
After school one day in early April. Mio groaned in the Tiomi Second Secondary School Year Two and Four groups as they gazed at the results of the physical measurements that were due next week and finished in a day's work.

"Mio, what's wrong?

Rin asked Mio, with his neck clenched, who had changed his expression so rarely that the average person could see it.

"I knew it because I just measured it during spring break, but it hasn't changed vertically or horizontally..."


Rin hears one of the reasons why Mio was so grumpy and laughs unexpectedly. Not so much a change in numbers for two weeks or there, so to speak of a good period of growth.

Not exactly, not without. but the numbers measured in physical measurements are all quite erroneous in the way they are measured and when they are measured. Especially in the case of women, the height growth is becoming much slower at both the middle two, so in growth of about two weeks, it is usually confused by error.

And even though numbers such as chest circumference grew to an extent that can be seen by the viewer, the original numerical variation is smaller in millimeters, so even if it is increasing depending on how it is measured, it may not produce results.

Either way, the figures that can fluctuate at once in about two weeks are about weight, and unless you suffer from so many major illnesses or extreme eating, it's not that big of a difference.

"But Mio, compared to what I've been transferring to school, you look so girly."

"Mm-hmm. About the end of the athletic party, I suddenly started growing up except around my height and waist. But since my physique is this, growing up a little is no different than elementary school..."

Mio complains indifferently to Rin as he flirts with a height column with a ruthless number of 145.2 cm. I can barely tell the irregularities when it's normal clothing, and I can also help if it's a face that is neat but therefore hard to get out of its infancy, Mio usually becomes indistinguishable when mixed with his senior year in elementary school.

I have no problem with it now because I am wearing a junior high uniform, but it is out in many ways when it is personal clothing. The atmosphere it creates is not like burying it in an ordinary elementary school student, but it is not the kind of thing seen by adults, even if it is mysterious or some kind of horror or strange eroticism.

It feels like if you make Snow Lady's Witch a kid about the senior year of elementary school, and then make her quite chaste, then make her thoughts into a porn geota that is only superior to her mouth in her ear age, then she will be closer to Mio today. If you're not having a lot of difficulty communicating, including facial expressions, in a pull-in idea, it's not strange that you're being spoiled with momentum by quotes that wheeled strange perverts.

To the extent that this half-hearted low for Mio today, also helping the complex to the awareness around it, does not have to be called lactating milk in proportion, it is many times more serious of a problem than the bust that grew up so caught on the edge of the boob category in another step.

"For once, you should still grow tall, so don't give up!

"I haven't given up anything else. However, there are many obstacles to attacking the master..."

Rin is unwittingly convinced by Mio's truthful words. Unfortunately, she doesn't have someone she likes herself, but I know exactly how important love is to maidens of her age.

but it's also true that on a different issue, Mio has a lot of difficulty attacking his opponent right now.

The biggest problem is that the guy you're in real love with is the guy who went to college this year, and if you can bring Mio's real age into your relationship, they definitely call you Loricon.

On this point, we can only wait for time to resolve it. If you graduate from high school in the meantime, you'll have to run into enduring battles until then, as the age difference between five and there will no longer be said too loudly.

Therefore, the problem of this age difference has become more serious, but the appearance of Mio will appear to be young with a circle around the actual age. When you take off your clothes, you say you're appropriately grown up, but when you're wearing them, their growing body is beautifully covered and hidden, and at first glance it just looks like an elementary school student with a strangely erotic and disloyal atmosphere.

Honestly, Mio and I have a good chance of going out on a one-on-one basis today. We don't have to wait for job questions, and in some cases we can get our hands around the back without asking questions.

"In the meantime, I think it feels like we just have to wait around for time to work it out, me"

"... n"

"Rather than that, I'm a little depressed about my physical fitness test for physical education time next week. You're not very confident in motor nerves."

"... Me too, that's a bit of a problem next week"

"Mio, you've been in the hospital forever."

Rin somehow comforts Mio with the kind of eyes he sees his comrade, thinking that Mio's concerns are of the same kind as his own.

