"See you today, yeah, the weather."

"Mm-hmm. I probably have a swimming class today..."

A week after Mio talked to him about the swimsuit. Early morning fields.

Since the pool opened, Hoang and Mio talked tense about Mio's first swimming class, which had been postponed due to rain and water temperatures, while harvesting watermelons.

"Me, I've always thought I'd be jealous of my Spring sister's breasts, but this time I just had to get bigger with my bottom toddler shape..."

"The school-designated swimsuit guy is strangely perfect for design..."

Hiroshi and Mio talk with somewhat distant eyes as they pile watermelons stuffed with large balls that could also be used for gifts into trolley cages.

The basic small, skinny Mio is in shape that, if not thin like gymnastics or swimsuits without jerseys, often makes him look more wearable, or worse, only in toddler shape.

Exactly, there were a couple of gym classes, so my classmates also know about Mio being much more mature than the impression he had when he was in uniform. However, women do not know that men have grown up to the point where Mio is classified as the end of the big boobs category if only in terms of ratio or cup size.

Because the last physical education classes Mio attended were in jersey wearing periods, and because they were gender-specific and basketball basics, most students took classes while wearing jerseys.

I haven't had a decent physical education since then due to the rain being transferred to health classes, tours due to female-specific illness like last week, and on the contrary, straight to the infirmary.

So today is the first time that a man's eyes are exposed to that body line, which he noticed as an adult when he did only the ratios and curves, in a way that anyone can see is true.

As a further chase, the cup size went up completely from C to D the other week, that is, just after the pool opened, also showing the evil during the odd.

"It bothers me to be unusually cute when I wear that bathing suit, even though I treat it like a porn even if I don't"

"In the case of Mio, there is a normal atmosphere while also being in shape..."

"If we're going to make it that perfect, I want it to at least be more perfect with the momentum of crushing my chest and everything..."

"That's what regular competitive swimsuits look like."

Spring vegetables that had finished harvesting tomatoes come to such a supplement with a bitter smile against Mio, who was blurring while transporting watermelons to the cabin.


"Yeah. I don't know much about it either, because in the case of swimming, if you don't tighten all the soft irregularities that are more than a certain size on the surface of your body, instead of being fixed, with enough momentum to squash, you're under water pressure and you're not in the competition."

"So our school swimming department, swimsuit design and structure are different?

"I think maybe I am. Well, when I say tighten it, they don't imitate chest crushing with a salad or anything to that extent, or tightening it with the momentum that could snap a rib or something like a skeleton corset from a long time ago if you're wrong."

Spring vegetables and Mio talking about the circumstances behind school-designated swimsuits and competitive swimsuits while packing dozens of boxes of unit tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers and more into the cabin.

For the record, in the case of Japan on this planet, school designated swimsuits in primary and secondary schools nationwide, not just in the city of Tiomi, are basically specifications to tighten the body at the level that they simply fix breasts, male symbols, etc. to an undisturbed extent.

Even if it's wrong, it doesn't have the structure to squash it as far as possible like a competitive swimsuit.

"Then why hasn't that happened to the school's designated swimsuit?

"I'm eliminating any elements that might adversely affect my development, or something like that? It's not good for you to tighten it too tightly, no matter what you think."

"Well, if you start taking off your swimsuit by jumping in or something, it's a problem."


"But Master, if it were Alchem, I feel like any structure would be lightly polarized when I jump in"

"That's because of the level of even God's involvement, even though there's not enough"

Answer Mio's penetration, with a distant eye of a macro.

Alchem's erotic trouble-inducing physique, like the causal and turbulent physique of spring vegetables, is of an irresistible kind to the gods. Full use of all kinds of power to seal it somehow makes it impossible.

Even a swimsuit that makes me want to stick in a full-body tight such as the Dae-jong period will definitely polorize with alchem. No longer even the expression curse is raw and warm.

"In the meantime, Mr. Alchem has to be an absolute piece..."

"If it's a bikini or something, the top is definitely flushed"

"If you suck, there may be cases where you say you're taking it all off at some point..."

"In the first place, let's take Alchem to a pool or a sea bath, do we get reckless all the time?

"" Oh...... "

Spring vegetables and Mio to understand how the part you are considering deviates from the strict point of view of the Hong. Normally, Hiroshi is right, but somehow the conversation was going on in the direction of putting a swimsuit on Alchem.

"But, Master. I want to see Alchem's swimsuit for once. in both erotic and curious meanings."

"Oh, yeah. I might want to take a look, too."

