"Even in college, admission ceremonies don't change anything like high school."

"Well, isn't that what an induction ceremony or an induction ceremony is?

First day of college. Having completed the entrance ceremony and various briefings, and having completed their enrollment, the three men, Hiroshi, Chunvegetable and Zhenqin, had purchased textbooks in purchasing while telling such stories.

Some elective subjects are different, and all three compulsory subjects of general education take the same lecture. So the majority of the textbooks I buy are the same.

It should be noted that Yamaguchi has not yet finalized the enrollment content and that the textbook is separate, so this time it is a different action.

For the record, Hainan University has a slightly unique enrollment and other systems, and the lottery does not exist instead of a long enrollment period.

This is due to the fact that the physical number of constraints in a single lecture are virtually non-existent as a result of admitting full dive courses of the VR system ahead of other universities.

Nevertheless, the full dive has a connection time limit, so it is unrealistic to take all the necessary credits without ever taking a lecture in real life with some exceptions. For once, only university lectures are given a special four-hour connection time cap, but even if you use it, you will have to spend most of your connection time on lectures.

By the way, it is an early winner to take a lecture in a real auditorium. So how popular lectures can reduce travel time and ride forward is a battle, and there is a secretly hot battle going on.

Speaking of what students who lose battles are doing, students who can afford to attend give up taking the course, and people without it are normally using portable VR gear to access on-campus LANs near a cafeteria or a classroom where they have their next lecture.

Because of that, it is the standard of Hainan University to deposit valuables in a fingerprint-certified coin locker here and there (which is a guarantee fee, so the royalties will be refunded later) and receive lectures as close as possible to one sentence.

Most importantly, when I try to get a little bit of a defenseless student on the full dive, I don't have any harm done in such cases, as the robots and fighters of the plastic model fly out of nowhere and interfere with them, and in some cases they donate to the police as they are.

"But the admission ceremony here wasn't that long, was it?"

"Regardless of the speech, Aunt Heavenly Sound said that the speech was long enough to fit in five minutes, and that was the implicit rule of this university. Exactly, apart from greetings from guests and contact matters."

"I would have liked that rule to apply to all my schools..."

"Long story teacher is pretty good."

I remember what, with a pretty soggy look. So blurry true harp, so gavel with a small laugh. Spring vegetable with depression. On the side, the macro is nodding, laughing in the same way.

Both Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables have been very long talked about by their principals in elementary school, and in school rallies in the school yard immediately before the summer break or at the beginning of the second semester, there were occasional students who fell from heat stroke and anaemia.

"Since there is no type of college where all students are gathered until high school, it would be practically the first and last admission ceremony for students enrolled in the same year to meet and attend the ceremony."

"Oh, yeah. But, uh, graduation's kind of a ceremony, isn't it?

"Well, that's it. I mean, it's not uncommon to drop out like me, or even if I'm not that far away, to stay in the year. Depending on the school level, the percentage of students graduating straight is smaller."

To explain the true harp, I'm convinced that's what it is, Hong and Spring Vegetables. Unlike high school, college is a close friend for the rest of the year.

However embarrassing it is, there is no such thing as being treated as foreign objects in the last year, and there is no place left in the world.

For that matter, the fact would be that many students are not so desperate to avoid a retention year, if not in economically challenging circumstances at levels such as tuition waivers.

It should be noted that Hainan University meets together, but both the entrance ceremony and the graduation ceremony are distributed across the faculties and are held in the gymnasium, auditorium, event hall and other places on the premises. Because of the number of freshmen, we can't put them all together unless it's a fairly large facility.

Around here, many universities are the same, not just Hainan University. Instead, it usually rents out large nearby facilities for an admissions ceremony, and a minority of schools, like Hainan University, would cover only on-campus facilities, albeit decentralized.

"Nevertheless, I don't know."

"Enrollment delivery. It seems like quite a few kids haven't given it out yet, but apart from that, I think the old bookstore will be busy around the end of the week. Maybe."


"That's right. Because college textbooks are expensive for a short time, they're pretty much in the old bookstore. So freshmen with college students in them are taught to go around old bookstores first."

"I see. Well, from what I can tell, it helps."

"By the way, there are other cases where you're buying from seniors. Well, either way, it feels like a lot of people don't really gather information about or care about purchasing textbooks on their admission day."

Makoto explains that way about how few students are unexpectedly coming to buy textbooks. I feel a strange gaze for less people, but at the moment I can't identify where it is being directed from, so I'm leaving it for now.

For the record, there are other advantages to procuring textbooks in a used bookstore. Textbooks available in used bookstores have a high probability of surprising notes related to lectures and exams if the previous owner was a serious student. This note, of course, will be a great thank you for studying well, even out of hand.

Incidentally, Yamaguchi is also an ancient bookstore. It doesn't mean the house is poor, but even if it isn't, it's a private university that costs tuition, so he's willing to save as much money around it as possible.

