"Dear Hiroshi, what does it mean to be a sporting event?

Azma workshop on the last weekend of September, refraining from Elaine's wedding and marriage parade the following week. Aeris, who visited the meeting because Honda was here, was sent to the Japanese room to open the door and hit the question.

"... I didn't shake a story on anyone, but you're gonna end up there..."

"Well, it would have been only a matter of time..."

We were steamed back by stories that should have already been over between us, and Tatsuya groaned in an unintentionally dry voice. Makoto, who has cooled down a lot over time, also comments so that he agrees with Tatsuya's words.

"Hey, Elle. I'm going to make a prediction, just in case. Where did the sports talk come from?

"From Alfemina and Daljan."

"... oh, I knew it"

"Well, there's nothing else..."

Spring vegetables and macros with a distant eye for Aeris' answer as expected. There's no way Daljan wouldn't bite in a case like this.

"You know well that Master Alfemina takes her story to El..."

"I don't know. When it comes to this one, there are more festivals that can clean your mind..."

"However, when Daljan is involved, he's definitely not communicating it in a decent way."

"Oh, I'm sure of it."

So blurry about the culprit, Hiro and Spring Vegetables sigh small and change their minds. Exactly. We can't leave the Aeris question alone forever.

"In the meantime, if you look at the footage to explain the sporting event to Winterfell, can you generally understand it?

"I don't know. Well, unlike Winterfell when it comes to El, it's not impossible all the time to get a tour of the actual athletic event..."

"I don't care if you want me to take a tour, I wonder if you've seen some exercise."

"That's the problem. School sports events and sports festivals, when you're above middle school, even let your family watch the game, because there are quite a few places."

"That's right. Neither did our sports festival, nor did we have any parents watching the game."

Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables spinning their heads fully wondering if anything had happened, flipping their memories and considering them and leaking sighs judging them tough to the extent that they were themselves directly involved. It's athletic season, but there doesn't seem to be.

"Hey, Spring Sister. Looks like our town hall didn't do it, but there's no local athletic party or anything within Sister Chun's handover?

"I remember Kawamoto town's children's club playing inside the school district, but I don't know if it was an outside tour or anything..."

"Sister Chun. The pattern the kids' party is playing is probably a little harsh when it's a different town hall"

"Right. By the way, our town hall meeting is basic, with very little of its hand. I can't believe we're dating at a town hall. We're cleaning up the area and learning, and then we're doing things like salons in a few places. Because we're all rich, and honestly, as town hall meetings, they have more opportunities to face each other and to act together."

"Mm-hmm. I don't expect that kind of luxury neighborhood from the start. I'm more surprised there's a town hall meeting even though it's a group of celebrities"

To explain the spring vegetables, Mio crisply said so without changing his expression.

"If I pursue it around there, they'll talk about it, so I'll put it away, and then I'll have a corporate relationship burn..."

"That's why you can't participate or watch games without a supplier or something."

"What do you expect from me?

"I shouldn't have done it this year. However, when you check it out, you can't ask because it seems to force you to do it with money and power."

"I sure don't..."

Opinions that come up one after the other. All of them disappear, and Aerys speaks down when he finds out if there's anything else.

"Um, if it's hard to explain, that's fine..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's hard to explain, but I was wondering if I could just pin it when I saw it on video, so I was wondering if I could somehow participate."

Spring vegetables rush to tell Aeris, who reluctantly screams his mouth.

"In the meantime, if I have time after this, I'll show you the footage I have available. In the castle of God, should we have a look with Winterfell?


"Hey, Spring Vegetables. What kind of footage is that?

"Uh, I guess it's from me and my deep snow elementary school and later last year's video of Kagura? For once there are some middle school high schools, but the high school ones aren't very exciting anyway."

"Oh well.... I just thought, Spring Vegetables. Can't you ask her to put Elle in Kagura's guardian frame or something?"


Spring vegetables who hear Shiori's suggestions and raise their voices that it was a blind spot. Since the elementary school athletic party attended by Kagura is the week after Elaine's marriage parade, there is no problem with the schedule either.

For the record, the Tiomi High School sports festival takes place on weekdays, and the Tiomi Second Middle School athletic convention will be the day before that. So on the schedule, it's not a problem for the Spring Vegetables to take Aeris to Kagura's athletic party.

"In the meantime, I'll just check with the aunts."

I'll take care of the neighborhood.

"So, I guess it's time to stick it in where I've come to the conclusion. I've been thinking about athletic events, but today's original purpose is to talk about Elaine's wedding relationship, right?

"Let it go. Totally spoken."

Somehow I have just come to a conclusion on how to teach Aeris about athletic events, and there is a penetration from True Harp about the original agenda. With that penetration, Macro modifies the story.

"All the time, the only thing we care about is when and where to take the festive items, and what kind of outfit to go for the day, yeah, and what schedule to move later, yeah, just the burns."

