At this moment, looking at the people on the field who were all upset, the girl nodded with satisfaction, then hopped over to Su Heng's side.

She tilted her head and said shyly:

"How is it? Master Su Heng, I did a good job, didn't I?"

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Su Heng curiously checked her information through the system permissions.

[Name: Zhao Linger]

[Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]

[Level: SSS]

"Sky Dragon Slayer Magic? No wonder it has such a huge magical power! Very well done! I will remember you!"

"Your name is Zhao Linger, right? I have always had rewards and punishments, and now I will give you the reward you deserve!"

Seeing this, Su Heng reached out and touched the other person's head, and then a huge amount of magic power was transmitted to the other person's body.

Zhao Linger, who was still shy at the moment, suddenly froze.

But then a feeling of joy began to spread in her heart, because this not only represented Lord Su Heng's recognition of her.

It also showed that Lord Su Heng had firmly remembered her, Zhao Linger, in his mind!

"Thank you, Master Su Heng!"

After receiving this huge magical power, Zhao Linger smiled sweetly at Su Heng, and then returned to the team.

Then Su Heng turned his head and glanced at the people at the scene, then chuckled and said:

"That's it, folks! I added a rating system when the dungeon was first opened!"

"Based on your performance in the dungeon, you will be given corresponding evaluations, and then the corresponding rewards will be randomly drawn based on the evaluations!"

"It's you who didn't seize the opportunity! If you can get a high evaluation, you can naturally get powerful magic like them!"

After hearing Su Heng's answer, some people who passed the level at the scene remembered to check the system evaluation when they passed the level.

"Wow, it’s true! I thought I only needed to clear the dungeon! I didn’t expect there would be a system evaluation!"

"I just checked and my magic is only B-level! So disappointed, I thought it should be at least A-level!"

"My good brother, B-level is not satisfied? Then how can I, a C-level, save my face?"

"I was so happy when I finished the game, who would have noticed this! But never mind, this magic is pretty cool! I am satisfied!"

"Holy shit, I just checked! The magic level of the Fairy Tail guide group is all S-level or above!"

"Damn, is this the appearance of the Dragon Country Raiders Team? Damn, it's too awesome! I admire you! I admire you so much!"

After hearing Su Heng's revelation, everyone was extremely surprised.

The judges from various countries who noticed this were also shocked.

"Amazing! They added such detailed settings in such a short time! They even divided the magic into different levels!"

"No wonder the magic of the Fairy Tail Raiders is so strong! They already have the power to destroy the world!"

At this moment, the judges of the Bear Country couldn't help but sighed

"Not only that, they have only just acquired these powers! If they develop these magics to the extreme, how powerful will they be!"

When the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country thought of the destruction of the world, they couldn't help but shudder.

On the other hand, as the matter fermented, the top leaders of various countries also noticed this matter. At this moment, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country, listening to the news from his subordinates, sneered:

"I didn't expect Su Heng to have such a trick up his sleeve! But it doesn't matter! Just improve the dungeon rating and that'll be all!"

"From now on! Everyone, watch Su Heng and the others carefully as they clear the dungeon, and find their common points!"

"There must be some connection between them! Once successful! Immediately make a guide and distribute it, so that high evaluation will be easy!"

At this moment, the subordinates beside him heard the president's order.

They also showed great joy:"Your Excellency is really smart! I will do it right away!"

The current situation The President of the United States also nodded, and then laughed.

It's still a long way to play this trick on him! It's just a rating system, can it be difficult for him?.........................

On the other side, the Sakura Country.

The Prime Minister of the Sakura Country was full of anger at the moment. After all, they were not like the Eagle Sauce Country, which had many wizards who had successfully conquered dungeons.

Therefore, it was unrealistic to ask everyone to stop conquering dungeons and study the actions of Su Heng and others.

There were not many people in the first place, and they would stop conquering dungeons later.

Then, let alone getting a leading position in this dungeon competition, it would be good enough to not be bullied by others!

After thinking slowly for a while, the Prime Minister of the Sakura Country said:

"Since people in most other countries have stopped raiding the dungeon now!"

"Now is our chance! Immediately send all the Sakura people present to the dungeon!"

"And tell them to always pay attention! The system rating of the copy! Use the human wave tactics to stack it for me! I don’t believe it! Not even an S-level magic can appear!"

This is their only way! Since other countries are trying their best to make strategies!

Then they will act directly, take advantage of this time, and use the whole country's strength to attack the copy!

I don’t believe that there will be no super magic!! At this moment, the countries that received the news also immediately began to take action.

After all, no country is willing to fall behind!!............................

At this moment, at the dungeon making competition, with the final rating system revealed, the audience was not frustrated! Instead, they burst into even stronger enthusiasm!

They started to attack the dungeon like crazy.

After all, their previous cognition was wrong, and Su Heng misled them!

That’s why everyone couldn’t get powerful magic! But now it’s different, they have realized the importance of the rating system.

So as long as they pay a little attention!

They don’t believe that they can’t get advanced magic!!!

Not long after, the Eagle Sauce Country also formulated a strategy, and then joined in with full confidence!

However, when everyone started to attack the dungeon with confidence, they found that things were not as simple as they thought!

No matter how hard they tried! How careful they were!

They couldn’t get a high evaluation from the system!

Even if a teammate died in the team, the score would immediately drop!

Everyone was almost dumbfounded!

However, on Su Heng’s side, as the original strategy group that had entered continued to successfully attack the dungeon.

Su Heng’s side began to have more and more people exuding powerful magic all over their bodies!

And they all looked calm, as if this matter was as simple as eating and drinking water to them!

At this moment, the attackers from various countries who saw this scene collapsed one after another!!.........................................................

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