At this moment, as Su Heng produced all the fugitives in the city in a short period of time, the people at the scene couldn't help but cheered enthusiastically.

"Wow, the production speed is too fast! In such a short time, so many characters have been made! The key is that even the settings are so detailed!"

"More than that! Look at the characters! Basically, they all have their own characteristics! It’s amazing to be able to do this!"

"The most important thing is that the boss can actually add unique personality traits to each person! Preferences and so on! It's so awesome, I'm really impressed!"

"I'm so impressed! This is ridiculously strong! The most important thing is Jinbe's fishman karate! It's actually a new kind of physical skill!"

"Shit, now that you said that, it seems to be right!

Jinbei's moves are a completely new kind of physical technique.

Does that mean that the big guy has created another physical technique? That's outrageous!

" At this moment, everyone expressed their shock that Su Heng had created so many character settings in such a short time!

On the other side, in the system space at this moment, after creating several fugitives in Impel Down, Su Heng fell into deep thought.

Which force's characters should he work on next? The Navy Headquarters? The Seven Warlords of the Sea? Or the Four Emperors? But since he wants to do it, he must first create the most impressive and cheering character in that force!

At this moment, a figure automatically emerged in his mind, with a huge sword on his back and a cold expression!

Hawkeye Mihawk!

It's decided to be you!

Thinking of this, Su Heng no longer hesitated.

He quickly added the settings about Hawkeye in his mind one by one.

[Djorakol Mihawk]

[Faction: Shichibukai]

[Personality: Extremely calm and composed! Even in battle, there won't be too much emotional fluctuation!]

[Fruit ability: None]

[Haki: Armament Haki, Observation Haki]

With the successful addition of various settings, a man with short black hair and eyes as sharp as an eagle appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone looked at his murderous yellow pupils and the exaggerated giant sword on his back, and began to discuss

[One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! But I feel like his strength might be at the bottom! After all, this person doesn't seem to have any special abilities!]

[What the above person said reminded me! Although this Hawkeye looks very strong, he may be the weakest in terms of ability!]

[How did he become a Shichibukai? I remember that only extremely strong strength or extremely high reputation can do this! Hawkeye should be the latter! How should I put it, it feels pretty average!]

[like���That's true! This character is a bit weak! I'm very disappointed with Su Heng!!!]

[Don't you know how to design a sword-wielding character to be stronger? If you can't, don't design it! It's really disgusting! ]

After seeing the introduction of Hawkeye's ability.

Everyone was disappointed.

What is this? This ability is too scarce!

He only has two kinds of armed colors? It's really not good!

John Bull, the judge on the side, touched his chin and thought about it when he saw this scene.

Mihawk! A man with the title of Hawkeye, a character with such a high level of style, I didn't expect Su Heng to design it like this! Is it really that he doesn't know how to design it?

But on second thought, Su Heng doesn't seem to be good at designing in this aspect! After all, so far, all kinds of powerful ones are basically fruit abilities!

At this moment, John Bull's judge had a feeling in his heart!

This man called Hawkeye, although he doesn't look weak.

But he probably won't be too strong. After all, he only has two kinds of domineering colors. His upper limit is the highest, which is that level!

Thinking of this, John Bull's judge couldn't help but become curious!

The next moment.

Looking at the dissatisfaction expressed in the barrage!

Su Heng's mouth curled up a smile.

Then he smiled and added the last bit of information about Hawkeye Mihawk!

[Hawkeye Mihawk is known as the world's greatest swordsman! The long sword he carries on his back is called Night, which is known as the world's strongest black sword, and a small cross knife is hung on his chest! ]

And with the last setting completed.

The system also started to play the picture of Hawkeye as promised.

And this time, two pictures appeared unexpectedly!

In the first picture, on the sea, the small boat that Hawkeye was riding on actually ran into an extremely huge pirate ship head-on!

However, when everyone was shouting and killing, Hawkeye pulled out the knife and put it back in a very short time.


A huge noise was heard.

In just a short time, the huge ship was split in two!

In the second picture, Hawkeye stood there motionless, and opposite him was a man with short green hair and three knives.

It was obvious that the two were fighting! However, in a flash, Hawkeye pulled out the short knife in front of his chest and stabbed it directly into the opponent's chest, and blood splattered.

The picture ended here.

However, what followed was the crazy rolling of the barrage!

[This is too damn strong! Is this something a human can do? Am I seeing right? Just relying on the most advanced swordsmanship, how can he be so powerful?]

[Splitting a ship with one sword! This power is simply too strong! Too incredible! This is the true limit of human beings!]

[The most important thing is, did you see it? He didn't rely on any physical skills or devil fruit! He only relied on his swordsmanship to achieve such strength! What if he had these two things?]

[Damn, you're right! If you add any of the Devil Fruit or Taijutsu, this���People’s strength will become extremely terrifying!]

[Damn, Master Su Heng is so awesome! Such a person with just the right level of strength was actually successfully created! Really amazing, master!]

Seeing the scene of Hawkeye's moves at this moment, everyone changed their attitudes. They all began to praise Su Heng!

This power is too strong! And the characterization is so good! They have never seen such a charming person!

Strong strength! Unique style! Coupled with that murderous look!

It made many men crazy!

On the other side, the judges of John Bull saw this scene.

They couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Their faces were full of shock........................................................................

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