"Right. As for this one, we're basically just one participant."

Basically, you're in a lot of easy positions.

Spring vegetables and genuine harps that agree with Hiroshi's words. Tatsuya urges us to go ahead, laughing painfully at the ease of saying that it is easy for us to attend the royal wedding.

"So, it's a royal wedding, even if it's easy, so I figured it was necessary to dress like that. Elle, at what level exactly should I keep it?

"Right...... When it comes to divine clothing, I think it goes a little too far, so drop some more... Yes, I think it would be nice to have the clothes of the spiritual cloth that Hiroshi usually wore before he made the Divine Clothes. Normally, spider silk would be too much, but once you can get around it as a hatch,"

"Do I need to tailor my clothes with that ranked fabric?

"If you even go to the courtesy, now you're more likely to eat your sister, the lead actor, and Sir Fernoch. Therefore, if you are concerned, please provide a little formal somewhere else or abbreviated courtesy clothing."

"The point is, I wish I had enough suits to wear everyday. Hiro, can you do this?

"I don't know if I can, I just didn't show up for anything other than Shiori's. I don't have abbreviated courtesies for spiritual clothes. Mr. Presea, I planned to wear it sometimes, and I tailored it with him at the end of the futon, but it stayed the same. Yeah, even if we talked about it all the time, I didn't get there once."

"Right. Speaking of which, you were then."

To the words of Hiroshi, Tatsuya nods as he was convinced. I don't know what to say, but I have enough common sense to prepare more formal clothes than to attend a wedding.

The degree of clothing to be prepared was also taken to that level because due account was taken of what Aeris had said.

In the end, common sense and care around it were completely wasted due to the other party's special treatment.

"Even so, I was thinking about it because it was clothed like a spirit cloth, but on second thought, it was an amazing special treatment."

"Hey. Well, in the first place, even though it's a royal wedding, it's a pretty special treatment for ordinary people like me to attend."

For the first time in our special treatment, Tatsuya and Makoto accidentally smudge and so leak. Speaking of which, no matter how accustomed you are to it, at a time when you can safely attend an event where there is as much to it as there is to it in the special called the royal wedding, it goes without saying that Honda also has a pretty special spirit

Because Shiori isn't as flat as Tatsuya or Makoto, and he's been freaking out and knocking it down all the time inside to see if it's really okay to participate.

"But I was just as good as I normally wear it when I was Lady Presea, so is it okay this time?

"This time, I provided the material from home. Even if you take one dye, the quality will be at all, and if you do the finest spider silk, there's no way that any aspect other than performance is inferior to a spiritual cloth."

"Besides, it's true on Earth, but if it just looks good, it doesn't matter what the difference in fabric is. Especially when it comes to design, the royal family has super first-class people, and I think they can usually beat the unobstructed, formal spiritual cloth garments designed by amateurs."

"I see."

True harp gives a convincing voice to the explanation of the hong and spring vegetables.

"Shiori's is, well, there's nothing I can do in time to prepare it now, but the design is unified anyway, so if you can wear Spring Vegetables or Mio's spare, do it. It takes automatic sizing, so you can't wear it."

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway, what design is it?

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It feels like I'm alive or something, but I get a good look."

"Oh, I see"

"I'll know when I try it on later, but it's supposed to be a design that I can't roughly remove. Later trinkets feel like getting Spring Vegetables and Elle to adjust like before."


Where Tatsuya is convinced about their clothes, Hiroshi takes confirmation, as I recall.

"And now, the fam and the others seem nice in uniform, but not around?

"Right. I think the fam guys are too much for their regular uniforms."

"Gino and the others are going to feel sorry for you if you let them attend, but you better let them attend. Yeah?

"As for you, I'd love to be here, but even if you're absent, you're not particularly disrespectful."

"I don't know. But, well, if we make it bigger in the future, we're going to have more chances of getting out of this kind of place, even if it's about Gino. Let's get you out of here with a little gut."


With the voice of the crane of the Horn, the four Ginos also decide to attend Elaine's wedding. Ginos who will be squeezed and screaming together by the teacher of Lime's courtesy because it is a good opportunity after being forced into a world where they would never have been involved in their identities with a single voice of the crane of the Horn, but I love what's going on around them here for now.

"So, next thing you know, what are we supposed to do about the wedding celebration?

"In the meantime, I'll just keep the inventory today and go home, so I hope you can send the real thing to your sister's new home"

"If you're a new home, are you in an acceptable state?

"If it's from the Azma Workshop, I think it's okay"

"When that happens, is it easier to understand that it was delivered on Octogal flights? Hey, Hiro. Is that the size and weight Octogal can carry?

"Mm-hmm, let's... Songs are expensive, but, well, we'll figure it out."

A macro that calculates the size and number of prepared things in your head and concludes so. The main gift is the same futon I gave Avin and Presea, so Song doesn't weigh much anyway.

