Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 187 186. I will suppress you when I reach perfection in cultivating immortality

Jiang Qiao looked down at her blushing face, his eyes were slightly closed, his slender and curly eyelashes were still beating, but his chin had already been raised.

The lips were pink and translucent, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, and he couldn't help but want to pick this charming fruit.

Yueling, I like you so much...

He whispered softly, lowered his head slowly, and held his seductive lips.

Then the warmth has not exceeded half a minute.

He felt that his head was bitten, Fairy Bai opened his eyes, pinched his wrist tightly with two fingers, and stared at him with shame and indignation.

Your hand! If you do this again... I won't kiss you in the future!

Just being taken advantage of, her face is still red, why can't she simply kiss her? She doesn't want to have children.

Jiang Qiao wanted to cry, but he didn't know why his hands would inexplicably appear there when he was about to kiss him. Could it be that he really wanted to tie his hands in the future?

You said before, if I start cultivating immortals now, how long will it take me to achieve success? He changed the subject.

The spiritual energy in this world is exhausted, and the laws are not manifested. It will take a hundred years at the fastest to get started.

Fairy Bai looked at him: Didn't you always think that cultivating immortals is useless, why do you suddenly ask this?

I was just thinking how long it would take to practice before I could suppress you. Jiang Qiao said seriously.

Although the invincible fairy has no dao fruit and can't perform fairy arts and dao methods, her various fighting skills and grasping methods are not comparable to ordinary mortals.

If they really wanted to fight on the bed, Jiang Qiao would definitely lose badly.

But the question is, why can't you touch it when you kiss? Other lovers can touch, but he can't.

Suppress me?

Jiang Qiao nodded: When I reach the completion of cultivation, the first thing I will do is to suppress you, and then I will do all the things I want to do but dare not do.

Don't think about it, I won't let you succeed!

Fairy Bai blushed. She knew that what Jiang Qiao said must include having a baby.

You know, touching your breasts through your clothes is already scary. If you have a baby... the sky will definitely fall.

Jiang Qiao smiled noncommittally. Whether he can succeed is a matter for the future, and we will talk about it later, but there is one thing that he has been very anxious since Fairy Bai got the vaccine. It is an urgent matter that must be resolved.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if the marriage cannot be consummated on the wedding night.

By the way, is there any exercise that can increase hardness? I want to learn it.

Why do you learn to practice horizontally?

Jiang Qiao suddenly didn't dare to look at her, and his eyes averted slightly. It was impossible to tell her that he was worried that he was not strong enough, and he might not be able to pierce it.

Hey, we have a saying here 'No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives', in case we go down the mountain and encounter someone robbing with a knife, even if I am not good at learning, I can still be a human shield that can resist beatings, such as what Gold bell cover, iron cloth shirt and so on, you can output safely by the side.

When Fairy Bai heard it, it seemed to make sense.

My master once had the unique skill Invincibility at the Supreme Level. After practicing it, you will be invincible at the same level, even if you step up the level, you can fight.

Hearing this name, Jiang Qiao began to salivate, thinking that the unique knowledge from his previous life would suit him very well.

Can I learn?

She shook her head: It's not the best way, you can't learn it.

Jiang Qiao was dumb for a moment. The Supreme Being was forgetful. He finally walked into Fairy Bai's heart. Now he wanted to forget her by himself, absolutely impossible.

Forget it.

However, I do have another unique art of body training, which is comparable to Taishang Invincible Body, and the cultivation conditions are not so harsh.

Jiang Qiao blinked.

The King Kong is not bad originated from Buddhism. There was a holy monk who practiced it to the peak. From then on, he was invincible, invulnerable to all poisons, and instantly became a Buddha.

Jiang Qiao suddenly became interested, for nothing else, just the words invincible, isn't that what he wanted?

This exercise is good, and it suits me quite well.

Fairy Bai hesitated slightly: King Kong is not bad is also known as Hunyuan boy skill, are you sure you want to learn it?

Boy...what do you mean?

It literally means that requiring Yuanyang not to vent is a method of refining and transforming qi. Although it cannot be accomplished in this world, it can still be done if it is only invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire.

Jiang Qiao was dumbfounded. He still wanted to have a baby with Fairy Bai. Yuanyang might not be able to do it.

