At this moment, at the scene of the dungeon production competition, along with the announcement of the national theme, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly seemed to be a little quiet.

All the contestants were thinking hard!

Fortunately, after the previous rounds of theme screening, everyone was relatively experienced.

Basically, the contestants who could stand on the stage were familiar with all aspects of knowledge, not to mention knowing them all.

But the national theme was an extremely fatal subject. If it was not well made, it would be a loss of face for the country.

If so, then this person's career as a contestant would be over, so he had to be cautious.

At this moment, Su Heng on the other side was also constantly thinking in his heart.

Since the dungeon was based on the country, he should focus all his attention on the national comics, and it must also contain strong dragon country elements.

1. Fox Spirit Matchmaker, this animation with love as the main theme, although it is love, it also interspersed with a lot of dragon country culture. It can barely touch the edge of the national theme, but it is obvious that this is not the best choice, so it is temporarily shelved.

2. Qin's Moon There is no doubt that if this anime with a historical theme is made into a copy, it will definitely be 100% in line with the theme.

However, there are not many things in this copy that can attract people, and it is useless for Su Heng to attack it, so it is temporarily shelved.

3. Under One Person is a story about the protagonist trying to solve the mystery of his life experience, and there is no doubt that it contains a lot of Dragon Country culture!

Whether it is the various power intrigues between young people or the passionate battles between the older generation, they are very consistent with the theme of the country.

Su Heng has seen too many Chinese cartoons.

Therefore, he kept doing the elimination method in his mind.

Finally, after thinking for a while.

Su Heng decided.

This time, he will do Under One Person!

As for which section to take as the copy, he has already decided in his heart.

He wants to do the Chen Duo chapter that made him feel the most unsatisfied in his previous life.

And during the time when Su Heng was thinking.

The judges also had a heated discussion on the contestants.

Sakura Country Judge:"If you ask me, this time the copy competition must be won by our Sakura Country!"

"If you want to know why, it is because all the contestants from our Sakura Country have already started to take action! On the other hand, what about the champion from Dragon Country last time? Hahaha! Still considering it?" Sure enough, as I looked over

, several contestants from Sakura Country have actually started to take action.

As the champion for several consecutive sessions, Su Heng has not made any action yet.

The judges from Eagle Sauce Country:"Huh! He just started first. Don't brag too early! If we really want to talk about the champion!"

"Wright from our Eagle Sauce Country is the real dark horse. You should know that he made up for it before the competition."

"Among them, he learned the most about national knowledge! Just corresponding to the theme, he is the real candidate for the championship!"

Sure enough, following the gaze.

At this moment, Wright from the Eagle Sauce Country stood confidently in the copy production space, and seemed to have begun preparations.

In this case, the audience around him had already started to discuss

"You all heard it, right? Our Sakura Country will be the champion of this dungeon competition.

I advise you to speak well of our players. If they are happy, they may give you a few places to enter the dungeon."

"Go and dream about your greatness. Big Brother Su Heng is the strongest. The others are nothing. What can they count for? When Big Brother Su Heng makes a move, ordinary people step aside!"

"Ah Xi, are you still thinking about Su Heng? You haven't taken any action yet. I think you are stuck."

"The first move wins. The other contestants have all entered, but he is still there. I think he is doomed to lose!"

At this moment, the crowd around him questioned

"Su Heng, I'm leaving now! You better do your best!"

""My Lord! I have also figured out how to make a copy, so I'll go over first!"

At this moment, John Bull's little princess and Li Yi said goodbye to Su Heng one after another and entered the copy space.

It is obvious that everyone is full of confidence in this theme.

On the other side, Su Heng, who has already made up his mind, came to the copy production area of the system under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The next moment, a white light flashed.

Su Heng came to the inside of the system space.

What came into view was a gray scene.

At this moment, Su Heng couldn't help but chuckle.

Inside the system space, he was like a real creator at this moment, creating the world and nurturing mankind.

He shook his head and threw away the distracting thoughts.

He began the formal copy production.

The first one to be completed was the background map of Biyou Village.

After all, this occupies a large part of the Chen Duo chapter.

Then, with this as the center, Su Heng began to continuously improve the surrounding buildings.

It expanded from Biyou Village to the high-rise buildings outside the city.

Seeing this scene, the barrage rolled even more crazily.

[Su Heng has started to act! But I don't understand this operation. Is this a modern scene? Is it related to the country?]

[I don't quite understand it either. Country and modern scenes? Could it be that Su Heng is talking about all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues in modern times? This seems to be national culture?]

[I'm going to talk about this? I'm already exhausted from doing this everyday, and now I have to go to the dungeon to experience it? I can only say that it's a good thing I didn't grab the ticket this time, otherwise I would have lost money.]

[I can't understand the operation. I can't understand what Su Heng is thinking. Could it be that he didn't think about it? ]

At this moment, the barrage was rolling.

Everyone was questioning Su Heng.

Until the next moment, Su Heng gave the first setting

[Biyou Village]

[Introduction: The organization was founded by Ma Xianhong, and the real name of the organization is Xinjie, because Ma Xianhong highly recognized the doctrine of teaching without distinction in Jiejiao.]

[The original intention of establishing this organization was, firstly, for Ma Xianhong, to find his lost memories, and secondly, for his ideal of teaching everyone and achieving world peace.]

[Ding! The copy background Biyou Village has been submitted successfully]

[Instance name: Under One Person]

With the submission of the first setting and the confirmation of the instance name, everyone was surprised.

"Holy shit, Under One Person? Considering the situation in Biyou Village, could it be that the story is about the revival of various ancient things in the modern world?!"

"In that case, will there be another emperor or something like that in the future? After all, he is second only to the emperor! Who else has this ability besides the emperor!"

"Damn, the boss is awesome, he is worthy of being the boss, he actually made such an amazing thing! It is so powerful that it is terrifying."

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