"I'm sorry I called you in on this. Well done for coming, thank you..."

The first day of the three holidays, just before the summer break, the week after Aeris visited. Rayot greeted Hiroshi, who had visited Urs Castle to solve the problem with Aeris, in a rather disgusting manner.

It should be noted that Aeris is drawn to the temple to avoid trouble.

By the way, the newcomer education problem that Tatsuya was facing was once dealt with by removing Tatsuya from charge and separating the other newcomer from a different department the day after that discussion. Thanks to this, Tatsuya's mental burden was lightened once and for all, and thus she began to devote herself to the problems that Aeris and the others had.

but just because you're not motivated or willing to learn to work because of your bad nature, it's not like you're a retarded newbie.

As long as we are probably in the same company, we will only be able to snuff out on the spot, so the situation is that we are also considering moving to Reimiya Commercial under the water.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting..."

"No. It's the same as most of the things I've been helped with, but we have to solve this problem..."

"I knew as soon as I got in, but Ray, it's tough to just deal with this one."

I feel sincerely sorry for you. I control Rayot with my hands and tell him what I thought frankly.

Though Qi is only about the same as usual, it was quite a big deal in the castle.

"Hey, Hiro. It's not coming to me with a pin, you know what's going on?

"Brainwashing waves fill me up, all the time. It's hard to understand because there's no such thing as excessive anger on the basically too weak side, but if you have weak state abnormality tolerance in your mental system, you can easily and briefly get hit in the head."

"Is that it? For the sake of it, it's like I can't perceive..."

"Because it's close to spiritual power and all that, this. Without inspiration, you probably can't perceive. If Mio is capable of detecting, maybe he'll know. It feels all the time, but what no?

"...... hmm. At least, unlike when you were in the previous Hua, if you concentrate exactly, you can detect clearly. But unlike before, right now, I'm inspired too, so it might not be very helpful."

"Speaking of which, you did."

"However, my inspiration is basically weak on the precarious, so when I'm a little conscious, I don't know."

Mio shaken by a macro and told honestly. Mio's inspiration is followed by a very unstable one pulled by the state of spring vegetables and links with her.

There was a cumming out about the link from Mio during Spring Break, so Spring Vegetables has been well aware of the link with Mio lately and won't have zero inspiration, but it's still not a big deal when compared to a real psychic.

Unfortunately, even to that extent, we can see floating spirits and earth-bound spirits clearly, and it is a truly difficult story that has played a role in building the atmosphere of Mio's wonderful erotic.

Most importantly, Mio picks up extra information because he's highly detectable in vain. Even if there was no inspiration, he probably tended to behave like he saw the other person. It must have been very much the same now that the kind of atmosphere that ends up being classified as a wonder system, and the characterization runs on the erotic side because of it.

"But isn't it weird that Elle doesn't even understand that reason?

"Elle feels like Alfemina-sama's guard is going too far, doesn't she? If you're so beefy, can't you detect a wave of this intensity?

"I see. So you have no idea what a real harp is?

"Unfortunately, yeah. But apart from that, the samurai people seem to remain basically decent, why not?

"Sora, the target of this radio wave is decided from" handsome only "."

With the Japanese, who are determined to be crisp by the hong, and unwittingly convinced. Situationally, I heard from Aeris, I rather can't think of any other answer.

In fact, a few women, led by Aeris, are also targeted who are disturbed in bringing a handsome high-ranking nobleman, but are not aware of it, whether it is a mahogany or a spring vegetable, due to the problem of resistance or the fact that at the moment they are almost unaffected except for one.

To be more precise, radio waves are flying for older people and non-handsome people who are convenient to bring it on to do whatever they want, and this one has been brainwashed by a certain number of lines, but has stayed in about disagreeing treatment because it hasn't gone as crazy as the people being attacked.

"Later, you're talking about why there are so many such waves. Let's see, the source is human, right?

"Saya. It's in the courtyard, probably from middle school to high school. So, the reason he was able to fly these waves is simple, and it's the same pattern as us."

"When they flew over here, they drooled out the brainwashing waves," you mean?

"Yes, yes. Patterns that originally resuscitate dead people in ways like Spring Vegetables, such as patterns that travel between worlds alive in accidents, can easily deteriorate, both physically and mentally, for better or worse. So, in this case, the perversion came out in the form of a brainwashing drainage wave. There are other possibilities for weird abilities, so you have to observe the area."

Tatsuya, who listens to Hiroshi's explanation and gets a sober look. It's just mentally pretty tough to have to observe a woman who's radio waves not only to her abilities, but to her thoughts.

"You're a boulder. Just stepped in and you know what's going on."

"Well, I freshly anticipated it in advance, and I'll get a lot of training over there. In the meantime, before anyone comes out with any more suspicious thought circuits on this wave, I'm going to put up a first aid in a neutralizing junction."


A macro who takes Rayot's words as permission and hands on the floor to probe the ground vein. With the skill of a macro that the junction cannot be said to specialize in, it is quicker to use the power of a geographic vein to wrap up the entire castle of Ursus and neutralize it.

To deploy using the terrestrial vein, this junction is only a whisper in function and size, so excess is also a good place in the energy sense. For this reason, on the contrary, it is difficult to deploy for a long period of time, and that is why First Aid and Hiroshi have said it out.

It should be noted that the spring vegetables also subtly fall out of the specialty because this junction is also of the spiritual system. When it comes to setting up something such as a junction, if you do something that is not a specialty, Hongkong can do it better, so Hongkong is in charge this time.

There will be some questions about whether Ursus Castle did not have the means to disable the magic and abilities of this hand, but just as we can't deal with all the computer viruses where we put in antivirus software and dealt with them exactly with them in firewalls and so on, how can there be a leak?

It is in this situation that I have been completely metaphorically stretched because of my poor ability to detect the type and intensity of human beings in this world, and because of the pinpoint, there are aspects of Rayots being ravaged so that they can't do anything about it.

"Now, for a while, the kind of person who gets hit with an extra head, get out of here."

"I appreciate that. Very helpful."

