Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 186. The cat girl in white silk

After a long kiss, Fairy Bai pushed him away with a red face.

Didn't you say that the dog's paws are determined not to move?

Jiang Qiao held back for a few seconds, and said incoherently, This...cough, as we all know, Dog's Claw has its own thoughts, and I don't care about them.

Fairy Bai was so angry that he punched him in the chest on the spot.

When I want to beat you, my hand has a mind of its own, so it's out of my hands!

After finishing speaking, she snorted softly, took her clothes back to the room, and closed the door tightly.

What a nasty dog, he will forget everything!

Jiang Qiao rubbed his chest. This girl is so strong without mana, she can feel the pain even in a down jacket.

He glanced at the door of the bedroom, slowly got up from the sofa, put the newly bought clothes in the closet, and washed them some time tomorrow, put vegetables, fruits and meat in the refrigerator one by one, and then walked into the kitchen with a big white radish.

What I ate at night was radish pork rib soup, and then fried a red rapeseed, served with fried carrot slices, all of which are Bai Xianzi's favorite dishes.

When the meal was over, Fairy Bai suddenly came out wearing woolen slippers and white silk that reached her knees. The mid-length plush pajamas just reached her knees. After taking a look, he froze in place, his eyes straightened.

What... are you looking at... She tried her best to dodge her gaze, blushing crawling up to her ears.

Look... look at the fairy.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, and his eyes fell on her slender calves. He felt that Fairy Bai now had a different kind of charm.

It's so beautiful.

Being stared at naked by him, Fairy Bai always felt that his gaze seemed to have warmth and a sense of aggression, and it was like a pair of invisible hands gently stroking the calf through the white silk, with an inexplicable itchiness.

Don't look!

She groaned coquettishly, a trace of shame flashed in her eyes, she squeezed the hem of the dress tightly with both hands and pulled it down, suddenly regretted not wearing pants, if she had known that he would look like this, then... she would not wear white silk!

Ah... okay, don't look at it.

Jiang Qiao swallowed, and said so, but still stared at him without blinking.

Look at the pot again, it's going to be mushy!

Oh oh oh!

Only then did Jiang Qiao reluctantly look back, carefully stir-fried a few times, and then turned around to see that Fairy Bai had already made the rice, and ran away in a hurry.

Still shy?

He suddenly smirked. She went back to her room and locked the door just now. She was so mysterious just to show him wearing white silk?

Speaking of which, this was the first time Fairy Bai showed him wearing white silk openly, and the first two times she would put on a layer of woolen trousers to cover it up.

Could it be that it was due to Su Jin's reason that she subconsciously sensed the danger, so she was trying to curry favor with him?

It seems that even fairies are not immune to jealousy, and they are similar to mortal girls in their teens when they talk about love.

After turning off the fire, the carrot slices came out of the pot. Jiang Qiao brought two dishes and one soup to the dining table, and deliberately glanced at the delicate legs under the table.

Fairy Bai clamped her legs nervously, and said shyly, If you look at me with that perverted look again, I... I'll go back to my room and put on my pants!

Jiang Qiao immediately became serious. He wanted to put on the trousers he had taken off, but he couldn't agree to anything! At least tonight I have to wear this to accompany him!

Do I look like that kind of unscrupulous person? He held a piece of meaty ribs for the fairy.

Not like.

Fairy Bai took a small bite, chewed and swallowed, and continued: You were originally.

Jiang Qiao's expression froze.

Lust is a man's instinct, and I'm not lustful. After all, there are so many young ladies wearing miniskirts and stockings on the street. I didn't stare at others. I lost my composure just now. It's purely because the ones wearing stockings are my favorite now. Fairy.

Fairy Bai shyly kept her mouth shut. She thought about it seriously, and it seemed that it was really what Jiang Qiao said. Even if he was shopping with him, his attention was still on her.

She buried her head and poked the rice with her chopsticks: I will only wear it this time.

I think you can wear it often. If you are afraid of the cold, I can buy you leggings. It is a magic weapon for bare legs that is warmer than boys' long johns.

Light... bare legs!?

Fairy Bai was shocked. If he didn't wear pants, wouldn't he be seen everywhere?

Moreover, does anyone really wear nothing and bare legs?