What if, I mean, what if it leaks?

I don't know what Fairy Bai thought of, her face suddenly turned red.

There is no progress in this life.

Jiang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was a big deal. He didn't practice kung fu to become a god or a Buddha, but simply to increase his hardness.

Yue Ling, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and tell me. From now on, I will be able to protect you.

The innocent Fairy Bai still didn't know what Jiang Qiao was thinking. She meditated on the whole exercise several times, and her face turned redder than before.

She is a woman, so she cannot practice by nature. Although Jiang Qiao is a man, there is no aura in this world. If he wants to practice forcefully, he needs to draw it by himself. gas.

But in that case, Jiang Qiao had to be completely stripped off. Although the two had hugged each other and even ate She's head, they were not close enough to meet each other honestly.

The most important thing is, what if Jiang Qiao suddenly became so animalistic at that time and suddenly wanted to have a child with her.

She lowered her head and her face was red: Next time... I will teach you next time.

Why next time, not now? Jiang Qiao raised his eyebrows.

No! After all, it belongs to the Buddhist technique, and I have never practiced it. I forgot some parts. I will talk about it when I think about it. You don't want to go crazy, do you?

In that case, let's wait until you think about it.

Jiang Qiao just felt a little regretful, he couldn't wait to experience the hard state of his whole body, but now his skills seemed to be lacking, so of course he couldn't practice it by force, otherwise he would cry to death if it exploded.

Fairy Bai straightened her pajamas, ran to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water, only then did the burning heat on her face subside significantly.

Come and sit, let's watch TV for a while.

Jiang Qiao patted the seat next to him, Fairy Bai nodded, walked over to sit next to him, but consciously put her legs together so that he wouldn't touch them.

She is wearing white silk now, and she knows how attractive it is to that guy.

Look at what?

A very long movie, I watched it when I was young, it's called No. The protagonist will use the invincible power of Vajra, and when he performs the power, he will become a little golden man.

Little golden man?

That is, the whole body is golden.


After reminiscing about the classics, Jiang Qiao still enjoys watching them. I have to say that the previous TV dramas are better than the current cutouts and special effects in terms of plots and fighting effects.

He didn't know where to get a blanket to cover the legs of the two of them. It happened that Fairy Bai felt that she was naked from the thigh down, and thought that the dog was trying to curry favor with her.

What do you think of these people's kung fu?

Well... in your world, it should be very powerful.

In your eyes?

There are many loopholes, within the same level, I am invincible.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help being dumbfounded, he would ask such a stupid question to a Tribulation Immortal.

The subsequent fights will gradually become exciting, and there will be scenes of moving mountains and filling seas.


Having said that, Fairy Bai is still not very interested. No matter how exciting it is in Jiang Qiao's eyes, she always feels that it is too naive and has too many useless tricks. Whether it is cultivating immortals or martial arts, real masters are often The winner is determined within one move.

Until...she saw the right and wrong little golden man, and couldn't bear it anymore.

The real Vajra is not bad, its body is like gold, its eyes are like glass, it is invulnerable to all dharmas, and it is not a little golden man covered in gold powder.

Jiang Qiao chuckled: The director and the screenwriter have never cultivated immortality, so how can they know what King Kong is not bad? As for martial arts, it is enough to see it. Moreover, in the hearts of most ordinary people, this is what King Kong is not bad.

It's true. Fairy Bai pursed her lips and said no more.

Before he knew it, Jiang Qiao sneaked his hand into the blanket, and then touched Fairy Bai's calf wrapped in silk stockings.

It's really slippery and slippery.

As soon as her expression changed, her soft calf immediately became stiff.

Your hand! Fairy Bai glared at him with a straight face.

No wonder they had to cover their legs with a blanket, which revealed their true thoughts. Is the temptation of silk stockings really that great?

Hmm... aren't you watching TV? Jiang Qiao changed the subject with some guilt.

Take it out!

Can I just keep my hands here?

Fairy Bai felt it carefully. Jiang Qiao's hand was placed on his calf. The palm was so hot that it was very hot.

She curled her toes and looked down at the bulge of the blanket. Although she knew that Jiang Qiao was doing something bad, she couldn't see it, so she didn't seem so ashamed.