"In the case of Alchem, it is possible that a legible erotic swimsuit is less erotic the other way around"

"Oh, it seems possible..."

Mio tells me, and I'm somewhat convinced of the macro. In the case of Alchem, there is a part of her body that is fleshy and man-loving when she does it even though it has a clear appearance, and is wasted pornographic because she wears proper clothes but she polarises from tearing or undressing in trouble.

Based on his or her own good and rather pompous personality, a swimsuit with full porn may not dissipate any strange porn if he or she does not have any trouble at all from the beginning.

"Well, as far as Mr. Alchem is concerned, it's almost time to finish today's harvest, but is Mio ready?

"...... hmm. I'm already giving up and getting an out level of eroticism"

Asked by spring vegetables, Mio nods lightly. There was no option to visit, but I was reluctantly prepared because I was a little afraid of the number of days of physical education and all that, and because I couldn't avoid it if I refused to treat the sick.

Honestly, if you're ten centimeters taller, no, at least five centimeters taller, it shouldn't be a level out look that will be treated like a crime if you get your hands on it, but I can't stop thinking about it.

Now Mio really wanted his height for real.

"... Master, my height, I wonder what I can do..."

"Unfortunately, if you want to get into height so that you don't get caught up in God's relationship over here, maybe by the end of this year's swim, even if you start researching now, you won't be able to make it."


"Besides, now I'm dazzling everyday with Oscilloscopes and universal counters. No matter how hard you try, you won't get around to it."

"... Too bad"

Mio is told by the macro that he can't do it, and he cleans up his farm tools while sogging up. Mio is also having difficulty passing herself through because the businessmanship of Hiroshi is becoming out of the ordinary track for the price.

"Nevertheless, Master. Universal counters are like special counters."

"Oh, come on."

Hiroshi nods bitterly at a dialogue that makes it hard to tell if it's Mio's mess or his genuine feelings. It's actually a possible move, but it's very hard to imagine what kind of move it is.

"Well, I've got all the credit for today, and I'm going home to school."

"Even today, lunch with vegetables."

"I'm in the mood to hope I haven't made any more mutated vegetables"

"Mio, if you say it because it's not a shame, it's a shame."

Mio nodded over and over again. A joke is easy to flag for.

"Well, I'm back first"

"Yeah. When you get there early, you can use the shower first"


Mio rides a refreshing bike on the back with the words of spring vegetables behind the field. However light tiger, when the door tightening check is carried out after this, and then leaving the field, the bicycle Mio arrives at the Fujido family first at a distance.

"But lately, we've been talking about milk and swimsuits and all that porn talk stuff. I'm sorry..."

"Mio is just at a time when her secondary characteristics are progressing remarkably, and she can't help but talk about the issues and the combination of them."

"In time, we'll talk more about that in relation to fam and lime..."

"Probably will."

An ambition with a uncomfortably complex look at the topic of yesterday with more sexual stories. The fact that Mio is growing up physically and mentally also amplifies his uncomfortable.

This is still the case, at least if Mio is of a normal physique and the atmosphere created from his appearance and other things belongs to a girl of normal age, but unfortunately Mio is out of the normal range in many ways today.

It is a very spiritual burden, ambitiously, to have a presence close to you that is not your responsibility, but is basically clear and mysterious, an elementary school student with the impression that you are vainly well-developed, strangely erotic and disloyal at pinpoint, that you do not often have the nasty in that type of thing.

"Well, let's just say that. Speaking of which, Mr. Hiroshi, I have quite a few reports to submit today, are they all done?

"Unique. I'm anxious if I can pass because it almost feels like one hassle at a time."

In college life, Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables get in the light tiger as they talk about submissions that can be described as strong enemies (both) that can be cut but inseparable. When it comes to exams, it is completely through because the first semester of a college year is not even a problem.

The summer vacation was close to that point.



after-school home room that day.

There was a very subtle air in the two years and four groups during Tide 2.

"That concludes our contact for today. I know you don't have to tell me, but it's a final exam starting next Wednesday, so make sure you put yourself in and study properly."

Kyoka Ikegami (a 28-year-old single woman in charge of health and physical education), who serves as a four-group teacher, notices contact matters as pale as possible and leaves the room as possible, conscious of not turning his gaze as far as possible on Mio, whose hair is still damp.

Drop that off silently, make a note of the contact, and then join the students who start getting ready to go home with Gikshak.

If you look closely, all faces are red and boys students are subtly foreboded overall. It looks like the swimming class I had just before is still pulling its tail.