"It's just extra brainwashing, but even if it's brainwashed, it won't get us back to normal."

"... Really?

"Seya Nen. I've explained this to other people before, but brainwashers are technically out of order. Brainwashed humans can't be re-educated even if they recover from a brainwashed state because the very way they think in a fundamental state of vegetation changes, and words and behaviors and thought patterns change little from being brainwashed."

"... so how can a person who is too seriously out of his mind go back to normal?

"That could happen. In fact, even in our homeland, people who have been brainwashed by criminal organizations because they don't rely on magic or pure speech or other techniques have developed into big problems no matter what they do or how they adapt to general social life, even if they take it off the brainwashing state and their thinking and behavioral principles remain strange."

Rayot listens to the explanation of the macro and silences himself with a rugged face. As far as listening, it will probably be difficult for the men who have corrupted themselves to the point where they can be entrusted with the task, even to the surrounding of the example woman.

Assuming I could get that far back, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as their seats left because of past achievements and backward growth.

It is a very headache situation where a significant number of people at the moment are in a closed future, even if they are not.

Instead, we can't afford to re-educate people who have fallen into brainwashing because they're understaffed.

"If this is the case, should we have ignored the cessation of Aeris and enforced the execution..."

"I can tell you anything if I do it later. Normally, I don't think it will get any worse than a week or two when I cry to an outside human being there, and I ignored the Virgin's words with one or two insults and the execution was harsh, or blurry, shameless. Even if it's El, there's only so much that's wrong with him, and if you think about it normally, you can't say anything strange."

To Rayot's words of regret, Macho speaks a word of comfort. Aeris also regrets considerably on this matter, and he has always reflected that he should not have shut his mouth poorly by ignoring the humanitarian situation.

Honestly, as a Virgin, I don't know about that, so it's the realization that we can't help but prevent this one.

"Well, this is the first aid. Yeah, ya. After that, check it out."

"Right. That said, how do you confirm it?

"The quickest way is for my brother to make direct contact..."

"Sudden contact is too risky in many ways. First, make sure you're really the kind of person they say you are, and then we'll take care of it."

Anyway, spring vegetables make a mouthful of a quick way to do it. We all want this to end right, but when we get away with it in an easy way at times like this, Tenchi Eighty-Nine is the feather of overlapping extra hardship.

"Then do you plant hidden cameras and microphones in a sleeping room?

"You're suddenly moving in an extreme and criminal direction..."

"All the time, going to the people on the other side is very much the same as letting my brother see me in person, and even if I talk to someone else, it hardly changes what I'm talking about."

"That's right. It's a real pain in the ass..."

Exactly. Even if I brake on the ambitious proposal that it should be a bad idea, Makoto turns bitter by pointing out that no other means can be guessed.

It's tough to get stuck no matter how you stick to the minimum ethical stuff.

"Master, Sister Zhenqin. I just thought, what about Octogal?

There may be nothing humans can do about it in a form that moves directly, except that Tatsuya comes into contact directly. Around the time such an idea became dominant, Mio mentions the existence of a convenient mysterious organism.

Several octogals have metastasized along with the sound of pong at that time.

"" "" "Called ~?" ""

"If I did, I would, but we waited for ourselves to leave."

"" "" "YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes" ""

Obviously, a macro went into the way it appeared that was weighing the timing, and Octogal admits it softly.

Before saying anything as strange as usual, Hiroshi speaks of the matter as if it were convoluted.

"Well, I don't care what you're waiting for. Yeah. I'd like to ask ourselves, how much do we know about this woman who makes the waves?

"Radio wave yun yun ~"

"I don't think it's real."

"The victim is a painful daughter."

"Body abandonment ~"


Message To be the person told in the game crossing, so unexpectedly leaks the macro.

It's nothing strange or manageable to behave as a victim, since the very fact that he's been flown over here is a victim of an accident.

But that would only be an absolution mark for about a week at best, and while you haven't brought extra rubbing into your relationship.

"In the meantime, that amount of information doesn't normally come in, but is there anything else? Specifically, how we reacted when we saw it."

"Us, Hiding"

"I've never been out in front of her."

"Radio wave yun yun ~"

"I don't want to get involved."

"I don't know if Octogall would say this to me as a person even though I'm not upset...?

Unsurprisingly, Octogal's supposed to play with any opponent as a toy. In contrast, Zhenqin comments on behalf of him while he unexpectedly wants to look far away.

"But I'm hiding something."

"Octogall saw it."

"Decisive Moment ~"

"Crime scene."

"Body abandonment ~"

"Exactly. Do you want to get rid of the body?

A macro that unwittingly and bitterly penetrates so against Octogall, who waves a story in the direction of suspension. As far as this goes, I'm not in contact because I don't want to be involved, which is just a pretext, and I guess I'm just trying not to find it because it's more interesting to be doing it back there without being in contact.

"There's footage and recordings."

"First time in Japan ~ I"

With that said, Octogals projecting video recordings.

Projected into a cup of rooms was a girl who felt very ordinary Japanese, who would be in between the first year of middle school and the first year of high school.

It is customarily treated black, but semi-long hair is right to describe it as dark koji tea if you actually say it accurately. The eyes are about the same color, and the face is more neat than true harp or lela, but not to the extent of future fam. It's called a face that falls into the cutest category in the normal and creepy range.

I don't know the length of my back because I'm sitting, but in my body type, it's about standard for a year of middle school, and if I was in high school, I would be in a relatively poor phase.

Overall, the appearance itself, including the shape, would say that about seven out of ten people are usually cute. However, the atmosphere and expression ruined the assessment by the time it was complete.

"... I don't really want to say this, but this is the look on your face..."

"Mm-hmm. A look that looks like a direct connection to your lower body that makes you very worried about your future. I don't know much about people."

"If you're aware, let's weigh ourselves in, Mio."

"Well, Mio's hobbies and sexuality are probably at the same level as his head, but it's not that drooling..."

"It's kind of hard to look straight at it..."

On the look the girl had on her face, all the highs watching would dongle around.