"Speaking of which, you're a college student."

"Saya. If things go well, you should graduate this year."

"Didn't you have any advice around that?

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

Asked by True Harp, Honestly answers that it doesn't sound familiar. At that time, a message arrives at the Macro's terminal.

"Ooh, from your sister."

"What's it about?

"What we just talked about. My sister was pretty bummed, and I didn't send her advice around. It could be quite crowded with the size of Hainan University and the number of freshmen, so if you can't do that, even if it's honestly new, there's a stretch like that."

"Ah, I see. There's no such thing as a live front..."

"That's what I'm talking about. Speaking of which, I said I'd look over here when I got a job. I'll introduce you to everyone at that time, so I'm sorry, but Haruna and Makoto have a little relationship."

I'll tell you about my sister just fine. He sent me pictures taken in the courtesy garden with the Spring Vegetables, and then he sent me messages saying he wanted to see them once and for all.

"Of course I don't mind that, but Tatsuya and Shiori aren't tough?

"Let's do it according to the timing. All the time, let's just come over and give it back, so to some extent, we can afford a date."

"I hope so, but don't let your sister or Tatsuya force you."

"I don't want to talk about it like that, but make it my brother, make it my sister, and when I have a plan, it feels like I can't make it and try to schedule it..."

"That's the type of thing your sister is..."

"I don't know what kind of type Makoto says, but if you just do the guts, we have a wide selection."

True harp with somewhat distant eyes, to the words of the Macho. Sometimes the type with guts can be unbearable.

I know because I've gotten along with the family of Hiroshi to some extent, but I'm not in the East House to say why and no guts in the true sense. Even hectic and frightening macros in interpersonal relationships are quite gutsy in other respects.

Instead, however much of the basics are accounted for by accustom, inertia and giving up, we cannot, without guts, extremes our production skills with Faircro specifications, etc. More to the point, no guts imitate producing work with stamina depleted.

"Well, for that reason, I really can't do one of them with the scheduling. If it happens all the time, I know it's bad, but I don't want my brother to be able to do it. Let's do it. My sister, the cost of living is not sent, so if I can't do it, my family won't be stuffed with it."

"Hey. Indeed, Tatsuya, a socialite who is used to the impossibility of that hand, is many times more likely to follow than the unsolicited student who lives far away."

"Tatsuya would suck, and her aunts would support her."

True harp and spring vegetables also agree with Hiroshi, who says sorry. I can't help but say that the degree of impossibility around it is completely different in the kind of young hop where struggling students and courtesy group just have the guts to pull out

"Well, either way, I'm sure it's best to suit your sister's convenience. Whether you want to go from here or not, you need to choose the location and timing of your break in the service area, in addition to being a basic car option for the recovery of the Macro."

"Right. I mean, me and you are still anxious to drive to roam the land you don't know after a long, fast run in the first place."

"Basically, me and Spring Vegetables are specialist local drivers."

"I don't know, spring vegetables would be a freshly licensed place. I would never want to do something scary that would make Young Leaf Mark so unscrupulous."

Unexpectedly bitter spring vegetables for the penetration of the true harp. It was April 2nd that Spring Vegetables got their license. At the moment, not a week has passed.

"Either way, it's been around since your sister decided to insist, right?

"Let it go. Even so, really, college textbooks are expensive..."

"If you buy it at a fixed price, you'll be gone about 100,000 yen in no time..."

"So the kid who's doing a proper investigation goes straight to the used bookstore, right? Some subjects don't cost half as much."

Unexpectedly blurry about the price of the textbook and the spring vegetables who agree with it. I don't have a problem with this because I make extra pennies for my students with my income at the road station, but I'm pretty sure the price of this textbook plays a part in the high cost of college tuition.

When there is often a debate about college tuition, it is argued that tuition is overestimated by focusing solely on enrollment and tuition fees, but it is often forgotten that textbooks and the like have separate costs because colleges are not compulsory education.

Nevertheless, university textbooks are not often examples of different instructors using the same thing because they will be basically advanced and professional in content. As a result, the number of copies leaving in one go inevitably decreases and the price of books jumps.

Especially in the case of specialties, there are many cases where a book you write yourself is used as a textbook. In addition to the aspect that teaching in people's papers and books is difficult to do on this, it will also be difficult to criticize in general because there is also the aspect of supplementary income for lecturers that cannot be eaten solely by wages from universities.

but the expensive ones are expensive, so it can be described as a half-term festive poem for a human to have a head for unexpected expenses around here.

"Well, you need what you need, and you can't help but blur. Let's just pay it off."

"Let it go. All the time, I have to pay electronically because I have cash."

"Right ~"

Honda lined up at the cashier, saying, etc. Nevertheless, there are no other people lined up in the cashier, and the payment actually ends lightly behind the back of the amount.

"I have to go to school at home."