As if to amplify it further, Mio is dyeing his face red in embarrassment as usual with his faceless expression. It also synergizes with wet hair, and while that makes my classmates guilty again, it flashes back Mio's swimsuit appearance of some kind of vivid erotic that was shown during the swimming time earlier.

There are two girls in this class who are overwhelmingly older than Mio in the sense that they have big breasts or have a horny figure no matter who sees them. but even with them like that, they seemed to fail miserably in a special combination of amazing system unexpectedness and the change in impression due to the design of the swimsuit and the gap between the usual atmosphere and image.



We can't stay like this, we have to follow something. A classmate other than Mio, who is so unified that he remains silent, but the more conscious he is, the more he falls into the dots and is unable to move, increasing his odd tension and weirdly pink atmosphere.

"Oh, you know, Mr. Mizuhashi!!

He couldn't stand this tension anymore. One of the boys students, who was subtly foreboded, stands up ready to split all sorts of things and speaks to Mio, walking close by with his right hand and right foot out at the same time.


"Uh, um..."

A male student stuck in words for a moment in a silent, neck-clapping Mio with no expression. All classmates desperately support him in his heart, who is obviously on the verge of panic and rigidity.

A stiff male student suddenly screamed out loud as to whether the support had passed or whether it was too temperamental to understand the reason.

"Mr. Mizuhashi, I've always liked it! Please hang out!!

"... Huh?

"... No, you're not. Me! I've always liked this class, but even though I didn't have any decent contacts, confessing at this time today would only seem like a pornographic purpose no matter what you think! What are you doing? Me!!

A male student holding his head with a grand suicide bombing and wandering around with a no-time punch in his confused mind. As I watch how it goes, the tension during the class dissolves.

Mio, who had perceived signs of deep snow and desperately prayed for him to arrive early, was completely bland in the words and deeds of a boy student who was only unexpected.

"Uh, Sawatari-san... I think maybe the confession wasn't meant to be, but what can I do for you, Mio?

"Oh, uh, pool time, I thought I'd apologize for looking at you with horny eyes..."

"Well, even Ikegami-sensei did, so you can't help it, can you? Hey, Mio?

"Mm-hmm. While I'm at it, I'm getting horny at that end level, and I'm super snaggy..."

Mio snorts deeply at Rin's follow-up next door. Even same-sex teachers are snagging from the bottom of their minds in their own swimsuits stiffened by pornography, though they don't look that way. Boys, thanks to Sawatari's suicide bombing, his gaze was concentrated around the tip of his chest from all directions until recently, and he couldn't help but be ashamed.

Because this is what I do myself, Mio has come up with a lot of guesses about Spring Vegetables and classmate women Nikasa-san (one of the biggest boobs in the G Cup/same grade) being exposed to more amazing gaze everyday, etc.

As a result, in one of today's cases, I am jealous of Spring Vegetable's chest and sincerely reflecting on all the extra things I have said.

Although, as of today, Mio seems rather blunt around the area after a long period when he was generally said to be in poor shape, although he has not noticed that he is taking his gaze out of Mr. Nikasa's chest.

"I'm sorry that you confessed to me at the corner, but I like you..."

"Uh, you know, or you didn't mean to confess in the first place..."

I don't intend to do that to them, but there is an atmosphere of whether that is okay with Mio and the male students who finished processing the confession of love as if it were something else.

"I didn't mean to confess, why?

"No, I mean, it feels like I was running my mouth when I realized I had a lot of temper. Just to be clear, if I don't have a decent contact before, and I get an OK for this, I suspect they're making fun of me through a miracle, maybe..."

"Don't worry, Mio's acquaintance is not light enough to cover someone you don't know very well"

"Um, Otomo. Don't you feel comfortable with that in a different way?

In the meantime, Rin shakes the subject with the feeling of sacrificing Sawatari halfway to lighten up the air in the class after tomorrow. Sawatari, who perceives the intent, turns his stomach that it's already a clown, and honestly answers with the intention of being molested.

Mio somehow feels sorry for having to sacrifice Sawatari even though no one is bad.

Happiness or unhappiness, Mio's facial expressions are losing out on serious people, and even at this time, he has abandoned his job. So no one, except Soichiro and Rin, realizes Mio seems sorry.

"Well, in the meantime, don't make too much fun or fool around with Sawatari about this one. I sacrificed it, but I don't think it's a bit hobby to imitate it like salt on a wound."

