The demon had already digested the food, and looked at Xi and said, "Human, food!" Then another huge beam of light shot towards Xi. Xi knew that even in his prime, he was no match for him, not to mention that he was covered in wounds, and dodged the attack in a panic. Xi judged that even if he used the Dragon Slayer Secret, he might not cause much damage to the demon, let alone ordinary magic. But Xi also considered defeating it. He only needed to delay time, try to get Erza to escape successfully, and then find a way to get out. Thinking of this, Xi no longer hesitated, and kept wandering around, trying to harass the opponent, "Light Magic-Light Arrow Rain!" Countless light arrows shot at the demon. But it's not over yet. Ye Fengsheng extended his index finger, shining with golden light, "Laser beam!" A golden laser beam pointed at the demon.

The demon just crossed his hands to block all the attacks, but its arm was only slightly scratched and was not affected.

Seeing this, Xi did not dare to be careless. He put his hands together and opened them again, "Light Magic-Light Destroying Bomb!" With a push of his hands, a basketball-sized ball of light shot out.

This move was developed when Xi had not yet mastered the Dragon Slayer Secret-Holy Light Demon Slayer Bullet.

It is not like the light bullet of Goku in Dragon Ball, which can be shot continuously. You can only throw the light ball in your hand to produce a huge explosion, and the magic power is also huge, only slightly worse than the Dragon Slayer Secret. If you really want to say it, it is a castrated version of the spirit bomb.

Xi gasped for breath, and the continuous magic made Xi, who had little magic power, almost faint, but he still gritted his teeth and held on without falling.

The one-eyed demon finally felt the danger and did not use his arms to resist, but shot out a more powerful black light wave.

The two magics collided, and the powerful explosion finally caused the already unstable cave to collapse.

Without saying a word, Xi quickly transformed into light and fled the cave at the fastest speed, regardless of his own magic consumption.

At this time, he had completely ignored the demon behind him.

Finally, at the moment when the cave collapsed completely, Xi escaped. He showed his figure and looked at the cave entrance blocked by rubble in front of him, panting.

He didn't know whether the demon inside would be crushed to death, but it was highly unlikely, but at least it would be seriously injured.

Unfortunately, the facts proved to disappoint Xi.

I saw a powerful black light wave shooting out from the cave entrance, and all the rubble affected by it turned into dust powder and dissipated in the air.

Then a huge figure walked out of the cave entrance.

Seeing that the demon was only slightly injured, Xi felt very powerless about its defense.

Although Xi still has dragon-slaying magic, most dragon-slaying magicians are mainly close-range.

Even if the attack is effective, it can only be a wound in exchange for wounds. In the end, he will definitely die. Although there is still a dragon-slaying secret, the premise is that he has enough magic power.

Unfortunately, Xi's magic power has already run out at this time. At most, he can only barely use an ordinary magic, and then he can only be slaughtered by that kind of demon, and the ending remains unchanged.

Thinking of this, Xi is extremely eager to have a strong strength.

Just as Xi racked his brains to find a solution, on the other side.

Erza kept running to the foot of the mountain.

She didn't dare to stop. She just wanted to run faster and faster! The more minutes Xi wasted, the more dangerous it would be. She didn't want to waste the time Xi exchanged for his life.

But despite saying so, her physical condition was not much better after continuous battles. Not only was her magic power very little, she was also seriously injured in the previous battle, and even her physical strength was gradually exhausted as she continued to run wildly.

Slowly, Erza felt that her legs were as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and her eyes were blurred. She could only move forward step by step, biting her lips hard to force herself to wake up.

But she still fell down due to her physical condition.

Erza fell to the ground in a mess, her eyelids trembling slightly, and when she was about to close her eyes, she vaguely found a figure in front of her.

Orange hair, tattered black cloak draped over her body, seemed a little familiar, as if she had seen it in the guild before, and a light flashed in her mind!

That's right! It's Gildarts!

Surprised, she forced herself not to faint again, opened her mouth slightly, and wanted to call that person.

And the man, Gildarts, also found Erza lying on the ground not far away. He was so surprised that he didn't have time to think about why there was an injured person here.

's child.

He quickly ran to Erza, propped up her body, and kept calling her to wake her up.

Unfortunately, Erza was too tired, and with the serious injuries, she had fallen asleep.

When he carried Erza on his back and wanted to find a doctor, he vaguely heard Erza calling someone's name: "Xi...Xi...There's danger...Go save him..."