In fact, it goes without saying that what Mio is worried about is not knowing what to add or subtract and doing too much. But when he was acting with Deep Snow and Rin, Mio didn't have a chance to make intense moves, so his background and physical education that he had slept long was a tour, and Rin thought Mio was a child who couldn't exercise at all.

"... In the meantime, let's talk to the Spring Sisters..."

"Talk to me now, is it something I can handle?

"... um"

Mio to be Rin's point. Make it bottom-up too low. Make it too high. Make it too high a deception, now it's certainly too short a time.

"... but it's better than not consulting"

"Well, I guess so."

Rin agrees for now, grinning bitterly at Mio, who looks seemingly faceless but full of worry. If we've been acting together for more than six months now, we won't be caught up in Mio's appearance scam.

but sometimes it was just after the class change, and the surrounding classmates have been drunk by Mio's overly worrying look and have turned a lot of worrying gaze.

"And I don't think you have to worry about that unless it moves so hard because it's our size, but should we have a bra for that for once for physical education?

"... I'll talk to you there."

"Yeah. Well, even if I don't mind, I'm sure Senior Fujido will pay attention"

"Underwear related doesn't really count on Sister Deep Snow. Even Rin knows something about it."

"Sort of. But, Mio. It didn't make much sense to prepare it, did it?

"Don't tell me..."

C Cup alliance Rin and Mio diving into their voices and talking about underwear relationships so that they don't sound like the boys students around them. Designedly cheap with no flavor or flavor, only the fabric wears cheap unbranded underwear for the proper use, Mio challenged to take today's physical measurements.

Unfortunately, his appearance and atmosphere got in the way and he even looked like a luxury item in such underwear, so his hard work in choosing something that was easy made no sense at all.

Above all, the fact that you look young but your body is becoming that of an adult woman no matter where you look from has had a lot of impact on what you see. The bra, with no simple and difficult flavor or whirlpool, amplifies its impression as its symbol, engraving it into the women who were in the same place in a dimension that I would like to say in vain.

Rather, it would have been more cost-effective to honestly try physical measurements with Angel Melody underwear.

"... for now, Gudagda, it doesn't make sense to say it, and it's time to go home"


Rin and Mio decide that the topic shifts in a dangerous direction any further and go straight home.

Rin and Mio didn't realize until the end that the physical fitness test is not the only way to consider measures if we can build on what is happening today, because many days of cold were just the beginning of the new semester.

"Master, Sister Chun, fitness test, what shall we do..."

"Ah, speaking of which, it's time for that kind of season..."

"I totally forgot about college and medical examinations..."

That evening. Mio, who immediately went to the Fujido family after changing into his regular clothes, had cut out a consultation as soon as Honda returned.

"You made a mistake, didn't you? I had to think about this from last year..."

"I don't know. We had a hard time ourselves, but we didn't notice anything about Mio..."

"Last year Mio, you were completely out of consciousness because all your physical education was a tour..."

"I feel so sorry for you..."

Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables bow their heads with sincere apologies for Mio's consultation. Mio panics more about that attitude.

"Master, Sister Chun. 'Cause it's not that serious."

"Well, compared to physical measurements and medical examinations, it's not serious."

"Hmm. If you know how to add or subtract, how much to add or subtract, that should be enough."

Mio and Makoto help Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables who seem so sorry. When I heard the words, the Macro and Spring Vegetables thought in with a slightly more difficult face.

"... I don't think gym classes are ready yet, but in the case of a physical fitness test, it's just adding and subtracting."


"Seriously, I mean it more than that, if it doesn't look like a lot of wind, do it a little poorly."

"Oh, I see."

Makoto, questioning the phrase that it cannot be done with mere addition or subtraction, is satisfied with the supplementary explanation of the macro. It's a test, so it's not a good idea to at least look out of hand.

"Finally, I don't think Mio can perform around there. How about that?

"Don't ask me to act in the first place."

"Hey. I don't really know what to say, but Mio's still dead."

I agree not only with Mio, the person in charge, but also with Zhenqin. In fact, even normal communication is difficult, but acting to deceive the vast majority will be impossible first.

