Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 185 184. Love Makes People Stupid

Naturally, Jiang Qiao would not refuse this matter. Wu Youcai was not short of that little money, so he said he was taking over the offer, but it was just to take care of him for the time being.

Moreover, Jiang Qiao really liked Fairy Peak as a place where he became friends with fairies, and Fairy Bai also liked it very much. If he came back from his travels, he wouldn't mind going back to live again.

Okay, but are you sure you can bear the loneliness on the mountain?

Wu Youcai rolled his eyes: Fuck me, do you think everyone has a girlfriend who looks like a fairy to accompany you on the mountain like you?

Fairy Bai blushed slightly while she was only eating, she couldn't get in even if the two of them were chatting and spanking.

Then you'll take the fart. Jiang Qiao said angrily.

Wu Youcai took a bite of the brown sugar glutinous rice cake: Sujin is about to graduate, and she majored in financial management. When the time comes, I'll just throw her up the mountain to visit a store. No, there will be a theme for her graduation defense.

Jiang Qiao's head was full of black lines, what kind of idea did these two bastards have, could they be more reliable in doing things. Now he puts all his heart on Fairy Bai, and he doesn't want to touch things that are likely to cause misunderstandings.

Hey, I'm telling you, don't get angry! If you let Su Jin go to the store, I might as well hire another employee.

Wu Youcai: ...

I'm not talking about anything else. As a brother, you throw your own sister to the mountain, but you are enjoying yourself in the city. Are you reasonable?

The corner of Mr. Qian's mouth twitched fiercely: All right, all right, can I hire you a clerk when the time comes?

Hello brother, good brother. Jiang Qiao laughed, and subconsciously wanted to reach for his bag and throw a cigarette, but found that he hadn't smoked for a long time.

Speaking of which, old man, Su Jin asked me about you, cough, and about my sister-in-law. I didn't say a word. You don't know how much that girl is at home...

Yueling, come, let's eat some vegetables. The local delicacies here are pretty good. Jiang Qiao pretended not to hear, and brought some vegetables to Fairy Bai with a smile.

Wu Youcai: ... Zhuo!

Show affection in front of him, right?

After eating and drinking enough, the two discussed about the store for a while, Jiang Qiao then went to pay the bill, and the food was less than three hundred yuan, which finally saved him money.

Okay, that's it, I'll go back to sleep for a while, and I have to collect rent in the afternoon.

Under Jiang Qiao's speechless gaze, Mr. Qian drove away in those two coquettish Porsches.

Where are we going now? Do we want to go home? Fairy Bai asked standing by the road.

Jiang Qiao knew that the home she was talking about meant the home in the city.

Forget it, it's almost Chinese New Year anyway, I'll go back then.


Let's go. I just finished eating and walked on the road for a while, then went shopping to buy new year's goods, and then I went back.


While walking, Fairy Bai suddenly asked.

You seem to have a good impression of...um, Sujin.

Jiang Qiao became vigilant subconsciously, and denied, No, absolutely not, my fairy, don't think about it.

Really? Just now you had dinner and chatted around Sujin for about ten minutes. Although you have been avoiding answering topics about her, a few sentences have highlighted your concern for her, childhood sweetheart? Bai What the fairy said with a deadpan expression sounded a little yin and yang.

Jiang Qiao's scalp was numb. Could this be a woman in love? Sherlock Holmes is as sensitive to matters of affection.

Yue Ling, you are jealous.

She blushed: I didn't!

My face turned red, and I still said no.

It must have been too stuffy in the private room just now. Fairy Bai's gaze was erratic.

During the meal just now, the two of them kept chatting about their childhood. Ten sentences and eight sentences were Su Jin, and Jiang Qiao didn't pay much attention to her, making her look like an outsider. very angry.

Jiang Qiao suddenly looked her in the eyes and smiled, Why are you asking these questions if you're not jealous? Afraid I don't like you anymore? Are you so unconfident in yourself?

She was so nervous that she said stiffly: How is it possible! I am Bai Yueling, my belief is invincible, and my talent and love have been number one in the world for thousands of years.

If you're worried, why don't we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate one day? In that case, we won't be separated no matter what.

No...don't, you just want to trick me into having a baby with you.

Fairy Bai blushed and ran away. She wouldn't be fooled by such a simple trap. Hmph, if he really dared to fall in love with other women at will, he would cut Jiang Xiaoqiao off and kill all the heartless people in the world!