"That's right. Sister Hiro, I think you often do it without sending me."

"If I let you into a low-rent student dorm, I'd say a lot's over. I've already escaped the household pinch, so if I had been honest with you, I would have..."

and so on, leaving the purchasing and moving towards the parking lot. I don't need to show my face to Heavenly Sound in particular today, so I reschedule and go straight home.

If you still feel a strange glance, then the solicitation of clubs and circles is a flourish, so I've never gotten over to just disperse to avoid getting caught up in strange things. Even if it is only a matter of time, this degree of self-defence should be preserved.

"... what kind of bug or something?

"Looks okay. Even so, what the hell..."

"Come on. Well, in the meantime, just in case, let's go a little farther and have lunch somewhere before we go home."

Makoto tells her so with a sigh mixed that she has to give up her plans she was looking forward to for the price. Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables sigh unfortunately too.

Originally, after lunch at a school meal, we were supposed to ladder a pre-lecture for freshmen.

Incidentally, after the afternoon of the admissions ceremony, Hainan University offers a lot of pre-lectures to experience what it means to be a university lecture and to serve as a reference to determine the content of your enrollment. The oddly long period of enrollment, even though there is no lottery, is mainly due to reasons around here.

"Right.... Is there a little too many people at the road station where we usually have vegetables?

"I can't tell you anything. Either way, I feel like I should avoid dropping by places that have a lot to do with you guys directly."


Hongda with an unexpected head for a feeling that she's going to get caught up in something strange because she's soggy. Their college life was in no way a wingspan for a turbulent start.

Around that time, on the other hand, in the parking lot of Hainan University, one handsome man had dropped his shoulder disappointingly.

"... voices, are you distracted..."

True harp drops off the car he drives and looks sincerely unfortunately blurry handsome. I don't have a license or a car, so I can't chase him.

His name is Ryo Ozawa. I have been attending Hainan University School of Engineering since this spring, and Chiba is eighteen years old at my parents' house.

"In the meantime, would you like to buy a familiar textbook, take a lecture on using it, and get closer from there..."

Ozawa remembers as much as possible the textbooks the three of us had, checks which lectures on Hainan University's lecture list, and goes to deliver the enrollment. He is desperate for what he is doing, but what he is doing is no different than mere stalking.

Why is he doing such a tochi crazy imitation, because I had a glimpse of the spring vegetables I saw at the entrance ceremony.

Exactly as I weighed the timing of voicing my desire to be a lover in one flight or something, though I didn't have such a high desire, I was the wingman who completely missed the opportunity and ended up in stalking action.

"... to the three of those cars, what can I do for you?

He was just doing that, and his attention to his surroundings was elusive. Until he heard that, Ozawa didn't realize he was being followed.

"... who?

"That's a dialogue over here, but okay. I'm Goku Yamaguchi, the three people involved in that car. Two of them from the same high school."

Ozawa has a surprised look at the words of the man who has spoken.

Yes, Yamaguchi dared to act differently because, at the time of the admission ceremony, he had noticed and marked Ozawa's suspicious attitude.

"Ask again. Who are you and what do you want with those three?

"... I'm Ryo Ozawa. For those kids, I mean, I was worried about those blondes, and I at least tried to speak up if I could be friends..."

"Well, I thought that would happen. but whatever you want to be friends with, stop it because it's a waste of more time than that. Anyway, it's over with Bassari swinging."

"... Could it be that guy you were with?

"Oh. They're famous for being two of the best suits at our school of origin, about as many of them were in the dark about how to stick together. I mean, you were observing those three and you didn't get it?

He gets stuck in Yamaguchi and Ozawa gets stuck in words.

In fact, spring vegetables make a kind and glorious smile against the hong, and to the other opponents, that's the kind you never even show your family or the true harps. If you look at that look and tone and attitude, you don't even have to think about where the feeling of spring vegetables is for.

Yamaguchi and Ozawa don't know each other, but there are also a lot of guys who gave up after a glimpse of the spring vegetables they saw at the entrance ceremony, similar to Ozawa, and saw how the conversation went with Hiroshi. The attitude of spring vegetables is obvious.

"After that, I'll keep the nail on it at last, but if you put pressure on the guy or make fun of her looks, atmosphere, etc. in front of her, it's over. I've never really seen anything angry, but there was a fool in Napa who made a fool of himself on a denial of character level and tried to call the police to ignore and say no without question."

"Why not? He's usually dull, isn't he?

"If you're just saying it's dull, there's no problem because it's a simple feeling about the facts, but that's why you're so personable. It's out when you make fun of it. In the first place, no one feels good about making fun of their thinkers, so naturally."

"Well, I guess so..."

"Rather than. People who make fun of other people in front of them are pretty bad. If you have a decent nerve, you naturally don't want to be treated like that, and you can't fall in love."