"Maybe, but you should suppress your athletic ability itself in some way,"

Let's do it.

"But I have a problem holding it down from time to time, so does it feel like I can only manage when I exercise in front of someone who doesn't know what's going on using some tools?

"Let's do that. In the case of Mio, what's so unnatural that you don't usually wear it and only wear it when exercising, what happens all the time?

"I wonder if it's rubber or something to put your hair together? Me, too, but when Mio is about that long, it can get in the way very much if you don't put your hair together or something when you exercise."

A nod to the proposal for spring vegetables and a gaze toward Mio. Mio takes the gaze of a macro and nods in the same way. Where the story has come together, we shall move on to specific tasks.

"Ho, burns how and to what extent to suppress next..."

"How do you do it, what's the way? And you guys couldn't do it the same way?

"First of all, was it possible for me or Mr. Spring Vegetables to explain it all the time, yah. It's already sealed, limiters, bees. I can't do this anymore."

"I see. So, what's the way you're running for it?

"Simply cursing the debilitating system, suppressing it to exceed the upper limit with a limiter, making the energy loss bigger and making it empty even with the full opening of the accelerator, decreasing physical ability with an unprincipled debuff, making it move if it is not always fully open with pseudo-supergravity, around"

"In the meantime, there can't be a curse and supergravity. The curse is out at the time of the curse in the first place, and supergravity doesn't seem to be necessary."

Mio in tune with the damnation of the true harp, desperate and nodding. I just want to beg your pardon for being cursed about anything, and I want to ask you for an hour or so to find out which super warrior special training method it is to get to super gravity.

"I mean, Hiroshi. You've had your destiny from the start, haven't you?


Hiroshi nods slightly distracted in the direction of the day after tomorrow for a bitterly smiling spring vegetable penetration. Listen to that, spring vegetables move on.

"So, which one is your destiny?

"How to make energy loss bigger. They're going to wonder if I'm going to take it seriously because I can't drain my strength with the limiter, and Debuffs may unconsciously cancel because Mio is resistant to it even though it's difficult to adjust."

"Oh, sure."

Ask about the main fate of the Hong and why, and spring vegetables convince. After all, I've never gone over doing what I normally do and delude myself.

"So, how exactly do you do it?

"When you get more than a certain amount of energy into your muscles, I'll take it and squeeze the output against your input as much as I can."

"What do you do with the energy you take?

"I'll use it to adjust the feeling of Mio. It's stressful not to mess with you."

Answer the spring vegetable question and confirm it with Mio. Mio just nodded and says what he needs to do before making tools.

"Look, before you make the tools, I need to see what Mio looks like right now and decide how far to drop it."

"Right. How much do you want Mio?

"To what extent?

Shaken by the hong and the spring vegetables, Mio hears back where he intends.

"There's a lot of things about being a normal person, so you have to adjust whether you want to make it to the top level in school or drop the 50-meter walk to a level like 12 seconds over or something."

"... on average, then no?

"Right. Then let's just aim there. As a criterion, should I use a grip and a 50-meter walk, around a vertical flight?

"Repetitive horizontal flights are also included. Can you find the data around it if you also check the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare or the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science page?

Where the policy has been decided, the ambition begins to gather crisp and data. Spring vegetables watching it and discussing what to do after this.

"In the meantime, rubber to put your hair together, you ready? Two, it's not that loud inside, but it's usually black where it's easy, okay?

"Right. Mio's hair is rarely as beautiful black as it is, and if it's a bad color, it seems oddly noticeable, so let's go easy."

"Mm-hmm. I'm not particularly obsessed or anything, so that's fine"

I just saw a disagreement, spring vegetables taking rubber for hair fastening from my room. The rubber I brought wasn't a luxury item, but it didn't feel so cheap.

By the way, Mio doesn't have any trinkets in Japan to mess with this hand's hairstyle. Because we couldn't bring in anything from the Faircro world, and basically didn't need it last year, we lived without ever using it.

"Sister Chun, it was fine to have a hundred..."

"We don't really have a hundred products in the first place, there are things like that, but in a hundred ways, I feel like I've lost when you get this and make it more functional..."

