At this moment, as Su Heng was attacking his own dungeon again, seeing this scene, the barrage began to discuss

[Huh? Did Boss Su Heng go in himself?]

[Is this meant to set an example for others?]

[Could it be that he went in again to clear the level? Can he get rewards for clearing the level twice? ]

At this moment, there was a crazy discussion in the barrage.

After all, I have never heard of a dungeon that can bring out rewards for clearing the level twice!

So why did Su Heng enter again?

Everyone expressed confusion.

On the other side.

Su Heng, who entered the dungeon at this moment.

Seeing his thoughts gradually confirmed, he almost laughed out loud.

As other people continued to enter the dungeon, he naturally kept watching and had some guesses in his mind.

Now it seems that he was right. The dungeon of Fairy Tail has been upgraded, and now the dungeon is the whole world.

This also means that there are more events that can be triggered, and there are more magic that he can also obtain.

At this moment, Su Heng's eyes are full of light. Others may only get magic rewards once in this dungeon.

But he has the upgrade authority of the dungeon and can clear the dungeon without restrictions.

You must know that there are countless powerful magics in Fairy Tail. Perhaps he will become a real magic king soon!

However, not long after Su Heng led people into the dungeon.

I saw a flash of white light on the field.

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene became agitated.

"How come someone came out so quickly? Did they fail in the challenge? Even if it was Su Heng who challenged, he would not succeed so quickly!"

"This must be a failure! How can you pass the level so quickly? How long has it been? You have already passed the level?"

"Oh, I am so disappointed! Su Heng brought these people in personally. How embarrassing!"

"Yes, I really failed Su Heng's expectations! It would be better if you let me in! I can definitely hold on for a while!"

Faced with the sudden appearance of the white light on the field, everyone kept guessing.

But they basically had the same idea.

That is, who Su Heng brought in, was eliminated! How embarrassing!!!

However, the next moment.

As the white light gradually dissipated. The person who appeared in the center of the field was none other than Su Heng himself who had just entered not long ago!

At this moment, he was checking the magic he had just obtained after passing the level.

[Magic Name: Additional Magic]

[Stage 1: High-level attachment: Ability to attach corresponding magic and attributes to any object. This magic cannot be used directly for attack and can only be used to attach to any object or human!]

[Stage 2: Extreme Attachment: After practice, one reaches the highest realm of additional magic, and can even attach magic to meteorites from outer space, thus causing destruction!]

[Special stage; separation and addition: able to separate any attributes of any item and add corresponding additions!]

[Level: SSS+]

Looking at this luxurious magic introduction in front of him, Su Heng almost laughed out loud with joy.

Attachment magic can be said to be the most versatile and top-level magic of Fairy Tail!

You should know that the origin of dragon-slaying magic is to attach the power of dragons to humans through attachment magic, which is the formation of dragon-slaying magic.

And it also has the property of separation. As long as his magic power is strong enough, he can even separate other people's magic and attach it to others.

In the later stage of cultivation, even personality can be attached.

What is real power!!!

Looking around.

Su Heng smiled slightly, because he saw the props that can be used to test new magic.

In front of him was a super-thick steel plate weighing more than ten tons that had just been destroyed countless times by other players but could still stand.

The magic power in his body surged, and Su Heng stretched out his hand and waved.

As the magic power gradually covered the steel plate.

A jaw-dropping scene occurred.

I saw that the steel plate began to deform and reorganize continuously.

Not long after.

Boom boom boom....

After a while of shaking, the steel plates in front of me suddenly turned into steel giants tens of meters high!


Then, as if to celebrate his birth, the steel giant punched the ground of the venue.....!

Snap, snap!....At this moment , the main venue, which had been constantly polished and was extremely hard, began to crack under this huge force.

And it spread wildly. Not long after, the entire venue was covered with spider web-like cracks.

Seeing this horrifying scene in front of them, the audience at the scene went crazy.

"What kind of monster is this? This power is too powerful! Is this the new magic that Master Su Heng brought out? It's ridiculously powerful!"

"He created such a powerful monster with just a wave of his hand! This strength is too strong! I worship Master Su Heng!

"Holy shit, it was actually Master Su Heng who cleared the level! This is too damn fast! This is outrageous!"

"Are you playing a speedrun? You've already cleared the game before others have figured out the situation? Can you please give us some confidence? Don't discourage us like this!"

"This giant is so handsome! He broke such a solid main venue with one punch! So awesome!"

At this moment, everyone in the venue was amazed at Su Heng's actions.

However, just when everyone was shocked by the powerful magic that Su Heng had just obtained!

Su Heng turned around and returned to the copy space.

And when he entered, he brought in some members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group.

The next moment, a white light flashed.

Su Heng appeared on the field again, and at this moment, he was wrapped in dark magic.

The whole body exuded an evil and ominous aura.

Before everyone had time to sigh.

Su Heng went in again!

Then he was like a purchase.

Continuously enter, then quickly pass the level, and obtain various powerful magic.

The most frustrating thing is that every time he enters, he must bring some members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group.

At this moment, the audience in the venue has gradually become numb.

"Boss Su Heng is really awesome! I have never seen such an awesome method! I have never seen such an awesome person!"

"From today on, Master Su Heng will always be my most revered idol! Others have worked hard to clear the customs! He came here to purchase goods?"

"Is this the world of the big guys? It's too scary! I can't understand it!"

At this moment, the people on the field kept complaining.

On the other side, the senior officials of the country who had been paying attention to this game were all anxious.

How could you, Su Heng, play like this? It's okay to buy the goods yourself! You also bring people into the dungeon like crazy!

How can they compete in a friendly way if this goes on?

Thinking of this, everyone got anxious and started to plan..............................................................

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