In a parallel world.

The competition venue at this moment is magnificent, like a huge arena that accommodates audiences and players from all over the world.

This is the scene of the dungeon production competition, which is also an international competition.

I saw colorful flags flying all around, and the national flags of various countries intertwined in the air to form a magnificent picture.

The audience was enthusiastic, and cheers and applause came one after another.

"The second dungeon making competition has finally begun!"

"I believe that with the experience from the last time, this dungeon competition will be even more exciting!"

"I heard that the best copy in the last copy contest was made by a girl from Dragon Country! I wonder who will make the best copy this time!"

"Hahaha! I don’t know, I’m really looking forward to it!"................

At this moment, the lively discussions around him kept entering Su Heng's ears. At this moment, he finally believed that he had traveled through time.

He came to a parallel world. A few months ago, an alien object descended on this world, and countries rushed to snatch it, and the situation became more and more serious.

Even a war was about to start, and in order to avoid this situation, countries finally decided to study this alien object together.

So they discovered the true function of the alien object. Unexpectedly, this thing was a thing called a copy production system.

Just enter the system's space, you can collect people's ideas and materialize them into copies. Of course, you must pass the system's judgment before you can really make it into a copy.

The made copy allows people to enter it to pass the level, and the first person to pass the copy.

Not only can you get control of the copy, but more importantly, you can materialize anything in the copy. As soon as this happened, all countries felt crazy. After all, being able to materialize something imaginary is a huge temptation for both countries and individuals.

But in order to protect order and for world peace, various countries jointly formulated this competition called the copy production competition.

Each country will select the best talents as representatives to participate in the competition to create copies. The copies created in the competition will be owned by the first person to pass the level and become his private property.

This is the consensus reached after discussions among all countries. This is also the value of the participants in the copy creation competition.

Just as Su Heng was thinking, he saw a young and beautiful figure holding a microphone and walked to the stage to introduce himself.

" Hello everyone! I am the host Lina!"

"Now the second dungeon making competition is about to begin. Let's welcome the other contestants with warm applause."

After the voice fell, the remaining contestants walked into the venue one after another. At this moment, the bright spotlights on the field were shone down, and the surrounding cameras were instantly aimed at everyone.

Su Heng also began to observe these future opponents. These people were different in height, shortness, fatness, or thinness, but the only thing in common was that everyone's eyes were full of strong confidence.

At the same time, they were also full of desire for victory, and several of them caught Su Heng's attention.

One was a girl with a cold temperament and beautiful appearance. This girl, like Su Heng, was also a contestant from Longguo and the champion of the previous dungeon making competition, named Li Yi.

The other was a smiling, handsome blond man. He was the second place in the previous dungeon making competition, named Wright.

Seeing these powerful opponents at this moment, Su Heng's heart became more and more uncertain, because he had just crossed here and didn't know how to make a dungeon at all!

[Li Yi my goddess!!!]

[Is this the first place winner of the previous competition? She is so beautiful!]

[Wright, my husband! So handsome!]

[Is that Su Heng next to him? He seemed to have lost the last competition, so why is he here again this time?]............

At this moment, in the players' live broadcast room, the comments were scrolling wildly, and it was obvious that everyone was very excited about the scene in front of them.

"Okay, now the contestants are here! Next, please invite the judges to take their seats again!"

Seeing that the contestants have arrived, Lina picked up the microphone again and said.

There are ten judges in total.

They are also the top ten countries in the last dungeon production competition.

As Lina's voice fell, the judges also took their seats one after another

"Haha! The last championship was won by your Dragon Country, so this time our Sakura Country has made special preparations! Li Yi will probably only be the second this time."

As soon as he sat on the chair, a short fat man with a big belly said with a smile that he was a judge from the Sakura Country. After Li Yi won last time, they were jealous for a long time.

"Humph, it's too early to brag, be careful of your tongue! This time, Li Yi came to make a copy with a new idea!"

Seeing the ridicule of the Sakura Country judges, an old man sitting in the middle snorted and retorted

"In my opinion, the champion should be Wright from our Eagle Country."

The representative of the Eagle Country on the other side also interrupted.

After a while, the judges on the field were unwilling to be outdone and started to compete.

Seeing that the contestants and judges had arrived, Lina also picked up the microphone and introduced them again.:

"The process of this dungeon making competition is as follows: first, the contestants make their own dungeons, and the completed dungeons will be evaluated by the judges."

"If the judges cannot pass, then the contestants will test their own copies. If even the contestants cannot pass."

At this point, Lina paused deliberately, and then spoke again

"Now it will be the turn of our dear audience friends here to enter the dungeon and experience the dungeon that has just been created by the players!"

"Of course, we do not impose any restrictions on the content of the copy. We hope that all players can perform at their best and bring wonderful performances to the audience!"

"At the same time, I also made the copy that I was most satisfied with. OK, now I declare that this copy making competition is officially started!!!"......

"Hahahaha, it’s finally starting!"

"It was worth the effort to get a ticket to the event! Just to experience this moment!"

"Don't dream about it, the chance of this happening is very low, unless a player deliberately creates a high-difficulty copy so that no one can pass it before it's your turn!"

At this moment, the audience in the audience immediately started to discuss excitedly.

On the other side, as the game started, the players also entered the field one after another, and then many cameras were in place, starting to film the players' status, while Su Heng

[What a handsome little brother, I love you!]

[Was he also in the last game?]

[I wonder what kind of copy he can make this time?]

[It seems that people from other countries are already prepared!]...............

At this moment, facing the constantly refreshing barrage, Su Heng did not pay attention, because he was thinking about what kind of copy he should make.

At this moment, in his memory, he knew that before he crossed over, his original body had also participated in a copy production competition, which was a copy about martial arts masters.

However, because there were too many settings added to the copy, they conflicted with each other, and ultimately failed to pass the system and was unfortunately eliminated.

Copy? As an avid anime fan in his previous life, he was not very familiar with things like copies.

Therefore, it was really difficult for Su Heng to do these things. You asked him to guess the plot of the anime, and he guessed it right. However, at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. At this moment, Su Heng couldn't help laughing.

He thought of what he should do. As an anime fan, the most familiar thing in his head was the various anime plots he was familiar with.

In this case, as long as the plots and settings of various anime in his mind were input into the system, it should be possible to use it to make a copy.

And most importantly, the entertainment in this parallel world is extremely scarce, which means that the anime plots in Su Heng's head will be super copies one after another.

At this moment, Su Heng had a smile on his face, and then, with confidence in his eyes, he walked into the space created by the copy production system for the first time under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing this, the other players showed surprise. After all, once you enter the system space, all your ideas and settings cannot be changed.

Of course, some powerful players followed closely and followed in when they saw Su Heng go in.

For example, Li Yi, the girl from Dragon Country, and Wright from Eagle Country.

"Even faster than the last champion Li Yi? Was he really confident? Or was he just��......."

Looking at Su Heng's confident look in front of her, Lina couldn't help but mutter in her heart.....................................................

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