Mio, for the sake of spring vegetables, somehow convinces me. Sure, I know perfectly well that if I had to do something in time, I'd like to use something decent, anyway.

"Well, that's why I'm sorry about my old days. Can you use this?

"Ancient, for what it's worth, it feels pretty or new, this"

"I bought it after last year's sports festival, so I didn't use it that much. I haven't had a dozen physical exercises since, and the best I've ever used is when I was preparing for a cultural festival."

"If I get that, won't Spring sister be in trouble?

"It's one crack between two sets of guys, and college doesn't have that much opportunity to use physical education because it's not compulsory, and it's okay. It's not a big deal, and I'm a little busy going out of my way to buy a new one now, so don't hesitate to take it."

Mio receives a little reluctantly the same rubber as little new. It is true that it is not a great price, but it is nevertheless a little distracting to get something still new in this hand.

Where I was over there, the origin of this hand thing was almost a masterpiece, and I didn't feel the need to shy away from it because I used to make a living, but this way, no matter how close I am, I'm totally someone else in life.

Nature and Mio wore the reluctance and discretion around them, as they began to live in their parents' homes and pennies like Rin and had more opportunities to play with very regular middle school students.

"Well, before I can get Hiroshi to modify it, I need to check Mio's athletic abilities as of now, what..."

"The training room here is a little small, isn't it?"

"Right. After all, I guess I'll have to rent the gym at Reimiya Mansion..."

"Hey, Spring Sister. Can't it be the castle of God?

"I think it's easier to test it on Earth because we need to align the conditions. In the first place, in the case of the castle of God, I'm not sure how the environment there affects Mio's body."

To explain the spring vegetables, a lot of convincing Mio. In fact, it's not surprising that there are other differences, at least because the conditions are significantly different around magic.

Where Mio is convinced, Spring Vegetables calls Li Palace mansion.

"Hello, it's spring vegetables.... Yes, I always take care of you. I'm afraid I'll stay here to take care of you, but I need a little favor. I want to test Mio's health a little bit, so I was wondering if I could borrow the gym.... Oh, is that right? Thank you. I'll be on my way."

Spring vegetables calling Reimiya Mansion for a light permission to use. As usual, the servants of Reimiya Mansion are sweet to the demands of those entering and leaving the main house.

Incidentally, the gymnasium at Reimiya Mansion is also used for part-time activities, ceremonies, etc. outside business hours, in addition to a joint morning prayer for the servants once a week. It is only here that women's baskets and others secretly sell their names as hidden mighty.

but it's basically out of business hours, so I don't plan on using the time that Spring Vegetables and others try to borrow first unless it's also before the tournament.

"He said he doesn't plan to use it this week, so he can use it as much as he wants. I still have time, and I don't have any plans after this, so let's go over there and test it now."

"Copy that. So, we're gonna do a little strength test, too?

"Mr. Makoto might want to do it. Me and Hiroshi, there's a lot going on with the trainees."

"Well, I'll get some jerseys. Did Mio get dressed and bring it?

"I didn't bring it. Can I ask you to stop by and pick it up?


All that needs to be had is the great Conne, and once again, the spring vegetables try to solve the problem with the help of the courtesy palace. Sometimes they were no longer completely blind to the people in the main house, together with the initial reluctance and the attitude of escape.

"Yo, you're doing it"

"Is that Tatsuya?

Forty minutes later. Gymnasium at Reimiya Mansion. Where Mio was in place to install the equipment, finish the dressing and prep exercise and start with a vertical flight, Tatsuya, with a large paper bag there in the gym, came to his face.

"What happened to your job?

"It's related to Angel Melody, so I needed to come over here. When I went to Angel Melody's headquarters, they turned me around and I panicked."

"This one's more sensitive and deceptive."

"Sounds like that. I have something I left with Mio, but I'd better come back later."

"Right. So, what did you keep?

"I don't know. I didn't ask because I had a bad feeling."

I asked why Tatsuya was here, and I just guessed a lot. Makoto and spring vegetables to finish the story for now. Mio decides the story is over and tries to start flying vertically.