Ozawa silences Yamaguchi's, eclectic, tatami comment without being able to put forward any objections.

What Yamaguchi is saying is true. Too honest to come up with a decent objection. But honesty alone doesn't convince me of emotions.

When I look at the blazer looking too dull a macro, I can't help but wonder why that is. No matter how you look at it, you just seem fooled, and regardless of whether you like yourself or not, you want me to wake up somehow.

Knowing or not how Ozawa feels like that, Yamaguchi pales and adds genuine words.

"Honestly, how many times did you say it was during Spring Break that they were helped by an irrelevant idiot on the move? I didn't feel good about my friend being ridiculed at the denial level, because, assuming it was in the same class at the same school, the air was going to be very bad for a year and I wasn't going to be there for the exam."

"No, you don't have to say that..."

"It was an atmosphere I wanted to say. Well, be careful what you say and do, because that's why. Whether you make good contact or step on a mine, I'm not interested, but I can't fly this far."

Yamaguchi goes that far, turns his back on Ozawa, and just walks away from the spot. In doing so, I will not forget to tell Higashi about Ozawa.

For the record, nothing has ever been touched on about what Yamaguchi gave as an example, because the spring vegetable air became so cold that it was also early for the humans around them to touch it. Steaming back poorly seemed to end a lot, so there was no story about it among those involved.

One who had decided not to have Yamaguchi himself, but to the extent that he had to break the seal and stab the nail, Ozawa's condition seemed suspicious.

"... what the hell..."

Ozawa throws up if he's really not convinced by Yamaguchi's very legitimate allegations. He seems to have enough heads to enroll in Hainan University, but that's not necessarily why it's a good guess.

Ryo Ozawa, eighteen years old. This is the first time I have ever fallen in love with a decent woman. For this reason, he was a truly unfortunate handsome man who didn't know how to approach a woman even if she wasn't a virgin.

"At first sight, ah..."

"That's Sister Chun. Be true to your promises."

"That's right, even if they say..."

That night. Upon his safe return home, Honda had gathered at the Fujido family for an emergency meeting.

I dare assemble in real life because I also wanted the opinions of Snow Vegetables, who are also experts in some ways, on measures to be taken in this case.

Incidentally, due to a variety of general circumstances, mainly ensuring the driver of the Hong and Spring Vegetables, Makoto ended up boarding at the Fujido family until college graduation. So it was also the Fujido family who drove home, so today, Kazuki and Mio will all just come here and meet up.

It should be noted that deep snow is not on this occasion. I hear you have something on your mind, and I'm reluctantly taking off my seat this time.

"Well, if it's spring vegetables now, I don't know if it's natural for a guy like that to come out, even without his mother's greed. Besides, Dong-kun, no, I'm already behaving too much, so I'll let everyone call you by the name below, but when you line up Hong-kun beside spring vegetables outside of certain outfits, it's also true that it's a huge mismatch."

"Let's do it, I think. I mean, honestly, I still don't know why Spring Vegetables loves you so much."

"Because liking it means that even a flaw can be a beloved element. Or say something embarrassing."

After answering the macro question that way with a deceitful attitude, the face of the snow vegetables accidentally becomes true.

"Well, seriously, human beings, not even God, don't exist without flaws. When that happens, whether or not we can tolerate each other's faults is important in relationships, not just love. I'm not going to go into details because I'm in love, but I'm also proud to say that I've done well so far because I love Subaru's worldly view of what's so useless."

"No, that's why Spring Vegetables doesn't love me so much..."

"It's the same thing. However, I'm not saying this from my parents' mouth, and I'm not saying any more from me because the implicit understanding is that the love of spring vegetables is somehow conveyed, and I don't seem to have made a clear confession or anything."

Spring vegetables turn bright red and nagging at the snow vegetables you say with a serious face. As Snow Vegetables pointed out, words like nothing but confession are the spring vegetables I have spoken to many times towards the macro, but I have never directly cut the front and clearly expressed my love.

Therefore, I appreciate that Spring Vegetables didn't have to tell me how they loved what part of the Hong from my mother's point of view, but I can't help but be ashamed of the fact that it is probably the same where they would have been completely discerned or even if they were talking about substance.

"Well, from a parent's point of view, I think you're a very good man, with no shortage to entrust your daughter with. At least, today Yamaguchi said you nailed him, rather than the kid who said he was blind to spring vegetables."

"Is Mr. Snow Vegetables a first-glance denier?

"At first sight, I think that's it. Even we seem to have begun with a glimpse of Subaru."

"Oh, really?"

"It's just, well, I think this one's kind of a no-good pattern,"

"Ah, well, yes..."

Snow vegetables asked by Zhenqin and answered that lightly. To the answer of the snow vegetables, nod as Zhenqin was convinced.

"I'm trying not to get deeply into my daughter's friendship, so I don't have a lot of contacts and I can't be sure, but privately, Yamaguchi, you think you're going to be able to trust a decision like that. Yamaguchi warned me that there are other types of things that might not be discussed."