The look on the girl's face is on a level that, even in modest terms, "also cools the love of a hundred years". Even if you were my friend, I don't want to cut you off with all my might and have a replacement again, that's the look on your face.

And even more...

'So far, Az, you and Fur's offense is going perfectly. I wonder if Mr. Randolph pushed another one. Master Yu and Master Ray, Mar, it's strange that you're doing exactly as the tactic suggests, but maybe that's because the evil villain sisters in the skin of Elaine and the Virgin of Aeris are doing nothing. Including Kickin' Chorifa, and all the nauseating evils, you'll be peeling off your skin soon. '

and so on, and mouth running dialogues that obviously haven't seen reality. The girl in the video drops an even more outrageous bomb before Hongdae opens her mouth when she hears it and tries to accidentally penetrate it.

"Because of it." Farlane Love! "I've come to the world, so I have to save everyone with my true love! Wait, Master Ray, Master Yu, Mr. Mar!

"... the true love of bedding her husband from the daughter-in-law of a pregnant woman while she serves more than one man, what...?

All I can say is that there is so much in the assumption, representing Honda, who has ceased to utter a horrible word, and True Harp puts in the penetration like he is tired.

"It's a" Farlane Love "game all the time, because I'm gonna say tactics and stuff, but it's a sticky name again..."

"Imagine it's a game. I wouldn't dare say it because it's going to be a boomerang over here, but I wonder why you don't think it's weird at the point where the difference is..."

Spring vegetables that take the impression of a macro and say what I honestly think. In the meantime, the girl goes on a note with a bump about something that sounds like a tactic. Makoto finally wanted to endure the look of it, covering his face with his hands and turning his back on the video.

"Oh, no more! Black History I can't look at it like it's gonna get ugly!

"What happened to black history in the past..."

"It's manners not to pry deeply into the black history of the Sino-2 disease relationship..."

Makoto can be served bright red to the neck for extra embarrassment. Something probably happened in junior high from what I said was a secondary-school disease, but I wonder what I can do to make it this far.

Mio, who had listened to the girl's strategy through such a true harp, suddenly uttered a harsh opinion.

"In the meantime, the game this wave was playing, maybe a command-selective novel game, but at some point there's a sleep-taking harem talking about true love and pure love. Definitely wasted first as a love game"

"I don't know what to say. What's the basis for that?

"Needless to say, I can't believe the characters acting in such contradiction are the main characters' works, because the other routes are usually broken"

Tatsuya is incredibly convinced by Mio's words. Too convincingly, Makoto, who was bored with shame, also nods as impressed by his complete resurrection.

"In the first place, unless you're talking about a piece with a scenario aside in the porn subject, or a piece that's incorporated as an important setting involving the root at the scenario stage, there's quite a few games with harem routes and harem ends. I barely touched the maiden game or anything, but maybe it won't change around here."

"I've hardly ever touched a romantic game other than BL either, but even BL stuff did look like that."

"Apart from a very small number of cases in which the route is incorporated in a completely independent form in the IF deployment as an addition after all routes have been cleared, or specifications where the route is not fixed on the fan disc, the game with the harem route is largely broken, as I put it in this part."

"I almost flushed it out because it's the usual thing, but it's a lot out to be able to talk about the harem of porn subjects at your age, isn't it?

Mio distracts and deludes himself with a whistle that doesn't ring, as usual, into a harsh penetration from a fully resurrected true harp. Even though I had spoken with self-restraint earlier that I could not speak of people, this was immediately the case.

"Uh, for now, I'm not sure because I barely play that kind of game, but what's it like to have a harem built in at the root of the scenario?

"First of all, as a major premise, not only does the protagonist know, but there is no level of inconsistency that can be seen in the flow at the previous stage in a work where the harem state is already complete at the start point. So, as a game, the main thing is to choose one of the people the protagonists favor, and in the process we solve the problems we have with each other again, there are many works of development like"

"Huh? But that's a complete harem state. I don't really think I need it..."

"It is also characteristic of that type of work that its harem state plays an important role in the relationship between heroines, or between protagonists and heroines and subcharacters. Finally, as a result of solving the problem, the route of choosing everyone is often a true ending, and even if there are some inconsistencies in the reasoning leading to that conclusion, it mostly fits nicely without proper bankruptcy. Since it's been in place since the beginning, there's never been a bedtime or anything like that unless there's such a special reason, and most importantly, the players are convinced and sympathetic to the end of it"

"I've never read a piece like that, not just a game, but a novel or a comic book, so I was wondering if it would come a little pinned"

"If you think of our relationship, you're probably convinced. It looks quite possible because there are famous pieces, and it's actually a setting that I wouldn't be surprised to see"

our relationship, spring vegetables that we are told and accidentally convinced of. I have great doubts about whether the rationale is not inconsistent or whether it fits into the prettiest results, and above all I am not at all confident that third parties will see, convince and sympathize with it, including the past, but in the sense that it is difficult to choose any other end now, it also does not coincide with the pattern of the work Mio has spoken of.

"What shall we do...... Sounds like we're doing something painful that could be the subject of the game..."

"Don't worry, when you've gone from being a human to a goddess, games and comics and all that level of happening"

Tatsuya stumbles over the now-described spring vegetables with no body or lid on a lethal level. There is no mercy there.

"... in the meantime, you might want to check some more footage because you might know something else."

"Honestly, if sanity is going to be shredded, I want to avoid it because I remember my black history in different directions and I'm going to feel a lot of pain..."

Spring vegetables that are about to be slashed and depressed by Tatsuya, forcing her to regain her mind and make painful suggestions. While I'm sick of that suggestion, I nod at the macro wondering if I had a choice.

For some time after this, he was desperate to encourage the gathering of information from Octogal's specially selected hidden video collection, bored by painful words and actions in many ways without being able to afford to put his hands on the tea he had prepared.

"... so in the end I wasn't sure in many ways, did you come to a conclusion?

"It's like I'm out, it's like I'm not out, it's like I'm out all the time."

