At this moment, as everyone continued to enter the dungeon, they found helplessly that no one could bring out magic higher than S-level.

It was simply outrageous!

At this moment, the audience at the scene complained.

"Oh my god, this is too good! I thought it was hard enough to clear the dungeon! I didn't expect that this was just the beginning! There is actually a big one hidden in the back?"

"I can't take it anymore! I'm crazy studying the videos of the Fairy Tail Raiders team members entering! When I entered with full confidence! Everything changed!"

"It's so difficult, harder than climbing to heaven! I didn't expect this to be the real test! The key is that I have already passed the level!"

"Su Heng is really awesome! According to this rating, I don’t understand how perfect it has to be!"

"I have tried my best to avoid it! But people in the guild still died! In the end, I only got an A- rating."

"If you don't compare with Su Heng and the others, A-! Not bad! Even among us, it's awesome! Be content, don't be so arrogant!"

At this moment, the audience was impressed by the rating system that Su Heng appeared in.

They also began to compare with each other.

In the end, they found that as long as they didn't compare with Su Heng and his group of perverts, they might be pretty good!

On the other side,

Su Heng unexpectedly conjured up a leather sofa from nowhere.

Then he sat on it.

Behind him, Zhao Linger, who had just obtained the dragon-slaying magic, was massaging him hard.

"Lord Su Heng? How is it? Is it okay?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger leaned over and asked curiously.

Su Heng could clearly feel the softness on his back and the faint fragrance of the girl coming from his nose.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and glanced at the members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group in front of him.

Feeling the powerful magic fluctuations they exuded, Su Heng seemed very satisfied.

Then he replied:"Not bad! Of course you are all very good!"

Zhao Linger worked harder after hearing the compliment!

And the members of the Strategy Group in front of him also showed excitement.

After all, Su Heng is their master! Su Heng's recognition is their greatest pride!

Then the members of the Strategy Group spoke in unison:

"Yes! Thank you, Master Su Heng, for your praise!!"

The neat shouts and the powerful magic that filled the entire arena immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone knew that from today on, Dragon Country would usher in a huge change.

And the Fairy Tail Strategy Group would surely become the treasure of the entire Dragon Country!

And Su Heng, who changed all this, is a world-class treasure.

Seeing this scene, the judges on the side were also shocked.

At this moment, the judge John Bull widened his eyes and couldn't help but said in a lost voice:

"Fairy Tail?! A raider group named after their first dungeon!"

"And each of them has super powerful magic! It's really terrible! Is this Su Heng's plan?"

The judges from the Eagle Sauce Country also looked solemn.

:"I just didn't expect that Su Heng's rating system would reach this level!"

"On top of clearing the dungeon, you also have to consider the system's rating! It's extremely difficult!"

"Only Su Heng can come up with such a genius idea! Now he has created such a powerful attacking team, it's incredible!"

At this moment, other judges also expressed their opinions.

But without exception, they all expressed shock at Su Heng's genius idea!

On the other hand, the senior leaders of various countries also responded to Su Heng's high-difficulty rating system. At this moment, Prime Minister John Bull was slumped in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. Facing the intelligence delivered at this moment , he thought for a while and spoke with a little emotion:

"I still can't pass it? I mobilized the whole country to watch the video of Su Heng passing it day and night!"

"Then we spent a huge amount of money and gathered top talents from all levels to put the strategy on the top!"

"I invested so much! So much! In the end, no one can get a high rating! Even S- is good!"

At this moment, Prime Minister John Bull sat in his chair and sighed constantly.

While he was impressed by Su Heng's genius, he also felt extremely helpless in his heart.

Seeing this, the secretary beside him hurriedly spoke to comfort him:

"Sir! There is no need to be like this! Think about it from another perspective. Only Su Heng and his men possess all kinds of powerful magic!"

"As long as we don't compare with them, we are still quite strong."

After these words came out, Prime Minister John Bull glanced at the other party speechlessly.

Then he rubbed his face fiercely, thinking why he would recruit such a secretary!

But it also gave him some inspiration.

Yes! The only ones who have all kinds of powerful magic are Su Heng and his strategy team! So now he must not offend the other party.

And he can only make friends with Su Heng, so in this case, maybe he should also find a way to send some people to the strategy team.

It is definitely not okay to have too low status, and it is not okay to be too ugly.

After all, he has checked the identity information of those people in the strategy team clearly, and they are all children of various high-level dignitaries in Longguo.

High status? Or you can send the little princess to you?

Hiss...No, forget it!

It's too hard!

After shaking his head, Prime Minister John Bull was at a loss.

He had already acquiesced to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom!......................................

On the other hand, the president of the United States became furious the moment he heard the news.

"What? How is this possible? We are the best raiders! How can we not even get an S-level spell?"

"A bunch of trash! You are all useless! What use are you?"

At this moment, all the subordinates around him were silent.

After a long time, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country lowered his head unwillingly:

"After this, the status of Dragon Country will surely be greatly improved!"

"It's so abominable! Why would a talent like Su Heng appear in Dragon Country! How great it would be if he appeared in our Eagle Country!"

With a sigh, the President of Eagle Country slowly looked out the window.

Su Heng, Fairy Tail, Dragon Country, after today.

They will surely become synonymous with powerful!

Of course, they are not the only ones who have this idea.

The rise of Dragon Country is inevitable!

At this moment, all the top leaders of the country have acquiesced to this fact......................................................................

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