"You can't deny at the point that you looked at Hiro and Spring Vegetables and tried to interrupt them, and they seemed to be full of intentions to dis..."

"Someone I've never actually met, so it's a lot of speculation and prejudice, but it feels like I've heard the story."

To the conversation between Snow Vegetables and Tatsuya, we can only nod together. The danger of judging hearsay alone without meeting the person is well known, and I still only have a feeling of trouble.

"In the meantime, as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do."

"Right ~ Me and Tah don't seem to really be able to do anything because the province they live in is different in the first place ~"

"Well, as for this one, it's information-sharing and consideration of countermeasures. Even if we can't actually move, we'll be able to offer ideas."

"Mm-hmm. But I think the majority of that is going to be solved if the master and Sister Chun show their surroundings where they look great after all their flirting..."

"I wish I could..."

To the conversation between Mio and Tatsuya, Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables shake their heads left and right in a great panic just to be damned. Spring vegetables have some issues of caution and lighting, but I also have a strong desire not to be awfully annoying because I know how annoying it is to be an overly obnoxious couple without being blind to my surroundings.

To the macro, it is only a question of different dimensions from the feelings of good and evil for spring vegetables, such as sticking with women in front of the popular environment, and other forms of torture. Although it is the level of phobia that I have taken off, in this respect I cannot act in such a way that I may be treated as a criminal from the opposite sex after turning the same sex against my enemies, because the vice that overfreaks me out by imagining the worst at will remains intact.

"It's just too risky in many ways to flirt in public, but when it comes to marking? You might need that kind of flirting."

"Mark it...... Specifically?

"Connecting hands from day to day quite often, making sure we're in each other's personal space in public, around?

"... isn't it tough, that? Well, if I take one wrong step, isn't that a silly couple certification straight line?

"Sister Makoto. As it stands, it seems impossible when it comes to personal space because Spring sister is going to pound with tremendous momentum"

"Hey, it sure doesn't look like I can do it. But, well, as much as holding hands, I think it would be nice. At this point, there will be no such thing as a couple."

Makoto begins to leave their opinions behind and consider at what level to make them snooze. Shiori waits there.

"Hey. Isn't that a little out of order?"

"Order? What do you mean?

"'Cause you and Haruna aren't dating yet, are you?

"" "... oh..." "

Three people, Tatsuya, Makoto and Mio, accidentally align their voices with Shiori's pointers. He was blinded by his haste as a solution and was completely soaking up the area.

"It's a good opportunity, so why don't we just start socializing normally?

"If you're going to accept me, I'll be happy to make you a lover, though. It's just a little nasty in this flow..."

"Ah, yeah. Calm down, it can't be normal, can it? Sorry......"

"Right, sorry. I was just putting it on Delicacy..."

"Sister Chun, I'm sorry..."

"I don't really care, don't worry about it. I feel like I'm out of line on the way, but it's the result of everyone taking this matter seriously."

Spring vegetables that smile and forgive the true harps for being sorry and honest. I was the one who held up the consultation, and I didn't try to force myself to go ahead with the conversation, so it's not that much of a glimpse.

"Let me just say from a mother's point of view, if I said it, but I haven't actually confessed properly yet, I think it means the time isn't ripe yet. At least, I'm unconsciously judging Spring Vegetables, so don't you have to rush it?


"Yes, yes. I mean, it's forbidden to rush to impose because Hiroshi doesn't care if you say all you want to say. Even Hong-kun doesn't have to force you to try to be aware of Spring Vegetables as a woman. It's not Subaru, but if Spring Vegetables and I can't possibly have a romantic relationship, I don't think we have a choice."

"Sorry about that, Homma."

"Rather, we have to apologize to you and Spring Vegetables. Though for a reason, our story is the extreme of the wild at a level where you can't complain no matter how many times a horse kicks you to death. I'm really, really sorry."

Snow vegetables that bow their heads as sorry as they seem to be for all sorts of things.

Even though circumstances alone can't help but bring up a topic around there, I can't take it back no matter how much I bow my head if I make a lot of noise with it.

Relationships are delicate. No matter how close you seem to be, no, because you're close to each other, you can't go into any other relationship, etc. Besides, as a result of my mouth around me trying to force me to stick around, the case of breaking even though it seemed to work is usually rolling.

"Well, you're nailing us for making it look like you said it was the one..."

"Mm-hmm. To everyone, including myself, I guess?

"" "Sorry, I'll be careful" "

With the sincerity of Snow Vegetable's remarks, three people honestly bow their heads: Tatsuya, Makoto and Mio, who have always said whatever they want about this matter.

Nevertheless, in confessing his admonition to himself, Snow Vegetables also seem to be in a hurry due to the lack of progress in Hongkong and Spring Vegetables.

