At this moment, as Su Heng officially began to make the copy, and after giving the first setting of Biyou Village, everyone on the field cheered.

Su Heng lowered his head and began to think again.

He had already given the setting of Biyou Village.

The name of the copy is Under One Person, also known as Under the Extraordinary Man!

In this case, then what he has to do next is to be an Extraordinary Man!

The judges on the other side also began to comment after seeing this scene. Dragon Country judge:"Is Su Heng trying to combine the ancient system with the modern one?


"It is a really good idea and creativity, and it is indeed in line with the theme of this event. After all, Dragon Country has a history of thousands of years!"

Judge from the United States:"Although this is not off-topic, it is not too amazing. After all, the original intention of making a copy is to obtain the powerful abilities inside!"

"Instead of coming to the dungeon to experience the plot created by the players and another kind of life, in this regard, I am not optimistic about Su Heng."

Sakura Country Judge:

"Yes, yes, the purpose of making a copy is not to experience the so-called humanities. The purpose of this copy is to make a powerful copy with national culture as the core!"

Seeing this, other judges also expressed their opinions.

After hearing the judges' sharp analysis, the audience around also discussed it together.

"After listening to what the judges said, although Su Heng’s copy looks very exciting, its actual value is actually greatly discounted?"

"Now that I put it that way, it seems to be true! I worked so hard to get a ticket to the event, wasn't it just to gain powerful abilities? Not to experience life!"

"Woc, it seems to be true now. It seems that Su Heng is not going to make it this time! After all, his attention doesn't seem to be here. Forget it!"

"Let's go and see the other contestants. Everyone seems to be quite confident this time. As for Su Heng, let's let him do it first!"

At this moment, the audience around were talking about it and had lost confidence in Su Heng.

The host Lina was also worried.

The next moment,

Su Heng in the system space directly began to make settings for the aliens.


[A person who can sense the Qi in his body and successfully use it.

Generally speaking, if you want to skillfully use the Qi in your body, you need to go through extremely rigorous training and systematic guidance!]

[There are two types of aliens: innate aliens and acquired aliens. Compared with ordinary people, the advantage of aliens is that they are stronger individually, but their disadvantage is also obvious, that is, there are very few individuals, so there are usually small groups of aliens.]

[Because of the variety of types, there are many systems, and the two largest and most complete systems are Eastern Alchemy and Western Alchemy.]

[Ding! The copy setting submission is complete]

At this moment, the first setting appears.

After a long silence.

A warm light burst out in the eyes of the judges.

Dragon Country Judge:"Good, good, it's really amazing! The method of refining qi? It's a bit like the method of cultivation in our Dragon Country, not bad, it fits the theme of the country very well!"

John Bull Judge:"And the most important point is that Su Heng has added the alien systems of many countries into this.

Even if you take out one country alone, it may get a good result in this competition, and Su Heng actually wants to do all of them!!"

Mao Xiong Country Judge:

"Under One Person? This is an extremely excellent dungeon. Even though it has only two settings, I have high hopes for its potential."

As the judges finished speaking, the audience burst into warm cheers.

"After the judges said this, I seemed to gradually realize the power of Su Heng's copy! Eastern Qi refining, Western alchemy, two systems at once?"

"So it seems to be quite remarkable! After all, two powerful systems were created at once! And it seems that there are more? I wonder if other countries can do it!"

"Such a big project, if the boss can complete it, it will be really awesome!"

The audience is constantly discussing at this moment.

On the other side, in Su Heng's live broadcast room, with the introduction of the second setting, under the powerful and hidden umbrella of the Internet, the little blacks began to act.

[Wait a minute, although the current settings seem good, what exactly is Qi? Su Heng hasn't given a setting yet!]

[You're right, could it be that I haven't thought of the settings yet? Otherwise, the correct order should be to set up the Qi first and then the aliens!]

[Yes, I think Su Heng can't do it at all. If you don't compare the difference between aliens and humans, how can I know how strong aliens are?]

The barrage scrolled madly.

Su Heng glanced at them indifferently.

Humph, just a bunch of jumping clowns!

You want to see the settings, right?

Look at me and surprise you!

The next moment.

Almost without thinking, another setting was successfully added by Su Heng.

[The Innate Qi]

[The innate Qi, also referred to as Qi, can reproduce on its own and be forged by external forces, and this is exactly the difference between life and inanimate objects.]

[In addition to inheriting flesh and blood from its previous generation, each living being also inherits some abstract energy.

And it is this energy that allows the living being to grow and think, and to transform from an unconscious walking corpse into a creature with autonomous consciousness.]

[The reason why humans age or die is that this energy in the body continues to flow away with time, and even if this energy can be replenished, it will be of no use.]

[The person who named this energy Xiantian Qi was the first person to notice the existence of this energy. The form of Xiantian Qi of each person is different.]

[Ding! The copy background setting was submitted successfully. As the prompt sound came, the barrage started in an instant, scrolling wildly.

[Oh my god, Master Su Heng is awesome! You little haters, you are speechless now, right? What about you little haters? Do you still dare to criticize our Master Su Heng?]

[This setting is so awesome, there is something! It actually directly explains the reasons for human birth, aging, illness and death, as well as the reason why humans have thoughts, all through Qi.]

[It's really too strong and too amazing. In just a short period of time, Master Su Heng has come up with such a powerful setting. It's fucking outrageous!]

[Please help me, little black guys, so that Master Su Heng can make more settings as soon as possible. I can't wait! ]

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