"And what's the schedule for the rest,"


"From the feel of it, you have to be here as of Friday night, right?

"Right. If possible, I would like you to stay overnight in a castle or temple. Later, on a schedule, we know that it will be easiest for you to stay at the castle the same day and have breakfast the next morning before returning home."

Higashi's gaze turns to Tatsuya for the words of Aeris.

"Because I assumed the night from the beginning. Yeah, but a night on the previous ride... We can do whatever we want, but it's my brother who's gonna be the neck."

"If you're staying at the castle, you'll have to be here by 7: 00 at night."

"Mm-hmm. Looking at our parents or something, unless it's homework, it's pretty hard for society to get home at seven o'clock at night"

"... right. It's a hassle, so why don't we take a break? There's plenty of rest left to carry over anyway."

Think about it a little bit and decide to use paid vacation a little bit Tatsuya. It's a common story among Japanese salariers, but Tatsuya also throws away the majority of her holidays every year. Essentially, the only time to take a break is when you feel ill or have business going to the bureau, etc., and taking a residence slip or something to that extent is often done outside after obtaining permission.

Such errands are not the same, and Tatsuya, an ace in the sales department, is sometimes involved in more than one major project at the same time, and it is difficult to make the choice of taking time off to go play as a result. On the contrary, it is also easy to accumulate a day off because business partners often cry and go to work on holidays. As a result, the number of times I used paid leave after I got a job is enough with one hand, and the number of days cumulatively does not last ten days. The majority of them are wedding-related and honeymoons, and most of them also do so using a substitute vacation.

I'm pretty much on holiday this year about Honda and Mio, but I can't say that Tatsuya or the livestock are one step ahead of me, as I'm surprised by Tatsuya, where HR will take the day off, and the company that will honestly let me take the day off.

I have not been treated as a black company because I get paid properly and have a good benefit after I pay overtime and holiday attendance allowance, but Tatsuya also works for a pretty tight company.

"Something. Come on, is that okay in many ways? That worries me."

"The majority of the reasons I've been busy is because I took multiple big projects while I was out there. At the time of the year's change, the last one was paragraph by paragraph, and it felt like the next prep period, so I'm free."

"That's what I'm saying, isn't it going to be even harder to get promoted?

"No, well, I'm going to be promoted to chief..."

Makoto told me about the holidays, and Tatsuya leaked information about them. After joining the company for four and a half years, he completed one and a half years of training and was assigned to the sales department for three years. It is the chief promotion at the minimum number of years prescribed internally.

"Oh, congratulations on that. I mean, then you can't really come out this way, can you?

"Even before, it was about twice a month, right? That's just gonna be once a month or just for a day, maybe."

"I hope that's all I can do."

"Don't be ominous... I don't know, my promotion doesn't matter this time. We're talking about next week's schedule."

"Right. So, how do I feel about moving?

Tatsuya fixes it with force moves that the topic came to that for her own promotion story and returns to Elaine's wedding. Tatsuya tells me, and I do switch that story to Makoto who doesn't care now.

Encouraged by the two elders, Aerys began to talk about the schedule.

"Let me now follow the order. First of all, the ceremony in the Cathedral is scheduled from eleven to twelve o'clock, but this time we want you to enter the Cathedral as soon as possible because of the very large number of nobles who will be attending"

"How much, exactly?

"Right. … Based on everything that concerns your position, it is likely that if you do not come in by ten o'clock at the latest, there will be a lot of trouble"

"I see. But if it's before ten o'clock, you don't have to stay in the castle... Oh, well. If you do poorly, you might get caught even though it's troublesome when you go through the general gate."

"Yes, so it would be helpful if you stayed overnight on the floor reserved for royal guests so that no one would disturb you"

Honda nods to Aeris' words.

Because it is subtly leaky that Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables have become gods, or the Azma Workshop, which is no longer attached to being close to more than one royal family as it was at one time. For that matter, more and more people want to get close to you somehow, and the fams. Besides the most discipleship group in this world, there is also a little bit of aristocracy coming out to the Ginos and the new American groups, and the chambers of commerce and workshops that pull them out.

Lawsuit aristocrats based in boulders, high-ranking aristocrats and those who frequently come to Ursus so that even local aristocrats can speak directly to the royal family, do not imitate what they are forced to do. But noblemen who are in the province and don't have much opportunity to come to Ursus don't know the air around them, and only know the name of the Azma Workshop and the level of the goods they're dealing with thanks to your merchants, so they put a hassle on it anyway.

"When that happens, the Ginos need to stay in the castle."

"Mm-hmm. It's just the right opportunity, and I'm going to make the zinos, who haven't yet lost their apprenticeship or other HR mood, understand exactly where they stand and make them ready"


In a word of true harp, Mio says something Spartan and is approved by the Macro. There was no escape from the beginning when Rayot's hands sent him to the Azma Workshop, but the zinos were crushed to the barely allowed room for escape from reality. A poetic weave that gently cuts a cross in your heart against the point that no one finds it pathetic.

