling, are you thinking about it again?

Knot... get married and have children... I... she stammered.

You don't want to have children?


She bit her lip lightly, she would sleep together when she got married, and she would have children when she fell asleep. After all, she had lived for nearly ten thousand years, so how could she not understand these things.

She still remembered that when she practiced typing before, the first paragraph was—

[I want to give you a home, turn you into my wife, and be the mother of three children...]

Three kids... gosh, how many times does that have to be slept!

She glanced sideways at Jiang Qiao, her face blushing.

Do you simply think that I like you and want to fall in love with you, just to marry you and have children?

No... isn't it?

Jiang Qiao looked down at the fairy in his arms, and laughed lightly: Like is like, love is love, marriage is marriage, and childbirth is childbirth.

He rationalized his thoughts and continued: Some people like each other but can't fall in love together, and some people feel inappropriate after falling in love and then separate again, but we can always fall in love, always talk about what you want to be with On the day I got married, as for the children... There are many loving couples who get married without children in their entire lives. They may have regrets, but it will not affect their happiness.

Fairy Bai listened in a daze. She always felt that what Jiang Qiao said about giving birth was different from what she understood about giving birth. There must be a process when giving birth, and sleeping together after taking off your clothes is too... Shame!

Jiang Qiao hugged her tightly: Actually, I don't think about anything else, I just don't want to be separated from you, and I have to be together no matter what I do, so I decided to go down the mountain with you and show you the difference. In the world of Ziweixing, even if a hundred years later, you become an immortal and I become loess, as long as you can feel happy and sweet when you think of our memories, that is enough.

Caigou, I won't forget you. Fairy Bai lowered her head in his arms and said in a muffled voice, Why are you talking about this at this time?

Not happy?

A bit.

Because you are an immortal, an immortal seed, and I am a mortal, you will get sick and die, you will stay young forever, and I will gradually age. These are all predictable facts.

What if I fail to re-cultivation? I will die too.

Jiang Qiao remembered the demon, reached out and touched her face: You won't die, it's my mission to bring you to experience the world, and your mission is to transcend eternity.

Fairy Bai pursed her lips and said nothing.

Actually, when that day comes, there is nothing to be sad about. It is enough to be able to talk to you about a vigorous immortal love in my limited life.

She gritted her teeth: Then I will hold your soul and protect your true spirit. As long as you are reincarnated, I will definitely find you.

Jiang Qiao was suddenly stunned, isn't this the same as the demon's approach? Have been searching for his reincarnation among all living beings?

Okay, let's not talk about this, let's chat happily. What did you think of when you suddenly pressed me on the bed and kissed me?

Fairy Bai was extremely ashamed: I dreamed of you, many times, and there was always a voice in my heart. If I couldn't be with you, I would regret it for a long time. You know, what I am doing now is to go with my heart...

You can't violate your intentions, I understand. Jiang Qiao said with a smile: So you expressed your intentions with that kind of kiss? You also said that if I dared to fail you, I would be stabbed to death with a sword.


In addition to being shy, she was shy: Yes, stab you to death!

Jiang Qiao said loudly: I'm not a heartless person, I will never give you this chance, you should die!

The eyes of the two happened to meet in mid-air. Looking at the face of their own fairy, Jiang Qiao's heart suddenly beat violently for no reason.

His throat rolled, his voice inexplicably hoarse.

Yueling, can I kiss you?

Staring into Jiang Qiao's eyes, Fairy Bai was also pounding nervously, her breathing subconsciously slowed down.

She slowly closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling.

just one time……


(This chapter hides the name of my lovely fairy. On this day of 'all love', I will take the opportunity to confess hehe~)


Thank you for the 2000 reward of 【You Yi Nuo Ruo】【DOU's Dou】【Ningxia Xia】【The swirling world is only in the dust】,

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