"Exactly, Elle, looks like you're having breakfast at the temple today"

"The priest."

Elaine's wedding day. Spring vegetables and hong were talking about Aeris, who was absent on this occasion, while eating a meal that was only a luxury to eat in the morning.

"In the meantime, Elle's role is until after the ceremony. Or all the time, but will he really be free after that?

"Come on? But I guess we'll see the parade," he said.

"If you let him do it, yeah, but..."

Outside the Azma Workshop, Hong and Spring Vegetables continue to talk about today's schedule with fluffy bread that can still only be tasted at royal, high-ranking noble tables, upscale restaurants, etc. I just said, I'm in an easy audience everywhere today, so I'm in a good other HR mood.

"But well, there's a parade or something at a royal wedding, so I can take it easy, but if this is a Japanese wedding, it's definitely a pattern where one of us is asked to give a speech or something at a reception."

"Oh, I guess so."

"So, in this case, when it comes to speeches, it's either Hiro or Spring Vegetables..."

"Mm. Spring sister in compromise, my destiny is definitely my master"

"Don't give me a break, it..."

To Tatsuya's point, Makoto and Mio add a comment of consent, and Hiroshi blurs with a sinister face and cheeks the omelet. This luxury omelet made with eggs from a bird-shaped monster named Glodabad is so delicious that it's too good if you don't think about what Honda usually eats.

"Even so, it seems hard to make this amount and variety of dishes in the morning for all the people staying here."

"Right. Well, no matter how many days you say it's a celebration, I don't think it's such a fancy menu even for the average soldier."

"Mm-hmm. But Sister Chun. Probably not divided between nobility and royalty."

"Maybe there, I guess."

"I mean, I don't know ~. Regardless of the Spring Vegetables, I'm simply Ta's wife, and I'm not particularly contributing to this country or anything..."

"Tatsuya's wife, don't worry, she has enough rights to eat this rice. If it wasn't for Shiori, I wouldn't even think Tatsuya would have tried so hard."

A group of Japanese women who have such a conversation for breakfast where they are afraid to imagine the cost of using luxury ingredients that are very out of the ordinary people's hands, and all they can eat. Regardless in Japan, I completely ignore the fact that I eat better things in the morning when I'm in Farlane.

"So, after breakfast, would it have been nice to move to the cathedral?

"I heard from you when you called for breakfast. I'll pick you up and come in with your majesty."

"Oh, so you decided to block me directly after all."

"I guess so."

Tatsuya contacted me and Makoto mentioned why.

"Now more than ever, I wonder if it would be just a little bad if the royal family treated certain groups too well..."

"Sister Chun. Maybe that's what I can't say anymore."

"Blah, it was almost like pre-construction when I first planned another action."

"I mean, it's enough to get me in the front row until I'm barely familiar with this Elaine wedding, so at that point, I think I'm reaching the level where they say I'm normally too generous."

"Yes, I do, but when I'm going to enter the ceremony with the King and His Royal Highness Leiot, I think it's going to change the story a little bit..."

We hear about the fear of spring vegetables, together with an unexpected bitter smile. I know exactly what Spring Vegetables is trying to say, but in this case, you'd rather think that the Farlane Royal Family is so troublesome that it has to be in that kind of response.

In fact, although Honda has no real sense at all, the Azma Workshop is already recognized as the third major force following the Temple and the Adventurers Association as an organization independent of the state. Just because the birthplace is Ursus and the biggest base is Ursus, on the form it belongs to Farlane, which in fact, like the Temple, is the counterpart to which the authority of the State does not extend.

As I chased him there, the difficulty of contacting the top Hiroshi and other Japanese members most influential in his decision over here after Hiroshi returned to Japan jumped all at once.

At the same time, it has become more difficult to get in touch with Hongdae, and Fams core members have become more conservative about their attitude towards the outside at once, so unless they are asked directly by opponents who feel beneficial from day to day, such as Melissa, even requests such as the Adventurers Association and the Central Market are no longer easy to accept new ones.

In a situation like this, you can't block the nobles where you worked so hard if you let them all sit and wait in the cathedral from the top to the bottom. No nobleman misses such a wonderful opportunity.

"Finally, I say, this is posterior and you probably won't even notice it over there, but Hiro's outfit sucks right now. You look too good to look unusual, and you can get into a lot of trouble with women."

"Ah, don't tell me, Tatsuya... I was trying not to be conscious..."

"Brother, I know it's something I had to tell you, but I didn't want you to make me aware..."

