The old man was very angry.

Polusica's place

Zon appeared here with Erza. After handing Erza to Polusica, the moment he turned around, Zon's momentum changed, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The forest was suddenly quiet, and the wind was stopped by this terrifying murderous intent.

"Boy, be careful, this is not a battlefield!" Polusica's grandmother suddenly said, and it was this voice that broke Zon's momentum, and the surroundings returned to the original quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

"Sorry, grandmother, I've caused you trouble." Zon turned his head and said with an apologetic smile.

"Boy, remember to drive all the enemies out."

"Yes, mother-in-law, I will." Zorn replied lightly, and his figure disappeared from the original place.

But Polucca still stared at the direction of the battlefield for a while, sighed, and turned to prepare medicine.


Gray and Juvia battlefield

"Are you one of the four elements, the rain girl?" Gray kept ready to fight and confirmed the Juvia holding an umbrella in front of him.

"Yes! Juvia is it."

"Drip drip drip!"

"No matter who you are, I don't intend to let anyone who hurts my partner go!"

Gray looked at Juvia with cold eyes. The action of hurting Lucy just now had already crossed out in Gray's heart.

Just as the two were staring at each other, Juvia's heart was suddenly attracted by the demeanor of the man in front of him and his determination to save his companions just now.

She didn't hear the harsh words that Gray just said.

"Plop, plop"

"What should I do? This cold temperament looks so handsome!! Could it be, could it be that this is my prince charming?" Juvia's mind was already playing out the scene of getting married and falling in love.

"What are you thinking about, woman?" Gray couldn't help but tense up when he saw Juvia motionless, looking at him shyly.

"Or, or, capture him and take him back, that's it." Juvia thought about it, stretched out her hand and shyly released magic: "Water Constraint"

Gray was immediately in the water ball, and it was difficult to breathe, with a hideous expression.

As soon as Juvia saw the state, she also wanted to remove the magic immediately, but she was still thinking.

Gray clenched his hands, and the cold magic broke out completely. The water ball instantly froze, and Gray struggled to get out, and the ice turned into ice crystals and floated in the air.

As the ice crystals flickered, Gray sparkled in Juvia's eyes, making her already restless heart even more determined that Gray was her life partner.

"Damn it, you dared to attack me by surprise, you guy, it seems that I can only let you surrender quickly."

Gray squatted on the ground, took off his clothes, and ignored Juvia who was now shy and screaming. He directly clasped his hands together and called up magic power.

"Ice Shape Magic-Big Battle Axe" Gray turned around and swung the battle axe, spinning it at high speed to cut Juvia in half.

"It's useless. No matter how many times I try, the result is the same, dripping. Hostile parties, it seems that this is our fate, goodbye my little love flower"

Juvia's expression has recovered at the end, "Water Flow Magic-Water Flow Slash", several sharp water knives whizzed past, Gray stomped his feet hard and dodged the attack.

Turning his head, the house behind him had been chopped into pieces by the water knife.

"This is a jet of water that can cut through hard objects such as steel. Don't underestimate water. You are quite agile this time."

"Go, hand over Lucy quickly, so you still have a chance." Juvia suggested, looking at Gray's somewhat shocked expression, but it was this suggestion that made Gray even more furious.

"Stop joking, it's impossible. Lucy is my important partner. I won't hand her over even if I risk my life." This sentence also hurt Juvia greatly. She directly regarded Lucy as a love rival. Coupled with the determination to save Lucy just now, Juvia was also full of jealousy at this time.

"Lucy, Lucy, I will never let Lucy go"

"Water Flow Impact"

"Shaping Magic - Ice Spring"

Gray's shaping magic speed has made great progress in these years of training, completely catching up with Juvia's magic. When the two magics collided, they wrestled with each other, and both sides were outputting magic power at full strength.

Juvia's jealousy turned the water into boiling water, and the temperature kept rising, impacting Gray's ice, but it only melted Gray's ice a little.

Under the circumstances, he was defeated and froze the hot water and Juvia in place.

"Ah, so strong, so powerful."

"Ah, really, why is he so excited all of a sudden." Gray looked at Juvia who was frozen and still shy, and was a little confused about the situation, so he couldn't remove the magic.

This removal of the magic moved Juvia directly, and looked at Gray with love in her eyes: "So gentle, ah, I like it so much."

But looking at Juvia lying on the ground still shy, and looking up at the heavier rain, he couldn't help complaining: "What an annoying rain, why is it getting heavier."

As soon as this sentence came out, Juvia, who was originally shy, changed her face, looked at Gray who was still complaining in disbelief, and thought of the experience of being disliked by everyone when she was a child, without a partner, and without the arrival of love.

The whole person collapsed and shouted: "Every man is the same, Juvia, no need for love, Juvia is the four elements of the Phantom Guild, look at me"

With the roar, a stronger water flow than before roared out from Juvia's hand, instantly impacting Gray, and the temperature was higher than before. Juvia turned into a water flow and continued to impact Gray with the water flow.

"Damn it, what's wrong, Phantom Guild, I can't lose to a Phantom Guild."

"Ice Shape Magic-Super Ice Spring" A stronger icy magic power instantly gushed out, instantly freezing Juvia and the magic on an icicle, and the surrounding rain was also frozen into ice crystals, and the surrounding houses were also frozen together.

The partners fighting with the enemy around were also affected, feeling Gray's magic, and knowing that Gray had successfully solved the opponent at this time, they fought even harder.

At the moment when Gray lifted the magic, Juvia fell directly from the sky. Looking at the ice crystals falling from the sky and the houses surrounded by ice, she was deeply shocked by Gray's strength, but she also felt sorry for herself in her heart. It was useless to regret that she was really sorry.

Just before she landed, Juvia was caught by Gray and held in his arms. Feeling the warmth of Gray's body and the feeling of his skin, her face flushed immediately: "Why did you save Juvia!"

"Why? I don't know."

Just after Gray finished saying this, the sky, which was originally still cloudy, suddenly became clear and the sun just happened to shine on Gray. Juvia was in Gray's arms, looking at the sun she saw for the first time, and then seeing Gray's handsome face illuminated by the sun, she instantly lost control, her heart was beating non-stop, and she fainted in Gray's arms with happiness.

Gray - Winner

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