Seeing Fairy Bai's panic-stricken appearance, Jiang Qiao suddenly felt a little bit bitter. Having a baby... what to do if you are invulnerable and can't get in.

No, I have to find an opportunity to ask her if Ziweixing has iron crotch skills.

Moon Spirit, my Moon Spirit, wait for me.

Along the pedestrian street, the two held hands and walked back and forth twice. They bought two sets of shoes, pants, pajamas, and coats, all of which were lovers' outfits.

I obviously have so many clothes, why do you buy them for me again? Fairy Bai looked at the 3,000 yuan in the bank card, and felt that if she wanted to pay him back, three times more would not be enough.

Jiang Qiao laughed and said, The past was the past, and now is the present. We are dating. Of course we have to look like a relationship. At least people can tell that we are a couple at a glance. That's plausible.

Oh. Fairy Bai nodded happily in her heart. She took it for granted that Jiang Qiao was repenting for what happened just now.

Do you want to visit the underwear store?

No...no need!

The two each carried some things, and Jiang Qiao continued to hold her hand, making a sound that only the two of them could hear.

Actually, compared to your fear, I am more worried about whether you will run away with others one day. After all, in the eyes of anyone, you are as outstanding as the brightest star.

I... I haven't thought about it that way. She said awkwardly.

Jiang Qiao squeezed her hand tightly, and smiled faintly, Yue Ling, this is love. In love, everyone worries about gains and losses like a fool.

Fairy Bai was startled slightly, so it turned out that this was the reason why she was unhappy just now?

That's why I'm going to buy a couple outfit. When people see what we're wearing, they'll know, oh, that beautiful girl is already a celebrity, and the handsome guy next to me saved the galaxy in her previous life. ?

As Jiang Qiao talked, he couldn't help laughing.

That is, it is your blessing to be sympathized with me. Fairy Bai pretended to raise her chin, she didn't want to show him the emotion in her eyes.

Yes, yes, my beloved fairy, your body is the driving force for my sprint. When I go astray, I hope you can help me correct it.

De Xing, what nonsense are you talking about again. Fairy Bai couldn't help but give him a blank look.

Jiang Qiao laughed and said nothing.

Afterwards, the two went to the New Year's Store and bought two red lanterns, a pair of store couplets, and opening blessings, as well as some miscellaneous things, meat products, vegetables and so on.

There were too many things to carry, so Jiang Qiao simply spent 30 yuan and took a ride back to the foot of Fairy Peak.

Hey, Xiao Jiang, did you go to the city to buy so many things? The old guard poked his head out of the sentry box.

Jiang Qiao smiled and said, That's right, Uncle Deng, it won't be the Chinese New Year soon, so we need to stock up on some New Year's goods.

Aren't you going home for Chinese New Year?

Go home, but this small family has to take care of it.

makes sense.

I'm going first, Uncle Deng.

Well, there are snowy roads on the mountain, be careful.

Old Uncle Deng gradually withdrew his gaze. Since the closure of the mountain, other staff in the scenic area should have a holiday. Only those who work as security guards are still on shift.

Everyone wants to go home for the New Year, alas.

Walking along the road halfway up the mountain, Jiang Qiao suddenly asked her, The last time you went to pick up the courier, was he the one on duty at that time?

Well, it's him, what's the matter?

It's okay, just ask.

Finally back home, thanks to Jiang Qiao meditating with Fairy Bai during this time, his physical fitness has improved a lot. If he used to carry so many things up the mountain, he would probably be exhausted.

Huh, rest for a while, and then make dinner. Jiang Qiao slumped on the sofa, and put the things he bought casually, and didn't want to tidy up for the time being.

Fu Lu Shou Xi crawled out of the cat's nest meowing, arched his back, yawned, and stretched his paws in one go. He first rubbed against the two of them, and then scurried back and forth between the big and small bags, wrinkling his cat's nose I never stopped breathing.

Fairy Bai stood beside the sofa, looked at Jiang Qiao who was exhausted like a dead dog, took a water cup from the water dispenser, and handed it to him.

for you.

Ah, thank you.

Jiang Qiao took it, raised his head and drank it non-stop, until he drank not a single drop of water from the full glass.

Do you still want to drink?


Fairy Bai looked at Jiang Qiao again, thinking that he should be too tired to move at this time, so she suddenly walked over and pressed Jiang Qiao's hand.

Jiang Qiao: ???