I just finished watching a bunch of painful footage, Rayot taking confirmation without hiding out fatigue. While I was donning on a shocking level to look like a radio girl, I was completely left with the feathers to show footage I didn't even want to see with the Hiroshi.

"So, the question is, does this woman know you?

"At least I'm on edge and itchy."

"Me too."

"Me too. Maybe it has nothing to do with Shiori."

"Me too."

"In the first place, I know people about this age, enough with one hand. Besides, as of yesterday, I can see you all in the face."

"Not all the time, at least not someone I know at the moment"

To Macho's assertion, Layot shows relief. From the way Hongda was doing, I could have guessed that I probably didn't know her. but I was barely able to understand what the story was about when they said it was a game, so I wasn't absolutely confident.

Either way, the example radio girl is saying pretty much the same thing, so it won't be impossible for Rayot not to be confident in his judgment.

"Speaking of which, I don't know that kid's name, what do you mean?

"Oh, Mio hasn't come back yet. It seems to be called" Hikaru or Hikari ". Elle and I only know the sound, so I don't know what kind of letters to write."

"... some words seem to come with words like sparkle or DQN"

"But I don't think it's my real name."

"I don't know. The spirits are connected, so a hundred par pseudonyms. I don't know, what did it feel like earlier and the name of the heroine in the game. You call it Pak as it is?

Mio convinces Spring Vegetables and Hong's explanation that there's no choice if it's a name in the game. In the case of so-called fiction characters, it is not uncommon to have a faint name that makes it not strange for both parents and children to be told anything that is real, due to various adult circumstances, including consideration for real people.

In her case, she would still be moderate for not having as much impact as the sound alone.

"Well, there's zero chance I'll be involved in the future anyway, and I don't care what that kid's name is. In order to solve this problem, do we follow form beauty or something?

"Us? Whatever you do to solve it, you think we're weak in a lot of ways to move directly."

"That's right. Whatever we can do to consolidate the evidence for an exculpatory conviction, it's not a direct nuisance, so it's subtly different for us to excuse ourselves."

"Let him?

Where Mio's questions have been resolved, Makoto and Hiroshi begin to talk about how to move to end the current problem and its concrete moves.

"When we get our hands on it, it's the easiest thing to do to get us back to the world we were in without asking questions, but we have a little problem."

"What's the problem?

"It was a bit of a failure, I think, because we checked that kid out with our own eyes, and our paths are connected and our connection to the original world is almost gone."

"Why would that happen?

"It's a bit of a hassle, but from this world, I can barely tell our Japan from that kid's, so it feels like we're about to be put together. Does it feel the same way that the majority of the Japanese don't pin down the exact positional relationship between Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Baltic countries and treat them as if they were around Europe for now?

"That's a real hassle..."

To explain spring vegetables, a genuine harp with the look of wow. I don't know as a reason. It's just subtly hard to complain.

As a matter of fact, since Alfemina perfectly preserves the soul, it is only after the stabilization of space-time, but if he dies in the Faircro world, he will be returned to the timeline immediately after the flying of Japan, where he normally resided.

But killing people just to send them back to the original world is going to make my heart sick about anything, so Spring Vegetables has decided from the beginning that I had no choice.

For the record, it is not possible for Hiroshi or Spring Vegetables to discern the world from which they call themselves "Hiroshi or Hiroshi" because of the effects of the preservation of the soul by Alfemina that information cannot be read by the God of Creation, who, like Hiroshi, has taken off his apprenticeship to such an extent that only powers like Spring Vegetables are strong less than half a serving of space-time God.

Alfemina is not bad on this, there are problems with the immature macros everywhere.

"If there's no connection whatsoever with you guys, what's wrong with us planning to execute you for attracting civil unrest through justice?

"Mm-hmm... I don't have a problem with that in the sense of putting that kid back in his original world, and I know it's such a life-tempering situation when I look at the inside, but I'm concerned that it's going to sound like executing him with protection"

To point out spring vegetables, Layot agrees with the feeling of reluctance.

The protection of guests from unknown continents is in Farlane country. And it is normal that their guests basically don't know anything about Farlane's and even this whole world's common sense.

Saying that such a person caused an indescribable type of identity problem, and bringing it in to execution when it's easy, when it's bad, involves trust as a country.

In this case, it is even more difficult to say that it is still about a month, and even if you throw it, there is something like a tradition that you should take care of it for about three months, or an implicit understanding. Aeris stopped punishing herself when she was insulted also involves reason and tradition around here in addition to her position as Virgin.

Even more troublesome, although not in as serious a condition as the surrounding offensive targets, there are also several people in the upper layers who are opposed to having their waves turned to their heads to make dispositions, so cracks could enter the country again, which was about to come together when the Royals poorly resorted to hard means.

Making, being a lunatic with this kind of ability is bad in nature.

"Well, that's true, but annoying your hands, that's going to sound later."

"I'll admit that. It's just, you know, this time, when you put the brainwashing nagging aside, you're talking about a couple of high-ranking nobleman sons, really following the little girl's words to the royal family, insulting the Virgin who's gathering global support on it, right?

"Oh. Don't"

"Sure, it's something I shouldn't treat lightly, but I was wondering if it's a matter of having my parents pay fines and compensation and then scrap or make allowance for the parties and banish them on a set with the cause, or is it too light?

"... right. Regardless of the level at which the overthrow of the state is being pursued, no matter how much you purify your temper, you can't keep up with it."

"As far as I'm concerned, honestly, I don't want to see His Highness or anything like that order the Japanese to execute me, and I don't want to know the story later that he ordered me to execute him. I know it's warm in the sense of running the country on our own, but if that happens, we'll send him back to his home with our hands."

To the claim of spring vegetables, Layot silences himself with a troubled face. We can't even scorn the half side we want to put on with our own hands because it's a problem in our own country, just the words of someone who can be one of our best friends with a kind of benefactor who can't get his head up.

"In the meantime, if there's anything in that kid's belongings that's never going to happen in Japan, it's quick to talk."