"So, as a senior to the case of this hand, you have one suggestion for spring vegetables from your mother to return to the first glance."


"Yeah. Spring vegetables, as clerk and talent, why don't you just belong in our office with your name?


"You don't have to do any of the entertainment activities that you've shown up in. If you keep it just because you belong, it's easy to hit a lot of hands."

Spring vegetables expose dumb surfaces to abrupt snow vegetable suggestions without understanding their sincerity. I don't know why I'm going to do what I didn't even do when I was a stalker.

"By the way, what kind of hands exactly?

"First, I wonder if it feels like sending Spring Vegetables and a Bodyguard for you to Hainan University with our office money and connections. I'll take that as a first step, and I'll do a lot of things without annoying the school."

"How come that suggestion didn't come up in high school?

"Unlike in Tiomi High School, Hainan University attracts students from many places, and the school breeze is a strong part of self-responsibility. For that matter, it's easier to send in bodyguards and stuff than high school. Besides, there's very little personal security around Hainan University except for Sister Tianyin."

Snow vegetables telling her serious thoughts and reasons in the face of her mother to a reconsidered spring vegetable inquiry. Spring vegetables that make me hungry with one sigh when I hear that. Finally, confirm what is likely to be most important for a peaceful life in the future.

"What kind of unrepresentative entertainment activities?

"In the case of spring vegetables, I think the back chorus when recording or the rap part singing that I'm putting out for outsourcing. After that, I might even get some narration."

"I see."

Spring vegetables that I hear descriptions of snow vegetables and convince a lot of them. Certainly not a standout entertainment activity.

In the case of this type of work, it is perfectly fine for Spring Vegetables to be in that position, as there are usually people who do it all the time with facial NG or who do it with an internal part-time feeling.

"I'll reward you properly, don't worry. The clerical work will be part-time, so it will be about part-time."

"I'm not worried about you there. Just say no to anything that would make you look like a parent or a child."

"I know. Don't worry, I won't imitate a job that's not right for you."

Snow vegetables that make such a promise with a bitter smile in mind of the seemingly anxious spring vegetables. If you want me to do that hand job, I'm rather letting you do it for longer.

"So, what do you want me to do, ask Mio to belong in our office?

"That, like Sister Chun, is that what you call a wormhead or something?

"Yeah. Mio wants me to be a model next time. That job's a good gala, but you can get your eyes on a lot of places, so if you want to do it part time, it's safer to belong in an office somewhere."

"So much, do you get paid?

"At least, even high school students who work part-time don't have this much penny, that's about it. By the way, deep snow belongs to us and we model Angel Melody."

Mio begins serious consideration in the face of snow vegetable words, um.

Sometimes I act with Hongda, and I don't really live like spending a penny, but I'd rather have it than no money.

"... after talking to my parents"

"Yeah. If you don't do that, I'm gonna be in trouble too, not a bit"

Snow vegetables nod loudly at Mio's decision. Even though it's almost only a matter of form, it's just not a good idea to employ minors in compulsory education without going through their parents either.

"Others, let's think about it if we're going to need it. Even so, Mr. and Mrs. Kazuki and Makoto will be able to defend themselves, and I think you'll be safe while you're in college to take care of your entertainment affairs, because your outfit is artisanal, not entertainer."

"Whatever Tatsuya and Shiori are, I can't imagine a situation where I have to belong to an entertainment office..."

"No, no. In Makoto's case, I don't know in ten years. It's also possible that the author of the comic strip that became a live movie, or more facial work from that kind of stream. Considering the area, it's more likely that Tatsuya or Shiori will have a face on TV or in a magazine."

"It won't be that easy..."

To point out snow vegetables, a true harp shakes his neck left and right with the face that it's impossible. Other members who would be convinced if they did it with the feeling of being told, back to back with such a true harp attitude and consciousness.

Though not so prominent as it is at present, True Harp's drawing of comics is of a high level to the extent that those involved do not deny its potential.

Are you saying that Hiro has the same reason?

"Yeah, because the artisans at the amazing town factory, which is young but has piercing locks, are so delicious on TV. In a case like this, I don't really look good in normal, fashionable clothes like Tatsuya's, but I'd rather take a type like Hiroshi, who looks awesome wearing decently tailored luxury clothes and work clothes."

Even in that sense, we need to deal with it after graduation, and with the words added by Snow Vegetables, we nod unexpectedly. True harp is still at the stage of possibility, but that's usually the sight in my eyes when it comes to the macro.

Furthermore, in the case of the macro, agriculture is also carried out, albeit jointly with spring vegetables, so it can be said that it is delicious in a dual sense in terms of variety programmes and didactic programmes.

As there have been practical examples of schoolteachers and other talents in the past, I can never say for sure that it will not be possible to break into the entertainment industry and become compatible with the main business.