Spring vegetables and Mio pointed out to Tatsuya, trying desperately to cool her head down while turning her face bright red. Spring vegetables that dazzle the look of a maiden who falls in love so far even though it's not switched on are rare, but Mio, who looks like a maiden who falls in love on the same level as spring vegetables, and dyes bright red all over her face, is also a good place for UltraRare.

When it comes to social games, that's the rarity addition and subtraction that you have to charge more than 100,000 yen on average.

I didn't dare to touch it so far, but in fact, the conversation I've had, Spring Vegetables and Mio, unnaturally turned a blind eye for it so as not to look directly at the Hong. In synergy with romantic emotions if you look directly, it was a visible but late emergency response that the thought circuit would be short.

Whereas the elderly set a warm gaze on both of them, as much as they send their inner praise that they are rather well tolerated, the charm of the present majesty is dangerous for the maidens in love.

This is even the spring vegetables who somehow had predictions and were upfront minded. Workshop staff, who usually had only the perception of being dull outside of Lime, have lost the very complete word of agitation.

Note that the lime is normal driving, but if you want to read the air or adapt it to the environment and atmosphere, that's how I keep my comments to myself for now and quiet. For Lyme, the Macro is the only one who looks good, and that doesn't matter if the nasty visuals can't be improved.

"I didn't expect Spring Vegetables to realize the meaning of the words they used to say when they first took care of me in this castle in such a fashion so soon..."

"It's not that different from the design, but it just came out a little pierced, so this is it..."

"When we get to this point, the kind of casual system that comes out of fashion magazines doesn't go out because it's dull or something like that. Can I just say how thin my clothes are? That kind of stands out unnecessarily..."

"That's right..."

Makoto and Tatsuya spill so in a sigh at the abbreviated costume of Hiroshi, who, as once seen from the spring vegetables, is as different as ever. It wasn't like it was dull or poorly dressed even when the Divine Clothes and Divine Armor Ostosol, but when it came to that area, the power and aura that the gear and clothes themselves had were too unrealistic to care if they fit.

This time, however, the abbreviated courtesy is calm in many ways just because the design is easy, and the finishing touches are gorgeous but do not give any floating impression thanks to the highest-ranking material called spirit cloth.

There is added the immature Piercing Loch of the Horn, who has survived all kinds of training fields to become a god. In light expressions, such as the first time a man can come out because he is not beautiful, and he is no longer good looking but determined, he cannot express an unimaginable charm from the days of the present majesty.

Rather, the overwhelming discrepancy with the usual shows even more ambition in front of the man, making it a really complicated situation that no matter how you look at it, you're the same person but you don't look the same person.

"I get overreacted, but with normal abbreviated courtesy clothes?

A macro with a somewhat troublesome look on his face for too much overreaction. I honestly don't know how to react because I've never received anything other than a bad rating for my outfit.

It is a typical reaction when you praise an unfamiliar person.

"Well, yeah, but the gap is a bit too big for me usually..."

"Compared to a work clothes system like work clothes or something, it's not so much, hey..."

"All the time, when I was young, it was kindness to touch me, and I did something like that. That time and gawa have changed almost nothing, but you have a different attitude?

"There's already the atmosphere or the piercing, that kind of difference"

"You look the same, but you look completely different."

I'll be honest with you about what Makoto and Tatsuya think.

Rather, it should be noted that, beyond the type of courtesy and the work clothing system, even if it is a suit, it is somewhat more threatening to become unsatisfactory.

"Something like this, why don't we just start wearing our work clothes and stuff and fill in the gaps a little bit?

"No, no! Thinking about your current situation or something, the overalls will look too good!

"Mm-hmm. This way, it's definitely coming over weird. or so, I'm also so angry that my master will be ridiculed just for his appearance"

True harp's suggestion that Hiroshi should have a little confidence in his appearance is immediately rejected by Spring Vegetables. Mio likewise disagreed, but I don't want to make a good assessment of the current situation, such a complicated mood is leaking and seeping.

I don't think it's going to be like Hong being surrounded by women just because she looks better, but I also know what Spring Vegetables and Mio are trying to say. True harp. The usual macro is dull to the extent that we can't even follow ourselves, who are within us. On a day when that suddenly turns galloping with one outfit, it definitely attracts weird attention, for better or worse.

"Mm-hmm. Spring vegetables, Mio. I thought, why don't you talk to the pros about these things and tailor what they call normal looking clothes without getting dull? Specifically, Mr. Future."

"Ah, well. That's a hand too, isn't it? But I wonder if you're okay..."

"I know you're worried about Spring Vegetables, but normally, it doesn't mean they look good because they're not dressed badly. Hong-kun, your overalls and stuff are just too extreme, and there's definitely got to be clothes with designs that don't float properly and aren't creepy. At least I think so."

