At this moment, Su Heng submitted all the settings for the equipment refining category, all the way to the last eight unique skills.

The God-level Hundred Refining appeared! Everyone went crazy.

The next moment.

Su Heng gave the second thing he wanted to make.


As soon as this title came out, the scene was immediately in an uproar.

Dragon Country judge:"It's actually divination? This is the most mysterious culture of our Dragon Country! It is mainly based on several lines of magic and no one has been able to crack it so far. Can Su Heng find it?"

Eagle Country judge:"I think he probably just wants to use this as a gimmick. How can he crack something that has been lost?"

As the voice fell, everyone on the field began to discuss

"Yes, can Su Heng really crack it? This is something that has been lost. Even if he wants to crack it, he has no idea where to start."

"You are stupid! Su Heng just used this as a gimmick, the contents must have been filled in by himself! Apart from the name, I guess it has nothing to do with numerology!"

"Oh, if that's the case, that's fine! I'm just afraid that Su Heng will force himself to understand, and then he'll come up with something fishy and ruin the entire copy, which will be troublesome!"

"Let's wait and see! No one dares to draw conclusions about Su Heng's actions without seeing the end!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was talking about it.

They didn't have too high expectations for Su Heng's magic settings, they just hoped that the other party would not destroy the entire copy.

The next moment.

[Six-line Money Lesson]

[By entrusting your life and property to six large coins, in exchange for the six-line divination at the cost of not being able to use spells as you wish.]

[The user cannot determine the hexagram of the six large coins, only the spells corresponding to the hexagram can be fully exerted. The six-line is a self-contained system and is not affected by the Qimen pattern!]

Dragon Country judge:"Hiss! Is this a change based on reference? It's really strong!"

"The magic to be used is determined by the hexagram formed by the six hexagrams thrown out? In other words, everything is entrusted to the six big coins!"

After the voice fell, everyone on the field was also surprised.

"This seems a bit abnormal! He can't use magic at will, but entrusts everything to his six coins!"

"Since he has this system, it must mean that he has some extraordinary qualities. To be honest, this far exceeds my expectations. I am beginning to be curious about the next one!"

"Take a look! Liu Yao Money is so amazing, can the next one reach this level?"

[Qi Men Dun Jia]

[The king of numerology, using time and space as the entry point to crack the laws of nature, the beginning is complicated. The calculation of the solution is also very tedious]

[Ordinary Qimen Dunjia uses the opponent as a reference, and the magic can be used according to the position of the opponent. The opponent always occupies the center palace, and the magic of this palace cannot be used.

And when there are multiple opponents and they are surrounded, it is very difficult to judge the relative position of each person at the same time! ]

The audience on the field was stunned for a moment.

"Wow, this is awesome! It seems that Master Su Heng has done a lot of research in this area! He has come up with another one in such a short time. This is incredible!"

"Although it is very powerful, if you read the introduction carefully, you will find that this thing has too many limitations and weaknesses. It is too limited!"

"Was this designed by Master Su Heng for the sake of balance? Or is it because he didn't study the ancient books thoroughly enough that he was only able to achieve this level?"

At this moment, everyone on the field kept guessing.

On the other side, the judge from Sakura Country said:"Haha, in my opinion, it is Su Heng from your Dragon Country. He didn't study this aspect thoroughly at all. Now he uses it, it's just mediocre!"

However, the next moment

[Wuhou Qimen]

[The Qimen Dunjia passed down by the Zhuge family!]

[Compared to the ordinary Qimen Dunjia, which sets the center palace by itself, they use their own Qi to set up a complete Qimen Bureau within a certain range. ]

As the backgrounds were submitted one after another.

At this moment, the audience on the scene became a little dissatisfied.

Because they couldn't understand what Su Heng did.

The things of the Dragon Kingdom itself are complicated, not to mention the lost numerology, and the settings made by Su Heng.

It made the audience dumbfounded.

Not to mention the audience, even the judges were confused.

I know it's awesome, but I don't know how awesome it is!

The next moment everyone ran to the live broadcast room and took turns to launch barrages

[Boss Su Heng, what on earth are you doing? Originally, the Dragon Country judges could explain a few words, but now I really don’t understand it at all!]

[What is it doing? How powerful is it? I have no idea! It's too profound. I can't understand it at all!]

[Yes, Mr. Su Heng, please don't do this. Come up with something simple and brainless, preferably something that can be understood at a glance! I'm almost going crazy!]

[ It can be seen that the boss has studied these things deeply, but I beg the boss, please don’t study them for now, I can’t understand them at all! ]

At this moment, as the bullet comments rolled in turn,

Su Heng was also dumbfounded when he noticed what they said.

Then he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He didn't expect that after making it, these people couldn't understand it.

Thinking of this,

Su Heng didn't hesitate.

He directly submitted the few settings he had just made to the system.

After a while of lag,

[Ding! The copy world background setting has been submitted successfully!]

[Liu Yao Money Lesson/Qi Men Dun Jia/Wu Hou Qi Men]

[Show? Yes/No]


As the voice fell, a picture suddenly appeared on the system.

And what was played on the picture was the picture of applying these numerology.

From the six coins that entrusted all the life cultivation to oneself, and then used in the battle, the Liu Yao Money Lesson.

Then to the king of numerology, using time and space as the entry point, although cumbersome, but powerful Qimen Dunjia.

And finally, the Wu Hou Qimen demonstrated by Zhuge Qing.

The three pictures were played in turn.

This sudden scene stunned everyone.

People are visual animals.

They can't understand it just by giving a setting.

But when this shocking scene appeared in front of them, everyone cheered.

"Shit, I finally understand how awesome these divinations are. After watching them, I realized that each one is more powerful than the last!"

"Isn't it? This is so cool, using himself as the center, and then unleashing powerful moves one after another! It's really cool!"

"I originally thought it was weak, but after watching it I realized it was really awesome! The boss is so strong!"

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