"... so I missed the argument from Mio's solicitation, but getting Spring Vegetables to belong in the office was the primary purpose of eliminating the stalking, right?


"Then the Macho needs it too... is it okay in many ways not to worry"

"I don't know, if I did that kind of thing, I'd end up like this."

I would be confident and proud to say something masochistic to Makoto, who had toned down along the way.

True harp with just about no objection to the ambitious saying that there is no reason to be hot, but I can assure you that there will be almost no women or anything else who approach the ambitious in a hot place.

"Well, putting aside whether Hiro is hot or not, it's going to be hard to punch through the Spring Vegetables and True Harp defenses where that kind of woman came out"

"When it comes to this problem in the first place, it feels like a monster with a low encounter rate and difficulty getting ahead of the master himself, and a 90% or more chance of escaping each turn"

"Oh, you can say that. Besides, it's like having a damaged shoulder bodyguard on it, so hey."

"Even I felt a little frightened in the beginning, and if Tap's wife wasn't in a position, maybe we couldn't act together or something ~"

Tatsuya squinting about the high hurdles of the act of approaching the macro in a romantic sense, remembering the past. It's a hellish difficulty to look at a woman who has ever conceived of a macro over there, that Judith is already giving up almost and Sasha, who hasn't given up yet, is worried without getting a chance to make contact.

Since the hardest spring vegetables around there are not other personnel, Tatsuya and I are not very impressed with their comments. In the case of Mio, who is supposed to be in the same position as Spring Vegetables in the sense of a party, he is speaking freely and frankly because he has instinctively understood that he is not eligible no matter how much he is raised at the moment.

"Well, let's see, if the other side comes in contact, I'll do it with one shot of bassari, shall I? I think we should do that in a way that is absolutely nothing short of spring vegetables, in front of all kinds of people looking at it. That will reduce the number of fierce people who will be putting on extra tease for awhile, even if my arranged bodyguard doesn't make it."

"It's a little biased, but I'm used to spring vegetables."

"Well, I've had quite a few confessions and declines, but even if I try to say no explicitly, Bassari and..."

"Whatever type they're dealing with, you can't put extra pity on them, Spring Vegetables. Mother used to say no in the past, sweet and all sorts of ways, and there was more damage to each other than just doing it the hard way."

I have no idea who I'm dealing with, but because of this, I say that snow vegetables are tough on spring vegetables that can't be boiled down somewhere. Spring vegetables clouding tea by smiling as troubled in response to such mother's advice.

Spring Vegetables' college life opened with a stream that seemed far from peaceful from the first day.

And the next day.

"Found it!

Yamaguchi gives a sinister face to the voice echoed in front of the bulletin board of the lifting mouth. To the way it is, Honda understands who the Lord of the Voice is looking for and who.

"I want to take pre-lectures today, none of them seem to be suspended, and I still have time, but why don't you go to the auditorium?"


"I checked and this teacher's lecture seems to be popular, so I'd better go and secure a good seat early."

Three people say there doesn't seem to be anything busy to get involved with, and they just go for a lecture: Hong, Spring Vegetables, and True Harp. Yamaguchi decides to go with him because the lectures he receives are the same, while admiring his high throughput.

There are quite a few human beings who were loud enough for their surroundings to pay attention to, but have not responded at all and have passed through besides Honda. For this reason, it is not so unnatural to turn to an auditorium with lectures to be given in disregard of the voice.

Where it faded out nicely as it was, a handsome man known to Yamaguchi, but unknown to Higashi, blocked the way.

"Excuse me! Can I have a moment?!?

Ignoring Higashi, Ozawa is a handsome guy who speaks to all the spring vegetables. Sigh at the look of it, and respond with a cold voice for spring vegetables.

"I'm in a hurry."

"Because it's really soon!

There's no way I noticed the cold attitude of spring vegetables, and no, Ozawa tries to push through his convenience by pretending he notices it but doesn't notice it. Such a way of Ozawa disappears because there was only a small amount left in the spring vegetables. It's a little difficult to have a wild horse to slip through the side, and it's nearly impossible to slice through without dealing with him.

Nevertheless, it is not my intention to involve the Hongdae. So when he glances small so that he goes first, the three of them shake their heads small and sideways.

Keep it up, Spring Vegetables thumbs up so you don't look like Ozawa, then look at the true harp pointing down, and just gaze and tell them you got it. As it were, I sighed heavily at this sight and responded that it seemed like a real pain in the ass.

"I'm really in a hurry, so please be brief"

"Yes! I, Ryo Ozawa! At first glance I like you! Stay with me!

"I'm sorry, because I, I have people I like, and I'm not sure I'll get along well with people who ignore their convenience even though I'm new to them"

Spring vegetables that frankly tell you why you disgusted them and shake them in no time without hoarding them or anything. Ozawa, whose face stifles for a moment and her whole body is stiff in an overly frank and relentless way. The surrounding area also suffers from its lack of forgiveness, and the siege net loosens up in a good way.

