The two of them were in a state of panic.

Facing the pursuit and interception of the Flame Whip, Happy dragged Lucy to dodge continuously, which was a piece of cake for it, which often dragged Natsu to fight.

"We have to save Natsu and those girls." Happy just said that Rose, but Lucy hasn't seen it yet. If Rose was there, she would have seen it long ago.

"Lucy, listen to me."

"What are you talking about at this time?"

"The transformation is canceled!"

"You stupid cat!" Lucy didn't forget to complain about Happy before she fell.

A burst of white light passed by, and Lucy and Happy were supported by the Dunasmon received by Rose before they fell into the sea.

Rose even became a little bigger to make Lucy sit more comfortably.

"Rose, that's great!" Happy rubbed his head against Rose, not feeling uncomfortable.

"Long time no see, Lucy, and keep the key safe." Rose said hello and returned the key to Lucy.

"It's really you! Rose, there is a wizard on that ship, claiming to be a wizard from Fairy Tail, and wants to kidnap girls!"

"I know, leave it to me, Lucy, Happy, hold my hand tight." Rose nodded to indicate that she knew.

Rose's wings kept flapping, creating a strong wind to push the boat to the shore.

Rose couldn't control his strength this time. It was the first time he used it to push the boat. The boat was pushed to the shore, but it was also overturned.

"Safely on the shore!" Happy jumped off Rose's palm and raised his claws.

"What's going on? How did the boat run to the shore?"

"Damn, what's wrong?" Pola covered her head and looked around.

"You said you are a wizard from Fairy Tail, right?" Natsu, standing high on the ship, looked down at Pola, his tone a little low.

"So what? Get rid of him!" Pola's accomplice responded and rushed up.

"Natsu!" Lucy looked at Natsu with a worried look.

"Don't worry, I forgot to tell you that Natsu is also a wizard."

"Hey!" Lucy couldn't close her mouth. Why did you look at me introducing the wizard like that before? You were just busy eating and didn't have time to answer, right?

"I am Natsu from Fairy Tail. I have never seen a mission like yours." After Natsu got rid of the accomplice who rushed up with two punches, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Pola.

"Fairy Tail? Natsu is a wizard of Fairy Tail?"

"That emblem... is real! Lord Bora, that's a real fire dragon!"

"Idiot, don't call me by my name!"

"Bora, Bora of Red Sky, was once a wizard of Giant's Nose, but was expelled for breaking the rules." Happy was very responsible in explaining.

"I don't care if you are a good person or a bad person, a wizard from a regular guild or a dark guild, I will never allow you to cheat people everywhere under the name of Fairy Tail."

Natsu approached Bora step by step.

"What can you do to me? Flame vortex!" Bora laughed disdainfully and attacked Natsu.

"Natsu!" Lucy watched the flames rushing towards Natsu, causing an explosion.

Rose and Natsu did not step forward, but just blocked Lucy who wanted to rush forward to help Natsu.

"A guy who only talks but doesn't do anything is useless. Is this the so-called fire dragon? It's nothing." After looking at the flames without any movement, Pora turned around and prepared to leave.

"It's so disgusting!" Pora turned around and looked at the figure in the flames. "I said, are you really a fire wizard? This is really the most disgusting fire I have ever eaten."

"What the hell!" Whether it was Lucy, Pora and his accomplices, they all looked at the flames being sucked into Natsu's stomach with shock.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality!"

"This... What kind of monster is this guy!"

"Fire is useless to Natsu."

"I have never seen this kind of magic!"

"Power surges up after eating it! The roar of a fire dragon!" Natsu clasped his hands in front of his mouth, and the flames came out of his mouth and blasted towards Pora.

"Lord Pola, I have seen this guy before, with cherry blossom-colored hair and a scaly scarf, there is no doubt that this guy is really..."

"That's a fire dragon!" Lucy looked at Natsu in surprise. No matter what, it was difficult for her to associate this guy who could make the boat dizzy with a fire dragon.

"Remember this, this is the wizard of Fairy Tail!" Natsu, with flames wrapped around his hands, ran towards Pola in the sky, stepped heavily on the fire dragon's iron fist, and then the fire dragon's

The hook kicked Pola to the distant rock wall.

"Eating fire one moment, wrapping both hands with flames to fight the next, is what I am seeing really magic?"

"The dragon's lungs can blow out flames, the dragon's scales can dissolve flames, and the dragon's claws can grab flames. This is an ancient mysterious magic that transforms one's body into a dragon's physique, that is, the ancient magic." Habib explained to Lucy with his hands on his waist, with a proud and honored tone.

"By the way, I remember there is a thunder dragon, right?" Lucy suddenly remembered that she seemed to have seen a thunder dragon in the weekly magazine.

"Yes, the thunder dragon is another person, also from our guild. This is a kind of magic used to fight dragons."

"Really? The magic to fight dragons..."

"Well, dragon-killing magic, Igneel taught Natsu,"

Here Natsu and Pola are fighting fiercely.

"Watch me!" Pola used up her remaining magic power to throw a magic fire bomb at Natsu.

Natsu caught the fireball with both hands and swallowed the whole fireball into his stomach with a strong suck.

"This is finally not so bad. After eating, I have to teach you a lesson for the guy who came out of the Fairy Tail wizard!" Natsu wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at Pola excitedly.

"The iron fist of the fire dragon!"

Natsu punched Pola into the big bell hanging high in the church.


"It's amazing, but it's too much!" Lucy's forehead was sweating. She finally realized that the fire dragon destroyed this and that in the weekly magazine was true. If she were to write it, she would write it even more excessively.


"What else do you love!"

The army of the Council marched in neat steps and fully armed towards Hargeon Port.

Ross glanced at the army of the Council and said, "The army of the Council is here, we should go."

"Army?" Lucy also looked in the direction Ross was looking at.

"It's terrible, let's run!" Natsu pulled Lucy up without saying anything and started running. Lucy was dragged by Natsu without any resistance.

"Happy, it's time for us to run too." Rose picked up Happy and ran after Natsu.


"Why do you want to run away from me too!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to join our guild? Come on." Natsu looked back at Lucy while running and smiled.


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