"It's a subtle place. In the case of Japan, any subtle local goods that the average person does not know can be rolled around."

"It's a technical problem, and I hope something tells me this never exists, but I don't know what it is"

"If that's going to come out, you know, or if the direction of technology development is going to be drastically crazy, I'd do a high-tech thing."

"What kind of high-tech equipment do we normally carry directly, like computers and cell phones?"

"Most of the features that I also took temporarily went back to my computer, and at best I could settle down all over the phone with the clock, phone book and notebook, so it's troubling to classify it as a high-tech device."

Spring vegetables to talk to you about anything to solve the problem. There, Octogall comes with his mouth.

"Hey, Spring Vegetables"

"What is it?

"That girl, she's weird, so I'm taking pictures."

"Photos? How?

"Like this ~"

That being said, Octogal projects how the shooting is going at the tea party that's happening right now.

In that video, the self-proclaimed "Hikaru or Hikari" used a smartphone (...) to take photos.

There was a secretly solar smartphone charger on the table, probably charging the battery with this.

"... that, what?

"... I've never seen it"

"... I don't know either. Do your brother and Mr. Makoto know?

"I think I saw it somewhere, but I don't remember. Hey. Tatsuya?"

"I've never seen the real thing, but maybe it's a smartphone."

In Tatsuya's words, the three of Hiroshi, Spring Vegetables and Mio don't even hide the look of what it is. He doesn't know for sure how hard it feels to hear the true harp or if there was such a thing when it comes to it.

"What's a smartphone?

"I'm not familiar with it either because the actual thing was running super short, but it was sold as an evolutionary system for mobile phones with internet functionality at a time before computers of current specifications were sold to the public. Professor Ayase, who was Dr. Ogawa at the time, made a big announcement about the computer, and when the mass production system was in place and the price dropped at once, he was driven away, and now there's no shadow or shape left."

"Well, that's what happened."

"Well, it was before you guys were born that the last model was released, and I was talking about the fact that the smartphones are so fragile in structure that it's pretty tough to use them for two years instead of a decade. It's just that I remember commercials and stuff, so it's a good opportunity for you guys to see. You don't even remember how many spring vegetables you had when you were a year or two old, do you?

"Oh, yeah, right."

Tatsuya told me and I nodded spring vegetables that I did. Whatever it is, I don't remember almost anything about the time when it was a baby.

"Whatever it is, there's no time when a kid like that could have had a smartphone if it was our world, so I guess I can follow the world he was in?

"Ah, yeah. I'm connected now."

"Let it go. I'm connected. [M] Look, after my brother makes contact, let's see when Spring Vegetables interrupts in Goddess Mode and force him back? Please. Yeah?

Copy that.

Macros getting clues and making policy decisions unexpectedly.

Thus, the troubles were ready to be solved by force moves, and the time of the confrontation was approaching steadily.

"It's been quite a while since you've been out like this."

'Oh yeah. Was it just before you went to Ortem Village?

'That's right. Since then, there have been quite a few dinners and dramas, but it's a tea party as a social club because I didn't have to leave because of other considerations. "

"So you haven't been to a nightclub in over two years."

That night. Tatsuya, who abruptly participated in a night club at Urs Castle, slowly enters the venue and distracts the flowers of the wall while talking to Makoto, who is waiting while watching Oktogal's streaming footage on the back.

It should be noted that this night club is a regular meeting hosted by the Royal Family of Farlane, which takes place four times a year for each season. It's a massive event that will basically be a one-set until the next day's day of gardening, except for the winter time, but the fact is that participation is not compulsory, and I don't particularly underestimate being treated as an infidel because I said no.

In this wide fur lane, when it comes to compulsory participation in every tri-monthly event, there is no choice because about half of the local aristocrats don't get to work. It gets really loose around here because not even the royal family who are supposed to be the organizers are all in it every time.

Nevertheless, just in principle, jumping in and participating is not allowed, and Tatsuya's original participation is a good place to break the rules.

Normally, it's not a strange act to be told anything, a very common nobleman can't complain about being banished from the social world if he does the same thing, except for a very small part of this time, we all know what's behind it. Therefore, it is only by welcoming Tatsuya's jump in, and almost no one is trying to blame him.

In the first place, the Azma Workshop and the Farlane Royal Family have a long relationship, and from their previous history, the Royal Family is rather weaker. Moreover, what is its influence? Behind its back, the Azma Workshop distances itself from the top to the end and from the social world at a level close to insulation.

It has been a long time since people even openly asked me if I could jump in and come out, and either way, Tatsuya's interrupt participation would not have been seen as a problem.

For this reason, quite irrelevant gossip, the number of times a year is determined because too many times a month, but once every six months, more aristocrats do not participate at all.

Long time no see, Lord Tatsuya.

"This is, Sir Mort. We're out of time."

Ser Mort, the chief of the court magician, calls out to Tatsuya, who was observing the example radio heroine to gauge the timing of contact.

Lord Mort is the person who, while Catalina was alive, took care of Higashi in various ways, including guiding her to the library. Since then, there has been little contact with Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables, but Tatsuya has continued to interact and connect with them until just before returning to Japan.

"I don't know if I'll ever see Lord Tatsuya again in these places."

"Right. I never thought I'd have the chance to face a royally-sponsored night club again, even though I was a common man."

"As far as we're concerned, you might want to thank her only for that."

Tatsuya and Sir Mort warm up old relationships while observing radio based heroines. In the meantime, the entrance of the participants also continues, and the learned faces, including Assistant Prime Minister, gather one after the other around Tatsuya.

Looking over the venue, a similar circle can be formed there, and he is colluding with ease on the face. The majority of the group changed their faces instead of putting in, except for the central figure, and the socialisation was in production early on, even though it hadn't even started yet.

"After all, at this scale, the vast majority will be unfamiliar people"

"There are many of us who only see each other in these places."

"The vast majority of them are the great nobles who rule the distant kingdoms."

"Later, you're the resident ambassadors of various countries, and the messengers who had business coming to Farlane just at this time. Neither of us have the opportunity to see each other on a daily basis as much as the assistant prime minister or those who work for the Foreign Office."