Tatsuya waits there.

"Hey, Mio. The hem of your clothes, shouldn't you keep it in?

"I want to, but I can't get in because it's long enough"


Mio tells me that he has a bad feeling about Mio, who hasn't pushed the hem of his clothes into his shortbread, and that he is physically tough.

Mio's uniforms and gymnastics clothes are becoming bigger in anticipation of growth, although they are becoming more promising. As a result, the hem is excessive to the extent that almost all shorts are hidden.

Finally, in the case of Mio, which is fairly thin except for the chest and buttocks, the gap in gymnastics clothing is quite large, even if it is sized to fit the height.

Even if the clothes currently worn are one size larger, the collar and cuffs are squeezed and the skin can not be seen from outside the creepy structure, but it is obvious from the bump that they do not suit the body.

"... are you coming that day when that gymnastics outfit just gets better?

"... maybe it's tough to say that during middle school"

"Out of the question, only the chest could be perfect, or something. Even now, I know you have a secret, unexpected breast."

Three people, Tatsuya, Spring Vegetables and Makoto, who talk about that when they see Mio wearing gymnastics clothes that are large enough not to go into shortbread. Mio finishes positioning the recording board in the meantime and still tries to start jumping.

Incidentally, Hiroshi stands relatively close to the record keeper in order to observe how energy moves in Mio's body.

As a result, a tragedy strikes a macro with various and sweet predictions.


Mio jumps up as much as he wants, at the same time as the voice of a mood that seems to get out of his mind. About two seconds later, Mio's hand will reach the ceiling, which is higher than the gymnasium at Tiomi Second Middle School, rather than higher than the general gymnasium of the municipality.

The flesh, enhanced by massive skill and culinary enrichment with God's ingredients, was gently lifting about forty kilograms (including clothing and more) to the ceiling.

It would have taken two seconds because I was adding or subtracting unconsciously. Instead, if I was serious, I would definitely have crashed into the ceiling.

but here's the problem. I got my hands on the ceiling, which means I'll have to be pulled by gravity and faithful to the laws of physics later.

The fall itself is fine. To this extent high, it has jumped many times in the Faircro world. The problem is the hem of clothing that has not been pushed into the shorts.

With as much clearance as this one, the air resistance received is also considerable. It was also disastrous that both arms had been lifted up at the convenience of the motion, and the gymnastics clothes, which had been subjected to kinetic energy and air resistance, had risen at once to the bottom of my armpit with all my strength, even before Hiroshi was observing.


Suddenly my vision is blocked, and Mio panics with a rare and adorable voice. As a result of a hasty attempt to shake it off reflexively, my body rotates so that by some coincidence the front comes ahead of the gaze of the macro.


Mio's underwear at an unexpected time, a feather that also witnessed the closest thing in circumstance to the worst: a bra pushed up and subtly deviated by air resistance, screams reflexively and nods with his head.

Sometimes bad things overlap, and the bra Mio is currently wearing is a size, but it is not good to be fit, and the function is weak in terms of securing the breast.

Additionally, I applaud the deterioration of the situation, whether it is cheap but the fabric is the only stick that uses good stuff, or whether it was a good addition or subtraction to the way Mio is attached, or the hock was half way off.

"And, Master!?

Mio, who heard the screams of the Macho, grasped his condition and hurried. I land right after, and I panic to get dressed.

Mio generates erotic troubles against the macro as if he had even gotten on board in Alchem since his chest began to grow anyway. No longer, I'm totally in charge of erotic services on Earth.

Instead of worrying about being seen, if there's nothing wrong with the macro, I'd rather show it off and let it touch and rub it. Even though I'm determined to be ready to loom, it makes me want to cry on the boulder to be the feather that is seen or pushed all the time in this way.

First, I want to show it to you, but I want to prepare it properly and then show it to you at its best. At the very least, I want you to look at it when you're wearing matching underwear properly.

While thinking about panicked thoughts and not having such benefits, re-hock the hock so as not to be distracted by the macro, and modify the bra in a strange way. Even though it doesn't shake flashly if it's not fixed like spring vegetables, it usually seems to shake and deviate in underwear that doesn't fit so well because it's commercially available.

