At this moment, Su Heng has entered the dungeon system space, and of course, Li Yi and Wright followed closely behind.

At this moment, the screen also cuts to the inside of the dungeon that the three of them are preparing to make, but now it is all hazy. It is obvious that the three of them are still thinking about the specific details.

[You've already come in, but you're still not moving?]

[Copy production is a very important thing and cannot be taken lightly. This just shows the rigor of all the players!]

[Su Heng from your Dragon Nation was the first to come in, but he hasn't started to act yet? He's really pretending.]

[What the hell? Did Wright from your country do anything?]

[Wright that's brewing!]

[My wife Li Yi looks very beautiful even when she is standing there motionless!]

[Then Su Heng is my husband!]...........

At this moment, the barrage was noisy, but Su Heng ignored it. Although he knew a lot of anime plots, which one should he make first?

The champion of the first dungeon competition was made by Li Yi, a girl from Dragon Country like him. It was a martial arts type, and it was a reward for clearing the dungeon.

It seemed to be a very powerful weapon. That's right!

Dragon Country! Dragon! Since you are from this, let's make a world with dragon-killing magic, Fairy Tail!

At this moment, Su Heng had a flash of inspiration. Fairy Tail is a world with magic and dragons! There are all kinds of powerful magics in it, plus there are dragons. There are even gods!!

Su Heng has already anticipated how huge a sensation this dungeon will cause once it is made.

After all, this world is extremely scarce in entertainment. Even the champion Li Yi made a martial arts dungeon, and it was a very low-powered one.

Therefore, the idea in Su Heng's mind at this moment is something that other players dare not even think about.

Then the first instance will be the first major war of Fairy Tail, the ruler of the ghost!

At this moment, Su Heng became more and more excited.

Then he started to act, and he said softly:

"The system starts the copy creation module!"

The next second, a cold mechanical female voice sounded.

[Please wait! Connecting to player! Player information confirmed successfully!]

[Ding! Connection successful! The copy creation module has been activated! ]

As soon as the voice fell, the sky, the earth, and the ocean suddenly appeared in the originally hazy space. A world has taken shape.

[Has contestant Su Heng started to take action?]

[I'm really looking forward to what kind of copy he can make?]

[Anyway, there is no way he can compare to Wright from our Eagle Sauce Country!]

[Why are you everywhere? Why don't you go and see Wright?]

[We, the Sakura Country, will definitely win the championship this time!]

[Well, the champion must be our Dragon Country!]........

At this moment, some people in the barrage were full of expectations.

Some people were planning to add insult to injury.

On the other side, as Su Heng's thoughts moved, he saw houses rising from the originally flat ground, and marble slabs began to be laid on the ground. The decorations in the town also began to be embellished by him one by one.

Then in the center of the town, a sign was hung on a two- or three-story shabby building with five eye-catching characters written on it.

Fairy Tail!!!

On the other side, seeing Su Heng take action, Lina also picked up the microphone

"Okay, now we see that player Su Heng has officially started making the copy!"

" Li Yi and Wright, who entered with him, seemed to be still thinking! The rest of the contestants also had to act quickly!"

"So now, what do the judges think of the copy presented by contestant Su Heng?"

Lina took the microphone and turned the conversation to ask the judges.

"I think Su Heng is an amateur! After all, real dungeon makers usually create characters and settings first, and buildings are dispensable."

The fat judge from Sakura Country said with disdain.

"I am looking forward to Su Heng! Because the style of the buildings he built is something we have never seen before."

"As for the character setting, maybe he already had it in mind! And who says the map is not important! According to the terrain, more combat strategies can be formulated."

The old man from Longguo, who was sitting on the chair, stroked his beard and said

"Humph! Let's wait and see!"

At this moment, the judges from Sakura Country were so embarrassed by the criticism that they could only turn their heads and sneer.

The other judges just laughed and didn't make any reply.

When the two judges spoke, the barrage of comments started to roll like crazy.

[With that said, it seems to be true that the buildings built by Su Heng are of a style we have never seen before!]

[I have to say, this style seems pretty good! I just don't know why Fairy Tail is made so shabby!]

[Could it be that he actually has another identity? A powerful architectural designer?]

[What’s the point of looking good? The important character settings and world view settings of a dungeon have not been seen yet!].............

At this moment, Su Heng was immersed in making a copy, so he didn't have time to pay much attention to the bullet screen.

The next second, as he moved his mind, a huge castle suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance, and there were six steel tentacles supporting the castle, hanging it above the water.

The bullet screen on the other side also became more active.

[What? What is this?]

[It looks like a huge castle? Why does it have six legs underneath?]

[Could it be that it uses these six legs to walk? What a terrifying imagination! And if you look at the center, there seems to be a black hole in the muzzle.]

[If you say so, then this castle is an important weapon for conquering cities!]

[I didn't expect that contestant Su Heng was so amazing! He created such a powerful weapon! The power of such a weapon must be extremely strong!]..........

Good! Once such weapons are brought into reality! It will surely be another bloody storm! This kid Su Heng is really powerful! He even thought of such weapons!

The old man sitting on the judges' panel stroked his beard and thought with a smile.

Damn, this kid from Dragon Country actually thought of such a horrible weapon.

On the other side, the judges from Sakura Country wiped the cold sweat from their heads.

At this moment, there were only judges from Eagle Country on the field. Although they were surprised for a moment when they saw Su Heng's work, they returned to their normal expressions.

Humph, if that's all, then our Eagle Country will definitely win this time...........................................

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