The old man was very happy.

Hargeon Park——

Lucy sat on a bench in the park and kept flipping through the weekly Sosara. This issue of Weekly Fairy Tail had a lot of content. Fairy Queen Erza killed monsters and cut off their horns. The fire dragon destroyed a forest.

[As expected of Erza, she is still so strong. It is this fire dragon. If it is the same one...] Lucy remembered what the fire dragon said on the street just now.

"You want to join Fairy Tail, right?" A voice suddenly came from my ear, and the "fire dragon" that was surrounded by girls on the street just now appeared in front of Lucy again.

Lucy was startled, and resisted the urge to press the magazine on his face, and replied indignantly: "Your charm magic is no longer effective on me!"

"Fire Dragon" didn't care about Lucy's attitude and tone, shook his hair, and posed with his tiger's mouth facing his chin: "I already know, I can tell at a glance that you are a wizard, it doesn't matter, I just want to invite you to my ship to attend the party."

Lucy looked at Pola with disdain. Pola might be a wizard of Fairy Tail. Although she likes Fairy Tail very much, Lucy is not blindly worshipping it. After all, Fairy Tail is so famous. , maybe there are too many wizards, and it is normal for some of them to have a bad character: "No, I am not interested in a party held by a lowly man like you who uses charm magic to deceive women."

Pola was stunned, and then remembered that she was watching the content of Fairy Tail: "Don't you want to join Fairy Tail? I am the fire dragon, you should have heard of my name, right? Come to my party on the ship tonight, I can recommend you to join Fairy Tail."

Lucy frowned. She often heard the name of the fire dragon in the past six months, but he just liked to cause trouble. I didn't expect the fire dragon to have such a bad character.

Lucy still planned to attend, she was still somewhat confident in her own strength.

If this fire dragon is a fake, it would be best if she could solve it herself, which would also be a contribution to Fairy Tail.

If it is really a fire dragon, she must tell Erza and Ultear and let them teach this fire dragon a lesson.

"After attending this cocktail party, I will join Fairy Tail." Lucy jumped up happily.

On the other side——

"Why are you here too, Ross?"

"I heard you say there's a fire dragon. It's not far away, so I came to see it too. I'm very interested in dragons." Ross came here directly using teleportation magic. He arrived before Natsu and Happy. He was watching from a high place when the fake fire dragon was deceiving people. The smell of the crowd was too complicated, so Natsu might not have smelled him.

"It's fake, it's not Igneel." Natsu hung his head, his tone a little disappointed.

"Cheer up, I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Ross patted Natsu's shoulder to comfort him. Apart from that, Ross had no other way. In recent years, whenever there was news related to dragons, Natsu would run to find it, no matter how far or dangerous it was.

At night, at the Hargeon Port Observation Deck, Happy, who had eaten a full meal, sat on the guardrail and looked at the ocean.

"By the way, Natsu, that fire dragon said he would hold a party on the boat. Is that the boat?" Happy pointed to the boat in the port.

"Ugh~~" Natsu's face turned purple, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands: "I want to vomit."

"Please don't get seasick just by imagining it, okay?" Happy waved his paws and didn't want to complain.

"Look, that's Lord Fire Dragon's ship, right?"

"I also want to attend Lord Fire Dragon's party!"

"Don't you know? He's the wizard of Fairy Tail, super famous!"

There were also several girls not far from the three of them pointing at the ship and talking non-stop.

[Fairy Tail? ] Natsu frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at the ship. He had never seen the man today, and he had never smelled his smell.

"Happy, have you seen him?"

"No, haven't we always been together? How could I have seen him if you haven't seen him?"

"Rose, who in our guild is called Fire Dragon?"

"You..." Rose's mouth twitched, and his right hand pointed at Natsu.

"What!!!" Natsu and Happy held their cheeks with their hands and screamed.

World famous paintings - I'm looking for myself

At the same time, Lucy was confronting the fake fire dragon Pola on the boat, and the two sides had already torn their faces apart.

After all, just now the fake fire dragon wanted to use the sleeping magic to stun Lucy.

The fake fire dragon invited these girls and Lucy just to stun them, and then abducted them to Bosgo to make a lot of money.

"You are...

Don't get me wrong, I really want to join Fairy Tail, but I don't want to be your woman, and I know someone in Fairy Tail, I will definitely expose you. "

Pora was a little surprised, knowing Fairy Tail, Lucy couldn't run away.

"Unfortunately, it's too late now." Pora snapped his fingers, and the curtain was opened, and Pora's accomplices appeared in front of Lucy carrying the unconscious girls.

"What's going on?"

"Welcome to my ship, please be careful before you arrive at Bosgo."

"Damn it!" Lucy immediately took out the constellation key from behind the gift.

The fake fire dragon was quick and snatched it with fire. "Astral wizard? Unfortunately, only the person who signed the contract can use it, it's useless to me. "After saying that, he threw it out of the ship.

Rose outside the ship received the key as Dunasmon.

"Are you really a wizard of Fairy Tail? Not only do you abuse forbidden magic, but you also kidnap people." Lucy clenched her hands and looked at Pola with gritted teeth.

"Bang--" The ceiling of the cabin suddenly broke apart--Natsu fell from the sky.


"Ugh~~" Natsu covered his mouth and tried to resist the urge to vomit after his handsome appearance. "No, I still want to vomit."

"Really lame!"

"Lucy, what are you doing here?" Happy appeared in the broken ceiling of the cabin and asked.

"Happy! I was deceived. He lied to me that he wanted me to join Fairy Tail. Wait, why do you have wings?"

Pola and her group watched the two of them chat in silence as if no one was around.

"Let's talk later, let's go. "Happy flew in and wrapped his tail around Lucy before running away.

"Wait, where's Natsu!"

"I can't carry two people, and it's okay, Rose is here."

"Rose? Rose from Fairy Tail?" If it was Rose, Lucy would know her, although they didn't meet much, she was more familiar with Erza and Ultear.

"Chase them, it will be bad if the Council finds out!" Pora looked back at his accomplices and shouted.

"Don't try to escape, look at my flame whip!" Pora waved his right hand, and many whips formed by flames appeared in the magic circle and waved at Happy and Lucy in the air.

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