It is a fact not to be touched that Makoto, who was watching such a Mio, touched his flat chest with a pet and sighed with a distant eye.

"... in the meantime, you might want to keep it down to about a third before you test it"

"Mm-hmm. Later, Spring Sister..."

"Ah, yeah. But is it tough today?

I felt what Mio was trying to say when I couldn't say anything, and Spring Vegetables answered as if I was in a bit of trouble. Until now, it had been homemade or custom-made, and the main premise was to fix it properly, so I didn't get any problems with this hand.

"... well, you were there, weren't you?

"Whoa. We were meeting earlier, weren't we?

"... there's something pinning about deliveries at this time..."

"I haven't noticed anything, I haven't noticed..."

Tatsuya senses what Makoto is trying to say and hits the run at an early stage.

I've known my cousin since she was a baby, so there's nothing more annoying about how many strange colors and eroses she started waving in vain. I don't, but rather, that's why I really have to be more concerned than normal when it comes to sexual matters in that hand.

Even if Tatsuya herself is not responsible for anything, it would be a gentleman in the right sense who pretends not to notice in terms of delicacy and does everything possible to escape.

"Uh, that's why, Hiroshi, can I ask you to modify the hair rubber first?

"Let it go..."

Hiroshi gives her recognition with an elevated voice to the spring vegetables she asks for in a lot of troubled ways. Force majeure is also a good place, but there is no difference when it comes to the mental damage of a macro.

"I'm going to think about something I can't do with someone in the dressing room for a second, so in the meantime, could you please proceed with Makoto's fitness test?

"Right. Even so, I'm just getting a lot of anxiety..."

"Damn, I should do it too..."

Shinji and Tatsuya were told by Spring Vegetables and decide to check their athletic skills properly. In the meantime, do a light vertical flight and check the results.

"... chatty..."

"... I had a prediction, but Tatsuya is a little dangerous..."

As expected, Makoto, who has easily reached the ceiling due to a jump that has been considerably added to and subtracted from Mio, and Tatsuya, who can reach the ceiling and gain quite a bit of momentum if he jumps at all costs. Three people, Hiroshi, Tatsuya and Makoto, who unexpectedly look far away at the consequences.

In particular, it sucks that Tatsuya, who has few skills in the rear guard that can be corrected for her physical abilities and little training for that entanglement over there, is gaining physical abilities that are likely to rough up the Olympics.

"Should I think of something, too, brother and Makoto? Yeah?

"That's a subtle place. Honestly, if it wasn't for the limiter, it would suck, and it would be a situation..."

"That's right. In fact, I haven't had any problems before."

"If there is, the brakes and the wrong accelerator cars are coming in, the equipment under construction has collapsed, the aging bridge has fallen in the middle of the crossing, and so on."

"Most of those things don't concern limiters, do they?"

"The rest is to rescue a child who jumped out on the road and was about to get hit, but I don't know if his body would move in that situation in the first place..."

Asked by Hiroshi, Tatsuya and Makoto answer so thinking with a difficult face. Basically, living in Japan, where security is good and you are unlikely to be involved in a shootout or something, is the only place where motor and reflex nerves are questioned unless you do it in a sport.

"Well, you can't be the feather that moves your body in public all the time, like Mio, and you just have to grasp some limitations?


If you think about it carefully, we're talking about it now. Sometimes, I agree with Tatsuya that Makoto is a true harp. In the first place, it's the same thing as Mio. It's the kind of confirmation that you should do as soon as you get back here, and it's a countermeasure.

"Even so, neither Hongkong nor Spring Vegetables ever wore out."

"In senior year, gym classes are only as good as shape, so unless you're really stressed out or something, you're going to lose as much hands as everyone else. Besides, last year, there were few physical education classes in the stalker class itself."

"Ah, I'm a student, so it goes through..."

"I don't know. Until two years, after three years anyway, as long as I skipped the obvious, the teacher didn't say anything loud either. Nor was the sports festival, nor was the competition I came out of so much as a bakery competition or such a zeezer."