Jiang Qiao explained patiently: It's not the bare legs you understand, but a kind of thicker pantyhose. You can wear them without other trousers, and you can show off your thin and long legs even outdoors without feeling uncomfortable. cold.

No...not outdoors, absolutely not. She shook her head vigorously and refused.

Dressed like this, just for Jiang Qiao to see, I feel very ashamed. If I show it to others, I will definitely not be able to help but beat Jiang Qiao up.

Of course not. I will feel disadvantaged if others see it. As Yue Ling's only boyfriend who deeply likes you, of course only I can see such beautiful long legs.


She nodded in a daze, and suddenly realized that she agreed to only wear it this time, so why did she agree to him again in a daze.

Jiang Qiao immediately showed a tricky smile, and he put another rib in Fairy Bai's bowl.

Yue Ling, I actually like to see what kind of clothes you wear, and I won't force you to wear black and white silk, I just think you are very beautiful today.

Fairy Bai bit her chopsticks lightly, and just now she was planning to reject him, but suddenly she couldn't say it.

After holding back for a long time, she said sullenly, I wear it like this, you...would you like it?

Do you think I didn't like it just now?

Thinking of Caigou's squinting look just now, she blushed suddenly.

That look seemed like a dog who had been hungry for several days saw the meaty bone, salivating, and might pounce on it at any time.

She looked down at her legs that were close together. The pajamas just hung on her thighs, wrapped in delicate white silk, which was smooth in texture, and her legs were perfectly tightened inside, making her look more slender and slender.

In particular, there was a shallow dent outlined on the top of the sock, which even she thought looked good, adding a touch of charm for no reason, no wonder Caigou stared straight at her.

With a snap, Jiang Qiao's chopsticks fell to the ground.

Fairy Bai looked up at him, and saw that Jiang Qiao had already squatted down, but she didn't see him raise his head for a long time. She suddenly realized something, her legs were tightly closed, and her little hand tightly pressed the pajamas into the gap between her legs, but always It felt like a squinting gaze had seen through everything.



What are you doing... His voice was shy.

Pick up chopsticks.

Fairy Bai was so angry with him, can pick up chopsticks for half a minute? Believe me, do you really think you don't know what he's doing with this opportunity?

Fairy Bai kicked it out without even thinking about it. Jiang Qiao saw a ray of white in a daze, and the next moment, lotus feet wrapped in white silk kicked towards his face.


He was kicked to the ground, and he was still thinking about the feeling at the moment of contact——

It's soft, hot, and has no obvious weird smell. It turns out that being stepped on by a fairy is also a kind of happiness.

After a long while, Jiang Qiao covered his nose in pain and sat back in his chair to eat. Fairy Bai blushed and hummed softly, It deserves it.

Next time, let's see if you dare to peep!

After dinner, as usual, it was Jiang Qiao who washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Fairy Bai fed Fu Lu Shou Xi with the kitten Miao Xian Bao she just bought in the supermarket today.

Jiang Qiao said that the two little cats are already a circle bigger than before, and they can usually be fed canned cat food to add some nutrition, and fur children also like to eat it.

Little Fulu, little Shouxi, come over for dinner.

Fairy Bai let out a cry, and poured a bag into each of the two cat bowls. The Miao Xian bag contained processed minced tuna, which had a strong fishy smell.

She wrinkled her nose, but Fu Lu Shou Xi hurried over after smelling it, probably because it was her first time eating fish, the two cubs ate fish with great joy.

Fairy Bai always had a faint smile on her face. Looking back on the time when the two lived together, they usually played around and raised kittens. Such days seemed a hundred times warmer than the past tens of thousands of years of quiet life. .

Are you only envious of mandarin ducks and not immortals?

She smiled to herself: There are indeed several reasons.

She suddenly looked back at the kitchen, but her eyes were blocked by a wall, and she couldn't see anything, only the sound of splashing water could be heard.

Fairy Bai suddenly sensed something was wrong. Jiang Qiao usually cooked the meal, then called her, and ran over after smelling it. So, she was basically the same as these two little ones? They were all fed by Jiang Qiao.

If he is a dog, she is... a cat girl?

No wonder Jiang Qiao asked her if her body was a cat...

Crumb man!

What strange hobbies!

