At this moment, after completing the remaining eight magic skills, everyone on the field suddenly fell into a frenzy.

"Holy shit, awesome! The eight unique skills are really more awesome than the other, so outrageous, if you learn just one of them, you will be invincible!"

"Every skill has crushed the same type, there is no comparison at all. What Boss Su Heng did is too abnormal. If you think about it carefully, anyone who learns these skills will be awesome!"

"Qi Body Origin, Soul Binding and General Dispatching, Tongtian Lu, Fenghou Qimen, Shuangquan Hands, Shenji Bailian, Liuku Xianzei, Daluo Dongguan!! 8 skills each with its own merits, if you learn all of them, you will be a god walking in the world!"

"I bet that the difficulty of this dungeon must be unprecedented. Just looking at these skills, I feel scared. If all of them are used, then it will be over."At this moment, everyone expressed shock at the fact that Su Heng had made so many powerful skills in such a short time.

On the other side of the system space, after completing all the skills one after another,

Su Heng began to think.

Since all the tricks have been done, the next thing to do is the characters in the play!

Which one should I start with? While Su Heng was thinking, an image of a man in casual clothes who looked sloppy appeared in his mind.

Zhang Chulan! The male protagonist of Under One Person.

At first, he may not make a deep impression on people, but as the plot progresses, it can be found that this is a person with extremely charismatic personality!

Similarly, his character creation is also extremely real and perfect in Su Heng's view!

Sure enough, you should start with yourself in this regard?

Thinking of this, Su Heng no longer hesitated.

He quickly added some settings about Zhang Chulan in his mind, as well as his appearance, into the dungeon!

[Zhang Chulan]

[Camp: Nadutong employees]

[Personality: Seemingly lazy but easy-going, loves to complain, but actually thoughtful, with a character far superior to others.

Sometimes he would even do some shameless things to achieve his goals, so he was nicknamed"Bu Yao Bi Lian", but he didn't care and accepted it happily.]

[Abilities: Old Farmer's Skill, Thunder Member, Little White Worm, Little White Worm, Palm Thunder, Five Thunders, Five Thunders, Golden Light Curse]

As all the settings gradually improved.

A young man with black hair, casual clothes and a casual look appeared in front of everyone.

However, looking at this bizarre design, everyone in the barrage began to laugh.

[I am dying of laughter. What has Master Su Heng come up with? Is he a funny character? The names of the first few moves are really dying of laughter!]

[In my estimation, the last few palm thunder moves are probably just a result of poorly learned skills. At best, they are just know-it-alls. He has learned so many moves, but they are all miscellaneous and not refined!]

[And with this personality and this look, isn't this a complete second-rate person! Why did Su Heng's first character turn out to be like this? Trying something new?]

[Could it be that the big guys can't make great people? Now they are trying to conquer other aspects? But this is too weird, I can only say that it is unnecessary! ]

At this moment, everyone on the field laughed crazily.

The judges from Sakura Country on the side also looked disdainful.

"I didn't expect that the characters created by Su Heng, a former genius player, were more stunning than the last! As soon as he appeared on the stage, you can feel his powerful momentum!"

"What about this one? They just made a gangster out of it. Is this also a unique culture of your Dragon Country?"

The judges from the Eagle Country took a look and agreed:"That makes sense. I have no idea what the purpose of this character is! Resourceful?"

"What effect can it have in the face of these powerful moves? I don't think Su Heng can do it! So when considering other aspects, we must remember that the original intention is the root!"

At this moment, the words of the two judges fell one after another.

The other judges also nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Su Heng in the system space just glanced at the barrage that was rolling in turn.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Saying that Zhang Chulan is weak? Are you saying that he is weak?

In this case, let me show you the true power of these moves!

You know, this is a real genius!

Thinking of this, Su Heng directly supplemented and improved the settings.

The next system space also began to play the picture.

And on it was Zhang Chulan performing various moves of theirs. The look when he looked down on the moves!

The powerful and mysterious old farmer's skill stimulates one's own meridians, thereby greatly improving the speed and strength of the thunder.

The little white worms that are flashing sparks around him, and the little white worms with automatic tracking function.

And the powerful palm thunder that releases white arcs in the palm, the five thunder formation that everyone looks down on, exudes powerful power under Zhang Chulan's hands.

At this moment, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

After a short silence.

The first to wake up was the judge of Longguo. Looking at the scene in front of him, his face was full of shock.

"I didn't expect that this designed Zhang Chulan would have such strength! And this kid is also very smart, with intelligence and strength combined, this is a terrible opponent!"

"Conspiracy and power? Isn't this one of the cultures of our Dragon Country? Su Heng, this kid, is really making me look at him with new eyes!"

On the other side, the judge of John Bull was also full of surprise.

"Although there are so many types, the latter ones are obviously derived from thunder magic! Coupled with that smart head, it is obvious that Zhang Chulan is also a true genius!"

"Otherwise, how could he make something like this?"

One after the other, the two judges spoke one after another.���The audience suddenly realized what was going on.

They all expressed their shock.

"Damn, this means that Zhang Chulan is really awesome! Not only is he resourceful, but he also has some real strength! This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with, damn!"

"But after watching a few scenes of him fighting with wits, I felt that he could always put himself in other people's shoes and then carefully arrange the scenes! I don't think he is a bad person!"

"And I think his talent seems to be very strong. After all, if you look closely, you will know that he has created so many moves in such a short time, so his talent must be very strong!"

"Awesome, it's really amazing, Zhang Chulan is amazing, and the boss Su Heng created by him makes me admire him very much, damn!"

At this moment, the audience around agreed.

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