"Is Spring Vegetables the Anchor of Relay?

"Yes, yes. By the way, in the case of Spring Vegetables, the magic of the throw system was adjusted to the extent that the magic leaked externally. I can't imitate the dexterity of energy management around that area."

Tatsuya and Makoto are all sorts of impressed with the terribly clever way Spring Vegetables are done, taught by Hiroshi. At that level, Tatsuya and Makoto can't handle it.

"In the meantime, please check it out. I could be a little concerned about the people in Ursus, and I'd like to talk to them about it."

Copy that. Record it, please.

Encouraged by Hiroshi, Makoto and Tatsuya go back to measuring strength. After squeezing all the way indoors to the point of not being a problem and setting up a bunch of records that the world can't put out, Mio, dressed for a sports bra that fits his body and gymnastics clothes just the right size, returns with spring vegetables.

"... for once I can predict, what's the origin of those gymnastics clothes?

"Mmm, contents of Mr. Future's deliveries"

"It feels like a lot of things have been spotted..."

"Oh, I knew it..."

"By the way, there's a note in the bag. After this dinner treat, Mio and I will continue to help the future. After that, Hiroshi said she wanted to think about wearing work clothes and overalls."

After some predicted answers, Hiroshi faces the message Spring Vegetables has told him.

"As for Hong-kun, he really just wants to hear what it feels like to be wearing it. He said he'd take pictures for the materials, but he wouldn't put them in the catalog."

"... well, we'll rent a place in Loja and have a treat for dinner, so maybe we should cooperate."

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing higher than free, it's all over the place. Well, either way, I'm glad someone took care of the problem with the place, so I'm glad it cost me that much."

There is also a sense of being taken care of quite a few things, including other things, so I can't really make the choice to say no. When I live on Earth, I see that God's power and so much other useless things smudge me.

Now there is no choice but for the type of gods who are feeding their faith hearts to lose more and more power.

"Here, as you prepare your work clothes, measure the Mio, shall we continue? I modified the rubber so I put it on and flew vertically."


Mio nods one thing as he receives rubber from the Macro. Put your hair together in a ponytail quickly and you'll retry to fly vertically.


"... I don't have enough squeeze at all. In the meantime, are we almost halfway there?

Unlike earlier, Mio reaches the ceiling with a jump that is pretty close to full force. Now that the clothes fit your body properly and your chest is securely fixed, you won't have problems like turning up and shaking flashly for nothing.

"... you really said a lot about losing money on cheap shopping..."

"... Well, in terms of gymnastics clothing, it's due to over-expected growth..."

Tatsuya and Makoto divulge such thoughts while watching Hiroshi and Mio repeat the test when adjusting to the tunnel. Regarding this time, the clothes of the growing child, which also belong to a girl with rapidly advancing secondary characteristics, even though there was no choice because it was difficult and costly to judge, it felt exactly as though it had been done.

"So, I was talking to the Hiros earlier, and the little ones in Ursus, shouldn't we be testing around here at the top?

"Ah, right. Finally, Elle and the witch team should make sure they have a physical relationship with Kitin."

"As for Elle, he was down before he cut the stone steps of the shrine, so you should know the opposite of Mio."

"I'll tell you in El's honor, the reason I was at the stone staircase at the Great Tidal Shrine is mostly because of the structure of the shoes and stone staircase itself that I wore that day. Even if I didn't need treatment, I felt like I was spending too much energy on my ankles and calves along the way."

Spring vegetables follow Aeris' health.

In fact, Aeris is not otherwise inferior in strength to the extreme that he feels from the ends of the episode. Except it's simply athletic tone deafness on a desperate level, and other than farming and divinity and its training related, stamina squandering is just intense anyway.

Although the opposite is true in content, it is the same story that many times a leading athlete raises roots along the way before doing farm work that an old man who has been a farmer for many years will do fine.

Most importantly, in the case of Aeris, there is no room for denial as to what would be extreme if done around it.