"Oh, I see"

Tatsuya is all sorts of convinced by Sir Mort's and Assistant Chancellor's explanations. Indeed, both exist in such a way that we only get a chance to see each other on such occasions.

Still, the resident ambassador was the main one. He would show his face in a social setting, but the grand aristocracy on the border would only come out once a year or hard-working and about twice a year, and not necessarily the same person would come to Farlane next to the messenger.

Honestly it has nothing to do with Tatsuya, but it is also understandable that some people would appreciate trying to connect the edges with the craziness of death.

Unlike the advanced countries of the planet, it can take a long time to travel, and these social places are really needed for various business discussions.

"But if you think about it, can those people do that?

That said, before Tatsuya turned her gaze, the wave-based heroines and their surroundings were flourishing in the inner circle with some kind of sadness.

"... brainwashed with irresistible force, based on the element, it is cruel to blame itself for what has become..."

"At least that's what I'm going to do in order to protect that girl..."

"Love is blind," he said.

Older people than Tatsuya and the heavy towns around him who can only put a warm glance into the tochi crazy behavior of promising young people.

"If this was intrusive, I don't care if it still includes my future..."

"Is that what it is?

"Yeah. Except when you're dying of purification."

One attendee after another also gathered while he said it was time for royal admission, or so.

Nevertheless, only Mark and Rayot enter. Reefa is not yet an adult and the debutant is quite a bit ahead of her, so she will not attend the night club.

Aeris has pretty much the same conditions around it, but with regard to nightclubs that start before the sun goes down, like this one, because of merit and title issues, I don't even just attend the first half.

Either way, the only royalty participating on this day is King Regnus and six of the three queens, Rayot and Mark.

"It seems like it's time for His Majesty and His Royal Highness Rayot to be here, but they're still thriving in the inner circle, are you okay?

"Come on......"

It's just time for Tatsuya to start feeling unspeakable anxiety about a bunch of people where Julius and Elaine enter and Mark still don't want to pay attention to their surroundings when they do.

"We still have some time before His Royal Highness Rayot is here, and I'll see how things go a little bit"

"Let's go too"

"Right. It's too pathetic to involve junior or intermediate nobility in this."

Leaving it just sucks, we get caught up in Tatsuya taking action on the grounds that the Heavy Towns move together.

Things showed movement before a line reached the scene.

"Hmm! Keep trying to kill Hisoka so stubbornly that I take a man other than my fiancé to join! You look good, Marguerite!

A man of the highest stature in a group that was thriving in the inner circle began to tangle with a courtier who was about to enter the venue a short while ago and flee to the edge of the venue with a narrow shoulder.

"... In the meantime, I can largely imagine the young lady involved now..."

"Yeah. It's his fiancée, the original escort."

"... in just about two weeks, you're amazingly brainwashing going..."

Sir Mort gives an expression to Tatsuya's honest sentiments as if he had swallowed something bitter. Apparently, that's a pretty close pattern.

"Oh, is it okay to do that when His Highness Rayot is already showing up?

"... really, I'm talking about stomach aches..."

Even while Tatsuya confirms a lot, she leaves her surroundings behind as if the theatre, which is also a poorly done script, is being played in vain by actors with less self-indulgent forms of acting.

Interaction between fiancées, which proceeded like theatre, was a culpable play as if it were a trial in a dictatorship, including once and for all forced but muscular.

'I didn't think anything I could enjoy in a word of Temple that it was a sentence would be so white when it was done as a real and very serious actual event...'

Mio, who was watching live footage being shot by transparent Octogal, snaps in a tone that he finds to be genuinely white. Let's just say that it's quite a thing to say that it's hard to get emotional ups and downs on your voice and make you talk in such a way that you know it's open and white.

"What I'm doing is a Girl of Showa comic book or a melodrama, but when it's real, it gets so much less interesting, it's quite a new discovery."

"This, maybe, but if I saw a series of streams from the beginning, would I have done better if I could get emotional with someone else?

'Oh yeah. However, assuming it's tailored to a series of TV dramas, even if your face alone makes your first viewing, maybe very few people even watch this climax scene. Maybe if I were you, I'd see three stories in law. "

I get on with Mio, who leaks his thoughts so as to strike a chase even further, and I will state where I think Hiroshi and Makoto are also in a clear state.

"Hey, Brother Da."


'Something's nearby, there's a samurai working so shy and stuffy, what's wrong?

'... oops. I'm sure he is.'

Brother Da, what happened to you?

"That would just get in the way of my job, if I could afford it later."

Tatsuya decides not to touch her now for now after seeing how Mio has pointed out the samurai in her late twenties or so. Apparently, you're trying to shame it off by typing it into your job, and it's pathetic when you speak poorly and induce mistakes.

'No, spring vegetables remain silent, what's the matter?

"Oh, I don't know, it seems like Mio just cared what you said about erotic relationships. I'm bored with shame in the corner of the room because what we're doing is just like that. '

"Well, I thought it was more of you from the previous reaction."

"I didn't get this far, but it made me feel better."

And so on, as we hear about the Hiroshi in the standby room, the only trumpeting play we have is a climax at last.

"Shame on you for not trying to admit that you have all this evidence! Yet a whore who lets a man other than his fiancée serve him! You're no longer evil!

"It is the same as asking my Marquis Wellitos family to make amends for wrongdoing that they have not done, and on the contrary to admit crimes that are impossible no matter how hard I (I) try. There's no way you can admit it..."

Marquis Marguerite Wellitos rebuts by seeping through her stiffness and tiredness, just as she is no longer willing to fix it. Every time I tried to pinch my mouth so many times before, I interrupted it, and what I could barely say to my mouth was a short word such as "no" or "I didn't do it," a form in which that recoil came out of my mind.

In my mind, I am filled with the feeling of what sadly made my fiancée's opponent so pompous in the midst of such a massive event, but also until the time when the royalty is coming in.