I took advantage of the gap that I was able to do that, and as I tried to walk past the side, Ozawa, who suddenly recovered, grabbed Spring Vegetable's arm full of strength.

"Really, can't you!? Then at least just hang out with friends!!

"Absolutely not"

"Why not!? If you want such a heckly, incompetent dude, I'd be good too! Oh, come on, I would never make you regret it more than some garbage-looking no man with that kind of academic acumen!

Ozawa punches over a discretionary assessment judged solely by his first impressions while panicking, with a way of being shaken that he has never experienced before and, moreover, treated equal to being totally rejected. To such Ozawa's words, the atmosphere of spring vegetables that were cold, even if not, drops to absolute zero degrees.

"Keep it that way, it's ugly"

"Keep your old washboard shut! Don't pinch your mouth on people's love paths, skank!

Ozawa, who had blood on his head, said something that he didn't even think was momentum toward Makoto, who went into a halt. Regardless of the laundry board, I think myself that the aging and skunks are obviously saying too much on top of the allegations, but I can't undo the words I've said in this situation.

Though I think it's too much to say, that doesn't make Ozawa's head cold. Unfortunately, instead of reflection or regret, True Harp wouldn't have said that if it hadn't interrupted, which is the end of the shift in responsibility.

The reward around it immediately descends on Ozawa.

"... hey, that's all I'm saying. That's all they say. I have to use a tiger cannon. That's for you, too."

"Hey! Makoto-san is the stop! All the time, you did that crap ban!?

"If that degree of prohibition, that disrespect will never come into contact with us again, we can afford to ignore it, right?

"So calm down, all the time! Spring vegetables, take a deep breath. Calm down once!

Intimidating aura leaks from all over Spring Vegetables and Makoto into Ozawa's extra word for stabbing a stop in many ways. A hectic horse, who couldn't stand the air, rushes to get the two of them together and try to clean things up.

Spring vegetables are just not in Gilty Mode yet, but the anger of Makoto is huge for that matter, so both are ambitious.

Honestly, if it had been before we deified, we would have escaped the scene without the feminism. If it had been before Female Phobia had improved, she might have passed out if she had done poorly.

The wild horses who were watching over what was going on are completely stiff being drunk by the air. There's no way an irrelevant horse can take action because even Yamaguchi, who is one of the parties, won't shut his mouth. Instead, Hiroshi, who was able to turn the spring vegetables and the trumpet even though he was fully open to Hetaleola, can be quite appreciative among wild horses.

That's how intimidating Spring Vegetables and True Harp are today.

"Hey, Hiroshi. I, my dear friend, have been brought down so far that I haven't been human enough to make it easy, have I?

"Sora, I'm sorry for what I just said to Makoto! Still, no violence!

"Don't worry. Because I don't wield physical violence."

When I told Hiroshi that with a smile that seemed really gentle and gentle, Spring Vegetables turned to Ozawa as they were. Even though his expression is the same, he's terribly scared for some reason.

"Mr. Ozawa, was it?

"Ha, yes!

"I hate people who say bad things about other people to the first person I meet. More than that, I hate people who make fun of or say bad things about their friends and people they like just because of their looks and atmosphere. Honestly, I don't want to see your face again, so why don't you disappear from this place within five seconds?

"What? Oh, the..."

"You don't seem to be walking away, so we're moving. Let's go, Hiro, Makoto, Yamaguchi."

That's what I said, spring vegetables walking away with Ozawa's arms lightly shaken off. A macro sighs loudly as relieved as it follows.

"Honestly, I thought there'd be a dead man."

"I don't want to be taken for assault or injury or murder for someone like that. I don't want to spend a single pinky finger on that guy any more."

"Not even Mr. Dentrice hated me so much, but I stepped through the mines so far in this short time of my first encounter. He..."

So whine, and decide not to touch on this matter any more. Naturally, Ozawa was treated as one who did not exist.

"... I've never seen such a scary Fujido..."

"... I stayed close once during spring break, but it wasn't that far..."

Yamaguchi tells such supplementary information as he nods to the words of a person from Tiomi High School who went from a different class to Hainan University.

"Well, whether or not you're that angry, there's no way that Ozawa did it..."

"Yeah, yeah. I can't believe we're acting together this time of year, because we've definitely been friends for a long time. You don't have to think about it to get the impression that you can make fun of it."

"Right. I know Fujido overreacted, but the disrespect of that Ozawa guy was a problem before that."

The wild horses say whatever they want about what's happening now, mainly the graduates of Tiomi High School. Ozawa stunned by his first love, which ended in an irrevocable way with his own failure, listening to the words of such wild horses.

Afterwards, the fact that spring vegetables were basically excessively warm people spread quickly for a reason, and Ozawa felt somewhat narrow shoulders for a year, even if it was not isolation.

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