Shiori comes up with such an idea in order to cover spring vegetables and Mio. As it were, the door would be knocked when the Hongkong outfit renovation plan was about to begin with the person in charge.

"Go ahead."

"Sorry to interrupt"

On behalf of Hiroshi, I get an entry permit, and Rayot comes in. Apparently, they're here to pick up Honda.

"Whoa, Ray, hey. Good morning."

"Morning. For breakfast......, hmm. If we're still going to eat, why don't we let them have some more?

"Except for Mio, which feels good enough, but what about Mio?

Asked by Hiroshi, Mio shakes his neck left and right with the last remaining fruit in his mouth. Apparently, that's where the eighth belly is.

"The whole time Ray's here, are we moving yet?

"No. I was just trying to get you to join us once we had breakfast. We'll be the last of the participants, so there's no need to panic."

"I don't know. Here, take care of it, move the place."


Honda, who listens to Rayot and decides to just rendezvous. Then it seems like it would be nice to have breakfast together in the royal holding room from the start, but then Hongda has a lot of trouble with the staff except Lime anyway.

Fam, Terez, and Nola are used to dining with royalty, but this is the first time they have dined publicly around a table with royalty in more than half of these public places to protect their manners. The King's consideration that dinner would be a meal, but that he would feel sorry for anything to eat mindful of manners until morning, made breakfast an easy-going seat with no eyes but a meal to serve.

Macro's abbreviated courtesy has shattered that consideration, but I can't help pursuing it there.

"In the meantime, you were right to pick me up. Hiroshi, don't ever act alone today. That's when you go to the bathroom, definitely someone, that too. Take at least two of them."

"All of a sudden, I'm gonna say something nasty, Ray."

"If you look like you right now, it's no wonder there's some crazy fool out there."

Rayot even tells me, and I twist my neck wondering if I'm so unusual in a courtesy dress.

As a result of what I've been told to be a nasty, nasty, nasty thing to do until now, I was an ambitious person who would challenge Elaine to her wedding without realizing how appealing I was when she wore some of the outfits.

"... Wow..."

The moment the bride and bridegroom appeared on Virgin Road in a pure white costume, an exclamation sigh filled the diocese.

A combination of beautiful men and beautiful women like the one painted on the picture. The bride currently hides her face with a veil, but there is no place on this occasion where she does not know how beautiful the face hidden behind it is.

In a way, the ideal couple arrived before the priest, saying that they were now just a couple.

"Now let's get into the marriage ritual."

Where the hymn has disappeared, the priest of a beautiful girl who boasts no less beauty than the bride and groom proudly utters words from her poor mouth announcing the start of the ritual strictly.

The girl priest, wearing the highest priestly outfit tailored with a spirit cloth, was the only one in this venue to come to the ceremony in a gorgeous outfit that surpassed the costume of the bride and groom who would be the star.

Most of all, that beauty is only beauty as a proxy for God. Though it shows so much beauty that it overwhelms the others, it never eats the presence of the bride and groom who are the protagonists, coupled with the beauty of the person who wants to wear the crown of extinction.

Rather, the presence of a beautiful girl on behalf of God had increased the authority of this occasion, as well as bringing its presence together with the bride and groom.

"Groom, Julius Fernoch. Bride, Elaine. Do you vow to love and support each other when you are sick or healthy, and to keep walking together until death divides you two?

Though it is the body that is the adult's, the priest, who makes him feel even young somewhere, who has not yet welcomed the adult, proceeds with a grand, solemn ritual. There is no trace there, and I am fully aware that she is enough to proceed with today's wedding.

The figure was exactly what he deserved to call the Virgin.

"" I swear ""

The words of the vows of the bride and groom Julius and the bride Elaine are summed up. Taking the word of the oath, Aeris, the Virgin, whom Farlane, today's priest, is proud of in the world, moves to the finishing of the ritual.

Receive the ring that fits Julius and Elaine's left hand pharmacopoeia and offer it to the altar with a grace. Kneel and utter the sacrament, and wave wholeheartedly with the ordained procedure the divine apparatus attached for this day.

The two rings are inhabited by a divine but warm light, and the colorless and transparent gem of the ring, which was mounted inconspicuously, is inhabited by a colour that symbolizes the two of them.

"The world has allowed you two to marry. Put on each other's rings and show no vows to the world in your embrace"

Encouraged by Aeris' words, they put on each other a ring with their own colour on the other's left hand pharmacopoeia. At that moment, the light of warm blessings floods from the ring, enveloping the bride and groom.

