At the scene of the dungeon making competition.

In the system space.

Following Su Heng, three backgrounds were made in succession!

The barrage at this moment was rolling crazily!

[The boss is really awesome! I am really impressed!]

[I am dying of laughter. After all this time, it turns out to be a wonderful misunderstanding! I was so surprised that I suspected that there was something wrong with Su Heng's background! It turns out that there was something wrong with the person who raised the question!]

[I said! The three backgrounds made by Master Su Heng are linked together! How could there be any problem!]

[Boss Su Heng is really outrageous! In such a short time, he created three such exquisite world backgrounds! ] At this moment, the people in the barrage cheered wildly.

"Hahaha! The boss is awesome! How could anyone dare to doubt the boss's strength!"

At this moment, Zhao Linger looked at the people in the barrage and praised Su Heng.

She was happy and proud at the same time.

"What will the boss make next? What should I do? I am really curious!"

At this moment, Zhao Linger knocked on her white forehead, then blinked her big eyes and said to herself

"If you are curious, just ask! Ask directly in the barrage! The boss will definitely reply when he sees it!"

At this moment, a sweet-looking girl in a black dress rolled her eyes at Zhao Linger and then said.

Wang Xueyao and Zhao Linger are usually very good girlfriends, but also competitors.

"That's right! Why not just ask directly?"

After hearing the reminder, Zhao Linger showed a look of sudden enlightenment, and then hurriedly began to ask in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Su Heng also successfully noticed Zhao Linger's question.

After a light laugh,

Su Heng said seriously:

"What I will do next! Is a physical skill that can enhance physical ability!!" However, it would have been better if he hadn't asked. As soon as he asked, something went wrong. At this moment, as Su Heng's voice fell, everyone in the live broadcast room instantly became agitated.

[Ah, no way, it's actually a physical technique? Goodbye, Master Su Heng, show me something exciting, I don't want to watch this!]

[What's so good about physical skills? How strong is it? Breaking a brick with one punch is the limit, right? How strong can it be? Breaking two bricks?]

[I know that the Dragon people have a long tradition! They always have an inexplicable obsession with physical skills! But the boss can do other things! I don’t want to watch physical skills!]

[Boss, why don't you do something else? What's the point of physical skills? Or should you perfect your devil fruit?]

[How can you doubt Su Heng like this? His ability is obvious to all of us! What if he is very strong?]

[There is no chance! How strong can physical training be? The human body always has its limits! Even for Su Heng! ]

At this moment, when everyone in the barrage heard that Su Heng was going to do physical training, they all began to persuade him.

In the contestant lounge

"It's over! It's over! Something's wrong! The boss is actually going to do physical exercises! What if I don't do it well by then, I'm going to be in trouble!"

At this moment, Zhao Linger looked at the increasingly out-of-control comments in the live broadcast room. She couldn't help but say with despair.

She didn't expect that this question would cause such a big commotion.

"Ling Er, relax! We have to trust the boss!"

"Even if the boss really loses! But everyone has to die! It's inevitable, so don't worry!"

Seeing this, Wang Xueyao patted Zhao Linger on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

The first half of the sentence was fine, but after hearing the latter part, Zhao Linger's face was full of black lines.

Then she rushed forward, grabbed Wang Xueyao's shoulders, and shook her hard.

"It's all your fault for giving me such a bad idea! I'm going to strangle you to death now!" At this moment , the two girls inadvertently started to fight.

"Haha, taijutsu? You Dragon people are really obsessed with this aspect!"

"I thought Su Heng would be better! I didn't expect that he would fall into the cliché after all! Just physical skills! How strong can he be?"

At this moment, the judge of John Bull shook his head, and then said with disappointment.

Physical skills? It's just a joke. You know, the competition has been held for several sessions!

At the beginning, weren't there enough copies of physical skills? Players from other countries would bring some more or less, and the most among them were from Longguo!

But even the most amazing ones were just so-so, how could they compare with all kinds of modern guns and cannons!

Therefore, doing physical skills, in their opinion, is a complete waste of time, and for a talented player like Su Heng.

They think it is even more of a waste of talent!

"Yes, throughout the ages, our ancestors have created so many physical skills! It is already completely enough!"

"Even if they are placed in the copy space and used to merge with each other, it is just a waste of time. Su Heng's move is not very wise!"

The judge from the Bear Country also agreed.

"Su Heng is a very talented contestant! He must have a purpose for doing this, let's wait and see! Alas~!"

The judges of Longguo just sighed when they saw this.

Although he also wanted to promote physical skills, this kind of thing has indeed gained a bad reputation nowadays.

On the other hand.

At this moment, in response to the advice of the barrage.

Su Heng just shook his head lightly and stopped talking.

Physical skills can be weak? That's because you haven't seen the strongest!

Now I will open your eyes!

Thinking of this.

Su Heng smiled slightly.

Then in his mind, the strongest physical skills in One Piece were submitted by him!

[Six Styles]

[The six moves, Shave, Iron Block, Paper Painting, Moon Step, Storm Kick, Finger Gun, etc., are extremely powerful! If you can learn all of them and use them skillfully, you can even fight against the Devil Fruit ability users!]

[However, due to their overpowering power, these moves are extremely difficult to learn, and often require countless extremely hard training before they can be mastered! ]

At this moment, as the six-style settings were brought out, the people watching the live broadcast were all shocked when they saw this scene in front of them.

[Oh my god, this is so awesome! Can physical skills really be this strong! To fight a devil fruit user? How strong would that have to be!]

[Could this be the legendary flesh-fuck monster? After all the training, could it really have such power?]

[Forgive me for speaking too loudly before! It turns out that physical skills can be really awesome! Master Su Heng is really strong! This has been played out to perfection!]

[There is no one I particularly admire! Except for Boss Su Heng! He is so strong that he is not human! Physical skills can reach this level? He is also invincible!]....................................................................

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