Regardless, Shiori herself is firmly aware and prepared to recognize the point that it is impossible to avoid any more royal relationships or the hassle that comes with them than putting a face on this one.

"In the meantime, I understand from the night before to the ceremony of the day. So, what's the schedule after the ceremony?

"Yes, after the ceremony and exit from the cathedral, you will all have a snack while Sir Fernoch and your sister change colours. Around here, it's like a parade between Brother Avin and Sister Presea."

"Oh, yeah, you are. Me and Hiroshi went straight to the kitchen after snacks."

"From the start of the parade until the end of the dinner party, you will then be invited to act with us, the Farlane royal family. This dinner party will be divided into several venues at the same time, but you will be invited to participate in a relatively small number of meetings, which will be held only by some ministers who may call themselves inside, including officials of the royal family and the bride and groom, the Chancellor. So perhaps the Counts of Fernoch are the only ones you've never seen face to face, so if you don't mind joining us."

"Gino and the others will be given more trials."

"Not what Mio said earlier, but even if I say apprenticeships, I can say that I'm in a more sorry position with no other HR than putting my place here in an irresistible way. Besides, nobody's so loud about the manipulation this time. It's just a matter of whether it's early or late, so I was wondering if you'd have to be prepared."

"Let it go. Just in order for all the staff to go through it, I'd like you to be a practice bench for a moment."

Aeris sneers and nods at the words of the Macho. Originally, not only the royal family, but all the participants, intended it.

The aristocracy that the Aerys may call themselves inside is not the kind of person to blame, unless they basically speak like they made fun of the royal family in an extra great way. It's just the right person for their first experience, and it's just the difference between early and late.

"In the meantime, is this where the confirmation comes from?"

"Right. Oh, yeah, yeah. What do you want for dinner on Friday night?

"If you don't mind, how about I prepare it for you here?

"I don't know, I think maybe it'll be around 7: 00, okay?

"Yep. And the chief chef of the castle, though only simple, has finally been able to cook Wyburn lately. We want to show you the results of the special training."

"Then we'll have to have a treat."

Spring vegetables asked about the culinary chief's efforts and asked about other members by drawing conclusions to that effect. I immediately nod and agree that the other Members have no particular objection.

"Well, we'll leave the meeting about this, and if there's anything I can do to help, say it. I'm free today and tomorrow."

"Right. Now sweeten to your words..."

Aeris mouths several requests that can also be a specialty for the Azma Workshop, such as sweetening to spring vegetable offers, making dinner party decorations, new equipment for some rituals, and sourcing ingredients for festive dishes that behave to the public.

Bring a good smile to the content that seems to be really enjoyable, and Higashi immediately begins to act. There were also Octogals who were spared time to finish the ceremony in a busy and wasteful manner.

And time flies by about 6: 30 the day before the wedding.

"Souvenirs. All right, get ready for the outfit. Well, let's do it."

Ready and Spring Vegetables declares to the staff.

"Look, just give up and stretch your spine."

"Yes, yes. It's the difference between early and late."

In response to the proclamation, Nora and Fam scold the zinos who are freaking out and hipster as soon as possible. Now that it is no longer unusual to enter and exit the castle, nor to go to the royal area, there is nothing to fear from the fam and his family as far as traveling to the castle, which has only become familiar to them.

"Parents, let's get moving before the zinos say anything unnecessary."

"Terez, too, Ray Spartan"

"That's because we've been allowed to enter and leave the royal palace with curry powder and instant ramen tears since we were so much in our arms as these kids. Come on, it's time for the seniors to question the status quo that's pushing Paciri to the castle."

"Oh well, I don't know. Say hello to the great lady, treat her like a new American parsley, and leave her alone."

A macro who accidentally laughs and agrees so much with the contents of the overly rigid pasilli that makes it Terez's mouth. If you don't treat your opponent in a good mood and the act of taking orders as a business negotiation, what you are certainly doing is more than just a parsley.

"No, Terez and Nora were at the pageant with Lela, weren't they? Seems like the first time the plan itself slipped a lot, but then what?

"... no comment please"

"... for once, there have been about twice since,"

"I'm saying, what about you, Mr. Lela?

"Well, your new friends are growing well. It's all female, and given my age and my original identity, I'm a lot younger and only my best friend."

True harp tries to listen to a lot from Lela, giving up drawing comments from Nora and Terez in their attitude of not trying to talk. Listening to Lela's response to that question, Honda looks to heaven for a tough future.

"In the meantime, parent. Mother doesn't have to join now, does she?

"I don't know. My friend, if you do this with more people who can say it all the time, you need to focus on creating a new relationship."