The groom raises the bride's veil and hugs her gently, but powerfully. As the bride turns her arms around the bride's back and this again forcefully embraces her back, the light that was enveloping them covers the cathedral and becomes a single pillar that reaches to heaven.

The bride and groom are watched by Reiki Virgin and swap vow embraces while wrapped in light. It was such a wedding finish that those who were present this day later said with their mouths shut that it was a sight as if it were a famous painting.

"The world has blessed a new couple who walk together today. Bless and bless this new couple."

Aeris proclaimed the establishment of the wedding with a soft voice, with a virtuous grin. Unspared applause is sent to the word by all the participants.

"Brother-in-law, sister. I really congratulate you today."

Aeris turns her expression from a Virgin to a grin directed at the family of a year-to-year girl, as it signifies the end of the ritual, and she heartily and joyfully announces her words of celebration. The bride and groom bow one head, similarly with a delightful grin from the bottom of their hearts, at that blessing words that are blocked by grand applause and can only be heard by themselves.

I was watching it at close range, and I couldn't help but think of a macro and Rayot.

"... I've never seen Yu smile like that before"

"... or Julius can laugh like that."

And so much disrespect, Julius had a happy smile on his face at that time.

As it is, before the grand applause stops, the bride Julius lifts the bride Elaine in this position, the so-called princess of the throne, and returns to Virgin Road to show her surroundings.

At a time when Julius left completely in front of the altar and stepped out in front of King Farlane, a front-row attendant, a petal comes down from the sky flickering.

"Celebrate ~"

"Petal spraying ~"

"Rice Shava ~"

The octogals, who had been waiting so long to leave, finally started sprinkling their petals, tending to their turn.

Moreover, horribly, even though it is Oktogal, the task is to throw and drop things, but it is impossible to read the air and not use the word "body abandonment".

That's just an anomaly, but Hikari, who was supposed to have left a message at the workshop, was trying so hard to hover the two of them overhead and scatter their own hair.

For some reason it was the sacred atmosphere that was not damaged, but the air, such as harsh and mysterious, had completely disappeared somewhere.

"... well, there is..."

"God's family and blessings from God's beast, sounds good, but I don't think so at all. What about this visual...?

"That kind of 'seemingly' visualization is all done by the protectors of the Divine Realm..."

Macro and Rayot continue to whisper like that while having trouble choosing an expression in many ways. Apparently, the same goes for the other attendees, and although Julius gives a heartfelt smile and applause when he passes in front, he gives a complex expression to the team mysterious creature that is otherwise in the air.

To add one thing here, this time the royal family and Honda are separated between men and women across Virgin Road. There are considerably more women in terms of the total number of people in the royal family and the Azma workshop alone, but this time the ratio of men to women will be balanced if we combine all the people who form the front row alongside the royal family.

Also, it is impolite to say hard things in a celebratory setting called a wedding, so it is rude when it comes to tone. It still feels a lot too late when it comes to tone, but even if this is the first time I have spoken to the royal family in a tame tone in an official setting.

"Well, first of all, don't take the taste for the prank you did at the Fardanian wedding."

"What did they do over there?

"Hirohiro wasn't there, but Octogal was petaling from above during the parade."

"Oh, that's what flavor occupies..."

Hiroshi, who hears from Tatsuya what happened when they were absent and is convinced of various things. The more Rayot and the others look.

"In the meantime, I don't feel terrible about visualizing our responsibility or making it look like it. Until we went outside, it felt like we wanted the dialogue to be heard. Hey, mainly in terms of the atmosphere and the air."

"Right. I was more concerned about the distracting conversation they were talking about than about their petals."

Hiroshi and Tatsuya say how honest they feel while somehow smiling raw and warm at the actions of Octogals. I'm not going to deny the whole Octogal way of celebrating, but I just wanted the last minute to be strict and mysterious about this one, and at least to maintain that air until I left the temple.

Conversely, if Aeris wasn't too serious about the wedding as this one, there would be a lot of funky and fancy ways for Octogal and Hikari to celebrate tagged, which is where the majority of the opinions on this occasion agree, rather than Honda's.

Even if it's like some kind of prank, I'm not doing it with a joke, and the way Octogal sprinkles petals and paper blizzards look really stunning, and somehow I feel like this is going to make me a hugely happy marriage.

Above all, it can't be a bad thing that the divine beast and God's family celebrate. The only problem is the visual and octogal comments.

"Ray, when I'm here, I don't know if I'm gonna tell Elle to give it a break."

"It's not always like those guys celebrate the same when I do, is it?

"Instead, are you going to come up with a more temperamental plan?

I'm unexpectedly anxious about the point that it's impossible to say it's a macro, Rayot. The expression goes out to the table for a moment and King Farlane rushes to fix it.

