The mission was a long journey, and the journey was a long journey.

Stull Mountains——

After Ross and Nazhabi met, they used teleportation magic to reach the town near the mountains, Stull Town, according to the location of the mission on the commission. This place is no longer the territory of the Kingdom of Fiore, but the territory of another kingdom.

The commission location is the Cuban Chamber of Commerce in the center of the town, and the client is John Byerloki, the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

"We are the wizards of Fairy Tail, and we have accepted the mission of the Stull Mountains." Ross knocked on the door, and a huge figure appeared in front of Ross and the others.

"Come in! Come in!" The man who opened the door was a bald strong man in his thirties. He was not the kind with clear muscle lines, but the kind of strong man with fat wrapped in muscles. He looked very resistant to beating and cold. After waiting for Ross to show him the order, he was very enthusiastic and quickly made way. Otherwise, Ross and his friends would have a hard time entering with his size.

"Please sit down first. The president is on the second floor. I will go and invite him right away. Serve them drinks! Just tell me what you want to drink. We have everything here!" After the strong man asked Ross and his friends to sit down, he called the waiter and hurried up to the second floor.

Ross asked for a cup of black tea and looked around. The Chamber of Commerce was very deserted, and the few people who were there seemed listless, but they could afford 800WJ. Ross was a little confused.

"Welcome, welcome, I'm John Byerloki, I finally waited for you!" The president was about the same size as the bald man, just a little shorter. He and the bald man hurried down from the second floor, talking as they walked.

Rose and Natsu stood up, shook hands with John and introduced themselves before sitting down.

"I've heard of your names. To be honest, I'm a special commission from Fairy Tail." John was not being polite. He had indeed heard of Fairy Tail Knight Rose, Fairy Queen Erza, and even Fire Dragon Natsu.

Ross: "President John, no need to be polite. Let's get straight to the point."

"Okay, I won't be polite then. It's like this. There weren't many monsters in the Stour Mountains. There were mostly herbivores. It's just that the environment was a bit harsh and the roads were a bit rugged, making it difficult for ordinary people to pass through. Our Chamber of Commerce has always relied on caravans to travel on both sides of the Stour Mountains to do some business."

"But more than half a year ago, a group of minotaurs suddenly appeared in the mountains for some reason. They were about two meters tall?" John was not very clear and glanced at the strong man next to him.

"At least two and a half meters tall, much taller than me, and the leader holding a heavy hammer is even taller." The bald strong man Brian nodded.

This bald strong man must be at least two meters one. Ross had to raise his head slightly when he saw him just now.

[Minotaur? ] Natsu, Lucy and Happy all thought of Taurus of Taurus Palace.

Brian continued, "I don't know the exact number, but they often rob caravans in groups, and the most they have ever seen is more than a dozen."

Brian sighed helplessly, "For half a year, our caravan has not succeeded once. They have been intercepted every time, and the most hateful thing is that we can't defeat them. Fortunately, they only rob and don't kill."

Brian is a wizard who practices physical magic. It is no exaggeration to say that he has divine power, but he has no power to fight back in front of the leading minotaur. He was beaten back step by step, and his knuckles were cracked in the last fight.

John went on to say, "Our Chamber of Commerce originally hired many guards, but now they have all fled to other cities or kingdoms. Now there is only one guard left, Brian."

Brian touched his bald head and smiled honestly: "I stayed here voluntarily. The president has been kind to me. I can't leave him alone at this time."

"Do you know their motive for robbing the caravan? Can we communicate?"

Brian shook his head heavily: "The motive is unclear, but they can talk."

Brian had seen the leading minotaur say "Take everything away."

Rose looked at John and said, "We have a general understanding of the situation. It's quite simple. Since they will appear when the caravan passes, let's go again."

"You don't need too much stuff. Just put a layer on top and lure them out. Will it be in time to set off tomorrow?"

After Brian and John looked at each other, Brian immediately stood up and said, "I'll go prepare the caravan and the goods."

"Our Chamber of Commerce still has a lot of empty rooms. We usually entertain guests. You can stay here tonight."

John pointed upstairs. The Chamber of Commerce building

The building is a five-story building. John also lives here, but he lives on the second floor.

Ross asked Lucy for her opinion. After getting Lucy's consent, he turned to John and said, "Okay, thank you, President John."

The next day-

"I'll leave it to you all." John saw them off at the warehouse gate.

"Don't worry, President John, I will complete the task." Ross and Lucy each got on their horses.

Natsu and Happy did not ride horses, but sat with the goods.

Ross and his party passed through the valley in the Stour Mountains.

The biting cold air blew into the valley. It was the hottest time of the year, but the temperature in the Stour Mountains was not high. It might be even colder here in winter. No wonder Brian and John looked like that. If they were not of this physique, they would not be able to stand living here all year round.

In the Stur Mountains——

A minotaur said bitterly: "Chief, there are too few monsters here. With only the food exchanged by that human and the plants in the mountains, we can't last long. The caravan hasn't appeared for a long time. Should we change places?"

The minotaur leader frowned and said tiredly: "Is the price of human food so high? We obviously robbed a lot every time."

It really doesn't understand, is the life of you humans so difficult? Why is the food exchanged so little, but they can't go into the town. They are very strong, but there are only a dozen of them. If they enter the town and fight against the Council and the wizards, they will only die. They can only let humans go to the town to exchange food.

Another minotaur sighed and said: "The caravan hasn't appeared for too long. It seems that humans are also afraid of our robbing. In fact, think about it, we shouldn't rob every team."

But their temper and IQ of minotaur are like this. They can't change their mind. Otherwise, they won't leave their homes and fall into this mountain range.

"Everyone should reduce their food for a while and wait and see. If it doesn't work, we will change places."

"Chief, there is a caravan! There is a caravan!" A minotaur shouted excitedly while rushing into the cave. It was here to report the news.

"What! Great! Grab your gear and let's go now!"

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