Honestly, if I don't have anything to do with the house, I want to admit my sins and just go into a convent or whatever, and cut the edge because I'm in a social world where I'm married all my life.

Pity Miss Marguerite had fallen completely into a combo of male distrust, aristocratic distrust, social disbelief and marital distrust. No longer, a little or softly, would I get a matchmaker rather than an engagement.

It is undoubtedly a serious loss in Farlane, which is asthmatic about his daughter-in-law shortage around this age due to the turmoil in Catalina.

"In the first place, I guess I had to ask your brother to represent me today, and your brother's fiancée Emilina became the feather of asking another blood relative, because she suddenly softened her obligation to do her fiancée's escort this morning. That's what I often call a whore who serves a different man than his fiancé."

To the words of Miss Marguerite, who strained and uttered that she could finally argue decently, the people around her concentrate their gaze of condemnation on the men.

Naturally, we proved in our own words that we didn't even know or knew about our own fiancée's blood ties and yet we were making a point.

"To blame people for everything is a bad forever! I can't go out with you anymore! This engagement."

"Yeah, it's a destruction, isn't it? provided that all liability is borne by the McCrester family."

"What!? How thick and shameless of a woman are you!?

"Don't worry. To never see you face to face again, I will go to the monastery..."

"Is this the lady who's using the Azma Workshop people's signs on her own to do whatever she wants?

The moment I hear the word monastery, this is not good, and Tatsuya interrupts it with a purposeful loud voice before Miss Marguerite says it to the end. The same goes for divestiture, but it is too bad to speak of the final conclusion that can shape life, such as abbey admission, in a situation where there are such a large number of witnesses, with only the momentum caused by the despair on the spot.

"What? Japanese? And awesome looking!?

A wave-based heroine who sees Tatsuya eats up a yellow voice with tremendous momentum. Don't hide what you're pulling on that look, and mouth the requirements as pale as Tatsuya can.

"I have a few things to check with your lady, would you like some time?

"Who are you!?

"My name is Tatsuya Kazuki, a magician and negotiator affiliated with Azma Workshop and a guest from an unknown continent. If you need proof, does that prove it?

Tatsuya fully deploys the artifact gear that the leaders around her wore when they responded to anyone's voice and simultaneously battled evil gods with introductions.

At that moment, the sound disappears from the venue.

"... well understood. You sure look like you're from the Azma Workshop."

The squeezing voice of the leader echoes across the floor. There is no room for a toy on the divine authority to be dissipated, and it strikes me that the earlier situation admits it as lightly as a lie.

Perhaps the most decisive factor was the emblem of the Azma Workshop, which mimics Hitoshi, which is still embellished in the robe.

The only way to imitate this class of equipment is if it's okay with the people at the Azma Workshop.

"So, what can I do for you?

"I've heard stories from His Highness Rayot and His Highness Aeris that people who may be our associates have denied both the identity and marital systems, and that they exaggerate their damage without paying any attention to the attention from around them. I'm here to see if you're really involved and if the situation your Highness was told is true."

"I didn't do that! I was just telling the villains what was right!

"Now, until that's true, I'm not sure we have too much time, but at least you seem to be turning down that your education is 100 percent correct in any situation, ignoring things like the environment and history in which the state is located,"

"I learned at school that the environment in which kings and nobles sift through power directly is strange as a country! I'm not wrong!!

With this statement, Tatsuya instantly understands the girl's academic abilities and understanding of history and politics in front of her. Perhaps the actual age is very different from that of Mio, revising down the age we were looking at as high school students.

In terms of Japanese history and the educational content of citizens, even high school students have many people with this type of thinking, but it is normal to turn the TPO around to the extent that they do not make such statements in a royal state if they become high school students.

Even on Earth, depending on the country and the other party, it is natural because it is usually a life-threatening statement.

However, I have a headache that I can't say this is absolute either.

"So, make sure, what were you going to do?

"If the circumstances to which His Highness was informed were true, our officials would have cleaned up the inconvenience within us, otherwise we would have dealt with it firmly in our honor"

"Then there's no problem. She didn't do one thing wrong."

"Forgot about Princess Catalina's revolt two years ago, the cause of it? Her claims affirm what the rebels were doing back then, right?

"What's the problem with that?

"... I didn't know I didn't even know what the problem was that I wasn't essentially a person in this country..."

A leader who tells you that it's not strange to be guilty of treason if it's normal in the dark, but doesn't understand it. Apparently, the same goes for the surroundings, and they're not even trying to hide what they consider Tatsuya, who puts his shoulder in the royal family, to be an unreasonable enemy.

"Either way, we are originally imitating that even in our homeland we can be sued by the judiciary, and it is also a business belly that we are exempt from punishment just because we are Japanese even though it is irrelevant. My goddess is angry, so I just want to respond."

"Why not! I didn't do anything wrong! Why can't you cover me up when I'm the same Japanese!?

"Ugh! Letting a guy with a fiancée in and bringing him into a conversation is usually out of litigation in Japan! It's nothing but disgrace to have an ass-light woman in her hometown who's approaching Lord Julius to abandon her pregnant Elaine!

"I'm being held back by a bad princess with power. I just want to help the poor knight out!

"I swear I was out of bees! There was a lot of testimony out there about when the man you were watching was going to pull out his sword and slash it and throw it away, and he couldn't help but be anxious! By and large, you don't have to decide on your own without knowing how much fun those two are and how much hardship Elaine's been through by the time we get there!

"That's how you bought sympathy by exaggerating sickness and trouble that's no big deal anyway, and held it down with power on your shield!? I'm being made to play a lady and a couple like that, trying to help Master Yu. Why don't you know how gentle I am!?

"Don't be silly!!

I can hear more yelling from the side against the wave-based heroine that developed into a yell with Tatsuya.

Turning around, a samurai in her late twenties was staring at her heroine in a tremendous shape as she dyed her face red with shame.

Yes, she is a samurai who worked in shame earlier.

"If you listen patiently and silently to me because it's on the servant's body, say all the selfish things you want! There's so much to be ashamed of that this is my previous life!