Reefa, on the other side of the front row across Virgin Road, stared at how such a magnificent, precisely Rayot was doing.

"Something tells me Princess Leafa is watching Her Royal Highness Leiot so much..."

"Well, that's the thing. I've seen my attitude put on hold for a long time because of the princess's age, but my son has a really bad temper."

"If you do say it just in the new year, then the Honorable Mark is more balanced than the Honorable Rayot..."

Expose King Farlane's frequent agenda inside the royal family to the words of Tatsuya, who had something to guess. Tatsuya will follow Rayot once and for all, with a face saying that she knew what was being exposed.

Currently, Reefa is ten years old. Compared to Aeris two years ago, his development is poor at the moment, but nevertheless signs of secondary sexual characteristics have already appeared. There are just a lot of borderline problems with Reefa herself on top of being too young, and we haven't even talked about engagement yet at the moment, but that would also be a respite of one or two more years at best.

It can be said that what happens to Rayot's relationship with Reefa depends on two things: how accelerated Reefa's development is from here, and whether Rayot escapes Reefa's pure thoughts.

As it is, Tatsuya and King Farlane continue to talk about the current situation surrounding Rayot. Hiroshi, who began to feel uncomfortable with the conversation between the two, kept watching the bride and groom as she distracted herself with force moves to avoid coming down on her.

"... Speaking of which, I sometimes thought at His Highness Avin's wedding, there's no bouquet toss over here."

Walking off Virgin Road without moving to Octogal and Hirohito pranks and celebrations, Macho speaks of his potpourring concern when he leaves the temple and sees the bride and groom heading straight to the holding room for a parade.

Not only did the men, including King Farlane, but the queens' women's attention at once to the words of Hiroshi, which reached more extensively than they thought.

"It's Hiroshi. Bouquetos, what?

"It's a custom in a country that is friendly with our homeland, our whole country. Were you glad the bride called you the hemming of happiness?... Well, that's the way it is, after the ceremony, I have a habit of throwing bouquets at guests. So, there's this unmarried woman who caught the bouquet, and the next thing I know, she can get married, and she already has a desire to get married, and the unmarried woman changes the color of her eyes and takes it from her."

King Farlane nods Hmm to the subtly biased narrative of the macro. Women who didn't know bouquetos as well make their eyes shine on delicious customs in many ways. but......

"It's just, if I did this, I'd just throw a bouquet, and Octogall would catch it in the air and throw it to some random bastard, so maybe I won't make it now."

"Ahhhhhh. It's like throwing a toddler or something at a bouquet-caught phrase like 'body abandonment'."

To the ensuing conversation between Hiroshi and Tatsuya, it also extinguishes the glow of the eyes.

"So, Your Majesty. Where should we move from here?

Where the bouquet toss and octogal topic has turned into a subtle air, Spring Vegetables climbs farther in the form of confirmation about future plans, all in addition to the help boat.

"Right. Julius and Elaine have both left, and we should go back to the holding room. We've already pulled up Aeris, so bad luck can make them wait."

King Farlane begins his journey to the privileged seat reserved for royalty, which is stuck with spring vegetables and which, fortunately, would be ready for snacks. Thus, although slightly out of their original expectations, Julius and Elaine were safely married.

"Still, this time the dress is amazing"

Soon after the parade begins, spring vegetables raise their praises with a small sigh.

Elaine's wedding dress, reshaped for the parade, was so gorgeous and enthusiastic in everyone's eyes, unlike the one from the wedding that dared to suppress her impression when she saw Pa.

"Whatever the quality and performance, there's not much around the design to do for the job, after all."

"It's kind of hard to be like us because that also involves how good we've seen taste and history..."

"The casual system, which has a wide design tolerance and involves preferences and such, still tends to be, but the formal system tends to be quite that way ~"

To the seriousness shown by the needles of the Farlane royal family, Hiroshi and Mio admit defeat to sigh like spring vegetables. Whilst Shiori and some follow-ups, I don't deny anything around it.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Hong. I feel that Elaine's dress has a very good fabric quality compared to Presea's dress, but did you deliver anything special?

"The only fabric that the Royal Needle of Farlane can process, all the time, makes the guy who specially processed the spider silk in yarn and fabric sets about five counterparts each color."

"... uh, I don't remember going spider-tightening, where did you buy that spider-silk ingredient from?

"In the native forest of God's castle, there will be a great spider of good quality spider silk at some point. It seems that Ra and the others made cocoon balls and collected them, so let them be used."

"... I'm going to regret hearing it, like I'm wondering what that cocoon core was..."

