The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for each other for a long time.

Rose led the four people into the living room and poured a glass of water for himself and Wendy.

"Have you been waiting for me here these nights?" Ross had just seen clothes drying in the yard.

Urutia leaned on the sofa and said, "Well, the three of us started sleeping here three days ago. We have already said hello to Grandma Hilda. Uru is still practicing in Huckleberry Mountain."

"That's good. Let's sleep here for the time being tonight and take Wendy to the guild tomorrow."

It's still early to go to bed. Urrutia and the others have to ask Ross what he has been doing these days, and then ask about Wendy's situation.

Ross certainly couldn't say in front of Wendy that he was looking for Wendy. He just said that he met Wendy on the way to the Wass Forest, and then followed her to look for her for a few days after learning about Wendy's situation. When he couldn't find her, he decided to bring her back.

Urutia felt that Ross must have concealed something, but she didn't expose him.

She knew that Ross would not have such trouble finding someone if he used the super ancient book magic, especially if the range was limited. It was strange that Ross was looking for her so deliberately.

They were also going to help Wendy make a missing person notice. After Wendy spent a lot of time talking, they learned from Wendy that Tianlong Grandile was not a person, but a real dragon.

Urutia and Erza both felt it was very strange. Dragons have disappeared for more than 400 years. Except for the black dragon in the Apocalypse and the legendary Dragon King Festival, no dragons have been heard of. At Wendy's age, there should be no news about such a huge creature as a dragon.

They made several guesses, but they all felt unreasonable.

The best way to deal with difficulties is to avoid them... After they couldn't figure it out, they decided not to think about it anymore, and wait until they really encountered a dragon.

Since they decided to let Wendy join the guild, Urrutia also planned to start teaching Wendy words and meditation. Unexpectedly, Wendy said that she had learned words and knew magic, but the description was not very clear. She said it was healing, detoxification, and dragon slaying magic.

But in fact, Wendy didn't know much. She knew only about her sky dragon slaying magic. She didn't know common sense and most words.

Finally, Ross helped them summarize, "Wendy should be talking about sky dragon slaying magic, which should be what she said her mother, the sky dragon Grandile, taught her."

"Sky dragon slaying magic, isn't this ancient magic?" Urrutia was shocked when she heard the sky dragon slaying magic. This was really lost in Ishgar for a long time. Because the black dragon Acnologia was killing like crazy, Irene was not interested in teaching this. After all, there was no place to learn to turn into a dragon except the dragon slaying magic crystal.

"Not only that, but healing magic is also available. Does that mean Wendy's ability is healing?" Healing magic is extremely rare. Erza has only seen Polyusicaa's real healing magic and has only heard of the scent of the night of the blue Pegasus. That can only stop pain and relieve pain, which is far from real treatment.

"No, dragon slayer magic is a magic to fight against dragons. Healing should only be one aspect."

Urutia asked Wendy to demonstrate. At present, Wendy can only do Troy, Steel Arm Power, Galloping Wind, Armor Power and Healing Magic, which correspond to additional sense of balance, attack power, speed and defense respectively.

Wendy does not know the roar and claws of the sky dragon.

"Is it worthy of being an ancient magic?" In the yard, Urrutia looked at Erza, whose speed had increased a bit. Although it was not much, considering Wendy's age and magic power, Erza's own speed was already very fast, so this improvement was already very good. Even if she could not attack, she would at least be a super auxiliary in the future.

Seeing this, Urrutia could basically guess that Rose went out for Wendy. This was a killer.

She glanced at Rose, with an expression that said, "I've seen through you." This made Rose very embarrassed. He scratched his nose to hide his expression.

"It's too late tonight. Take Wendy to buy it tomorrow." Urrutia looked at the time. It was already 11 o'clock. They had been chatting until now without realizing it.

The day after Rose took Wendy to Grandile, she took Wendy to the town to buy two sets of clothes. Wendy only had one set of clothes from 400 years ago. The weather was very hot in summer, and it was uncomfortable not to change clothes. But considering that he was outside and didn't buy some daily necessities, he still had to buy them all when he returned to Magnolia.

Wendy was a little sleepy. It was not easy for a five-year-old child to hold on until now. She herself was not as energetic as Natsu.

What a naughty child.

Let Urtia and Erza take Wendy to take a bath, but unexpectedly there was a problem when assigning the room.

"Wendy, how about sleeping with sister Urtia or sister Erza?" Ross touched Wendy's head and said.

"No, I want to sleep with you!" Wendy's voice was much louder, and she held Ross's arm tightly with both hands. Ross had been with her these days.

Wendy didn't agree after persuading for more than ten minutes. Wendy was only five years old, and children of this age were quite stubborn.

"You should stay with her first. You have been with her these days. It's normal for her to be inseparable from you." Urtia looked at Wendy and thought of herself when she was a child, and herself when she just returned to Urtia. At that time, she hoped that Urtia would always be in her sight.

Urtia asked Kagura to sleep with Wendy. She felt that Kagura had been a younger sister for so long, and it would be nice to let her experience the feeling of being a sister, and she would sleep in the same room with Erza.

In Ross's room——

"Then, you go to sleep first, I'll stay here with you."

Wendy lay on the left, Kagura lay beside Wendy, Wendy lay on her side, grabbed Ross's hands with both hands and said, "You can't leave."

"Okay, go to sleep." Ross stretched out his other hand and touched Wendy's head.

Wendy was actually sleepy for a long time, and soon fell asleep. Ross slowly pulled out his hand.

Kagura was not asleep yet. Hearing the sound of Ross getting up, he opened his eyes and turned his head.

Ross saw it, pointed to the living room, and mouthed to Kagura: "I'll go to the living room, you keep an eye on her."

Kagura nodded slightly to indicate that he understood. Ross really wanted to give Kagura a thumbs up. She was not old but didn't need to worry.

Wendy slept well. Ross woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago to check on her, but Wendy didn't kick the quilt. Asking Kagura to pay attention was just to add insurance.

Ross slowly left the room and carefully closed the door.

Ross found a blanket in another room and brought it to the living room, then lay on the sofa. If Wendy came out to look for him, she would see him immediately. He didn't go to bed so early, so he just looked at the ceiling and thought. He didn't have to worry about the roaring hook or something like that, he could ask Natsu to teach him later, the principles should be the same, and he could go find Polyusicaa after she had mastered the Dragon Slaying Technique.

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