The sun shone brightly on the bed.

Wendy woke up early in the morning, and the sun outside shone on the bed.

Last night, Ross didn't draw the curtains. It's not as brightly lit as in the town at night, so you can sleep without drawing the curtains.

"Hmm~" Wendy got up and rubbed her eyes with her little hands. She didn't see Ross in her sight and was a little flustered.

"He's outside." Kagura also woke up, and woke up earlier than Wendy, but she didn't get up for fear of waking Wendy up. She just lay there with her eyes squinted. When Wendy got up, she got up too.

Wendy breathed a sigh of relief, but she still got out of bed first and opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Ross lying on the sofa, sleeping with his hands covering his eyes.

"Huh~" Wendy patted her chest with her little hand and relaxed her body. After Grandile's inexplicable disappearance, she was also afraid that Ross would be gone when she woke up.

"Come and brush your teeth first." Kagura patted Wendy's shoulder and said to her softly.

Then he took her to the bathroom in Ross's room and taught her to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"You sit there first." Kagura took Wendy out of the bathroom after she finished washing and pointed to the living room. Wendy sat quietly on the floor and just looked at Ross.

Kagura walked into the kitchen quietly. She planned to make some sandwiches and fried eggs. Kagura made breakfast these days and ate outside at noon and in the evening.

After all, the two sisters are all kitchen killers and dark food makers, but Erza is better than Ultia. She can cut but not cook.

Asland's technology talent is good, and there is also a bread machine. Kagura only needs to cut some side dishes and fried eggs.

Ross vaguely heard the sound of frying eggs and cutting on the chopping board. He went to bed at about one o'clock last night and kept thinking about it. He opened his eyes and was sure that someone was in the kitchen.

Ross didn't have a bad temper when he got up, and he didn't like to sleep in. He sat up as soon as he got up. The first thing he saw was Kagura frying eggs in the kitchen, and then he saw Wendy sitting on the floor looking at him. He glanced at the other room with the door closed. He was sure that the two hadn't gotten up yet. Who is the older sister? You two...

He looked at the time. It was only seven o'clock.

"Wendy, good morning." Ross waved and greeted Wendy.

"Good morning, Ross-san." Wendy stood up and nodded.

"I'll go help. You sit for a while." Ross asked Wendy to sit on the sofa and pointed to the kitchen.

Wendy nodded. Anyway, the living room could see the kitchen directly.

"Kagura, is there anything I can help with?" Ross went to the kitchen and watched Kagura frying eggs.

Kagura had just heard the conversation between Rose and Wendy, and was not frightened by the voice coming from behind.

"The bread has not been toasted and spread with sauce yet." Kagura had already cut the side dishes.

"Okay, leave this to me." Rose washed his hands first and started to toast the bread. While toasting, he looked at the sauce. There were strawberry sauce, blueberry sauce, and salad sauce. He didn't have these at home. They should have been bought by Kagura and the others in the past few days.

After Rose toasted the bread and spread the sauce, Kagura asked Rose to wash up quickly and then gave it to her. Rose went to Urrutia's room and knocked on the door a few times to confirm that they were awake, and then ran to wash up.

After considering it last night, Rose decided to let Wendy live in the girls' dormitory. Girls are much easier to take care of than himself. There are also Uru and Hilda, the housemasters. The only problem is to persuade Wendy.

Rose didn't mention it during the meal. Rose planned to take Wendy to buy daily necessities later and bring her to the club. Otherwise, it would be uneasy to eat breakfast just to persuade Wendy.

At 9 o'clock, all members went out. Ross led them straight to the largest supermarket. Quilts and pillows were not needed, as they were provided in the girls' dormitory. All they needed to do was buy some toothbrushes, clothes hangers, etc.

Urutia and Erza bought some snacks. Of course, they did not forget Wendy. After asking her about her taste, they tried some and bought her what she liked. There were not many things, so Ross planned to take Wendy to join the guild first.

"This is our guild." Ross pointed to the wooden sign of FAIRY TAIL.

The guild was very quiet. Many people were doing quests, which was rare. Laxus and Cana were not there, and Gray was not there either. They were probably on quests. Leo had not returned for a long time since he left the letter.

"Yo!" Wakaba and Makao were smoking and drinking, and greeted each other when they heard the door open.

You are indeed like this, Wakaba, Makao, still sitting at the bar drinking... Nob was still looking at the bulletin board.

"Where's Grandpa?" Ross

After looking at Makarov, he found that he was not sitting at the bar, so he asked Makao.

"The president has gone to attend the regular exchange meeting of guild presidents. He should be back in a while."

"Is that so? Then the joining will have to be postponed for a few days." Although Ross and Makarov's relationship can arrange for Wendy to join the guild, he is not the president after all, so it is better to notify Makarov first and then join.

"Join the guild? Oh? There is a child again." Makao and Wakaba thought it was strange, but they saw Wendy coming with Urrutia and the others.

"Put out the cigarette first, there is a child." Seeing that Wendy was already leaning against him, Wendy's nose was too sensitive. He didn't like the smell of cigarettes, and it must be more serious in Wendy's nose.

Ross reminded the two people who were already stunned. After all, Wendy was so cute at this time, small.

"Oh, oh, oh." Makao and Wakaba looked at Wendy and nodded blankly, and immediately did as he was told.

Ross briefly introduced Wendy to everyone in the guild, but didn't mention whether she was a dragon or not, or dragon-killing magic. He would explain it to Natsu later when he came.

"Kawaii!!!" The people in the guild surrounded Wendy and kept looking at her, all with the expression of looking at a cute baby.

Wendy was a little shy, stepped back, hid behind Ross, grabbed Ross's pants with her hands, and only half of her face was exposed.


"I didn't expect that grandpa went to the regular exchange meeting." Urrutia and Erza didn't come to the guild these days. They stayed in the eastern forest to practice and Ross's family didn't know.

"Then let's wait for grandpa to come back before letting Wendy join the guild. Let's stay at my place for the next few days." After making a decision, Ross took them to buy some food and then returned to his own home. It was not convenient to leave Wendy here alone, so Urrutia and the others decided to continue to stay.

Ross planned to resume his practice today. He flew around with Wendy in the past few days, and only had time to meditate at night.

Ross received the Aromamon and continued to compete with Erza and Kagura in swordsmanship, physical skills and body movements in the circle.

Urutia began to teach Wendy modern characters. Considering that Wendy already knew magic, Urtia also took Wendy to meditate.

Seven days later——

"Clang——clang——clang——" Ross held the sword and kept parrying Erza and Kagura who were swinging their swords. Compared with the beginning, Ross has made great progress.

Before, he could not hold on for long and got out of the circle. After all, there was a limit to gravity magic, and Ross felt that Kagura's gravity field was much stronger. Ross was quite satisfied with this level of progress.

Now they are abusing Ross, and later it will be the three sword spirits abusing Erza and Kagura. Ross said it was not a loss.

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