[Shen Ji]

[Introduction: Expert in the technology of making tools driven by Qi. For the maker of divine machines, it is difficult to make and operate complex puppets.]

[Ding, the copy background setting was submitted successfully!!]


[Introduction: A creature that can attack automatically after being triggered, mainly distributed in the Tang Sect and some small schools.

According to the"Law on the Control of Non-Personal Large-Scale Institutions", institutions involving automatic triggering, large-scale, and hidden institutions are not allowed to be established.

Institutions must be registered, publicized, and visualized, and exist in the form of technical inheritance.]

[Ding! The copy background setting was submitted successfully!! ]

At this moment, as Su Heng submitted two more backgrounds, everyone could only sigh.

How could this guy be so outrageous!

In such a short time, he made four or five settings for refining equipment!

The speed was so fast that it was simply astonishing.

"Boss Su Heng’s speed is so fast and awesome. The most ingenious part is his introduction of the mechanisms. It can only be said that this is worthy of being in a modern city!"

"It makes me laugh to death. In the modern cities of Dragon Country, these things are actually restricted. The authorities have enforced the relevant laws. Hahaha!"

"The divine machine is also very interesting! Is it a puppet controlled by Qi? If used properly, it may be quite interesting!"

However, at this time,

Su Heng, who was originally setting the background, suddenly said:

"If you think this is the limit of refining, then you are wrong! There is another most powerful refining technique!" As soon as the voice fell, the barrage of comments went crazy.

[Ah? Is this true? There are already so many ways to refine weapons, and there are more to come? Can the masters come up with more? This must be a lie, this is too outrageous!]

[This is 100% bullshit! No one believes it, not even a ghost. It's already so strong! And you tell me this is not the limit, and it can be increased. This is ridiculous!]

[Please, Boss Su Heng, stop joking. The settings for refining equipment are already perfect. If you do it again, it might be superfluous. Boss, please stop. ]

At this moment, everyone in the barrage was constantly persuading Su Heng.

The next moment

[Divine Machine]

[Introduction: A method to efficiently refine magical instruments and divine instruments that are powered by qi. The pinnacle of mechanical arts, instrument refining, control of objects, and transformation of objects.

It can produce instruments with complex processes and greater agility, can complete the transformation and control of objects within 3 to 5 seconds, and can quickly complete instrument refining (an average instrument refiner can only make a limited number of magical instruments in his lifetime), and mass-produce magical instruments and treasures. ]

With the submission of this setting.

For a moment, even the system was stuck for a few seconds.

The next moment.

The prompt sound came over

[Ding! The copy background setting was submitted successfully!! ]

Instantly everyone went crazy.

Dragon Country judge:"Oh my god! What on earth did Su Heng come up with! Isn't this the equivalent of slapping himself in the face?"

"After all the hard work, in the end, it was just to pave the way for this magical skill? It's too outrageous, this skill is too strong!"

Judge John Bull:"No, Su Heng would not do that. I think this skill must be special and extremely difficult to learn, or it must be some kind of unique inheritance or something like that!"

"But this skill is indeed outrageous. It can be said that as long as you master this skill, it is equivalent to mastering the entire category of refining equipment!"

The two judges finished speaking.

The scene was also in shock.

"Damn, after listening to the two judges, I realized that this Shen Ji Bai Lian is really outrageous! It completely breaks the system of refining equipment!"

"Isn't this nonsense? Others have spent their whole lives refining treasures, but you can make one in 3-5 seconds? It's like a wholesale market. It's outrageous!"

"Just now I was lamenting that it was too difficult for a weapon refiner to make only 3 to 5 magic weapons in his lifetime, and then you made one magic weapon every 3 to 5 seconds, which made me dumbfounded!"

At this moment, the audience shouted"WTF!"

This scene was also broadcast to all parts of the world through cameras.

For a moment, the top leaders of various countries were shocked....................

In the office of the President of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Looking at the various introductions about the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements on the screen, the President of the Eagle Sauce Country was trembling with excitement. Originally, when Su Heng introduced the refining setting.

He was very excited!

Because once this technology is promoted.

As long as it can be mass-produced, then their country's soldiers will be armed to the teeth!

At that time, the international status will be leaps and bounds!

However, when he saw the several ways of refining equipment later, he was completely disappointed.

Only 3 to 5 pieces of equipment in a lifetime, this efficiency is too low, and it can't meet his requirements at all.

Chemical objects, control objects, which one does not require long-term contact and companionship, so it is completely dead in his mind.

But the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements is different! As long as you have this, one piece of equipment in 3 to 5 seconds!!

It's comparable to a large factory!

"We must obtain the skill of Divine Machine Hundred Refinement! Tell the raiders to get this at any cost!"

"Tell them to get ready as soon as possible! Don't embarrass me like last time!"

As the cold voice fell, the subordinates beside him quickly took the order and walked out slowly.

At this moment, the president of the United States looked at the paused screen, and saw the various settings of the Divine Machine.

He couldn't help but get more and more excited.

Divine skill! This is a real divine skill!

He must get this thing at all costs!..........................

On the other side, Prime Minister John Bull, when he saw Su Heng's Divine Machine Hundred Refinement, showed the same expression as the President of Eagle Sauce Country.

Extremely excited!

And he thought about more than the President of Eagle Sauce Country.

Divine Machine Hundred Refinement can not only be used to strengthen the strength of their own army.

Once it is obtained, then no matter in which aspect, their country will be improved by leaps and bounds.

In terms of military, industry, and construction......... Everything can be done by Shen Ji Bai Lian!

Thinking of this, even the usually calm Prime Minister John Bull's breathing became more and more rapid.

Su Heng has done so many copies!

This is the first time he has such a desire for a skill! Magic, devil fruit, telekinesis, after all, only enhance personal abilities.

But Shen Ji Bai Lian is different. Once you successfully possess it, all walks of life in their country can usher in a huge leap forward!

"Quick! Tell the little princess that no matter how much it costs, you must get the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements for me!"

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