"That's right, parent. I'm not in it directly. What am I supposed to say, but what a good guy to focus on his job and his family without disturbing us and making a mess about who we are, without pinching an extra mouth to run a workshop or anything?

"I may be somewhere in the wider world, but I don't know what kind of jobs you have."

"And even if that's the case, I feel like Terez and Nora, not my mother, are the priorities..."

"Whoa, Pham, no more. I'm sorry about Terez and Nora."

Tatsuya interrupts and stops Fam, who is about to express a sharp and harsh opinion. I'm pretty sure Terez and Nora, whose history of not having a boyfriend is age and equals, are higher in priority and truthfulness than Lela, who will actually remarry as a matter of fact. I'm pretty sure, though critical, that's what Fam, who's still one hell of an age, tells me, which makes it less stylish damage to Terez and Nora.

"Come on, let's go before we jump into something weird. It's late for my convenience, so I'm sorry I had to go."

Tatsuya encourages travel by stepping on the fact that the story is likely to spread indefinitely. After all, he couldn't take a break from work, and he's worried that it was after six o'clock when he arrived home struggling empty.

"Well, Tatsuya couldn't help it because it was your job, and the Kings know exactly what's going on around there, so I think it's okay."

"So there's no reason to be sloppy."

"Sort of. Well, I'll be there."

In such a haste of Tatsuya, the spring vegetables trigger a crisp transition with a subtle bitter smile. Walking or using a carriage is noticeably slower, so I decided to make it easier with the transfer.

Normally, transporting this number of people over a transfer would have the cost of not sprinkling even at short distances. Also, transfer magic is a type of magic with severe constraints such as cool-time besides cost, so I can't use it in such an effortless way if I'm not a Farlane royal human being.

However, for Spring Vegetables, which no longer became a space-time god, the risks and costs of metastasis are no different than those of walking normally for moving within the same world. So unlike before, there can be little reason to hesitate to metastasize in this world.

"Welcome, gentlemen. I've been waiting for you."

Apparently, he knew the spring vegetables were going to transfer. In the front square of the castle gate ahead of the transfer, Aeris waited following her usual elderly samurai. The boundaries of the payroll are stretched at the hands of Aeris throughout the square in front of the castle gate, and a subtle escort, including Doga, is placed in the position where it will look painfully blind.

This corner, including the castle, had a somewhat vibrant atmosphere, even as it floated, just to refrain from big events shortly after citing the country.

"Good evening, Elle. Nice to meet you today."


Smiling at Spring Vegetable greetings, Aeris leads the way to the castle by unraveling the boundaries of the payroll. Though it is a passage I know on my own for Higashi, today it is time, and besides, there are the zinos who have never been in or out of the castle before.

So the gatekeeper has spoken, but Aeris will replace the pass to avoid any trouble.

"Thank you. I know you're right, but this is my guest."

"Ha! Come through!

The gatekeeper who passes through Honda, keeping the tension afloat. I have a hard expression and attitude when I say that I am a face acquaintance, because I had a lot going on today.

I'm pretty sure that if Aeris hadn't been with us, he wouldn't have gone for a facial pass, as he usually does.

"... I didn't expect you to go up to the castle for the first time since you left your parents' house and virtually ceased to be noble..."

"… should we rejoice that our studies as aristocrats have helped us, or should we lament that we have to step into this world with more inadequate studies now..."

Jet and Shayla blur in a whisper as they look at Urs Castle, which is the first time they've been inside. Thanks to a week or so of Spartan education to reclaim the aristocratic perspective, it is better in terms of attitude than the Ginos, but still the impoverished aristocrats who are not surprised when they fall to civilians. It is only one of the knights who is sweeping and throwing away in his capacity, and, unless there is any coincidence as to the circumstances, it is not even easy to enter the noble area of the castle to meet the royalty.

Even the Lord, in his home to that extent, has confirmed that the youngest son, even if his employer or senior, has been approached by the Virgin Aeris, and is invited to a dinner hosted by the King at the end of the sentence. The pressure is not half as good as it feels to be a nobleman.

"Speaking of which, you never heard of Project and Shayla's parents."

"Mm-hmm. I don't even know the zinos' home environment or background very well"

"I was deeply concerned about the person Leichi brought with me."

"Yes, yes. But if you think about it, it's a little strange how His Highness found you."

"Think about it normally, it doesn't seem like you have contacts or anything."

Japanese members thrive on topics that make them want to go into it now, such as the home environment of the Ginos and how they came to the Azma Workshop. Phams and staff Phase I group that inadvertently leaks bitter laughter to Higashi, who doesn't care about that for better or worse.

Essentially, the eagle fry around here is a thankful and anxious part of my employer, just for a workshop with all the good and translated people.

"Well, I don't care now."

"Right. I just don't have to say anything I don't want to say or forget, but if there's something bad we need to know, would it help if you could tell me because it's a good opportunity?