"In the meantime, don't worry, there's no way Ra and the others have been locked up"

Spring vegetables that make me even more anxious about the answers given by Hong. I don't like Ra being trapped either, but I also somewhat dislike the situation where there are more spiders preying on other than Ra.

Most worrying is the fact that the potato worm, which is supposed to be the side to be preyed on, manages the predator, the spider, to produce spider silk. Ra's mysterious biological degree of success is no longer known to the ceiling.

In the first place, at a time when we are spitting out threads that can be taken home by restraining the evil gods, the story is even more so now.

"By the way, its specially processed spider silk, about the fifth from the top as the material rank, about the intermediate and advanced border of the sewing guy Yanen"

"... hey, wow. So, at the top, as a spirit cloth, what's the rest of the material?

"One top is bestier scotton all over cotton, plus the same rank on top of it, golden sheep wool and jizz feathers, plus the world tree-based fiber on top for a spiritual cloth or something. There are several types of fibers in the world's tree system, such as cotton and hemp, but the processing procedures and applications from the raw materials are just different, and the materials used in the raw materials and ranks are the same."

"Jizz feathers were also made by us on our way to Faldania if we just u from feathers..."

"If you just do it, you can go with minimal sampling skills and arm grip. From there, it becomes more difficult to yarn all at once."

"I see."

I got some spiritual yarn before Farlane flew me, and I talked about textile-based materials that I hadn't really talked about before, Macro and Chinese vegetables.

Although not particularly discussed here, the difficulty of tailoring this specially processed spider silk, clothing, etc., jumps, but the performance as a protective device may not be so different from that of spider silk. The main thing that changes is the beauty and luxury of comfort and appearance, and another material of the same rank is better suited for use in protective equipment.

There are also some materials present between standard spider silk and specially processed spider silk, but here we discount them.

"In the meantime, I was convinced that the costume was the most amazing wedding I've ever seen."

After listening to the commentary of the Macho, he observes Elaine again, again sighing with admiration and envy at its noble yet truly happy appearance, spring vegetables that divulge his thoughts from the bottom of his heart.

In response to those Spring Vegetable words, Aerys opened his mouth, watching Nico happily as he was about to marry his sister.

"Right. Your sister's wedding costume is likely to be almost capped for another century or more, unless Hiroshi tailors it directly."

"Ahhh, I think I know. You could make a prettier dress if you devised a design, but that's not necessarily better than this one."

"Gems and accessories used for decorating are not going to be so easy just to add something to match when it comes to that kind of costume..."

"Above all, it seems like it would have been better not to have been completely eaten by a costume and put your hands back on it if you hadn't been a beautiful woman of such character as Julius and Elaine, or someone with such piercing character and presence that you couldn't beat clothes on the contrary."

Aeris and Spring Vegetables keep their eyes on the bride and groom waving with a happy, shining smile and inadvertently consider whether it is possible to do more or not to do the same to others.

Without a doubt, I can assure you that weddings beyond this are impossible in the next few years, a kind of ultimate. In the first place, the bride and groom themselves are some of the best bloodlines, identities, achievements, and fame in this world, and their appearance is beautiful. Already at this point, only about Rayot is the only unmarried person that could possibly be exceeded.

In addition, it will require at least a handover with a tailor who can tailor this spider silk and as much financial power as possible to place an order. Moreover, it is not necessarily possible for that tailor to create a costume that will further enhance the appeal of his client.

With that in mind, it feels totally up to Rayot to see more weddings than this one as an easy-going attendee.

Needless to say, both Spring Vegetables and Aeris exclude themselves because, in addition to not being able to think of anyone other than the Macro, they are considering them only in a position to see them. No matter how we can get beyond this wedding, it doesn't make sense because we can't see it in real time when we're the stars.

"But whatever the parade is, you can thank me for the wedding, after all"

"Yes, I hope that one day, too, we will think of each other this way and have a ceremony to be blessed around"

From the viewing standpoint, we have to wait for Rayot's ceremony, crisply split, spring vegetables and aeris that purposefully mention that while looking at the macro.

"I want you to mix it up with me because it's okay to be third or fourth then."

"That's right."

Mio also speaks of his desire to marry, taking advantage of Spring Vegetables and Aeris' purposeful and blatant appeal in a manner that does not directly indicate his opponent. Adding to the wedding and even the alchem that had been spotted in the parade with glittering eyes in a position that has drawn a step further so far, the sex mood increases with ease.

"Hey, Hiro. They started appealing pretty blatantly, okay?

"Honestly, it's not very good, but I'm gonna corner my mouth..."

"Everyone around here is scratchy, so if I put a nail in it, I don't think it's gonna get any bigger.