"Whatever it is, we're going to have an athletic event in Ursus this year, and more than we know we're going to get involved in the planning phase, we're going to have to do a physical test on our workshop and the kids around it, actually."

"Right. Well, I'll take care of the steps around there. If you decide, I'll help you too, so call me."

"Copy that. Sounds like it's time for Mio to finish adjusting, and I'll help you keep track of it."


Spring vegetables moving on to help me test my strength after seeing Hong and Mio nod in several vertical flights.

There is also help with spring vegetables, and Mio's health test keeps going.

"... How much is the average girl middle school student this much?

"I don't know what's going on lately, but isn't this what it was originally like?

"I don't know..."

Makoto and Tatsuya accidentally leak such thoughts into data on Mio, which is very boring compared to everyday life. Mio, who moves with his average athletic ability, looks a lot bigger than the two of them get that feeling.

"... Hey, Master. Maybe we could do a little better."

With regard to the thoughts of Makoto and Tatsuya, he seemed to have felt the same thing, and Mio said such a request with slight dissatisfaction. A macro who hears that gives an honest opinion with a twinkle of an eyebrow.

"Nothing. I can make as many adjustments as I want... If you think about it all the time after you recover from the illness, would you still be too physically fit?

"Yeah, but in my case anyway, I think it's a range of errors because I can see it's going to be awesome pompous in Batmington or something"

"Sure, Mio, you don't like exercising with instruments at more levels than throwing balls"

To the words of spring vegetables, Mio shakes his neck vertically over and over again. As soon as I was able to walk, when I practiced my bike with the desperate thought that it would be inconvenient if I couldn't ride, I don't think I could properly be Batmington, a volleyball tennis player.

Based on this, I wonder if it would be permissible to spread the motor nerves slightly, etc.

In the first place, when it comes to serving, it sounds bad, but the reality is that it suppresses the athletic abilities that it inherently possesses, so it's not like it's slipping.

"Spring vegetables, don't you think?

"I don't think that's a good idea. I was still rehabbing in the back, and I can make as many excuses as I want."

"I don't know. Hey, I'm a little good at exercising, can you fit in?"

Ask for Spring Vegetable opinions and decide to make Mio's wish come true. Make a very subtle and delicate adjustment that feels like using a precision driver to move the volume once in a hundred.

"Hey, if I recover, I'll test you. Probably about 10% of the time overall."

Mio nods to the words of the macro and checks the various items again. I can't keep my health healing speed down to this time, so I'm about out of fatigue in as much time as I need to look at the records and talk to them.

Mio who checks one after the other and is somewhat satisfied with the results, roughly as Hiroshi said. It seems subtly delightful to be able to say that it is a range of errors from its original abilities, but still above average.

"Looks like you've settled down, and I'm about to go home."

"Oh, yeah. Good luck. Or are you okay with being stuck here for so long?

"Future instruction. No matter what happens, no one will complain."

Tatsuya laughs off spring vegetable worries. When it comes to people dating the founder of Reimiya, it is normal to treat the founder's selfishness as part of his work.

In the first place, people like Ayano and the future do so much work that even if they skip half an hour or so in these circumstances, they don't skip in. Just because it has a proven track record, it's strong enough.

"In the meantime, I'll call you when I have a schedule to do a physical test over there."


That's what I said, Tatsuya leaving the gym. I was invited to Tatsuya for dinner today, but it's okay because I said no when I left the delivery.

"... so I just thought. Isn't that enough rubber for Mio this time?

"... why?

"Pool, what are you going to do?

"... Oh!

Spring vegetables pointed out by the true harp and raised their voices unexpectedly. It's a bigger problem than normal physical education in that physical abilities bite directly, and swimming skills work.

"In the meantime, please don't do anything more today..."

"Right. I mean, I'm not ready for my swimsuit or my pool, so I guess it'll be a while?

"Mm. In the first place, school designated school swimsuit, still bought at the end of last summer's vacation, haven't even unpacked it yet"

In response to the realization of the true harp, Higashi sends forward to deal with it on the grounds of lack of preparation. As a result of sending it forward, the macro would be more suited to the eye, but at this point it was just as unpredictable together.

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