"Parent, Mr. Harna. It's too late to ask."

"Yeah, I'm a little bit more reflective."

Nora relentlessly enters into the story, which is now too much. To that conversation, Aerys leaks an elegant laugh when he dulls.

"Well, I don't particularly like what you're hiding. In my case, it was originally a subtle position in the middle of a large family, so I'm almost out of touch with my parents and brothers at the point of independence. Besides, all the people you're close to right now are the ones you've known since you joined the Azma Workshop."

"I still have a place in the Temple of Iglesios. Don't do anything intangible because you still have a book, because Master Iglesios says the consignment is coming down, and possibly, you won't have to worry about that one, as he's about to ask me to become a teacher of witchcraft when I get more arms up."

I don't want to be explored for painless bellies, just a gino and a cathua who just confess about the elements that are going to be a problem for now. The project opens its mouth with a subtle resentful gaze at the two people who just hit the run.

"In our case, it could be a problem that we're not out of touch with our parents because of the relationship we're sending them. My father and brother are still fine, but we don't know what's going on with their married sisters..."

"Maybe we're here because it looks okay at the moment..."

"I don't care if I treated my parents at home after a little while. Of course, only as far as we can with our own arms."

"No, no, no! That's what you can't do when you can't!

"Your brother is right! My parents will destroy my parents' quotes for being a Tengu because of bad preferences, or the worst part!

Projects and Shayla resisting the temptations of the Macro devil with all their might. I guess the prudence and cleanliness around here is why I'm here, but it's a temperament that can't be turned upside down when I start getting poorer.

"It's time to get to the dining room, so how about we talk about eating around it?

"Let it go. I don't know, I'd appreciate it if you could prepare a meal, but if you think about it, today's the last dinner Sister Ele's gonna have at her parents' house. It's like Elle eats over here, but she doesn't have family water. Yeah?

"Never mind there. As for the family reunion, I plan to take it slowly in my room while I get some miso soup this evening."

"So what do you think?

Hiroshi accidentally penetrates Aeris, who says something very subtle about the last regiment.

As a matter of fact, when it is the marriage of the royal marquis nobility, the bride on the day before the wedding can't have a big meal or anything, mainly in a wedding dress sense. You can eat it, but if you eat it too well, it's in person to see hell the next day.

Because we know that, basically, the bride and groom will endure a light meal to the point of stomach whilst enduring hunger until about lunch on ceremony day, and they will endure a fairly decent meal in the evening meal by eating a meal with an asshole.

There are other circumstances in which the bride and groom are taken by the last prep until about the end of dinner, so in the end it will be about nighttime before bed when they can take up proper family time.

I know that, but it is therefore common for my family to enjoy the last meal with a light evening meal afterwards, rather than dinner.

A man who is nervous enough to have a proper dinner in front of him when he says that his family, who is going to be married tomorrow, endures hunger, is not so much so as a royal.

"In the meantime, today is the pre-drill for the Ginos, and there are no royal people but me. I'll point out if there's anything extra at first sight, but the main purpose is to get used to eating dignified in this kind of environment, so enjoy your meal without being so comfortable"

"I see. I mean, it's just that the tension between the Gino and the Gino in particular is noticeable, and we're all alike except for the Japanese group and Lime."

"Mm-hmm. Nora and the others are used to dining with royalty, but this is the first formal dinner party where there are other nobles"

"As for Nola, it's no wonder her parents are so calm that conditionally they shouldn't be so different..."

Hongda accidentally smiles a subtle sense of ambiguity at Nora's words, which are fraught with tension, saying why.

"Sora, we can say something about the number of places."

"That's right. Elle, when I brought you back here with Elaine, who I helped and treated, she pulled me around saying it was a scattered dinner party over there or a tea party."

"Spring vegetables and Tatsuya did something about most of it, but it didn't make sense for us to pull off without participating at all."

"Mm-hmm. I didn't condone civilian minors like me in the sense of opportunity."

"If they pull you around all that, don't get used to it even if you don't like it. Half the nobles who pulled us around then are gone."

Higashi tells the story of Catalina's turmoil with subtle blur and makes it the answer to Nola's question. Everyone but the Tart family is somewhat convinced by the words of Honda. The Lellas don't really understand because they couldn't afford to worry about such an upper-class circumstance in the environment at the time, so they don't really understand the air around them.

"Whatever it is, it will be easier for you guys to get used to a decent meal while you're at it and wear your manners neatly later, because you're all going to show up in these places."

"Right. Farlane is a very tolerant country for words, but he doesn't always take a big look at manners."

Spring vegetables agree with Tatsuya's words. In fact, although not particularly portrayed, all Honda wear a level of manners in almost all countries and regions of the Faircro world that do not go out into the social sphere and cause diplomatic problems, etc. He seems to be doing something quite disrespectful, but he's also doing it to make sure it doesn't become a problem after he sees the extent to which he can be properly forgiven.

