At this moment, as Su Heng brought out the setting of the Six Styles, there were bursts of exclamations from the scene of the dungeon competition.

"What a novel physical skill setting! If you learn six moves, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the devil fruit ability users?"

"I think you are all surprised too early! This is just a rough setting, and it has not been approved by the system yet!"

"It seems to be true! Although it seems very powerful from the setting, Su Heng doesn't seem to have revealed what it is like?"

"By the way, this is not used to confuse us, right? After all, it seems a little unlikely that physical skills can reach this level!"

After the initial shock.

Everyone began to feel a little confused again!

Although this setting looks very bluffing, how powerful is it exactly?

And it has not been recognized by the system until now! What is Su Heng thinking about?

The space of the copy production system.

At this moment, Su Heng has not yet perfected the detailed settings of the six styles.

And what he is thinking in his mind at this moment is.

After the settings are officially added, all members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group must master them proficiently!

After all, the six styles may be the only ability that can be mastered through learning.

After all, the abilities of devil fruits are unique, and one person can only choose one.

But the six styles are different! As long as this technology is constantly learned and polished, sooner or later it can enhance its own strength!

They must not be left idle, and let them practice when they have nothing to do!

Thinking of this, Su Heng nodded with satisfaction.

Then he submitted a more specific setting!

[Six Styles]

[One of the Six Styles is Shave: Within an instant, you stomp the ground continuously at high speed, and use the high explosive force generated as a reaction force to produce a speed as fast as teleportation!]

[Iron Block: One of the Six Styles, this is a very powerful defensive technique. It requires constant physical training, and then you only need to mobilize your own strength to make yourself as hard as iron! But you can't move the iron block as you wish!]

[One of the Six Styles is Paper Drawing: One of the defensive techniques. Through continuous practice, you can make your body as thin as paper, and you can constantly dodge the enemy's attacks!]

[One of the Six Styles, Moon Step: After continuous practice, you can use the strong power of your feet to generate air suspension force, and then you can walk in the air like walking up stairs!]

[One of the Six Styles: Gangjiao: After continuous practice, one can have super-fast and powerful kicks, and use this power to roll up a vacuum to form a slash to attack the opponent.]

[One of the Six Styles is Finger Gun: By gathering the strength of the whole body into the fingers that have been constantly trained, and then releasing a blow, it has the impact force of a bullet!]

[Ding! The settings were submitted successfully!]

[Six Styles]

At this moment, as the system's prompt sound fell, a screen appeared in the space.

What was playing in it was the power of practicing the Six Styles to the extreme!

The speed was as fast as teleportation. After practicing to the extreme, it could be said to be an iron block that was invulnerable to swords and guns and immune to enemy attacks, as well as paper painting, moon steps, etc.................

Seeing this shocking scene, the audience was completely shocked.

"What the hell, what the hell is this! It’s really invincible! I can do anything in the sky and the sea! Is this a physical skill? This is a divine skill!"

"I really kneel down to Master Su Heng! Can you please not be so outrageous! Can you please be more normal? Can a normal person come up with such an awesome move?"

"Oh my god, after I master all of this, I can become a super-powerful person who can stand alone! As long as I don’t encounter a devil fruit, who can stop me?"

"This physical skill is too tempting! And as long as you go through hard training, you may be able to learn it! Compared to domineering, this condition is too friendly!"

At this moment, as the physical skill setting was launched, everyone at the scene shouted"Wow!"

On the other side, Li Yi, who had been paying attention to Su Heng's live broadcast room, couldn't help but show a look of shock when he saw this scene.

"Six styles? I didn't expect that he could perform such a powerful physical technique! Lord Su Heng is really amazing!"

"If I can fully master this physical skill! Then how much will my strength increase?"

Thinking of this, the member of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group couldn't help but look forward to it more and more.

Then she quickly calmed down and started to do the copy seriously.

After all, she didn't want to be the last person to enter her boss's copy!

At this moment, Lina on the side also quickly picked up the microphone and began to introduce:

"I didn't expect that the physical skills that have always been unpopular and have been in decline for a long time would be set to such a level of strength under Su Heng's ingenious idea!"

"This makes us sigh! Su Heng is a true genius in making copies!"

"Now let's turn the camera to the judges! Let's see what they think about this!"

As Lina finished speaking, the camera instantly turned to the judges' seats.

The judges at the scene were so surprised that they were speechless.

It took a long time for them to slowly come back to their senses.

"Awesome! What a genius idea! The original impression of physical training may only be able to strengthen the body!"

"But Su Heng actually raised him to such a level! A hero emerges from youth! Great, that's great! Six styles? What a wonderful setting!"

At this moment, John Bull's judge changed his previous attitude and praised Su Heng.

"Shaving, Iron Step, Moon Step, Finger Gun, Paper Drawing, Guard Gun, even if you take out one of them alone, they are all extremely excellent physical skills!"

"It is not an exaggeration to say that any one of them surpasses all the physical skills in the world, and now Su Heng has made six of them in succession!"

"It's incredible!"

The judge from the Bear Country was also shocked, and then commented in an unbelievable tone:

"Very good! This kid did a great job! His excellence is beyond all of our expectations!"

Old Man Longguo stroked his beard and said with a smile.

The other judges also expressed their high evaluation of Su Heng.

At this moment in the contestant lounge

"Haha, that's great! I told you, the boss can do it! He can even do this level of physical skills! You really deserve to be the boss!"

At this moment, seeing the physical skills Su Heng showed, it had such a strong potential.

Even all the judges and the audience praised it.

At this moment, Zhao Linger said with a smile.

On the other side, with the appearance of the six styles, the top leaders of various countries were shocked!.....................................................

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