"Yes, yes. Think about Mio's mental burden and Sawatari, who worked hard to change the air even though he didn't intend to, and do what he always does tomorrow."

"What, Senior Fujido? When..."

"Get Dr. Ikegami a SOS. I was watching Mio in her swimsuit last week, and I was in a hurry because I was expecting maybe this to happen, just when Sawatari arrived when you confessed out loud, right? I was just watching because it didn't feel like I could interrupt."

Two years and four sets of air somehow convincing to Rin's explanation of the deep snow to the question. Either way, it feels like a lot has been saved.

"In the meantime, Sawatari. I'm sorry I did such a bad hobby that I sidelined the wild horse quote."

"No, I can't help it flowing anymore. All I'm saying is that it was a bad time. I mean, maybe I'm watching like a wild horse when things get worse."

Leaving it like this, Deep Snow decides that Kiri doesn't look good, and apologizes to Sawatari very seriously before recovering Mio and Rin. The expression is very serious, but the tone is dared to be slightly lighter in order not to exaggerate too much.

Sawatari, who perceived the intention around it, dares to end the conversation lightly again.

"Rin to Mio, then. Go home."

"" Yes ""

No further lengthy stories are necessary, and the deep snow retrieves the crisp Mio and Rin and leaves.

"Hey, Sawatari. I need to talk to you for a second, why don't you come home with me?

"Huh? Oh, a mountain player. Right. I know you want to talk to me somehow, and can I ask for it?

"Oh. Thanks"

Soichiro turns to follow Sawatari for the future, admiring his brilliant work. Not only do I want to make up for what I couldn't move earlier, but I also want to help Sawatari's love accomplish even if it's quite a possibility.

"In the meantime, Sawatari. I'm sure you'll get more chances to act with us in the future, but if you're gonna act with Mr. Mizuhashi, you're gonna be involved in a lot of things, so I'm ready."

"... is it like today that often?

"Exactly, it doesn't happen as destructively as it does today"

Soichiro and Sawatari leave the classroom to discuss the future as soon as possible. Eventually, when we had a meeting later to discuss it, Mio himself confirmed that he could swim properly and that he was ashamed of that swimsuit at the point of trying it on. Except for dressing swimming, the school side and Mio agreed with the active will of both sides in the direction of the tour, and Mio's swimsuit problem somehow ended like this.

"... that? Is anybody here?

"... these shoes and signs. With their brother......, maybe Elle?

The Fujido family before six in the evening. It was unexpected visitors and a subtle tingling atmosphere that stopped and worked part-time lightly under the future, waiting for the deep snow and Mio that finally arrived.

It should be noted that these days, Hiroshi is no longer uncommon to be in the Fujido family due to the tangle of farming work, and it feels like he is no longer just sleeping there, so it has been a long time since someone has already come.

"It's unusual for Elle to come here."

"Mm-hmm. And what a delicate time of the week evening. With courtesy, common sense and good sense, it's impossible for El to show his face at such a time without a foretaste."

"Maybe he'd have arrived earlier, huh?

"If so, Sister Deep Snow, why haven't you contacted our terminal?

"Well, yeah, come on"

Deep snow and Mio take off their shoes and go into the house, checking the terminal again to see if there was any contact with the visitors, etc. At that time, a message enters the two terminals.

When did the sender of the message contact you that Aeris was here in an emergency. After all, Aeris visited earlier, and now she is finally calmed down and contacted.

Naturally, it seems that Deep Snow and Mio have not noticed that they have already arrived at the Fujido family.

Because the Fujido family is huge, when you enter the house without ringing a bell, no one will notice you coming home.

"Emergency, ah..."

"I only have a bad feeling..."

So much so that Aeryth has swept away all sorts of steps and suddenly he's coming. I don't care what you think.

I only have a serious and unpleasant feeling about that, just to be clear.

but I can't help but do it at last. In the first place, at a time when the horse and spring vegetables are all in order, it is probably grasped that deep snow and Mio are arriving.

So I go straight to my stomach, one face to face, take a deep breath, and go into the living room under the guise of what I normally do.

The living room had everyone but Aeris, its party, and Poetry Weaving in Obstetrics and Gynecology at a regular check-up today.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back. You were early."

"Just about the time I got the message, it was the front door."


"If you were my master and sister Chun, I would have thought you'd be aware."

"I was just holding my head when I heard about Elle, and I was a little late when I told her that Deep Snow and Mio were back."

Things like a late reaction of spring vegetables. That's what I hear, deep snow that makes my face so attractive that I can tell.