Most of all, by now, there are no more countries in this world that can complain about the language and manners of Honda. If you just don't do something flashy or something like that, and you confront Hiroshi or Spring Vegetables directly, you instinctively know that the other person is God or something similar, which is why you're not willing to make a scene about being disrespectful.

An unfamiliar person is placed in the authority of God, and a close person is in a relationship that doesn't care about details or anything from the beginning instead of being affected by anything like that.

Let's not be as good as Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables, but Zhenqin and Mio feel alike. Mio, whose number of extra skills added to production and combat secretly exceeds ten, and True Harp, whose result level of Evil Gods warfare is reaching four queens, are putting their feet into an area that should be called even Sub-God in terms of physical performance alone. Even if there is no more pronounced influence than Higashi, if you are not so foolish as to be in this class, you will know that if you turn to your enemies just face-to-face, it will be over.

Although Tatsuya is still about the upper limit of a normal human being, a human being who has enough standing to engage in state operations is not foolish enough to make a scene with his heroic opponents in the battle of Waldis and against the Evil Gods with that degree of triviality. In this respect, as with Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables, few unsaved human beings deliberately make noise and snakes in manners and speech.

"There's no one in this country who can stand around in manners when we're around, so it's lucky we're going to fail."

"Right. So think about it, get guidance today and tomorrow."

That's what Mio and Aeris told me just when I arrived in front of the dining room door, and I nod with the feeling of disapproval even though I looked like I wouldn't float except Lime. Lyme is intent on showing her day-to-day accomplishments, so her face is the only bright and positive in the staff.

The officials who then sat in the designated seats would struggle badly with the full course starting with a troll bird consomme soup and an assortment of three kinds of appetizers…

"I knew I should have studied with Lime properly..."

"Even though the eating itself is beautiful from day to day, it's hard for my parents to be oddly too perfect..."

"Me personally, I'm stuck with the fact that I'm being made so much difference by the lime I'm supposed to be studying with..."

It will be greatly snagged down by Honda, who eats very elegantly and looks delicious, and Lime, who is supposed to be from nobility and who goes on to eat in more perfect manners than Shayla.

It should be noted that the main dish, Wyburn Thigh Steak, a dish full of chef

"When I thought about the fact that I was still able to cook properly last year, I worked very hard."

"It just feels like I can't give you a pass score yet?

"Mm-hmm. Using royal sauce from royal palace tradition isn't bad, but I haven't adjusted the sauce enough. The sauce is losing to Wyburn, and it's damaging the taste of Wyburn ingredients."

and was accompanied by a fairly rigorous grading in hopes of improving the chef's future.

That night. Aeris' own room.

"Sister, I really congratulate you on this one"


Aeris welcomed Elaine, who had finally been freed from all sorts of things, along with warm miso juice.

"... uh, I'll calm down"

Enjoy the aroma of miso and dashi, rinse the miso juice without making a sip, and Elaine leaks it with her exhale. Why, I've been so nervous for tomorrow's wedding.

"I think it's time you had a father,"


"In the meantime, we have prepared miso soup, would you like to have something light?

"Tomorrow's gonna be tough, I'm gonna put up with it"

"Though I will have patience for a day tomorrow, I think it would be okay to have some more..."

Worried about Elaine's health, Aerys tells her so. but Elaine doesn't seem to be willing to give in either, so relaxed, but she doesn't try to mouth the food as hard as she can.

I heard a knock there, and after a little interaction with the samurai, the people of the present royal family came in.

"Congratulations, sister. Tomorrow at last."

"Congratulations, sister"


Immediately after entering the room, Mark and Rayot pass on their words of celebration to Elaine.

"As a father, it's a complicated feeling that I don't want tomorrow to come like a load of shoulders..."

"That's right. Avin also joined his son-in-law across the ocean, and his children are much less......"

As I agree with King Farlane, who snuffs, I sigh when I see that Lady Elizabeth, a full room, will have three left tomorrow and five children even if she puts in twins that are only about a year and a half old.

"Both Mr. Redrick and Mr. Elise grow up without knowing most of their brothers and sisters when they say they have a lot of brothers..."

"Really, as long as I miss you so much..."

Referring to his youngest son as Renate, Avin's mother and first lady of the side room mourns, Mimosa, Mark's mother and second lady, agrees from the bottom of her heart.

For the record, Elizabeth, who is in the main room, summons all the children, but Renate and Mimosa are sayings except their own. It is not otherwise particularly settled, but it is settled as an implicit rule.

"That's right, Elaine. Tomorrow will be quite a long walk, are you eating properly?

"If you eat too much, you're going to see hell, so that's about it..."

"Not so much, then. If you are the other daughter, the sun will be shallow after you have fully healed. It's not even a sickness, but as much as I'm not losing weight back, my mother's a prospect, right?