"What, who is Xi you are talking about? What happened to him?" Gildarts asked.

Unfortunately, Erza had already answered his question.

Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly heard an explosion on the mountain. He turned around and saw a beam of light shooting out from the mountain.

He understood where someone was fighting, and it was very likely that it was the person Erza was talking about. It seemed to be called...Xi, right?

Thinking of this, he didn't care to think so much. He knew that Xi was in a very dangerous situation at the moment, and if he didn't save her, she would probably die.

Then, Gildarts carried Erza on his back, exerted force on his feet, and rushed to the battle over there at the fastest speed.

The scene returns to Xi again.

At this time, Xi was inadequate in magic power, so he could only dodge the devil's magic in a panic, constantly looking for an opportunity to escape.

On the other side, the one-eyed demon seemed to have found a fun toy. He did not use any large-scale magic, but just kept shooting rays to tease Xi, not letting him stop. It was really a bad taste.

Xi certainly understood the devil's mind. He was very angry and powerless. Now he had no choice but to dodge. He didn't even have a chance to escape.

After a few minutes, Xi no longer had the strength to dodge, and could only barely keep his body from falling. He looked at the one-eyed demon in front of him panting.

He thought helplessly, is this the end? Damn it! I haven't become the strongest wizard, I haven't met Bagulan Xi, I haven't experienced the fun of adventure, is it over!

However, Erza should have escaped by now, but it's a pity that when she came back to find me, she was already a corpse, and there was not even a corpse left.

Of course, Xi couldn't die. Not to mention that the light dragon king Bagulang Xi who adopted him was in his body, he was still the protagonist of this book! If he died, this book couldn't be written!

On the other side, the one-eyed demon saw that Xi was no longer able to escape, and felt that he had had enough fun. It was time to eat him as his own nourishment.

Then, the one-eyed demon condensed a large amount of dark magic power, no, it was curse power.

It is well known that the demons created by Zeref did not use magic but spells. Although the one-eyed demon was not created by Zeref. But it was also created by relying on one of Zeref's dark taboo books, so it was naturally able to use curse power.

Every once in a while, the spell cast by the one-eyed demon exuded a terrible breath. When it reached the limit, a three-meter-thick black light column shot out. If Xi was hit by this trick, it would probably be really dead.

But God favored him. Just when the light column was about to drown Xi, suddenly a tall figure rushed in front of him.

The man raised his fist wrapped in white magic and punched hard, shattering the entire beam of light.

Seeing such a powerful spell being caught and broken easily, Xi opened his mouth in surprise, with incredible eyes flashing.

Later, when the man turned to look at him, Xi seemed to recognize his identity, it was Gildarts!

That's right, only he who possesses the super-high-level magic that can crush magic can do this.

"Hey, boy! Are you okay?" Gildarts greeted Xi with a smile.

He also saw Xi's expression and was secretly happy in his heart. Another boy who was fascinated by him, I am still so handsome! Gildarts thought narcissistically.

Xi also reacted at this time, "Yes! Thank you for saving me!"

Looking at Gildarts with a wretched smile in front of him, he thought to himself: "Sure enough, he is just like the sloppy and wretched uncle in the anime in the previous life, it's confirmed!" But on the surface, he still maintained a look of surprise and a hint of admiration.

Of course, Gildarts didn't know Xi's inner thoughts. He pointed at Erza who was placed on a big tree behind him: "Is that girl your companion?"

Xi looked in the direction and soon saw Erza: "Yes, her name is Erza, my name is Xi, we are both wizards of Fairy Tail."

Gildarts was also surprised when he heard it: "Really? I am also a wizard of Fairy Tail, my name is Gildarts!"

Then he looked at the demon in the distance seriously, "How could you face such a powerful monster? This is not a task you can complete at all!"

Xi smiled bitterly, "It's a long story, we don't know this

This demon is so powerful. Thanks to you, uncle, or I would have died. "

Gildarts: "In that case, let's not talk about it for now. Wait until I kill this demon, and then you can tell me in detail!"

Hearing Gildarts' words, Xi was very impressed. Such a powerful demon, Gildarts could easily say that he would kill it, which proved how strong Gildarts was. Xi guessed that Gildarts had the strength of the Tenth Saint at this time, and it was not the last one.

Thinking of this, the body relaxed, and then prepared to observe the battle between Gildarts and the one-eyed demon.

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