The wound was so severe that the wound was not serious.

And Xi couldn't hold on and fell down before he could see the result.

I don't know how long it took, when Xi woke up again, he found himself lying on Erza's thigh. Erza also found Xi woke up, "Xi, you woke up, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine, it's just that my magic power consumption is a bit large, and the injury is not very serious."

This is a lie.

Xi felt his own condition. Not only was his magic power basically exhausted, but his injuries were also very serious, but he could still hold on to his own activities. Although the situation was very bad, he didn't show it, so as not to worry Erza.

Erza was relieved.

Xi suddenly thought of something, "By the way, what about Protoma? And what about those villagers who were locked up?"

"Don't worry, Protoma has been defeated by you, and he is still in a coma," Erza pointed at Protoma lying on the ground in the distance. "As for the villagers, I woke them up and released them after I woke up."

Xi then relaxed, but still said seriously: "It's not over yet, there is still an artificial demon he created, and it must not be awakened, otherwise it will be another disaster!"

Eluza also knew the seriousness of the matter, and laid Xi flat on the ground, ready to go and destroy the magic circle.

But it was still a step too late, and Protoma, who was lying on the ground, stood up tremblingly and walked to the front of the magic circle with difficulty, "Do you think you have won?! None of you can leave today!"

Then he closed his eyes, chanting an unknown spell, and the magic circle lit up with a dark light, and the breath of the demon in the formation became more and more terrifying.

After seeing this, Xi and the other two said, "Not good!" They rushed forward with difficulty, trying to interrupt his spell.

Unfortunately, Xi was injured too badly. Just as he was about to get up, he felt a sharp pain in his body, as if his whole body was falling apart.

Xi grimaced in pain and was forced to stop. He shouted weakly at Erza: "Go, Erza!"

"Change clothes-Black Feather Armor!" Erza summoned the armor and raised the sword in her hand to stab Protoma.

Protoma suddenly opened his eyes, "Wake up, my most proud masterpiece-'Magic Eye' Kankudelyo!"

The demon behind him opened his huge single eye and burst out with powerful magic! In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Protoma and slapped Erza away with one claw, and she was unable to move.

"Hahaha! See this magic! This power! This is my masterpiece - 'Magic Eye' Kankudel!"

After seeing this, Xi said unwillingly: "Damn it! Is it too late!"

Protoma continued: "It's a pity that the villagers imprisoned here were released by you, otherwise my 'Magic Eye' would be even more powerful!"

"But it doesn't matter, there are still you! As long as I devour you all, I can become stronger! The effect of two wizards is far from being comparable to a dozen ordinary villagers!"

Then Protoma showed a fanatical smile: "Go, be the nutrients that make my 'Magic Eye' stronger! Come on, 'Magic Eye' Kankudel! Devour them, and then follow me to rule this continent!"

But strangely, the demon did not listen to him, but walked in front of him, staring at him evilly with a huge scarlet eye.

Protoma frowned and shouted: "What do you want to do? I am your master. Do you dare not obey my orders?!"

"My master... is not you... Only Zeref is my real master..." A low and numbing voice came from the devil's mouth.

Protoma was furious: "What did you say!? I created you! I gave you your power! Without me, you are nothing! I am your real master! Go and kill them for me!"

After hearing this, Xi and the others watched them carefully in case the devil suddenly attacked: "They seem to have an internal conflict. What should we do?" Erza asked.

"At present, our strength is only one tenth of what it is. We can only find an opportunity to retreat and then go back to the guild for help!"

Erza nodded in agreement.

The other demon ignored them and stared at Protoma with greedy eyes.

Of course, Protoma also noticed it and said in panic: "Damn it, what do you want to do!"

The magic eye gathered a lot of magic power in its single eye, and a magic light flashed. ,, Protoma instantly fell to the ground in pain.

The magic eye demon jumped suddenly, and its huge claws

The demon grabbed him and opened his ferocious mouth to push the demon into his mouth.

Protoma screamed in fear: "No, no, no! Don't! Ahhhh!"

"Crack-crack-crack-" As the demon continued to chew, blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth, and finally Protoma was swallowed into his stomach.

Then, his body burst out with unprecedented powerful magic.

Feeling the terrifying magic power of darkness made Xi and the others tremble uncontrollably. "No, this magic power! The strength of this demon has exceeded the scope of S-level, far beyond our ability to deal with!"

Xi yelled at Erza: "I will stop the demon, Erza, you go!"

"No, I said! Fairy Tail will not abandon its companions!"

"Go! We will all die here! It's better to escape as many as possible! You must escape!"

Erza wanted to say something but was interrupted by Xi immediately: "Go! Don't worry, I won't die so easily, I still have a lot of things to do! Believe me, you run away, go back to the guild and tell the president, and then find a way to save me!"

Erza was grief-stricken and hesitant, but finally gritted her teeth and said painfully: "I know, you must hold on, don't die!" Then she turned and ran away, leaving behind painful tears.

"Ah, don't worry, even if I can't beat him, I still have the ability to escape..." Xi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then stared at the devil with full readiness.

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