At this moment, as the setting of the inverted eight directions appeared, everyone fell into madness.

John Bull's judges, as judges with considerable say in scientific research, were full of surprise at this moment.

"What a powerful skill this is! It can cause skill damage by controlling a special magnetic field!"

"It can even block bullets! I must get such a skill!"

The judges of Longguo were also shocked.

"How many elements did Su Heng integrate into this copy? From Taoist culture to belief in immortals and gods, and now scientific magnetic field! Isn't this too omnipotent?"

At this moment, the two judges expressed their admiration for Su Heng one after another. Seeing this, the audience seemed to realize how powerful Su Heng was!

"In this way, Master Su Heng seems to be a bit ridiculously strong! Not only did he create so many skills in such a short time, but he also integrated so many elements!"

"This is ridiculously strong, sir, this is too powerful! And this reversal of eight directions is simply a heaven-defying skill! If it is cultivated to a high level, wouldn't it be invincible?"

"The boss has so many awesome skills, which one is not invincible after practicing to a deep level? At this rate, the difficulty of this dungeon will definitely increase sharply, damn, I am looking forward to it more and more!"

"We have done so many skills, the next thing should be the characters! I am so curious, what kind of surprises can Su Heng bring this time?"

At this moment, everyone kept discussing.

However, at this moment, a man wearing glasses stood up in the crowd, looked at the book in his hand, and questioned:

"Wait, although Su Heng has made many moves, the Eight Wonders are the most powerful! Judging from the description, there should be 8 moves!"

"But up to now, Su Heng seems to have only made a few. Could it be that he can't think of the remaining ones? If so, will this copy be incomplete?"

As the voice fell, the audience looked at each other for a while.

The judges of the Eagle Sauce Country seemed to have caught the handle at this moment, and quickly spoke up in agreement.

"I agree with you, sir. Indeed, the Eight Wonders should be eight moves."

"But Su Heng only made a few. If that's the case, the copy should be judged as incomplete!"

When the old man from Longguo saw this scene, he snorted coldly.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Has Su Heng finished his copy? Whether the Eight Wonders are finished or not, whether Su Heng has thought of it or not, how can you make a rash judgment?"

As the voice fell, the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country sneered a few times, then sat back in their original seats and stopped talking.

If Su Heng really didn't do well, then he would represent Su Heng to eliminate his right to participate in the competition, so that they could use the setting of"under one person"!

Just when he was thinking this in his heart.

The next moment.

Many barrages suddenly appeared in Su Heng's live broadcast room.

[Boss! Someone is slandering you, saying that you haven't thought of the eight magic skills yet. Prove it to them, Boss!]

[Come on, boss. We believe in you! Shut up those skeptical idiots! Let them see who is the real king of the dungeon contest!]

Looking at the information in the barrage, Su Heng was stunned for a moment.

Then he realized that it seemed that Zhao Linger and the others were sending him information through the barrage again.

Eight Wonders? Since you want to see it, I'll show you all at once!

[Eight Wonders]

[Introduction: Several magical powers appeared out of thin air. Each of the Eight Wonders is a breakthrough in a certain existing technique.

It can be said to be the pinnacle of this type of technique and has an absolute advantage over the same type of abilities. Therefore, it was fought over by all major sects as soon as it appeared.]

[Summon the spirits and send the generals]

[Introduction: You can manipulate souls and use some of their abilities for your own use, or you can devour souls to gain a small permanent enhancement. Having both life and death is a complete form of life. Even if a spirit exists in a spiritual state, it is conceptually incomplete.

The user of the soul-binding technique has found the unknown weakness of the spirit, and used this weakness to make the spirit obey him unconditionally.]

[Ding! The copy background setting has been submitted successfully! ]

As the sound fell, the scene of the soul-binding general being trained to the extreme appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the audience who were still questioning suddenly went crazy.

"Holy shit, this is too awesome, someone worked so hard to summon an elf, spent half their life on it, and you just raised your hand and used it?"

"As expected, each one of them is the pinnacle of martial arts. This is too outrageous. Moreover, it can devour souls to become stronger, and even transform some of the abilities for one's own use!"

"Boss, you are awesome! This is fucking outrageous!"

[Tongtian Lu]

[Introduction: The ultimate power of talismans, no need to set up an altar, no need to circulate qi, and no need to do any preparation in advance.

Even a master of Shangqing who specializes in talismans would take several hours to complete, but Tongtian Lu can make people draw talismans at will, and can also draw a large number of talismans in a very short time. ]

[Ding! The copy background setting has been submitted successfully! ]

At this moment, as the copy background was successfully submitted, the Tongtian Scroll that had been cultivated to the extreme was also displayed in front of everyone!

The most excited among them was the old man of Longguo. At this moment, he stood up excitedly.

"Talisman? Su Heng actually made such a magical object! According to the records, talismans have many magical uses. From a young age, they can cure diseases, exorcise evil spirits, and protect the house! There are corresponding descriptions of them."

"To put it in a bigger context, the legendary moving mountains, calming the sea, and reaching the sky, and even commanding ghosts and gods! These all have corresponding talismans!"

"And now the Tongtian Talisman made by Su Heng includes all of these, and does not require anything! As long as one's own conditions are sufficient, one can draw talismans without limit!!"

At this moment, the old man really didn't know what to say. The skill Su Heng made was too amazing!

And through his explanation, all the audiences around the world now clearly understand the power of this move! The barrage in Su Heng's live broadcast room exploded!

[Holy shit, this is fucking awesome! Does this mean that if conditions permit, you can even use spells to kill people? It's like a mobile arsenal! Is there anything more awesome than this?]

[Making a paper talisman would take a lot of effort and paper, and in actual combat, you either have to prepare the paper talisman in advance or bring the raw materials! And you also have to risk being killed!

Now, as long as you learn this trick, you don’t need to do anything else, you will be invincible, you can do whatever you want, as long as the mana bar is enough! Can you use the ultimate skill at will?]

[Wait, but even if we learn this trick, it’s useless! We don’t know how to draw talismans! We must have relevant knowledge to be able to draw them casually! I don’t know how to do it?]

[Damn, it’s such a pity when you say that! But by then there will definitely be someone who can bring out the method of talismans! Why not just go and learn from him! ]

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