The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Why aren't you going yet?" While Mira was still registering, Urrutia looked at Rose who was still drinking tea calmly. Did they say they were going to chase Natsu?

"The Stuhl Mountains are so far away, Natsu must not be there yet, it's too easy for me to chase him. Lucy said she wanted to go with me, I agreed, and told her to pack up and gather at the guild, and I'm waiting for her to come."

Urutia nodded thoughtfully: "Why did Lucy suddenly want to do an S-level mission?"

Yesterday, when Lucy asked about their S-level mission, she looked scared to death.

Rose raised her eyebrows, her tone teasing: "Who knows? Maybe she's worried about Natsu?"

Lucy appeared at the gate with her small bag on her back, her tone indignant: "I'm here for the money, right?"

Rose was a little embarrassed: "Why did you come when I said something bad about you?"

Lucy didn't care too much, she put her hands on her waist and nodded and said: "Natsu and Happy came to see me, I am a little worried about them."

Mira also registered here, gave two commissions to Urrutia, put her hands in front of her body and bowed slightly and said: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Urtia, Erza and Kagura all nodded in response.

Then Urrutia looked at Ross and said, "We originally wanted to go to your house to tell you after accepting the mission, but now it's easier, so we'll go first."

Erusa then said, "Lucy, you have to be careful when you go on the S-level mission."

Lucy was suddenly called out and was stunned for a moment before she reacted: "Ah, okay, I know."

Showing her teacup, Ross raised his teacup and responded, "Okay, you guys stay safe."

[Searching for Natsu and Happy.

Features: a boy with cherry-colored short hair, a blue cat

Range: Fiore Kingdom - Stour Mountains. 】

Showing his fingers together, Ross pointed to his temple, and yellow boxes appeared in front of him.

Lucy looked at the densely packed yellow boxes and almost got dazzled. Seeing that Ross was looking at it very seriously, she turned to Mira and asked, "What kind of magic is this?"

Mira could answer this question. Ross had told her, "The main function of super ancient document magic is to search. The more detailed the information, the faster the search."

Lucy tilted her head in confusion, "I've only heard of ancient document magic."

Mira raised her head slightly, touched her chin with her index finger and said, "Well... almost. This is an advanced version of ancient document magic. Few people can do it."

"Found it." Ross quickly enlarged a picture and presented it to the three of them.

Natsu is now on a high-speed train.

Natsu was lying on his seat unconscious, and Happy was sitting next to him, chewing fish as if nothing had happened.

Lucy's mouth twitched slightly. Somewhat helplessly, he said, "Should I say this? This scene is very classic. How did Habby act so nonchalant?"

"This is indeed a train to the Stur Mountains, but it cannot go directly. We need to transfer. We will wait for them at the station where they transfer."

Rose just checked the various stations of this train.

"Okay, let's go."

"How do we catch up? Fly over?" Lucy thought that it would be difficult to catch up if she followed Natsu on the train, right?

"Teleportation magic, stand firm." Ross snapped his fingers, and a red teleportation magic circle appeared under his feet and began to rotate.

"Be careful along the way, I will inform the president." Mira squinted and smiled.

A flash of red light passed by, and Ross and Lucy disappeared in the guild.

"Who is it?" The station manager saw a red magic circle suddenly appear on the platform. Everyone in the station was attracted by the station manager's voice and the magic circle, and then a man and a woman walked out of the magic circle.

"A wizard from Fairy Tail." Ross and Lucy showed the guild emblem on the back of their hands.

Ross didn't choose the right place. He should have chosen another place. Now a group of people are watching him and Lucy.

The administrator didn't care much when he saw that they were wizards from a regular guild, and evacuated the crowd.

Ross pointed to the bench and said, "There is a bench there. Let's go sit there and wait."

After sitting down, Ross immediately checked where the train Natsu and the others were on was and said, "Natsu and Happy will arrive in three stops. It won't be long."

"Didn't I get off the transportation... uh~~ tool...? Why do I still have... hallucinations?"

Natsu from

He climbed down the train slowly. If there hadn't been a cat on the train explaining that he was just carsick, everyone would have thought they had encountered zombies or some weird species...

"Love! It's Rose and Lucy. Am I dazzled?" Happy blinked wildly at Rose and Lucy who appeared in front of him.

"Rose... It's Rose!!!" Natsu was no longer dizzy in an instant, and hugged Happy together.

"Rose... Lucy... Why did you run over here? Traveling..."

Rose was almost laughed to death by Natsu. He could even say traveling. After laughing for a while, he said, "You ran out secretly to do an S-level mission. You're capable, right? Erza already knows about this. You'll know when you go back."

"Have you been discovered???" Natsu's eyes widened. He didn't expect to be discovered so soon, and Rose arrived earlier than them.

[Erza knows... Damn...] Natsu and Happy looked at each other, sweating all over.

Natsu had already anticipated the scene of Erza kicking him away in anger.

Rose found Natsu and Happy a little funny and thought of scaring them:

"If you go back now, you may not be expelled from the guild."

"I won't go back. I must complete the S-level mission!" Natsu and Happy each hugged one of Rose's legs.

"I was brought here by the ignorant Natsu. I'm just a little cat who knows nothing."

"Just kidding... I've accepted this mission. Let's go together." Rose quickly took out the folded commission from her pocket.

Rose was so embarrassed. There were so many people coming and going at the station. What are you two doing holding my legs and crying?

"Great!" Natsu and Happy retreated instantly, and ORZ knelt on their knees and kept bowing.

Rose and Lucy touched their foreheads helplessly, saying that they didn't know these two guys.

Lucy put her hands on her hips and scolded Natsu and Happy, even though she hadn't actually done many missions: "What are you doing without even bringing a commission? The client won't recognize you later."

Natsu didn't answer, but rolled up his sleeves with a grin, showing the emblem on his shoulder.

Rose was full of complaints but didn't know where to start.

[Because we are Fairy Tail? ]

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