"I'll let you do it, but I don't feel good about coming out and complaining about the normal conversation that we all want to have at these ceremonies all the time at the wedding."

"Well, yeah, but hey..."

Tatsuya looks somewhat troubled by Hiroshi's words. I know what Macho said, but I can't help but think that making just one person feel uncomfortable is not the right place to congratulate.

It doesn't feel right to nail this level of conversation anyway, even if it isn't, the Spring Vegetables have been putting up a lot with regard to the eroticism. In this floating and natural situation, I can also understand that the macro tries to endure uncomfortable situations where it should not be seen so much as to have a conversation about content that can only be described as strange.

"At the end of the day, as long as the other side is not so loving, I guess we can avoid all of it and talk about it..."

"I know, but then, if the story is exciting right now and I can conclude, it's not, is it?

"Sora, in many ways, where I want to send first..."

"I guess. I mean, apart from that, even the spring vegetables that I was obsessed with monogamously are getting an atmosphere like, if I'm with the Els these days, I don't have to be monopolistic. When that happens, the current situation, which is generally freeing me from life expectancy issues, is likely to solve the problem even if I try my best to decide to be alone..."

"Don't tell me..."

To Tatsuya's point, he groans with a troubled look. As the symptoms of the macro improved, the problems around here changed considerably, but that did not always go towards solving them.

Rather, the problem is becoming more prone because, limited to certain heterosexualities, institutions are beginning to be in place that will only allow women to be accepted by both the body and mind of the macro.

Most importantly, unless the rate of change is slower than Namekuji's walk and the overall situation is freeing the human species from life expectancy, I'm pretty sure we should honestly teach the female side to give up.

"Well, I'm sure there's no problem sending you ahead for a while, and in the meantime, you can rehab and cloud your tea on a romantic or anything less level? Elle is still twelve, no matter how much he develops compared to the Japanese, and as for Mio, who's the same age, the contents don't seem to keep up with his age on the outside anyway."

"Regardless of the up-front, it's not like I'm in love or anything..."

"That sounds like a joy, doesn't it? Either way, I've got three years left until Elle's an adult over here, and from there, maybe there's no reason to stay in a warm situation like right now. Then it's not a bad idea to simulate things like that while we get used to each other."

Hiroshi unexpectedly turns her attention to Tatsuya, who recommends acting like a chara man. Three people, Haruna, Mio and Aeris, who had deflected their ears from the conversation between Hiroshi and Tatsuya so that they could not escape, have nodded many times to agree with Tatsuya's words, but Hiroshi, who is turning a blind eye from the women, is unaware of it.

"I don't know, that seems like a woman or something, and it feels terribly bad..."

"Let me tell you from my experience, no matter what the factual relationship is, you can't escape that image at a time when you're being told by more than one person, so you're gonna have to give up there."

Hiroshi is disappointed by Tatsuya's assertion that he has no body, no lid, or even more pity or mercy. In fact, even Teles and Nora, who know the circumstances and history in detail, may have an image of Gigolo, albeit somewhat sympathetic to the macro. Being an outsider, there's nothing we can do around here.

It should be noted that, for the record that doesn't matter, there is nothing hard to say about whether or not there is going to be an affair between the Rotsuko, who knew Mio or Aeris existed, if a heckle who is not capable enough to say no is eaten in a sexual sense by more than one woman without being able to escape, this is the only story here that Hiroshi doesn't even know about spring vegetables.

"... in the meantime, if you think about anything extra, concentrate on the parade."

"... right. We still have respite, and now let's just relax and celebrate."

Hiroshi and Tatsuya are about to go to various scary thoughts and forcefully cut the story off.

"... I kind of envy you, it is..."

Reefa crushes at the reaction of the maidens in love with such a magnificent, somehow drenching the true colors. A poetic weave noticed how the Reefa was doing, gently turning Reefa's head to comfort him in his readiness for disrespect.

"You don't have to be in a hurry, it's okay ~"

"... right, let's...?


Reefa takes such confirmation of Shiori's words in Farlane, which seems somewhat happy and pleasant but still remains somewhat traceable. To Reefa's inquiry, Poetry Weave smiles and nods forcefully.

Reefa clings to the poetry weave with joy and courage. The color of my hair and eyes are only close, and I look like a parent or child.

In fact, in this world, it is not uncommon for parents and children to be about the age difference between Shiori and Riefa.

"I may be in a hurry, but I think Master Reefa would rather not be a child yet ~?"

"... yes, is it...?

