At this moment, the appearance of Luffy, the first Devil Fruit user, undoubtedly made everyone present very excited.

And the next moment, the second Devil Fruit user was also created by Su Heng and then presented in front of everyone.

What caught the eye was a man with a striking big red nose, two diagonal cross patterns on his forehead, and blue hair.

At the same time, the character information was also displayed in front of everyone.


[Personality: He hates it most when people talk about his nose! He often kills innocent people for this reason! His favorite thing is to abuse the weak and enjoy it!]

[Possessing the Fruit: The Splitting Fruit!]

The setting and character images were clearly presented to everyone.

The barrage also started to roll wildly at this moment.

[Ah, the Joker? Judging from his personality traits, he is definitely a bad guy! The Splitting Fruit? It seems pretty awesome! Can it split objects into pieces?]

[Just the name sounds impressive! The fruit ability must be strong! Otherwise, if you don’t have enough strength, how can you bully others?]

[To be honest, I am a little disgusted by this character, but now these are all trivial matters. I am more curious about what the ability of this fruit is!]

[Let’s put aside the question of strength or not! As a Dragon countryman who likes to watch some health videos, when I saw the name Baki, I thought of something I shouldn’t have thought of!]

[You are not the only one who has said the same thing above! I can only say that Su Heng is quite good at naming! What a genius! Not only is he so good at making copies, he is also so good at naming! ]

At this moment, everyone began to discuss the detailed abilities of the Split Fruit.

And they also began to look forward to it! Under Buggy's command! What kind of powerful power can he exert!

And looking at the comments of everyone in the barrage.

Su Heng smiled silently in his heart!

After all, when Buggy uses the Split Fruit, his strength cannot reach the level of Luffy!

If you have too high expectations, you will be extremely disappointed!

With this idea in mind.

The detailed abilities of the Split Fruit were also added by Su Heng.

[The Split Fruit: can split its body into many small pieces!

The introduction is very simple, and then it is played that Buggy begins to develop and use the power of the Split Fruit.

The clown's flying knife, flying close to the ground, emergency escape, etc.

However, after watching it.

Everyone suddenly burst into strong dissatisfaction!

"Holy shit, are you kidding me! He is so bad at using the Split Fruit! Isn't he too bad? Not even a hair better than Luffy!"

"Is it possible that Master Su Heng can't think of a cool way to play? The development level of this fruit is too low! It's so naive!"

"Boss, is this a lack of inspiration? It's a pity, but I understand it! But the development level of this fruit is indeed a bit low, which makes me feel a little disappointed!"

"It's really not good! I've been looking forward to it for so long! Su Heng, give me back my expectations! Such a high-end fruit! If you can't make it, don't do it!"

At this moment, the scene was noisy!

But the meaning expressed was basically the same.

That is, dissatisfaction with Su Heng's setting!

It was broken into pieces and developed so weakly! The fruit that sounded very strong just by the name, you made it like this?

While everyone was expressing their strong dissatisfaction.

Lina also quickly picked up the microphone and began to introduce the situation:

"It can be seen that everyone is very dissatisfied with the setting of contestant Su Heng's Fruit of Reincarnation!"

"And they quarreled over the strength of the fruit!"

"So what detailed answers can the judges give?"

As the voice fell, the judges on the other side of the judges' seat.

At this moment, the judge from Longguo picked up the microphone.

Then he chuckled and answered the questions for everyone:

"It can be seen that everyone is very dissatisfied with Su Heng's setting! But since you asked me to say a few words, I will say a few words!"

"The reason is actually very simple! Everyone thinks that the Split Fruit should be able to exert a stronger power, but Su Heng set it too weak!"

As the voice fell, everyone at the scene nodded in agreement.

This is exactly why they are dissatisfied.

Looking at the reactions of the people on the field, the judges of Longguo cleared their throats and then explained again.

"In fact, I think Su Heng did this for his own reasons! After all, the fruit is torn into pieces, and it does have great potential!"

"Judging from Buggy's character! He is such a wicked person, he doesn't have the character of Luffy! Is he worthy of exerting his full strength?"

At this point, everyone at the scene began to understand.

And then after drinking a sip of water, the judge said a crucial sentence:

"What's more, it's Buggy who can't use his power! If someone successfully conquers the dungeon! And takes out the devil fruit inside!"

"Then it will be you who will develop the fruit! Is there any direct relationship with Buggy?"

After saying this, the judge from Dragon Country also showed a look of admiration.

In his heart, he was full of admiration for Su Heng.

He was so young, yet he could make such a detailed setting and foreshadowing.

Such a talent is a great blessing for our Dragon Country!

At this moment, as the judge's last sentence fell, the faces of the people at the scene suddenly condensed.

After a brief calm, they suddenly broke out!

"Oh shit, that's right! Buggy can't use the full power of the fruit! That's why he looks so weak! But if he succeeds, won't the fruit still be developed by himself!"

"It turns out that Boss Su Heng actually has such an intention! I just never figured it out! Now I actually doubt the Boss's awesomeness. Damn it!"

"Yes, what does Buggy's weakness have to do with my Splitting Fruit? As long as I can use it well, that's enough!"

"Hit the nail on the head! The rubber fruit looks so weak, but with Luffy's efforts, it can become so strong! Not to mention the shattering fruit!"

"Now, it seems that there may not be any weak fruits at all! The only ones who are really weak are the developers of the fruits! The stronger the user, the more the fruit abilities are developed, and the stronger it will be!"

At this moment, everyone at the scene thought of this. They couldn't help but express their admiration for Su Heng!

This is fucking amazing! While designing the fruit, there are actually so many foreshadowings! Su Heng did not hear the cheers of the people on the field. Because at this moment, his whole body and mind were immersed in the copy production. Then, not long after. He then continued to create the settings of other fugitives in the city! And the people at the scene cheered even more enthusiastically.

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