"I'm not really out of weight or strength, so if I don't eat something that's digestive and nourishing, I won't make it through the day tomorrow. Or are you going to wear the stigma of a man who fell during a ceremony or a parade and forced Julius, his husband, to fall because he couldn't even manage his wife's health?

"... it's..."

Unexpectedly, Elaine is stuck in words to an honest argument about whether Lady Elizabeth is present or not. It is also true that that point is involved in Elaine's tensions and anxieties.

"Aeris. Did you get anything good from the Azma Workshop?

"... Speaking of which, sure..."

Confirmed by Lady Elizabeth, I recall what Hon and Spring Vegetables made for me after dinner. Find it out of the pantry with anti-corruption and capacity expansion, take it out and get it out in front of my sister.

"... What's this?

"It's steamed in a tea bowl. They quickly absorbed the essential nutrients, but also worked out ideas to ensure that calories didn't turn into fat and burn slowly over a day."

"... I can't help but feel like a hell of a lot of ingredients are being used to meet that condition, but I wouldn't dare pursue it"

Elaine smiles small and bitterly with the ultimate steamed tea bowl, balanced with ingredients bearing God's name in a small tea bowl and tailored to Elaine's physique and expected physical condition. Exactly if they put this out, they can't help but realize that they themselves are suppressing hunger with accustom and guts.

An elegant spoonful of steamed tea bowls cooled to the right temperature, Elaine carries slowly into her mouth. The moment you put it in your mouth, the aromatic fragrance of the dashi spreads all over your mouth, gently smearing Elaine's taste and thoughts with a blend of mellow egg flavours that claim to be intense but somewhat gentle dashi flavours and nourishing to the extent that they are not too intense late.

To its tender flavor, Elaine became heartless and kept carrying her spoon to her mouth.

"... I think I'm finally feeling comfortable..."

"I'm so glad your sister is feeling a little better"

Just enough to satisfy myself physically and mentally, Elaine sighs her honest feelings. To its true meaning, Aeris nods with a smile.

"Nevertheless, in the future your daughter, who surrounds the seat of the regiment in this way, will be alone with Mr. Aerys..."

"Really, I'm gonna miss you"

"We have about ten more years until Elise is old..."

"By then, will the rest be able to see my inner grandson's face..."

To the words of the three queens and King Farlane, Rayot and Mark distract themselves at random. At the very least, I understand what you told me to make my fiancée.

Perhaps no matter how he falls, his own child will be an outsider. Aeris just watches Nico like that.

"That's right. Would His Royal Highness Reefa like to come with us?

"That might be good, too. At any rate, Waldis's departure from our country will be the child's substitute for His Highness, who himself does not hate Rayot."

"Where His Highness Reefa married Mr. Leiott, it's not a big deal. There have been a number of cases in the past where the heirs to the thrones of the two countries have united and given each country to their children."

"What do you think, Mr. Aerys?

Lady Elizabeth and Lady Renate ride on King Farlane's words, and Lady Mimosa asks Aeris for her opinion. Aerys opens his mouth with Nico smiling at the sight of the Third Queen, who is aiming for her prey, and Rayot, who is looking for help.

"Right. Even in the sense of giving Reefa the opportunity, I wonder if it would be okay for her to come here from time to time."


"Brother, I don't think it's going to be possible to convince your mothers unless you bring in a woman who can forgive you more than Reefa."

"... but..."

"If you can't try to make Master Reefa a woman, it's true kindness to tell her so clearly. If not, you just have to admit quietly and wait for the time to ripen as you let your mind go through. Anyway, we need to wait three more years for the engagement story to come out."

I don't know how to disagree with Aeris', everywhere feminine opinions, and Rayot gets stuck in words. Aeris, who sees it, chases to stab a stop.

"I can also understand your brother's pull that you feel like you've wandered into Reefa's situation, but it's not so simple to be female. Besides, unlike me, in the case of your brother, Reefa has shown favor. My brother and Reefa don't want to insult me because you like me, so like me, etc. I'm sorry, but that's the only way to get away with it. Again, if you like it, if you can't see it as a woman, you can't see it, if you don't know it yet, then I honestly want you to wait a little longer."

Apparently, there was something I thought against my own circumstances. Aeris stabs a stop at Rayot, oddly indecisive, without letting him say yes or no.

"When did Mr. Aerys grow up too..."

"Really, you've been splendid..."

When did you say that emotionally to Aeris, who was really old enough to talk about romance and marriage?

"Really, I'm gonna miss you..."



Lady Elizabeth softly embraces Elaine, who truly seemed heartily lonely and crushed.

"Sometimes, you can sneak in to join us?

"... In the meantime, I just want to thank you for how you feel right now and accept it"

Elaine smiles and says it out clearly to her mother, who has secretly whispered such fascinating words.

Thus, Elaine's last night as a princess passed peacefully and softly.

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