She secretly glanced at the kitchen again, thinking that he might have a while to wash the dishes, and suddenly imitated the female anchors in the small station with a soft meow~ shyly.

Hmm...so shameful.

Would he really like himself like this?

A few minutes later, Jiang Qiao cleaned up the kitchen, walked into the living room, and saw Fairy Bai squatting in the corner feeding the two cubs at first glance. Her curved back stretched out in a rounded arc, and somehow felt that Fairy Bai was very feminine today. .

He couldn't help but think of the saying that was circulated on the Internet, cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness, and the insight is very unique.

Do they like to eat? Jiang Qiao walked over and knelt down beside her.

Fairy Bai suddenly turned to look at him, blushing and meowing softly.

He froze for a moment, and then realized after looking at Fairy Bai's eyes full of shame, this...she acted like a spoiled child to him again?

He also meows like a cat, so how does he know that he likes this one?

Ah, I'm dead.

Can you scream again? He swallowed and asked tentatively.

Fairy Bai: ???

It sounds so good, I want to hear it. Cai Gou said shamelessly.

She hugged Xiao Shouxi who was eating fish with a blank expression and squeezed slightly, Xiaobai was forced to meow.

Jiang Qiao: ...

He said speechlessly, I want to hear you call.

I didn't bark. You heard it wrong just now. It barked. Fairy Bai turned her head away.

Jiang Qiao pursed his mouth, dare to do it or not? Are you tsundere?

He lowered his head and continued to watch the two kittens eating fish, even licking the soup clean.

It seems that the two of them like to eat it, but it is said that there are food attractants added in this kind of fresh bag, so you can feed them once a week, and you don't need to eat it often. Jiang Qiao said seriously.

Only now did Fairy Bai look back at his face, he was quite handsome when he was not smiling.


She slowly moved closer to his ear.

Jiang Qiao's breathing was stagnant, and he turned his head to look at her in disbelief on a conditioned reflex. His charming voice seemed to make his ears go numb.

Fairy Bai stood up shyly, walked to the sofa and sat down, turned on the computer, and forced herself not to look at his face, otherwise her ears would be hot.

Cough... Yueling, do you want to wear that kind of clothes? With cat ears and a cat tail, I think it will suit you very well! Jiang Qiao said seriously.

Bai Xianzi quickly searched for cat girl costume on Du Niang, opened the picture and only glanced at it, blushing, and quickly closed the browser.

I don't want it! Don't even think about it! Impossible!

Jiang Qiao chuckled. There is no need to be so absolute now, this matter should be discussed in the future.

After stroking the kitten, he walked over and sat down next to Fairy Bai, deliberately looking into her eyes, and whenever Fairy Bai dodged in any direction, he walked over and squatted down.

What are you looking at! Fairy Bai said angrily.

See if you're shy.

Vegetable dog!

Wow woof.

Die you!

After cursing with a blushing face, her heart was pounding, this annoying dog was really annoying.


With a snap, she closed the laptop and took two steps forward to hug him.

Jiang Qiao was stunned again. Why is Fairy Bai so abnormal today? She wears white silk, learns to meow, and still hugs him without saying a word.

Isn't she just Wu Sujin who grew up together? Is the sense of crisis so strong?

Next time if he stimulates her again, will he allow him to do it when he kisses?

You are...

I don't know why, but I just want to hug you all of a sudden, you know I'm doing what I want. Fairy Bai explained with a blushing face.

Jiang Qiao looked down at her face buried in his neck: Did Xinxin tell you that your dog is eager to be kissed now?


That's it. Jiang Qiao sighed in disappointment, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her hair.

Fairy Bai closed her eyes to enjoy her boyfriend's warm embrace after dinner.

Jiang Qiao said before that he likes the smell of her body very much. It is a unique scent, very fresh, very elegant, and very nice.

And now, she also smelled Jiang Qiao's scent.

It was warm, neither fragrant nor stinky, it just made people feel comfortable, a kind of warmth that wanted to stick in his arms all the time.

As for the stinky smell of smoke before, it seems that I haven't smelled it for a long time.

He really changed a lot for himself.

Xin Xin said, if someone wants to kiss her now, she will not refuse.

There was a very small voice in the arms.


(I also wrote this week's episode... I wrote a total of three articles, I was exhausted, I asked for a monthly ticket)

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