What are you going to do...

The black shadow overwhelmed him with the smell of good shampoo, throwing him down on the sofa.


I wanted to kiss you outside just now, but it was outside after all, and there were too many people, so I'm sorry. Bai Xianzi looked into his eyes and said.

Jiang Qiao was speechless for a moment: No, you can kiss as long as you want, why did you sneak up on me and press my hand, can you let go first?

Don't let go, when you kiss, your hands will move around.


He miscalculated, the dignified fairy actually came prepared, what should an ordinary man like him do?

The darkness formed by the black hair surrounded the faces of the two of them, and their moist lips intertwined. After a long time, the white fairy raised her head with a flushed face, and there was still residual warmth from the kiss between her lips.

Before she knew it, she had been led by Jiang Qiao, and she fell in love with the feeling of stretching her head, which was much sweeter than just touching her mouth.

Jiang Qiao smacked his lips, his arm hurt a little from her pressure: Now...can you let go?

She looked serious: Well...Look, if you tie your hands, you won't move around. From now on, Kiss will always look like this.

Jiang Qiao wanted to cry but didn't know what to say in rebuttal.

Being crushed on the sofa by his girlfriend and gnawed, it will be difficult for Fu Gang in the days to come.

Fairy Bai hesitated for two seconds: You don't let Gou Dahu's younger sister Shangshan take over this store, are you afraid of my wild thoughts?

He froze for a moment, but he didn't expect Fairy Bai to be thinking about this question after so long.

Jiang Qiao didn't answer for the time being, but instead asked, So, you want to lock me firmly by your side by kissing me?

Fairy Bai pursed her lips, looked up at the cat, then at Jiang Qiao, and then nodded embarrassingly.

Hearing this, Jiang Qiao couldn't help laughing, and started to seduce him, and said he wasn't jealous?

If it's just a kiss, what if you can't lock it? He pretended to be serious and wanted to tease her.

Fairy Bai squeezed her fingers nervously, and the man's expression suddenly became hideous, as if he was saying that he had to have a baby to lock him.

Only kiss, nothing else!

She sniffled, and suddenly showed a murderous look: You promised me, dare to let me down...I'll just...

Jiang Qiao sat up straight, moved towards Fairy Bai, their legs were close to each other, he stretched out his hand to gently hold her face, and said softly, I like you, and I have no second thoughts.

The serious murderous intent immediately disappeared completely. Jiang Qiao grabbed her shoulders and pulled her. Fairy Bai leaned against his arms, with her head resting on his chin.

Don't think about it, there is nothing, everything I do is to love you.

Fairy Bai closed her eyes slightly: ...um.

Didn't we talk about it before in the city? Why are you still thinking about this?

I don't know, but it always pops up in my mind. When I think of a little girl who follows your ass every day, I... I just...

Is it very unhappy?


Jiang Qiao chuckled, I'm very happy that you're jealous.

Bai Fairy widened her eyes and turned to look at him. Why is this person so bad, basing his own happiness on her pain?

Jiang Qiao hugged her again: It means you like me more, of course I'm happy.


Are you stupid? I'm going to wander the world with you. How can I have a good impression of other girls?

Fairy Bai was dumbfounded, yes, the two of them are going to travel the world together, how could Jiang Qiao fall in love with someone else.

She actually forgot such an important thing! With all my heart, I knew that I was going to go into a dead end, but in the end it was all my own muddleheaded thinking.

It's over, it's over, love really makes people stupid, she is a majestic Immortal Emperor, she didn't even think to understand such a simple truth.

Yue Ling, you smell so good. Jiang Qiao rubbed his chin against her hair, and the pleasant fragrance kept rushing into his nose.

Fairy Bai was so stiff that she didn't dare to move, only the sound of his long breathing could be heard.

Yes...is it?

It's a very special fragrance that never gets tired of smelling.

Rogue... She made a trembling tone, this man was teasing her again.

I like you, I like to hold you, I like to smell your body, I like hair and even toes...

Foot... feet can't do it! Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment, and immediately grasped the point.

Jiang Qiao smiled helplessly, opened his eyes and looked at her: I still want to kiss her.

She looked down at the pair of dog paws: Your hands.


Then... just a moment.

Fairy Bai blushed and closed her eyes. She found that she liked to kiss him more and more. That kind of intense kiss was an indescribable feeling.

This time, it was finally Jiang Qiao's turn to throw her down.



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