Aeris, who brought the troubles, is currently washing her hands and removing her seat.

"In the meantime, if I think about the future, we can't both be irrelevant, so sit down and calm down at the top"



Deep snow and Mio sitting on the sofa feeling like a landlord and told by a macro, oh man. On the front, there's Tatsuya, who doesn't even try to hide his cheeky expression in many ways.

Speaking of which, why is our brother here at this hour?

"It just so happens, I went straight home and they asked me for a delivery and I let them get up early."

"Heh. It's unusual for my brother-in-law, who's busy with his paper, to be here at this hour, but it's also unusual for Tatsuya to get up early."

"It feels like you're paying attention in so many ways..."

Deep snow and Mio accidentally look at each other in the words, which they cared for. When I turn my gaze to Spring Vegetables, I shake my neck to the left and right just because I haven't heard the details yet.

"Hey, sister. I have no idea what the situation is or how it happened."

"In the meantime, first you listen to Elle. Because we've only heard the conclusion yet."

"Sister Chun, what do you mean by that conclusion?

"About last week, a kid who feels so bad about Urs flew out of different worlds, and he said it's a huge relationship problem."

When I heard the crisp explanation of spring vegetables, Mio, who had something to guess, gave me the look of wow.

More importantly, I feel like fate or malice at a time when everyone was too busy to go to Urs.

"Hey, Spring Sister. That guy, that girl from middle and high school, right?

"Yeah, that's what I hear. Looks like Elle and the others haven't even told you the exact age. But how did you know, yeah. Because you said I was a tough kid."

"Mm-hmm. So, the kid, he's doing the opposite har thing, or something?

"I haven't heard that much yet, but I just heard that one or two of the aristocrats who have a fiancée are a little troublesome."

"... I didn't know a real template would occur in the other world..."

"Me too, when I first heard from El, I thought that first."

I agree with Mio's honest sentiments, confirmed by Spring Vegetables, with a tired smile from Shinqin. There, just Aeris returns.

"Thank you for waiting"

"Mm-hmm. Good evening, El. Sounds kind of tough, okay?

"Good evening, Master Mio. Honestly, it's hard to say..."

Aeris leaks a deep sigh in response to Mio's greeting with a strangely pungent look. These days, this is the Aeris that keeps smiling unless there's so much to it. Seems like something quite serious is going on.

"So, it's true that Elle is being called a villain warrant?

"We didn't say that much. I don't know, we haven't talked that far yet."

Against Mio, who brings up a word loyal to Temple, Zhenqin puts in a penetration once with his jitsu eyes. In view of the temporal flow, there is probably a high probability that it will be said, but since the story seems to be going our way, I would like you not to say much extra truly.

"That's actually what they said, but could it be, is that a common story here?

"As for the story, I've had a lifetime in the past. It can't happen in terms of identity system that in reality no one does such a retarded thing, that noble people bully you in the first place or are convicted of it"

"Oh, I see"

Aeris who listens to Mio's explanation and is unwittingly convinced. Aeris herself, a guest from a new and unknown continent, couldn't help but feel that her actions were forcing her through the story of how much she had played.

"Well, from what I've heard, there's been a gush of assholes doing temps in real life, all the time. Yeah, I guess, but what's the exact situation like?

"Yes, first of all, the biggest problem is that you don't understand the identity system or the social system, no matter how much you describe it, but there's a situation going on in which you can only say that the language is clear and the conversation is not established."

"Seriously, Temple..."

"The next problem is that after you have interpreted it all for your convenience, you have contacts with leading nobles with fiancées of several ages to match, creating cracks between you and your fiancée"

"That was earlier, wasn't it?"

"What makes the problem even more difficult is that for some reason the sons of the nobles have become sympathetic and in tune with her. Those people, as if they had been invaded by anger, were no longer able to talk, and the castle's air was getting worse with a rather serious feeling."

"" "" "" "Wow..." "" "

Hiroshi groans unexpectedly at the last explanation of Aeris. This pattern, when it comes to promises, is promises, but it reeks of the current high nobility hooked through the chaos in Catalina.

"Hey, El. By the time we got there, how could we not get rid of that girl from the center of the country?

"There are circumstances where you can't throw away guests from an unknown continent for a few things, but because they are Japanese, you couldn't do anything far-fetched."

"You don't like us, do you?"


Aeris nods to Tatsuya's words. Ironically, the fact that Higashi gave too much credit protected a human being who would otherwise have had to be eliminated.