Silence descends again on the spot at the bomb statement of a samurai who has abruptly interrupted.

King Leiott and King Regnus, who had entered the venue at some point, have also become too stunned by the situation and have not developed an attitude.

"More importantly, why, at this important time of work, it's too bad for me to take lethal action in my life and shamefully, and then reclaim my memory, or even for this punishment! I don't know what you're going to do, but don't take any more of my heart and stab me in the eye, Lord Tatsuya!

"Oh, wow."

Tatsuya pushed by the samurai's sword screen and nodded reflexively. Spring vegetables in Goddess mode wrapped around Aurora's dress armor at that timing reveal the majestic and deliberate effects of the Goddess.

"Meh, a goddess is not a metaphor, but a real...?

"You didn't know? I usually have a goddess in my hometown, don't I?

Tatsuya tells the heroine's bluff like a bluff.

He didn't seem to think that a real goddess belonged to the workshop the Japanese woke him up in, etc., even though he was a heroine who kept saying and doing things like how his radio waves turned to his head.

For the record, about the fact that the Hong and Spring Vegetables have become gods, in almost every country bordered by the Azma Workshop, as a fact among the upper echelons, it has spread as a rumor close to an implicit understanding throughout the social community.

So even if some people are surprised that was true, no one thinks that the Azma Workshop is cheating on the goddess's officials or that Spring Vegetables is cheating on the goddess.

In the first place, there is no one with a congratulatory head who sees what Spring Vegetables looks like today and doesn't seem to be a goddess.

"They imitated the factory, the name of which we have nurtured so hard to take care of. You're prepared for that, aren't you?

"I don't know! I don't know that!

"In the meantime, it seems that no one else in this world can but be unhappy. Return to your parents with that memory!

Returning to your hometown with your painful words and deeds so far intact. Tatsuya is about to blow up unexpectedly on spring vegetables just saying that's the best reward. Ignoring such Tatsuya, following the smartphone to identify the heroine's world of origin, rewinding his abilities until shortly after he was completely removed and flesh conditions were flown, he also packs up the luggage that had been left in the room given to her and sends it back at once.

As a matter of fact, the reward given by Spring Vegetables is a little more of a work done, and it immediately regenerates the soul that was secretly missing during the transfer while retaining the memory in this world, and further modifies the thought circuits and ethics that were going crazy because of the lack of soul, so that this matter becomes thoroughly black history.

I can't say how much Goddess power I would otherwise have, and I can't go back to maintaining my memory since I went crazy so far.

But the otherworlds who have been flown into this world basically receive the preservation of their souls by alfemina.

Spring Vegetables identified their original personalities, thoughts, and ethics from the data and restored them back to normal while maintaining their memory.

Originally, the lack of soul to the extent that it happened this time would eventually be undone. Of the preservation of the soul by Alfemina, if the time for complete fixation had been a little shorter, it would probably have returned to its original character and way of thinking before taking such action so that it would have been pulled back to normal and healthy souls.

Conservation of the soul to prevent it from getting worse than it was at the time it was flown. Although it is in itself a necessary treatment, it also has the disadvantage that the soul is completely immobilized in the condition it is in when it is conserved until it becomes familiar with this world as a side effect, and that the damage taken is no longer recovered.

Unfortunately, this time the processing has worked negatively at an unshared level.

"Well, the job is done, and I will let you go home"

"Thank you, goddess. I'm sorry to bother you with this. It really helped."

"No. This is about our own honor. Instead, I apologize for bothering your hands."

That said, spring vegetables that transfer crisply and return to the holding room. From a person who knows the back, it is a complete farce from one to ten.

"Well, would you excuse us here, too, for disrupting the place"

"No, no, I need you to stay with Lord Tatsuya for a while longer."

"That's right. He said his wife was given a baby, and we need to hear more about it to celebrate."

Heavy towns surround Tatsuya, who just tried to escape.

While smiling bitterly at such heavy towns, Tatsuya decides to stay if she has no choice. I decided to get some confirmation from Spring Vegetables for my belly and aftertreatment on this occasion.

"Hey, spring vegetables. Those bonkers, they were just brainwashing and going crazy, and there was so much they couldn't talk about it, is there a reason?

'Eh. It was like a weird link was established with the kid I just sent back, and I felt like I was gonna do what he thought I was gonna do. "

'I see. If you send that back, the link will be broken, so you're just going back to being brainwashed?

'Yeah. And I'll be wondering what the last life was like, so I'll tell you the answer first, and the fragments of that child's soul are mixed up with the soul of the samurai earlier. I think he thinks the memories flowed in through the fragments belong to a previous life. "

"... it's gonna be tough, again."

'I'm gonna throw a round of that nasty explanations, okay?

'... well, I'll try my best'

"Please. For once, I'll send the circumstances behind this case directly into my head to the extent that it's not a burden for Tatsuya, so it'll help."

Tatsuya looks sinister for a moment to the challenge from Spring Vegetables. Although these kinds of poor lotteries are usual, this time they don't fly and are a pain in the ass.

Besides, we understand the backward circumstances that were sent in by Spring Vegetables shortly after the story ended, and that we would have been awkward if we had seen it and taken a step wrong, making us feel extra dark.

Probably thanks to his involvement in the strong luck of spring vegetables, but if there had been a little more extra damage to his soul during the metastasis, he would most likely have had the same rampage.

What is more, there is a similar risk when I was brought back to life by Spring Vegetables, and it is almost a miracle area that neither of them has had to have a great impact on the personality and thought aspects.

"So, Tatsuya."

"Ahhh, my goddess gave me some explanation about this one, so I'll talk to you while eating and drinking appropriately. I'm sure you'll have a good explanation later."

"I would appreciate it if you would. And in the meantime, it would be helpful if you didn't mind me regarding the end of this one. Don't worry, it won't be bad for you."

Tatsuya returns to the nightclub for now, making contact with Rayot with a strangely tired look. We shall then also follow up on the earlier samurai.

Thus, the summer regular meeting/evening ministry began somewhat disintegrating without the words of a holding from the king.

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