"Yes. If you don't experience children properly, you won't be able to grow up properly ~"

A poetic weave that hugs and spoils Reefa so much with her full motherhood that she listens that way with perseverance. The three queens look really jealously at Reefa's truly childish appearance, which she shows for the first time. Is the expression such as envy VI, joy III, and remorse taken on a maternal role?

"Maybe it's not usually that easy to be honest - but whenever you're over here, come sweet."

"... okay?

"You're welcome ~. It's just..."


"Please make sure everyone there is properly sweet ~"

That being said, Shiori turns her gaze to the queens, who are dissipating the aura of envy from all over her body in high concentrations. Reefa sees it, shyly clings back and tries to hide behind poetry weave so that people can see it.

The queens, who saw the grass and were completely set on fire, somehow come to pour out their love with all their might to make themselves sweet to the poetic position, but it was impossible for Reefa, who lacked the experience of being loved until she came to Farlane, to see beyond that.

"... well, if this looks like it, we're going to be able to get to the next ceremony within a few years, above all."

"... Father, isn't expecting that from me or Hiroshi just too far ahead?

"Honestly, they both just look like the outer moat is already buried, or do you think any more women will show up than that before the princess is of the right age, and that's going to make up for you and your year round too?


Unexpectedly silent on the king's words, Rayot. As a matter of fact, I know that Reefa still can't have romantic feelings at the moment because of her children, but I also don't like the fact that she's unmarried and closer to her age and better than she is.

I'm really reluctant to consider them as marriage partners now in that they're still kids, but it's not why I hate them or think they're out of the question enough to clearly poke no at them, so I'm going to take an escape attitude with them, Rayot. I am conscious enough without Aerys pointing out and reprimanding yesterday, such as how badly it looks and, above all, how dishonest it is to them.

Contrary to the macro, I guess it's time for me to tide in the sense of a decision on attitude. But it is also true that a little more, at least until Riefa is properly grown up, she wants time.

"... for now, Father"


"The princess spent less time being a child than Aeris. I want the princess to be a little more of a child because thanks to Siori, she finally became a child in the true sense of the word today. I want you to have time to grow up properly after being loved as a child"


"I myself, honestly, am not likely to be convinced of giving any answer to a princess who stays inexperienced with her children properly. How do I answer to the princess when the princess can grow up right?

"If it was your word until yesterday, it would have been dismissed. It doesn't seem like a bad escape route, and if you think about the princess, it seems better. I don't care if it's time to watch her now."

"Well, thank you"

With that said, I sigh one thing, and Rayot watches Reefa, who feels surprised but sweets Shiori with all her might, somewhere to be merciful. King Farlane decides to look aside for a while, as promised, worrying that he will no longer wake up to patriarchal love.

"I kind of have love flowers blooming over there at my wedding. Honestly, I'm very uncomfortable..."

Nora, whose colored stories continue to be whispered here and there in that way, and who is in such a situation that she is uncomfortable, throws up a queasy look.

While agreeing to that and nodding, Terez talks to Mark, who has been running away from being unable to stand the sex mood.

"Is that okay, Your Highness Mark?

"Sometimes my brother says he won't take shape, but in the first place, it feels like a blank generation, waiting to grow..."

"Each other, it's tough..."

"Not at all. I mean, I didn't think I'd share the uncomfortable with you guys in this way..."

"I hope they don't stick around feeling like the default route while I'm sharing my uncomfortable..."

"I'm so sorry it just happens, I miss each other, but maybe we should just stay away from each other a little bit."

"If you don't like that one, I'll crush it with all my strength, so don't worry. I mean, you wouldn't be eligible for a prince like Octogall messing with you and playing with you as a toy, would you?

Terez and Nola don't deny or affirm Mark's self-derisive dialogue with a slight distraction. Even if you're going to marry Mark, there's no sense of rejection, but it's also true that it's a little harsh to see him as a paedophile.

For Therese and the others, Mark has too strong a brother attribute, and there is something missing from a romantic point of view. As a married person, it's impeccable, and as someone who makes a home, it's not bad. Instead, it's just up there, and I'm worried that the area sounds and doesn't really appreciate the individual named Mark.

In the case of Terez and Nola, who have not grown up with the value that political marriage is also normal, it is difficult to break it off there. I instinctively realize that when there are such drawbacks, what works doesn't work either, so I can't answer Mark's question.

"... well, each other, we're going to be"

"... on this matter, perhaps His Highness, who knows how to split and where to split, seems to have a better minute..."

I am comforted by Mark, who is in a similar position, Nora, which makes the degree of snagging even greater. In the end, because I was in a mood where I couldn't celebrate Julius and Elaine's marriage with all my might, Terez, Nora and Mark did not benefit from the special couple formation rush of this marriage until the end.

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