"But you must be the Virgin whose name came through the world, right? It's hard to even think about being insulted and shut up..."

"That's why I stopped you from doing a nasty imitation. As a result, the air was unnecessarily difficult to punish..."


"Honestly, I regret that I may not have had to pinch my extra mouth, but it is just unacceptable for someone who I know knows nothing about to try to impose a harsh disposition with words spoken at a time when I've only been here for a few days..."

"Well, I can't help it. I mean, in a way, that's your role, something like that..."

Tatsuya generally agrees with the reason why Aeris couldn't get out strongly after listening to the situation that Aeris went into a stop. The other members seem to be the same.

Whatever it is, it will be difficult to predict, such as just putting a few dispositions on hold that would make things weird so far.

In the first place, there is so much unexpected in itself that the drooling people have become in tune with the words of their radio daughter.

"Master Alfemina or something......, can't you do it yet"

"Yes, and perhaps, in the first place, but fundamentally, unless this is the case, the gods, including the Alfemina, will not interfere"

"Let it go. As long as Farlane itself suddenly becomes surrounded and perished, or even at that level, God is more than willing to interfere with the extent to which the assholes who have been distracted from the other world have disturbed the center of the country."

An ambition that speaks of the rules of the gods that are common in roughly any world apart from the rules as stage devices, as a reason why alfemina does not move.

As far as the rules around here are concerned, they are neither explicitly cultured nor enforceable, but they are of a kind that would be less troublesome to follow later.

More importantly, even if it's the kind of implicit understanding, it doesn't change the world of men or the world of God that there are people who put a lot of tease on it as an excuse if they don't have to step down.

Therefore, even if the alfemina is not constrained as a stage device, it rarely follows these rules.

We must not go into Alfemina, which in the first place is superior to the world, because it involves the formation of the world when it comes to the fact that it is not inherently necessary to observe the constraints itself as a stage device.

"In the meantime, I was convinced that Elle had evacuated this way on purpose in an emergency or all the time. I just don't know if we can fix it."

"Right. Especially me and Makoto and Mio, because they're same-sex, they won't be able to talk."

"I'll probably treat you like a mob too..."

"Well, we're practically only talking about Tatsuya, aren't we?

"Give me a break..."

"Sister Makoto, sister Makoto. Mind health management, so you can borrow a burst."

"Exactly. Isn't that the last resort?

Higashi suddenly tells extreme stories on the assumption that the discussion doesn't make sense anyway. Aeris, who was listening to it, drinks his newly served tea without even trying to hide his tired expression.

"Well, sister. Don't you have to make sure that person isn't really someone you know?

"I don't have to check with Elle, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't the one who flew out of Japan in the first place."

"Huh? Really? How?

"Now, this world and El's world are perfectly in tune with the timeline. No matter how much power you say you're sealing, if you care about it, you can do enough to find out if anyone else has gone over there, and there's no god to complain about it because we've gone over there without permission."

"There's no jet lag or anything?

"I looked into it, including that. In the last century or so, it's definitely not one of ours, because it doesn't exist until right after the end of the war, except for someone who was flown in a fair-cloth relationship."

"What's the case with a futurist?

"Going that far, it doesn't matter the other way around?

Deep snow accidentally convinces me of the opinions of spring vegetables that make me feel subtly chopped. Sure, I don't think you're the person involved, even if they say who you might get to know from now on.

"Well, it's about a trillion odds, but there are cases of tripping without leaving any trace, so if you don't actually go over there and check it out, you can't be sure if it really has anything to do with our Japan. Probably the first thing I'm sure of, but Elle's already completely inside me, so you're afraid of that probability."

"Shh. Are you sure about that, Mr. Alfemina?

"He was taken by the disturbances in time and space when that one came, and he hasn't confirmed that far yet. Unlike when Hiroshi comes and goes, when someone new comes as a guest from an unknown continent, space-time and karma are truly flashy..."

Aeris mouths a circumstance that Alfemina is unable to reach, perhaps the biggest reason.

Being alive and accidentally tripping across worlds is basically a world-class accident. Naturally, a lot of things are going on environmentally.

Alfemina will be busy or impossible for the sake of the form.

"Well, no matter how you fall, it's tough to say it right away tomorrow. Tatsuya is usually at work, and like I said, the women won't be able to use it this time, so instead of being able to solve anything with me and Spring Vegetables on a schedule, it's only going to make the situation worse."

"I don't care how many schedules it takes, it doesn't work that well."