Then don't move. After repeated hesitation, she compromised.

Jiang Qiao giggled, love is like this, as long as she takes a step back, he will advance a foot, and the final result is that harassing him gradually becomes a habit, and finally all positions are lost.


Fairy Bai said first: Do you want to say that we are used to kissing and hugging. It is normal for couples to touch their feet and legs.

Jiang Qiao nodded, and added another sentence: I still eat Shetou.

Thinking that she had initiated several kisses today, Fairy Bai blushed again and again.

Yes... that's right, but... after you touch your legs, you will definitely ask for more.

Jiang Qiao chuckled: Are you afraid that I will ask you to have a baby?

Isn't it?

Touching legs and feet won't give birth to a child, but it can enhance the relationship between the two of them. Jiang Qiao looked into her eyes and said seriously: Anything that can make the other person blush and heartbeat can enhance the relationship, just like you recently fell in love with her. Like a kiss.

Touching the legs is different.

You didn't allow me to eat your head before? It turns out that you are the one who opens your mouth first every time.

You...don't say it!

Seeing that Fairy Bai was shy again, Jiang Qiao smiled without saying a word. It has to be said that he is very good at turning the once cold fairy into this little girl attitude.

After thinking about it, the hand under the blanket pinched it lightly, and the flesh on the calf was so soft.

Liar! You can't say no! Fairy Bai glared at him in embarrassment.

Hands haven't moved, they've been kept here.

Before she got angry, Jiang Qiao suddenly leaned over and hugged her.

Don't hit me first, and experience it carefully. Apart from being shy, is there a strange feeling? We are boyfriend and girlfriend, and the taste of love is shame and sweetness.

Fairy Bai froze for a moment, and Jiang Qiao continued: I'm not trying to take advantage of you, it's greedy for your body, it's lustful, but I just want to be with you, do some intimate things, I like to be with you The feeling of the heart pounding together.

Her tense body relaxed unconsciously.

I like to kiss and hug you, because there will be a sense of happiness in my heart. Fairy Bai looked at the blanket, and Jiang Qiao's hands were still moving slowly.

After all, it's impossible for us to kiss and hug all the time. It's like going out shopping and holding hands. It's the same reason I hug you and watch TV dramas and touch your legs now. I want to stick with you, and this This kind of thinking is expressed through physical contact.

Fairy Bai pursed her lips tightly, her brain was still digesting Jiang Qiao's content. After thinking about it carefully, holding hands and touching legs are indeed the same thing. Holding hands outdoors, under the eyes of others, touching legs at home, only The two know.

Logically speaking, the latter is more acceptable.

Aside from the matter of touching the legs, it is regarded as an intimate action between the two of us, which will also have different pleasures, and even the brain will secrete a special substance called dopamine, which will make people obsessed with it. This feeling.

Fairy Bai turned her head and looked out of the dark window, the snow seemed to be falling again.

After accepting that touching the legs is a very normal setting, I really feel less nervous.

At first, she also didn't let Jiang Qiao hold hands, and she didn't allow him to spit out his head, but after that, everything seemed to be a matter of course. What I have done once, I am no longer shy the second time. Instead, I long for the sweetness of sticking with him.

You are only allowed to touch your legs. Shame flashed in her eyes.

Yeah, just touch the legs, and wait for your permission to talk about other places.

Looking at her staring eyes, Jiang Qiao added in time: Don't think about it, I'm talking about feet.

Fairy Bai absent-mindedly watched No. 1 Under Heaven playing on the computer, and felt Jiang Qiao's hand slowly stroking and kneading her calf with all her heart. Even she herself could feel an inexplicable feeling. Silky, a little itchy, a little...comfortable.

Yue Ling, it's not just about having children between couples. In fact, many things are more interesting than having children, such as we are now.



Thanks for the 3,000 rewards of [I don’t like wearing masks], for the 2,000 rewards of [Invisible Dice], for the 1,800 rewards of [Ciyou 774], and for [Book Friends 20170714171300630] [Zhuoerweiqing] [Nuo Tianyan] The 1,700 rewards of [My Life], the 1,500 rewards of [Assembly Line Operators], and the 100 rewards of [Nalanqi] [Chang'an Doesn't Envy Immortals].

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