At this moment, along with Su Heng's purchase behavior, all countries have felt a huge pressure.

You said you would purchase goods, Su Heng! After all, no matter how powerful you are, you are the only one who is powerful!

But you not only purchase goods, but also keep bringing people in! Doesn't this affect the friendly competition between countries?

At this moment, in the office of the President of Eagle Sauce Country, the President of Eagle Sauce Country is anxiously asking his subordinates:

"What's going on? Why is the strategy so crude? And the clearance speed is getting slower and slower?"

The subordinates beside him also had a hard time saying:

"The contestants who passed the test on site all had their own opinions, and we couldn't judge who was right or wrong, so we could only pick out the points they all had in common and make our own decisions!"

After hearing this reason, the President of the United States almost laughed out of anger:

"Don't worry about who is right or wrong, pick ten people to form a group to jointly develop a strategy, and then distribute it. By the way, how many people in our country have passed the level now? What magic did they use?"

Seeing this, the subordinates on the side also hurriedly answered:

"All right, sir! According to current statistics, there are more than 600 people in our country who have magic. The magic they have is small fireball, small ice, small lightning......!"

At this moment, the President of the United States was very upset:

"Why does the name have a small word in it? It's not cool at all! Isn't there a better name? Something like Fire Dragon Slayer Magic?"

Seeing this, the subordinates beside him also complained:

"I don't know why, but most of them have this kind of name! But even though the name sounds bad, its power cannot be underestimated!"

Hearing this, the president nodded with satisfaction:

"Do as I tell you! At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before our Eagle Sauce Nation becomes the most powerful magic empire in the world!"

After receiving the order, the subordinates gradually retreated..................

On the other side, Prime Minister John Bull looked at the report in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"Under the leadership of Su Heng, Long Kingdom will obviously catch up!"

"However, we in John Bull only have more than 500 magicians, which is more than 100 people behind the Eagle Sauce Country! How can we make up for it?"

At this moment, the secretary at the side adjusted his glasses and then answered:

"There is no way around it. When the first contestant came out, the president of the United States immediately formulated a detailed strategy and started taking action!"

"Moreover, the little princess was so beautiful that when she taught people, basically no one listened attentively. Later, they had to change the plan to get better!"

After hearing this, Prime Minister John Bull was speechless:

"Find a way to speed up the progress! Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we will become the most powerful magic empire in one fell swoop!"

Hearing this, the secretary beside him nodded quickly, and then seemed to remember something and continued to report::

"By the way, in fact, the number of people who have passed through the Dragon Country is even lower than ours! Even if Su Heng continues to bring people in, there are only a few dozen more!"

"Even if all those people pass the customs, the gap between them and us is still huge! So Prime Minister, don't worry!"

After hearing this news, Prime Minister John Bull gradually smiled:

""Very good! So, we have one less competitor! Do as I tell you! Now we just need to surpass the Eagle Sauce Country!"

At the same time, other countries also started to act.

After all, if one more person has magic, then their national strength will be strengthened........................

At this moment, at the scene of the copy making competition,

Su Heng was still constantly entering and exiting the copy, and every time he entered, he would bring some members of the strategy team with him.

The strategy teams of other countries also received the news at this moment, and they were not willing to be outdone.

One by one, they took the strategy and began to rush into the system space.

At this moment, as time passed, the first member of the Fairy Tail Strategy Team who possessed magic also appeared on the field.

As the white light dissipated, a woman with a cold face and beautiful appearance stood on the field. He Ran was Li Yi, the champion of the previous competition!

Of course, she is now a member of the Fairy Tail Strategy Team, and she has also given everything to Su Heng.

At this moment, Li Yi, who was standing on the field, also reviewed her magic information.

[Ice Magic: Different from Shape Magic, this is the purest kind of magic with great potential. If you practice it to the extreme, you can even freeze everything.]

[Level: SSS!]

After obtaining the magic of ice, Li Yi's entire temperament seemed to have undergone a drastic change.

At this moment, she stood there without moving, but the cold air emanating from her body made everyone present shiver inadvertently.

"" Condensation!"

Li Yi said softly at this moment.

Then, with her as the center, an astonishing cold air began to spread continuously, and everything it touched was instantly frozen into ice.....!

The voices kept ringing.

The audience around was filled with horror, fearing that they would also be frozen into ice.

Fortunately, Li Yi seemed to be just doing this for an experiment. When this cold air touched a person, it automatically disappeared.

But it only took a short while.

The huge venue instantly turned into a giant ice sculpture.

At this moment, the judges on the field saw this scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

At this moment, the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country couldn't help but be surprised:

"The first member of the Fairy Tail Raiders Team has been revealed? I didn't expect it to be the champion of the last tournament!"

"Just one move froze the entire venue! This strength is really strong, so scary!"

The old man of Longguo touched his beard and then looked at Li Yi deeply.

He didn't expect his granddaughter to put aside her pride and make such a decision!

It was not in vain for his painstaking efforts! Thinking of this, the old man said:

"The champion of the last tournament? This title no longer suits her! Now she should be more accurately called a member of the Fairy Tail Raiders Group!"

"This team of attackers should not be underestimated!"

As the old man finished speaking, as if to prove what he said, white light kept flashing on the field.

One after another, powerful auras began to be released wantonly on the field.

They were the members of the Fairy Tail team!..............................................................

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