"In the first place, I don't want to involve you in this kind of thing, me"

"Right. In the first place, you won't be able to get it worked up where Hiroshi said it, and it's a mob. You'll just get wasted damage by being told what to curse and grumble. At the end of the day, even if we can move, Tatsuya will be around the day after tomorrow."

"It's me after all..."

Hearing Makoto's words, Tatsuya says in disgust. Keep it up, sigh deeply and deeply, then mouth where you think with a sinister face.

"Elle's in trouble, so moving to do something isn't a bluff in itself. Honestly, the problem with that pedigree is I don't want to touch it for a while..."

"Well, this is the kind of situation that I asked you to solve because I brought in a strange story, but isn't it something that we should all work with?"

"But if the Els alone can do something about it, they must be doing something about it."

To Mio's point, Aeris looks sorry. Whatever you say is unconvincing at a time when you're on the run here.

It is impossible to solve it on its own. I have to admit, that doesn't mean that we lack the ability to solve it so much that we have to have it resolved in its entirety.

If only the elements in the neck can be managed, they can be dealt with sufficiently later in Farlane's legal system.

"Speaking of which, my brothers. Earlier, I got a lot of attention, you said something like, what happened?

If you can only do something about the fact that it's that neck, that you might know Higashi, Mio will skip a frank question about Tatsuya's situation before Aeris tells you.

As Tatsuya opens her mouth after that question, Aeris eventually misses the opportunity to say what she really wants to ask for.

"This year's rookie has a problem..."

"Are you in trouble? Specifically?

"I'm so bad at judging and working. I'm kindergarten-like, but I'm not willing to listen to people, I'm not willing to learn to work, and I'm just unusually good at getting into my boss with that bullshit fiction and sinning people, and the only thing I seriously throw all I can at a man is a woman. I can't believe I'm getting my eyes on you..."


To Tatsuya's Boyaki, Mio unexpectedly ends. Behind such a Mio, Spring Vegetables and Makoto nod with distant eyes.

Thanks to Hiroshi's businessmanship with experiments and papers, he's been able to block out how well he's doing, but that's the type of woman that's getting mixed up in the group he's getting along with there.

Even if not, these days the Macro often attends school in work clothes from the outset for data collection and experimentation, secretly beginning to attract the attention of girls. For this reason, how to get rid of the poisonous woman in that hand is a headache problem.

"Honestly, even on a level where you can't even do a decent four-law operation with polar theory. I hope you're willing to remember and even listen to people properly. Essentially, the ability of a new graduate immediately after joining the company is a useless level even if there are differences in degrees, and I don't expect to be able to do it in the second year of the first year of joining the company, even if it is my expectation that I will learn to work properly and become a fighter later."

"I can't calculate the four rules..."

"I'm here, actually"

"I'm here..."

The shocking information from Tatsuya stains the faces of everyone except Aeris with astonishment.

Conversely, the fact that Aeris, who lives in a world with low literacy rates, would be surprised is a stunning fact, but I'll leave it here because of the conversation.

"To be clear, my ability at the time of joining the company would be at elementary school level but at kindergarten level, but it's not a big deal. Even if you don't remember things very well on that level, if you are serious, willing and gutsy to remember and have a personality that doesn't cause discord within the company, it doesn't matter."

"Right. In the end, I think the last thing you mean is that kind of personality part."

"But Brother Da. If it's a tough working environment or cost competition right now, you can't afford to use someone like that for a long time?

"For God's sake, if you're a decent character, there's quite a lot of work to be done. Besides, there are quite a few people who can come up with a lot of ideas when they don't remember things, so when they do, they'll be pretty good at what they forget."

Mio raises simple questions about Tatsuya and Aeris' opinions. In response to that question, Tatsuya explains the reality by recalling several faces, including internal veterans, her own synchronization, and juniors.

Still, Mio and the others are not convinced, so Tatsuya decides to supplement it further.

"In the first place, newcomer education is practiced for the purpose of working out so that no matter how bad a person can work at least. If it's the size of Hiro's house factory that can't get that far into education, if it's about the size of our company, it's no good throwing education at people who've been in the company for a year or two."

"But some people, like Spring Sister and Master, suddenly become instant fighters in practice..."

"Hiro and spring vegetables are exceptions, and if it's a company like ours that's completely off the field, you won't even be able to fight for about a month after joining the company. As a matter of reality, Spring Vegetables isn't capable of working in Hiro's factory enough to be a force for war, anyway, is it?

"... yeah, unfortunately. I was able to be a fighter in my affairs because I simply had less work to do and left it to my discretion."

"That's what's normal. As a fundamental story, academia and labor are completely different. No matter how good you are at college, there is no first thing that can suddenly make something inexperienced perfect. Honestly, if I were you, I'd make a fuss about the level of hiro and spring vegetables."

That's it, I realize the story is there, and I go back to it with a sigh.

"Well, that's why I don't care about the ability. but I'm not willing to work or remember, and even if I'm scolded, the only type of person who blames someone and messes up a relationship while running away is in employee education."

"If you have that type in you, unlike your sister, you have a sense of beating or hubbling without holding it for a day. What do I say? I feel like I can handle this in education, but there's nothing I can do about it?

"If it used to be, I can't do anything about it now. If you don't like it a little bit, it's sexual harassment. Even Mora Harassment sues you over there. Because I'm good at fiction, every time a deceitful boss comes out and develops into a big problem, and by the time I'm convinced that even the scope of legitimate instruction is satisfactory, a lot of things will go wrong and the person in question will end without reflection at all."

"... can't you fire me?

"If I could, I would have done it. It's enough to deceive HR's eyes, so that's the only unusually capable place. Besides, since I'm only a new graduate three months into the company, I can't fire her that way unless I even have a criminal case. Because it's a trial period, it's just pre-construction, and that's the only way to actually get ready for trial."

Tatsuya's well-placed and intelligent story is accompanied by a laborious look.

"For once, if it works out, I might have it removed from this year's educator shortly, so I want to deal with it when I can. I mean, otherwise I just don't have the spirit..."

"Oh, I can't let that happen..."

"In the first place, if you prove that he is someone who has nothing to do with you, it is a problem that Tatsuya will solve without even having to force you..."

"Do I have to show you where I made contact once to prove that?


"Well, that's the reason, and I only have a feeling it's not going to be a lot of things if we're women, and Elle doesn't want to put a macro in contact with such a woman, right?

Aeris nods sorry with a sinister face to the penetration of the true harp. As a single woman or a person who has been grateful at the national level, I would definitely avoid contact between a man and an example woman if I could.

But I just don't want Tatsuya to make contact with me because it's not as real as Hiroshi.

Drawing on that Aeris feeling, Tatsuya opens her mouth with a bitter smile.

"For now, I'm used to dealing with those things myself, so you don't have to worry too much about them. This is a bad time, and I've just had mine incidents and timing at an unprecedented level."

"Still, it doesn't change that it becomes a burden on Master Tatsuya, and when it becomes that much of an opponent in the first place, I don't know how convenient it is to carry things..."

"As for newcomers, I'm threatening to get the worst courtesy headhunting, so I'll figure it out. You know, it's a good example of how someone with a pregnant daughter-in-law is forced to cheat on you and get a divorce."

"Honestly, privately, no wonder Tatsuya is still in charge..."

"I couldn't hold back the evidence. Besides, like I said, it's sexual harassment. It's powerful. It's moral harassment, so it takes a lot of work to deal with it."

Tatsuya so supplements with a genuine bitter grin at the spring vegetables that leak so with her tired face at the new fact of stunning. Regardless of whether it's deliberate or vegan, it's difficult to deal with someone you can't talk to.

"That's why, as early as next week, I plan to wear it later in August, so I'm sorry, but wait till then."

"I'm so sorry that things have gotten weird because of us..."

"The rookie thing has nothing to do with El, and it's force majeure that my radio daughter has been flown. Like I said, don't worry so much."

Tatsuya can't hide her fatigue while comforting Aeris by saying so.

"... hey, Haruna, Makoto"

"What, Hong-kun?

"Is it also an idea?

"The idea is, if we get to all of this entanglement, we're all going on a one-night hot spring trip, including El?

Such a suggestion comes from Hiroshi on how he looks too tired Tatsuya.

Everyone's eyes shine on that ambitious proposal.


"Then I'll look for a hole in the hot springs that's so crowded and easy to reach by car that it won't be your burden."

"All right! I'm getting the nerve to confront that damn rookie!

"Mm-hmm. I'm starting to like it, too."

"Fine. I want you to mix it up too."

"Exactly. Deep snow comes from students. All of these members, if you do this all the time, bear with me until I finish my Mio exams."

"Um, are you sure you want me to join you?

"Mm-hmm. Instead, I can't work hard without Elle coming"

I don't know, they were all very tired, and they were very motivated together with the proposals of the Macro.

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